# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """IPsec utilities library.""" import os from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address from enum import Enum from resources.libraries.python.VatExecutor import VatExecutor from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology from resources.libraries.python.VatJsonUtil import VatJsonUtil class PolicyAction(Enum): """Policy actions.""" BYPASS = 'bypass' DISCARD = 'discard' PROTECT = 'protect' def __init__(self, string): self.string = string class CryptoAlg(Enum): """Encryption algorithms.""" AES_CBC_128 = ('aes-cbc-128', 'AES-CBC', 16) AES_CBC_192 = ('aes-cbc-192', 'AES-CBC', 24) AES_CBC_256 = ('aes-cbc-256', 'AES-CBC', 32) AES_GCM_128 = ('aes-gcm-128', 'AES-GCM', 20) def __init__(self, alg_name, scapy_name, key_len): self.alg_name = alg_name self.scapy_name = scapy_name self.key_len = key_len class IntegAlg(Enum): """Integrity algorithm.""" SHA1_96 = ('sha1-96', 'HMAC-SHA1-96', 20) SHA_256_128 = ('sha-256-128', 'SHA2-256-128', 32) SHA_384_192 = ('sha-384-192', 'SHA2-384-192', 48) SHA_512_256 = ('sha-512-256', 'SHA2-512-256', 64) AES_GCM_128 = ('aes-gcm-128', 'AES-GCM', 20) def __init__(self, alg_name, scapy_name, key_len): self.alg_name = alg_name self.scapy_name = scapy_name self.key_len = key_len class IPsecUtil(object): """IPsec utilities.""" @staticmethod def policy_action_bypass(): """Return policy action bypass. :returns: PolicyAction enum BYPASS object. :rtype: PolicyAction """ return PolicyAction.BYPASS @staticmethod def policy_action_discard(): """Return policy action discard. :returns: PolicyAction enum DISCARD object. :rtype: PolicyAction """ return PolicyAction.DISCARD @staticmethod def policy_action_protect(): """Return policy action protect. :returns: PolicyAction enum PROTECT object. :rtype: PolicyAction """ return PolicyAction.PROTECT @staticmethod def crypto_alg_aes_cbc_128(): """Return encryption algorithm aes-cbc-128. :returns: CryptoAlg enum AES_CBC_128 object. :rtype: CryptoAlg """ return CryptoAlg.AES_CBC_128 @staticmethod def crypto_alg_aes_cbc_192(): """Return encryption algorithm aes-cbc-192. :returns: CryptoAlg enum AES_CBC_192 objec. :rtype: CryptoAlg """ return CryptoAlg.AES_CBC_192 @staticmethod def crypto_alg_aes_cbc_256(): """Return encryption algorithm aes-cbc-256. :returns: CryptoAlg enum AES_CBC_256 object. :rtype: CryptoAlg """ return CryptoAlg.AES_CBC_256 @staticmethod def crypto_alg_aes_gcm_128(): """Return encryption algorithm aes-gcm-128. :returns: CryptoAlg enum AES_GCM_128 object. :rtype: CryptoAlg """ return CryptoAlg.AES_GCM_128 @staticmethod def get_crypto_alg_key_len(crypto_alg): """Return encryption algorithm key length. :param crypto_alg: Encryption algorithm. :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :returns: Key length. :rtype: int """ return crypto_alg.key_len @staticmethod def get_crypto_alg_scapy_name(crypto_alg): """Return encryption algorithm scapy name. :param crypto_alg: Encryption algorithm. :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :returns: Algorithm scapy name. :rtype: str """ return crypto_alg.scapy_name @staticmethod def integ_alg_sha1_96(): """Return integrity algorithm SHA1-96. :returns: IntegAlg enum SHA1_96 object. :rtype: IntegAlg """ return IntegAlg.SHA1_96 @staticmethod def integ_alg_sha_256_128(): """Return integrity algorithm SHA-256-128. :returns: IntegAlg enum SHA_256_128 object. :rtype: IntegAlg """ return IntegAlg.SHA_256_128 @staticmethod def integ_alg_sha_384_192(): """Return integrity algorithm SHA-384-192. :returns: IntegAlg enum SHA_384_192 object. :rtype: IntegAlg """ return IntegAlg.SHA_384_192 @staticmethod def integ_alg_sha_512_256(): """Return integrity algorithm SHA-512-256. :returns: IntegAlg enum SHA_512_256 object. :rtype: IntegAlg """ return IntegAlg.SHA_512_256 @staticmethod def integ_alg_aes_gcm_128(): """Return integrity algorithm AES-GCM-128. :returns: IntegAlg enum AES_GCM_128 object. :rtype: IntegAlg """ return IntegAlg.AES_GCM_128 @staticmethod def get_integ_alg_key_len(integ_alg): """Return integrity algorithm key length. :param integ_alg: Integrity algorithm. :type integ_alg: IntegAlg :returns: Key length. :rtype: int """ return integ_alg.key_len @staticmethod def