# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

"""IPFIX utilities library. Provides classes that allow scapy to work
with IPFIX packets.

 Template and data sets in one packet are not supported.
 Option template sets (Set_ID = 3) are not supported.

from scapy.all import Packet, bind_layers
from scapy.fields import *
from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IP6Field
from scapy.contrib.ppi_geotag import UTCTimeField

class IPFIXHandler(object):
    """Class for handling IPFIX packets. To use, create instance of class before
     dissecting IPFIX packets with scapy, then run update_template every time
     an IPFIX template packet is received."""

    template_elements = {
        4: ByteField("Protocol_ID", 0x00),
        7: ShortField("src_port", 0),
        8: IPField("IPv4_src", ""),
        11: ShortField("dst_port", 0),
        12: IPField("IPv4_dst", ""),
        27: IP6Field("IPv6_src", "::"),
        28: IP6Field("IPv6_dst", "::"),
        86: LongField("packetTotalCount", 0),
        180: ShortField("udp_src_port", 0),
        181: ShortField("udp_dst_port", 0),
        182: ShortField("tcp_src_port", 0),
        183: ShortField("tcp_dst_port", 0),
        193: ByteField("Next_header", 0x00)

    def __init__(self):
        """Initializer, registers IPFIX header and template layers with scapy.
        bind_layers(UDP, IPFIXHeader, dport=4739)
        bind_layers(IPFIXHeader, IPFIXTemplate, Set_ID=2)

    def update_template(self, packet):
        """Updates IPFIXData class with new data template. Registers IPFIX data
        layer with scapy using the new template.

        :param packet: Packet containing an IPFIX template.
        :type packet: scapy.Ether
        template_list = packet['IPFIX template'].Template
        template_id = packet['IPFIX template'].Template_ID

        IPFIXData.fields_desc = []
        for item in template_list[::2]:
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError(
                    "Unknown IPFIX template element with ID {0}".format(item))
        bind_layers(IPFIXHeader, IPFIXData, Set_ID=template_id)
        # if the packet doesn't end here, assume it contains more data sets
        bind_layers(IPFIXData, IPFIXData)

class IPFIXHeader(Packet):
    """Class for IPFIX header."""
    name = "IPFIX header"
    fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField("Version", 0x000a, length=2),
                   ShortField("Message Length", 0),
                   UTCTimeField("Timestamp(UTC)", ""),
                   IntField("Sequence Number", 0),
                   IntField("Observation Domain ID", 0),
                   ShortField("Set_ID", 0),
                   ShortField("Set_Length", 0)

class IPFIXTemplate(Packet):
    """Class for IPFIX template layer."""
    name = "IPFIX template"
    fields_desc = [ShortField("Template_ID", 256),
                   ShortField("nFields", 2),
                   FieldListField("Template", [], ShortField("type_len", ""),
                                  count_from=lambda p: p.nFields*2)

class IPFIXData(Packet):
    """Class for IPFIX data layer. Needs to be updated with
    a template before use."""
    name = "IPFIX flow data"
    fields_desc = []