# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module implements initialization and cleanup of DPDK environment."""

from resources.libraries.python.ssh import SSH
from resources.libraries.python.constants import Constants as con
from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology

class DPDKTools(object):
    """This class implements:
    - Initialization of DPDK environment,
    - Cleanup of DPDK environment.

    def initialize_dpdk_environment(dut_node, dut_if1, dut_if2):
        Initialize the DPDK test environment on the dut_node.
        Load the module uio and igb_uio, then bind the test NIC to the igb_uio.

        :param dut_node: Will init the DPDK on this node.
        :param dut_if1: DUT interface name.
        :param dut_if2: DUT interface name.
        :type dut_node: dict
        :type dut_if1: str
        :type dut_if2: str
        :returns: none
        :raises RuntimeError: If it fails to bind the interfaces to igb_uio.
        pci_address1 = Topology.get_interface_pci_addr(dut_node, dut_if1)
        pci_address2 = Topology.get_interface_pci_addr(dut_node, dut_if2)

        ssh = SSH()

        cmd = 'cd {0}/dpdk-tests/dpdk_scripts/ && sudo ./init_dpdk.sh {1} {2}' \
              .format(con.REMOTE_FW_DIR, pci_address1, pci_address2)

        (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout=600)
        if ret_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to bind the interfaces to igb_uio at '
                               'node {0}'.format(dut_node['host']))

    def cleanup_dpdk_environment(dut_node, dut_if1, dut_if2):
        Cleanup the DPDK test environment on the DUT node.
        Unbind the NIC from the igb_uio and bind them to the kernel driver.

        :param dut_node: Will cleanup the DPDK on this node.
        :param dut_if1: DUT interface name.
        :param dut_if2: DUT interface name.
        :type dut_node: dict
        :type dut_if1: str
        :type dut_if2: str
        :returns: none
        :raises RuntimeError: If it fails to cleanup the dpdk.
        pci_address1 = Topology.get_interface_pci_addr(dut_node, dut_if1)
        if1_driver = Topology.get_interface_driver(dut_node, dut_if1)
        pci_address2 = Topology.get_interface_pci_addr(dut_node, dut_if2)
        if2_driver = Topology.get_interface_driver(dut_node, dut_if2)

        ssh = SSH()

        cmd = 'cd {0}/dpdk-tests/dpdk_scripts/ && sudo ./cleanup_dpdk.sh ' \
              '{1} {2} {3} {4}'.format(con.REMOTE_FW_DIR, if1_driver,
                                       pci_address1, if2_driver, pci_address2)

        (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout=600)
        if ret_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to cleanup the dpdk at node {0}'