get_integ_alg_scapy_name(integ_alg): """Return integrity algorithm scapy name. :param integ_alg: Integrity algorithm. :type integ_alg: IntegAlg :returns: Algorithm scapy name. :rtype: str """ return integ_alg.scapy_name @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entry(node, sad_id, spi, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_src=None, tunnel_dst=None): """Create Security Association Database entry on the VPP node. :param node: VPP node to add SAD entry on. :param sad_id: SAD entry ID. :param spi: Security Parameter Index of this SAD entry. :param crypto_alg: The encryption algorithm name. :param crypto_key: The encryption key string. :param integ_alg: The integrity algorithm name. :param integ_key: The integrity key string. :param tunnel_src: Tunnel header source IPv4 or IPv6 address. If not specified ESP transport mode is used. :param tunnel_dst: Tunnel header destination IPv4 or IPv6 address. If not specified ESP transport mode is used. :type node: dict :type sad_id: int :type spi: int :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :type crypto_key: str :type integ_alg: str :type integ_key: str :type tunnel_src: str :type tunnel_dst: str """ ckey = crypto_key.encode('hex') ikey = integ_key.encode('hex') tunnel = 'tunnel_src {0} tunnel_dst {1}'.format(tunnel_src, tunnel_dst)\ if tunnel_src is not None and tunnel_dst is not None else '' out = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "ipsec/ipsec_sad_add_entry.vat", sad_id=sad_id, spi=spi, calg=crypto_alg.alg_name, ckey=ckey, ialg=integ_alg.alg_name, ikey=ikey, tunnel=tunnel) VatJsonUtil.verify_vat_retval( out[0], err_msg='Add SAD entry failed on {0}'.format(node['host'])) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entries(node, n_entries, sad_id, spi, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_src=None, tunnel_dst=None): """Create multiple Security Association Database entries on VPP node. :param node: VPP node to add SAD entry on. :param n_entries: Number of SAD entries to be created. :param sad_id: First SAD entry ID. All subsequent SAD entries will have id incremented by 1. :param spi: Security Parameter Index of first SAD entry. All subsequent SAD entries will have spi incremented by 1. :param crypto_alg: The encryption algorithm name. :param crypto_key: The encryption key string. :param integ_alg: The integrity algorithm name. :param integ_key: The integrity key string. :param tunnel_src: Tunnel header source IPv4 or IPv6 address. If not specified ESP transport mode is used. :param tunnel_dst: Tunnel header destination IPv4 or IPv6 address. If not specified ESP transport mode is used. :type node: dict :type n_entries: int :type sad_id: int :type spi: int :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :type crypto_key: str :type integ_alg: IntegAlg :type integ_key: str :type tunnel_src: str :type tunnel_dst: str """ tmp_filename = '/tmp/ipsec_sad_{}_add_del_entry.vat'.format(sad_id) ckey = crypto_key.encode('hex') ikey = integ_key.encode('hex') tunnel = 'tunnel_src {0} tunnel_dst {1}'.format(tunnel_src, tunnel_dst)\ if tunnel_src is not None and tunnel_dst is not None else '' integ = 'integ_alg {0} integ_key {1}'.format(integ_alg.alg_name, ikey)\ if crypto_alg.alg_name != 'aes-gcm-128' else '' with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as tmp_file: for i in range(0, n_entries): buf_str = 'ipsec_sad_add_del_entry esp sad_id {0} spi {1} ' \ 'crypto_alg {2} crypto_key {3} {4} {5}\n'.format( sad_id+i, spi+i, crypto_alg.alg_name, ckey, integ, tunnel) tmp_file.write(buf_str) vat = VatExecutor() vat.scp_and_execute_script(tmp_filename, node, 300) os.remove(tmp_filename) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_sa_set_key(node, sa_id, crypto_key, integ_key): """Update Security Association (SA) keys. :param node: VPP node to update SA keys. :param sa_id: SAD entry ID. :param crypto_key: The encryption key string. :param integ_key: The integrity key string. :type node: dict :type sa_id: int :type crypto_key: str :type integ_key: str """ ckey = crypto_key.encode('hex') ikey = integ_key.encode('hex') out = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "ipsec/ipsec_sa_set_key.vat", sa_id=sa_id, ckey=ckey, ikey=ikey) VatJsonUtil.verify_vat_retval( out[0], err_msg='Update