# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Performance testing traffic generator library.""" from robot.api import logger from resources.libraries.python.ssh import SSH from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeSubTypeTG from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology __all__ = ['TrafficGenerator'] class TrafficGenerator(object): """Traffic Generator""" ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'TEST SUITE' def __init__(self): self._result = None self._loss = None self._sent = None self._received = None #T-REX interface order mapping self._ifaces_reordered = 0 def initialize_traffic_generator(self, tg_node, tg_if1, tg_if2, dut1_node, dut1_if1, dut1_if2, dut2_node, dut2_if1, dut2_if2, test_type): """TG initialization :param tg_node: Traffic generator node :param tg_if1: TG - name of first interface :param tg_if2: TG - name of second interface :param dut1_node: DUT1 node :param dut1_if1: DUT1 - name of first interface :param dut1_if2: DUT1 - name of second interface :param dut2_node: DUT2 node :param dut2_if1: DUT2 - name of first interface :param dut2_if2: DUT2 - name of second interface :test_type: 'L2' or 'L3' - src/dst MAC address :type tg_node: dict :type tg_if1: str :type tg_if2: str :type dut1_node: dict :type dut1_if1: str :type dut1_if2: str :type dut2_node: dict :type dut2_if1: str :type dut2_if2: str :type test_type: str :return: nothing """ trex_path = "/opt/trex-core-1.91" topo = Topology() if tg_node['type'] != NodeType.TG: raise Exception('Node type is not a TG') if tg_node['subtype'] == NodeSubTypeTG.TREX: ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(tg_node) if1_pci = topo.get_interface_pci_addr(tg_node, tg_if1) if2_pci = topo.get_interface_pci_addr(tg_node, tg_if2) if1_mac = topo.get_interface_mac(tg_node, tg_if1) if2_mac = topo.get_interface_mac(tg_node, tg_if2) if test_type == 'L2': if1_adj_mac = if2_mac if2_adj_mac = if1_mac elif test_type == 'L3': if1_adj_mac = topo.get_interface_mac(dut1_node, dut1_if1) if2_adj_mac = topo.get_interface_mac(dut2_node, dut2_if2) else: raise Exception("test_type unknown") if min(if1_pci, if2_pci) != if1_pci: if1_mac, if2_mac = if2_mac, if1_mac if1_pci, if2_pci = if2_pci, if1_pci if1_adj_mac, if2_adj_mac = if2_adj_mac, if1_adj_mac self._ifaces_reordered = 1 if1_mac_hex = "0x"+if1_mac.replace(":", ",0x") if2_mac_hex = "0x"+if2_mac.replace(":", ",0x") if1_adj_mac_hex = "0x"+if1_adj_mac.replace(":", ",0x") if2_adj_mac_hex = "0x"+if2_adj_mac.replace(":", ",0x") (ret, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( "sudo sh -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/trex_cfg.yaml\n" "- port_limit : 2\n" " version : 2\n" " interfaces : [\"{}\",\"{}\"]\n" " port_info :\n" " - dest_mac : [{}]\n" " src_mac : [{}]\n" " - dest_mac : [{}]\n" " src_mac : [{}]\n" "EOF'"\ .format(if1_pci, if2_pci, if1_adj_mac_hex, if1_mac_hex, if2_adj_mac_hex, if2_mac_hex)) if int(ret) != 0: logger.error("failed to create t-rex config: {}"\ .format(stdout + stderr)) raise RuntimeError('trex config generation error') (ret, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( "sh -c 'cd {0}/scripts/ && " "sudo ./trex-cfg'"\ .format(trex_path)) if int(ret) != 0: logger.error('trex-cfg failed: {0}'.format(stdout + stderr)) raise RuntimeError('trex-cfg failed') (ret, _, _) = ssh.exec_command( "sh -c 'cd {0}/scripts/ && " "sudo nohup ./t-rex-64 -i -c 4 --iom 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'" "> /dev/null"\ .format(trex_path)) if int(ret) != 0: raise RuntimeError('t-rex-64 startup failed') @staticmethod def teardown_traffic_generator(node): """TG teardown :param node: Traffic generator node :type node: dict :return: nothing """ if node['type'] != NodeType.TG: raise Exception('Node type is not a TG') if node['subtype'] == NodeSubTypeTG.TREX: ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) (ret, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( "sh -c 'sudo pkill t-rex'") if int(ret) != 0: logger.error('pkill t-rex failed: {0}'.format(stdout + stderr)) raise RuntimeError('pkill t-rex failed') def send_traffic_on(self, nodes_info, duration, rate, framesize, traffic_type): """Send traffic from all configured interfaces on TG :param nodes_info: Dictionary containing information on all nodes in topology. :param duration: Duration of test traffic generation in seconds :param rate: Offered load per interface (e.g. 1%, 3gbps, 4mpps, ...) :param framesize: Frame size (L2) in Bytes :param traffic_type: Traffic profile :type nodes_info: dict :type duration: str :type rate: str :type framesize: str :type traffic_type: str :return: TG output :rtype: str """ node = nodes_info["TG"] if node['type'] != NodeType.TG: raise Exception('Node type is not a TG') if node['subtype'] is None: raise Exception('TG subtype not defined') ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) if node['subtype'] == NodeSubTypeTG.TREX: _p0 = 1 _p1 = 2 if self._ifaces_reordered != 0: _p0, _p1 = _p1, _p0 if traffic_type in ["3-node-xconnect", "3-node-bridge"]: (ret, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( "sh -c '/tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/tools/t-rex/" "t-rex-stateless.py " "-d {0} -r {1} -s {2} " "--p{3}_src_start_ip " "--p{3}_src_end_ip " "--p{3}_dst_start_ip " "--p{4}_src_start_ip " "--p{4}_src_end_ip " "--p{4}_dst_start_ip'".\ format(duration, rate, framesize, _p0, _p1),\ timeout=int(duration)+60) elif traffic_type in ["3-node-IPv4"]: (ret, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( "sh -c '/tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/tools/t-rex/" "t-rex-stateless.py " "-d {0} -r {1} -s {2} " "--p{3}_src_start_ip " "--p{3}_src_end_ip " "--p{3}_dst_start_ip " "--p{4}_src_start_ip " "--p{4}_src_end_ip " "--p{4}_dst_start_ip'".\ format(duration, rate, framesize, _p0, _p1),\ timeout=int(duration)+60) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported traffic type') else: raise NotImplementedError("TG subtype not supported") logger.trace(ret) logger.trace(stdout) logger.trace(stderr) for line in stdout.splitlines(): pass self._result = line logger.info('TrafficGen result: {0}'.format(self._result)) self._loss = self._result.split(', ')[3].split('=')[1] return self._result def no_traffic_loss_occured(self): """Fail is loss occured in traffic run :return: nothing """ if self._loss is None: raise Exception('The traffic generation has not been issued') if self._loss != '0': raise Exception('Traffic loss occured: {0}'.format(self._loss))