# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""This module implements keywords to manipulate ACL data structures using
Honeycomb REST API."""
from robot.api import logger

from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology
from resources.libraries.python.HTTPRequest import HTTPCodes
from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombSetup import HoneycombError
from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombUtil \
    import HoneycombUtil as HcUtil
from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombUtil \
    import DataRepresentation

class ACLKeywords(object):
    """Implementation of keywords which make it possible to:
    - add classify table(s),
    - remove classify table(s),
    - get operational data about classify table(s),
    - add classify session(s),
    - remove classify session(s),
    - get operational data about classify sessions(s).

    def __init__(self):

    def _set_classify_table_properties(node, path, data=None):
        """Set classify table properties and check the return code.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param path: Path which is added to the base path to identify the data.
        :param data: The new data to be set. If None, the item will be removed.
        :type node: dict
        :type path: str
        :type data: dict
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray
        :raises HoneycombError: If the status code in response to PUT is not
            200 = OK.

        if data:
            status_code, resp = HcUtil.\
                put_honeycomb_data(node, "config_classify_table", data, path,
            status_code, resp = HcUtil.\
                delete_honeycomb_data(node, "config_classify_table", path)

        if status_code not in (HTTPCodes.OK, HTTPCodes.ACCEPTED):
            if data is None and '"error-tag":"data-missing"' in resp:
                logger.debug("data does not exist in path.")
                raise HoneycombError(
                    "The configuration of classify table was not successful. "
                    "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))
        return resp

    def add_classify_table(node, table):
        """Add a classify table to the list of classify tables. The keyword does
        not validate given data.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table: Classify table to be added.
        :type node: dict
        :type table: dict
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray

        path = "/classify-table/" + table["name"]
        data = {"classify-table": [table, ]}
        return ACLKeywords._set_classify_table_properties(node, path, data)

    def remove_all_classify_tables(node):
        """Remove all classify tables defined on the node.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :type node: dict
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray

        return ACLKeywords._set_classify_table_properties(node, path="")

    def remove_classify_table(node, table_name):
        """Remove the given classify table.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table to be removed.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray

        path = "/classify-table/" + table_name
        return ACLKeywords._set_classify_table_properties(node, path)

    def get_all_classify_tables_oper_data(node):
        """Get operational data about all classify tables present on the node.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :type node: dict
        :returns: List of classify tables.
        :rtype: list

        status_code, resp = HcUtil.\
            get_honeycomb_data(node, "oper_classify_table")

        if status_code != HTTPCodes.OK:
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Not possible to get operational information about the "
                "classify tables. Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))

        return resp["vpp-classifier-state"]["classify-table"]

    def get_classify_table_oper_data(node, table_name):
        """Get operational data about the given classify table.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :returns: Operational data about the given classify table.
        :rtype: dict

        tables = ACLKeywords.get_all_classify_tables_oper_data(node)
        for table in tables:
            if table["name"] == table_name:
                return table
        raise HoneycombError("Table {0} not found in ACL table list.".format(

    def get_all_classify_tables_cfg_data(node):
        """Get configuration data about all classify tables present on the node.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :type node: dict
        :returns: List of classify tables.
        :rtype: list

        status_code, resp = HcUtil.\
            get_honeycomb_data(node, "config_classify_table")

        if status_code != HTTPCodes.OK:
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Not possible to get operational information about the "
                "classify tables. Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))
            return resp["vpp-classifier"]["classify-table"]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            return []

    def add_classify_session(node, table_name, session):
        """Add a classify session to the classify table.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table.
        :param session: Classify session to be added to the classify table.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :type session: dict
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray

        path = "/classify-table/" + table_name + \
               "/classify-session/" + session["match"]
        data = {"classify-session": [session, ]}
        return ACLKeywords._set_classify_table_properties(node, path, data)

    def remove_classify_session(node, table_name, session_match):
        """Remove the given classify session from the classify table.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table.
        :param session_match: Classify session match.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :type session_match: str
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray

        path = "/classify-table/" + table_name + \
               "/classify-session/" + session_match
        return ACLKeywords._set_classify_table_properties(node, path)

    def get_all_classify_sessions_oper_data(node, table_name):
        """Get operational data about all classify sessions in the classify