SA key failed on {0}'.format(node['host'])) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_add_spd(node, spd_id): """Create Security Policy Database on the VPP node. :param node: VPP node to add SPD on. :param spd_id: SPD ID. :type node: dict :type spd_id: int """ out = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "ipsec/ipsec_spd_add.vat", spd_id=spd_id) VatJsonUtil.verify_vat_retval( out[0], err_msg='Add SPD {0} failed on {1}'.format(spd_id, node['host'])) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_spd_add_if(node, spd_id, interface): """Add interface to the Security Policy Database. :param node: VPP node. :param spd_id: SPD ID to add interface on. :param interface: Interface name or sw_if_index. :type node: dict :type spd_id: int :type interface: str or int """ sw_if_index = Topology.get_interface_sw_index(node, interface)\ if isinstance(interface, basestring) else interface out = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "ipsec/ipsec_interface_add_spd.vat", spd_id=spd_id, sw_if_id=sw_if_index) VatJsonUtil.verify_vat_retval( out[0], err_msg='Add interface {0} to SPD {1} failed on {2}'.format( interface, spd_id, node['host'])) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entry(node, spd_id, priority, action, inbound=True, sa_id=None, laddr_range=None, raddr_range=None, proto=None, lport_range=None, rport_range=None): """Create Security Policy Database entry on the VPP node. :param node: VPP node to add SPD entry on. :param spd_id: SPD ID to add entry on. :param priority: SPD entry priority, higher number = higher priority. :param action: Policy action. :param inbound: If True policy is for inbound traffic, otherwise outbound. :param sa_id: SAD entry ID for protect action. :param laddr_range: Policy selector local IPv4 or IPv6 address range in format IP/prefix or IP/mask. If no mask is provided, it's considered to be /32. :param raddr_range: Policy selector remote IPv4 or IPv6 address range in format IP/prefix or IP/mask. If no mask is provided, it's considered to be /32. :param proto: Policy selector next layer protocol number. :param lport_range: Policy selector local TCP/UDP port range in format <port_start>-<port_end>. :param rport_range: Policy selector remote TCP/UDP port range in format <port_start>-<port_end>. :type node: dict :type spd_id: int :type priority: int :type action: PolicyAction :type inbound: bool :type sa_id: int :type laddr_range: string :type raddr_range: string :type proto: int :type lport_range: string :type rport_range: string """ direction = 'inbound' if inbound else 'outbound' act_str = action.value if PolicyAction.PROTECT == action and sa_id is not None: act_str += 'sa_id {0}'.format(sa_id) selector = '' if laddr_range is not None: net = ip_network(unicode(laddr_range), strict=False) selector += 'laddr_start {0} laddr_stop {1} '.format( net.network_address, net.broadcast_address) if raddr_range is not None: net = ip_network(unicode(raddr_range), strict=False) selector += 'raddr_start {0} raddr_stop {1} '.format( net.network_address, net.broadcast_address) if proto is not None: selector += 'protocol {0} '.format(proto) if lport_range is not None: selector += 'lport_start {p[0]} lport_stop {p[1]} '.format( p=lport_range.split('-')) if rport_range is not None: selector += 'rport_start {p[0]} rport_stop {p[1]} '.format( p=rport_range.split('-')) out = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "ipsec/ipsec_spd_add_entry.vat", spd_id=spd_id, priority=priority, action=act_str, direction=direction, selector=selector) VatJsonUtil.verify_vat_retval( out[0], err_msg='Add entry to SPD {0} failed on {1}'.format(spd_id, node['host'])) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entries(node, n_entries, spd_id, priority, inbound, sa_id, raddr_ip, raddr_range): """Create multiple Security Policy Database entries on the VPP node. :param node: VPP node to add SPD entries on. :param n_entries: Number of SPD entries to be added. :param spd_id: SPD ID to add entries on. :param priority: SPD entries priority, higher number = higher priority. :param inbound: If True policy is for inbound traffic, otherwise outbound. :param sa_id: SAD entry ID for first entry. Each subsequent entry will SAD entry ID incremented by 1. :param raddr_ip: Policy selector remote IPv4 start address for the first entry. Remote IPv4 end address will be calculated depending on raddr_range parameter. Each subsequent entry will have start address next after IPv4 end address of previous entry. :param raddr_range: Mask specifying range of Policy selector Remote IPv4 addresses. Valid values are from 1 to 32. :type node: dict :type n_entries: int :type spd_id: int :type priority: int :type inbound: bool :type sa_id: int :type raddr_ip: string :type raddr_range: int """ tmp_filename = '/tmp/ipsec_spd_{}_add_del_entry.vat'.format(sa_id) direction = 'inbound' if inbound else 'outbound' addr_incr = 1 << (32 - raddr_range) addr_ip = int(ip_address(unicode(raddr_ip))) start_str = 'ipsec_spd_add_del_entry spd_id {0} priority {1} {2} ' \ 'action protect sa_id'.format(spd_id, priority, direction) with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as tmp_file: for i in range(0, n_entries): r_ip_s = ip_address(addr_ip + addr_incr * i) r_ip_e = ip_address(addr_ip + addr_incr * (i+1) - 1) buf_str = '{0} {1} raddr_start {2} raddr_stop {3}\n'.format( start_str, sa_id+i, r_ip_s, r_ip_e) tmp_file.write(buf_str) vat = VatExecutor() vat.scp_and_execute_script(tmp_filename, node, 300) os.remove(tmp_filename) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_create_tunnel_interfaces(node1, node2, if1_ip_addr, if2_ip_addr, n_tunnels, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, raddr_ip1, raddr_ip2, raddr_range): """Create multiple IPsec tunnel interfaces between two VPP nodes. :param node1: VPP node 1 to create tunnel interfaces. :param node2: VPP node 2 to create tunnel interfaces. :param if1_ip_addr: VPP node 1 interface IP4 address. :param if2_ip_addr: VPP node 2 interface IP4 address. :param n_tunnels: Number of tunnell interfaces to create. :param crypto_alg: The encryption algorithm name. :param crypto_key: The encryption key string. :param integ_alg: The integrity algorithm name. :param integ_key: The integrity key string. :param raddr_ip1: Policy selector remote IPv4 start address for the first tunnel in direction node1->node2. :param raddr_ip2: Policy selector remote IPv4 start address for the first tunnel in direction node2->node1. :param raddr_range: Mask specifying range of Policy selector Remote IPv4 addresses. Valid values are from 1 to 32. :type node1: dict :type node2: dict :type if1_ip_addr: str :type if2_ip_addr: str :type n_tunnels: int :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :type crypto_key: str :type integ_alg: IntegAlg :type integ_key: str :type raddr_ip1: string :type raddr_ip2: string :type raddr_range: int """ spi_1 = 10000 spi_2 = 20000 raddr_ip1_i = int(ip_address(unicode(raddr_ip1))) raddr_ip2_i = int(ip_address(unicode(raddr_ip2))) addr_incr = 1 << (32 - raddr_range) tmp_fn1 = '/tmp/ipsec_create_tunnel_dut1.config' tmp_fn2 = '/tmp/ipsec_create_tunnel_dut2.config' ckey = crypto_key.encode('hex') ikey = integ_key.encode('hex') with open(tmp_fn1, 'w') as tmp_f1, open(tmp_fn2, 'w') as tmp_f2: for i in range(0, n_tunnels): if_s = 'ipsec{}'.format(i) dut1_tunnel_s = 'create ipsec tunnel local-ip {0} local-spi ' \ '{1} remote-ip {2} remote-spi {3}\n'.format( if1_ip_addr, spi_1+i, if2_ip_addr, spi_2+i) tmp_f1.write(dut1_tunnel_s) dut2_tunnel_s = 'create ipsec tunnel local-ip {0} local-spi ' \ '{1} remote-ip {2} remote-spi {3}\n'.format( if2_ip_addr, spi_2+i, if1_ip_addr, spi_1+i) tmp_f2.write(dut2_tunnel_s) loc_c_key = 'set interface ipsec key {0} local crypto {1} ' \ '{2}\n'.format(if_s, crypto_alg.alg_name, ckey) tmp_f1.write(loc_c_key) tmp_f2.write(loc_c_key) rem_c_key = 'set interface ipsec key {0} remote crypto {1} ' \ '{2}\n'.format(if_s, crypto_alg.alg_name, ckey) tmp_f1.write(rem_c_key) tmp_f2.write(rem_c_key) if crypto_alg.alg_name != 'aes-gcm-128': loc_i_key = 'set interface ipsec key {0} local integ {1} ' \ '{2}\n'.format(if_s, integ_alg.alg_name, ikey) tmp_f1.write(loc_i_key) tmp_f2.write(loc_i_key) rem_i_key = 'set interface ipsec key {0} remote integ {1}' \ ' {2}\n'.format(if_s, integ_alg.alg_name, ikey) tmp_f1.write(rem_i_key) tmp_f2.write(rem_i_key) raddr_ip1_s = ip_address(raddr_ip1_i + addr_incr*i) raddr_ip2_s = ip_address(raddr_ip2_i + addr_incr*i) dut1_rte_s = 'ip