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :returns: List of classify sessions present in the classify table.
        :rtype: list

        table_data = ACLKeywords.get_classify_table_oper_data(node, table_name)

        return table_data["classify-session"]

    def get_classify_session_oper_data(node, table_name, session_match):
        """Get operational data about the given classify session in the classify

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param table_name: Name of the classify table.
        :param session_match: Classify session match.
        :type node: dict
        :type table_name: str
        :type session_match: str
        :returns: Classify session operational data.
        :rtype: dict
        :raises HoneycombError: If no session the specified match Id is found.

        sessions = ACLKeywords.get_all_classify_sessions_oper_data(
            node, table_name)
        for session in sessions:
            if session["match"] == session_match:
                return session
        raise HoneycombError(
            "Session with match value \"{0}\" not found"
            " under ACL table {1}.".format(session_match, table_name))

    def create_acl_plugin_classify_chain(node, list_name, data, macip=False):
        """Create classify chain using the ietf-acl node.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param list_name: Name for the classify list.
        :param data: Dictionary of settings to send to Honeycomb.
        :param macip: Use simple MAC+IP classifier. Optional.
        :type node: dict
        :type list_name: str
        :type data: dict
        :type macip: bool
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray
        :raises HoneycombError: If the operation fails.

        if macip:
            path = "/acl/vpp-acl:vpp-macip-acl/{0}".format(list_name)
            path = "/acl/vpp-acl:vpp-acl/{0}".format(list_name)

        status_code, resp = HcUtil.put_honeycomb_data(
            node, "config_plugin_acl", data, path)

        if status_code not in (HTTPCodes.OK, HTTPCodes.ACCEPTED):
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Could not create classify chain."
                "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))

        return resp

    def set_acl_plugin_interface(node, interface, acl_name,
                                 direction, macip=False):
        """Assign an interface to an ietf-acl classify chain.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param interface: Name of an interface on the node.
        :param acl_name: Name of an ACL chain configured through ACL-plugin.
        :param direction: Classify incoming or outgiong packets.
            Valid options are: ingress, egress
        :param macip: Use simple MAC+IP classifier. Optional.
        :type node: dict
        :type interface: str or int
        :type acl_name: str
        :type direction: str
        :type macip: bool
        :returns: Content of response.
        :rtype: bytearray
        :raises ValueError: If the direction argument is incorrect.
        :raises HoneycombError: If the operation fails.

        interface = Topology.convert_interface_reference(
            node, interface, "name")

        interface = interface.replace("/", "%2F")

        if direction not in ("ingress", "egress"):
            raise ValueError("Unknown traffic direction {0}. "
                             "Valid options are: ingress, egress."

        path = "/interface/{0}/interface-acl:acl/{1}".format(
            interface, direction)

        if macip:
            data = {
                direction: {
                    "vpp-macip-acl": {
                        "type": "vpp-acl:vpp-macip-acl",
                        "name": acl_name
            data = {
                direction: {
                    "vpp-acls": [
                            "type": "vpp-acl:vpp-acl",
                            "name": acl_name

        status_code, resp = HcUtil.put_honeycomb_data(
            node, "config_vpp_interfaces", data, path)

        if status_code not in (HTTPCodes.OK, HTTPCodes.ACCEPTED):
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Could not configure ACL on interface. "
                "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))

        return resp

    def delete_interface_plugin_acls(node, interface):
        """Remove all plugin-acl assignments from an interface.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :param interface: Name of an interface on the node.
        :type node: dict
        :type interface: str or int

        interface = Topology.convert_interface_reference(
            node, interface, "name")

        interface = interface.replace("/", "%2F")

        path = "/interface/{0}/interface-acl:acl/".format(interface)
        status_code, _ = HcUtil.delete_honeycomb_data(
            node, "config_vpp_interfaces", path)

        if status_code != HTTPCodes.OK:
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Could not remove ACL assignment from interface. "
                "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))

    def delete_acl_plugin_classify_chains(node):
        """Remove all plugin-ACL classify chains.

        :param node: Honeycomb node.
        :type node: dict

        status_code, _ = HcUtil.delete_honeycomb_data(
            node, "config_plugin_acl")

        if status_code != HTTPCodes.OK:
            raise HoneycombError(
                "Could not remove plugin-acl chain. "
                "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code))