route add {0}/{1} via {2} {3}\n'.format( raddr_ip2_s, raddr_range, if2_ip_addr, if_s) tmp_f1.write(dut1_rte_s) dut2_rte_s = 'ip route add {0}/{1} via {2} {3}\n'.format( raddr_ip1_s, raddr_range, if1_ip_addr, if_s) tmp_f2.write(dut2_rte_s) up_s = 'set int state {0} up\n'.format(if_s) tmp_f1.write(up_s) tmp_f2.write(up_s) vat = VatExecutor() vat.scp_and_execute_cli_script(tmp_fn1, node1, 300) vat.scp_and_execute_cli_script(tmp_fn2, node2, 300) os.remove(tmp_fn1) os.remove(tmp_fn2) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_add_multiple_tunnels(node1, node2, interface1, interface2, n_tunnels, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_ip1, tunnel_ip2, raddr_ip1, raddr_ip2, raddr_range): """Create multiple IPsec tunnels between two VPP nodes. :param node1: VPP node 1 to create tunnels. :param node2: VPP node 2 to create tunnels. :param interface1: Interface name or sw_if_index on node 1. :param interface2: Interface name or sw_if_index on node 2. :param n_tunnels: Number of tunnels to create. :param crypto_alg: The encryption algorithm name. :param crypto_key: The encryption key string. :param integ_alg: The integrity algorithm name. :param integ_key: The integrity key string. :param tunnel_ip1: Tunnel node1 IPv4 address. :param tunnel_ip2: Tunnel node2 IPv4 address. :param raddr_ip1: Policy selector remote IPv4 start address for the first tunnel in direction node1->node2. :param raddr_ip2: Policy selector remote IPv4 start address for the first tunnel in direction node2->node1. :param raddr_range: Mask specifying range of Policy selector Remote IPv4 addresses. Valid values are from 1 to 32. :type node1: dict :type node2: dict :type interface1: str or int :type interface2: str or int :type n_tunnels: int :type crypto_alg: CryptoAlg :type crypto_key: str :type integ_alg: str :type integ_key: str :type tunnel_ip1: str :type tunnel_ip2: str :type raddr_ip1: string :type raddr_ip2: string :type raddr_range: int """ spd_id = 1 p_hi = 100 p_lo = 10 sa_id_1 = 10000 sa_id_2 = 20000 spi_1 = 30000 spi_2 = 40000 proto = 50 IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_spd(node1, spd_id) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_if(node1, spd_id, interface1) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entry(node1, spd_id, p_hi, PolicyAction.BYPASS, inbound=False, proto=proto) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entry(node1, spd_id, p_hi, PolicyAction.BYPASS, inbound=True, proto=proto) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_spd(node2, spd_id) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_if(node2, spd_id, interface2) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entry(node2, spd_id, p_hi, PolicyAction.BYPASS, inbound=False, proto=proto) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entry(node2, spd_id, p_hi, PolicyAction.BYPASS, inbound=True, proto=proto) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entries(node1, n_tunnels, sa_id_1, spi_1, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_ip1, tunnel_ip2) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entries(node1, n_tunnels, spd_id, p_lo, False, sa_id_1, raddr_ip2, raddr_range) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entries(node2, n_tunnels, sa_id_1, spi_1, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_ip1, tunnel_ip2) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entries(node2, n_tunnels, spd_id, p_lo, True, sa_id_1, raddr_ip2, raddr_range) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entries(node2, n_tunnels, sa_id_2, spi_2, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_ip2, tunnel_ip1) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entries(node2, n_tunnels, spd_id, p_lo, False, sa_id_2, raddr_ip1, raddr_range) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_add_sad_entries(node1, n_tunnels, sa_id_2, spi_2, crypto_alg, crypto_key, integ_alg, integ_key, tunnel_ip2, tunnel_ip1) IPsecUtil.vpp_ipsec_spd_add_entries(node1, n_tunnels, spd_id, p_lo, True, sa_id_2, raddr_ip1, raddr_range) @staticmethod def vpp_ipsec_show(node): """Run "show ipsec" debug CLI command. :param node: Node to run command on. :type node: dict """ VatExecutor().execute_script("ipsec/ipsec_show.vat", node, json_out=False)