# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Library for SSH connection management.""" import StringIO from time import time, sleep import socket import paramiko from paramiko import RSAKey from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException from scp import SCPClient from robot.api import logger from robot.utils.asserts import assert_equal __all__ = ["exec_cmd", "exec_cmd_no_error"] # TODO: load priv key class SSHTimeout(Exception): """This exception is raised when a timeout occurs.""" pass class SSH(object): """Contains methods for managing and using SSH connections.""" __MAX_RECV_BUF = 10*1024*1024 __existing_connections = {} def __init__(self): self._ssh = None self._node = None @staticmethod def _node_hash(node): """Get IP address and port hash from node dictionary. :param node: Node in topology. :type node: dict :returns: IP address and port for the specified node. :rtype: int """ return hash(frozenset([node['host'], node['port']])) def connect(self, node, attempts=5): """Connect to node prior to running exec_command or scp. If there already is a connection to the node, this method reuses it. :param node: Node in topology. :param attempts: Number of reconnect attempts. :type node: dict :type attempts: int :raises IOError: If cannot connect to host. """ self._node = node node_hash = self._node_hash(node) if node_hash in SSH.__existing_connections: self._ssh = SSH.__existing_connections[node_hash] if self._ssh.get_transport().is_active(): logger.debug('Reusing SSH: {ssh}'.format(ssh=self._ssh)) else: if attempts > 0: self._reconnect(attempts-1) else: raise IOError('Cannot connect to {host}'. format(host=node['host'])) else: try: start = time() pkey = None if 'priv_key' in node: pkey = RSAKey.from_private_key( StringIO.StringIO(node['priv_key'])) self._ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self._ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self._ssh.connect(node['host'], username=node['username'], password=node.get('password'), pkey=pkey, port=node['port']) self._ssh.get_transport().set_keepalive(10) SSH.__existing_connections[node_hash] = self._ssh logger.debug('New SSH to {peer} took {total} seconds: {ssh}'. format( peer=self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername(), total=(time() - start), ssh=self._ssh)) except SSHException: raise IOError('Cannot connect to {host}'. format(host=node['host'])) def disconnect(self, node): """Close SSH connection to the node. :param node: The node to disconnect from. :type node: dict """ node_hash = self._node_hash(node) if node_hash in SSH.__existing_connections: logger.debug('Disconnecting peer: {host}, {port}'. format(host=node['host'], port=node['port'])) ssh = SSH.__existing_connections.pop(node_hash) ssh.close() def _reconnect(self, attempts=0): """Close the SSH connection and open it again. :param attempts: Number of reconnect attempts. :type attempts: int """ node = self._node self.disconnect(node) self.connect(node, attempts) logger.debug('Reconnecting peer done: {host}, {port}'. format(host=node['host'], port=node['port'])) def exec_command(self, cmd, timeout=10): """Execute SSH command on a new channel on the connected Node. :param cmd: Command to run on the Node. :param timeout: Maximal time in seconds to wait until the command is done. If set to None then wait forever. :type cmd: str :type timeout: int :return return_code, stdout, stderr :rtype: tuple(int, str, str) :raise SSHTimeout: If command is not finished in timeout time. """ stdout = StringIO.StringIO() stderr = StringIO.StringIO() try: chan = self._ssh.get_transport().open_session(timeout=5) peer = self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername() except AttributeError: self._reconnect() chan = self._ssh.get_transport().open_session(timeout=5) peer = self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername() except SSHException: self._reconnect() chan = self._ssh.get_transport().open_session(timeout=5) peer = self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername() chan.settimeout(timeout) logger.trace('exec_command on {peer} with timeout {timeout}: {cmd}' .format(peer=peer, timeout=timeout, cmd=cmd)) start = time() chan.exec_command(cmd) while not chan.exit_status_ready() and timeout is not None: if chan.recv_ready(): stdout.write(chan.recv(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF)) if chan.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr.write(chan.recv_stderr(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF)) if time() - start > timeout: raise SSHTimeout( 'Timeout exception during execution of command: {cmd}\n' 'Current contents of stdout buffer: {stdout}\n' 'Current contents of stderr buffer: {stderr}\n' .format(cmd=cmd, stdout=stdout.getvalue(), stderr=stderr.getvalue()) ) sleep(0.1) return_code = chan.recv_exit_status() while chan.recv_ready(): stdout.write(chan.recv(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF)) while chan.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr.write(chan.recv_stderr(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF)) end = time() logger.trace('exec_command on {peer} took {total} seconds'. format(peer=peer, total=end-start)) logger.trace('return RC {rc}'.format(rc=return_code)) logger.trace('return STDOUT {stdout}'.format(stdout=stdout.getvalue())) logger.trace('return STDERR {stderr}'.format(stderr=stderr.getvalue())) return return_code, stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue() def exec_command_sudo(self, cmd, cmd_input=None, timeout=30): """Execute SSH command with sudo on a new channel on the connected Node. :param cmd: Command to be executed. :param cmd_input: Input redirected to the command. :param timeout: Timeout. :returns: return_code, stdout, stderr :Example: >>> from ssh import SSH >>> ssh = SSH() >>> ssh.connect(node) >>> # Execute command without input (sudo -S cmd) >>> ssh.exec_command_sudo("ifconfig eth0 down") >>> # Execute command with input (sudo -S cmd <<< "input") >>> ssh.exec_command_sudo("vpp_api_test", "dump_interface_table") """ if cmd_input is None: command = 'sudo -S {c}'.format(c=cmd) else: command = 'sudo -S {c} <<< "{i}"'.format(c=cmd, i=cmd_input) return self.exec_command(command, timeout) def exec_command_lxc(self, lxc_cmd, lxc_name, lxc_params='', sudo=True, timeout=30): """Execute command in LXC on a new SSH channel on the connected Node. :param lxc_cmd: Command to be executed. :param lxc_name: LXC name. :param lxc_params: Additional parameters for LXC attach. :param sudo: Run in privileged LXC mode. Default: privileged :param timeout: Timeout. :type lxc_cmd: str :type lxc_name: str :type lxc_params: str :type sudo: bool :type timeout: int :returns: return_code, stdout, stderr """ command = "lxc-attach {p} --name {n} -- /bin/sh -c '{c}'"\ .format(p=lxc_params, n=lxc_name, c=lxc_cmd) if sudo: command = 'sudo -S {c}'.format(c=command) return self.exec_command(command, timeout) def interactive_terminal_open(self, time_out=45): """Open interactive terminal on a new channel on the connected Node. :param time_out: Timeout in seconds. :returns: SSH channel with opened terminal. .. warning:: Interruptingcow is used here, and it uses signal(SIGALRM) to let the operating system interrupt program execution. This has the following limitations: Python signal handlers only apply to the main thread, so you cannot use this from other threads. You must not use this in a program that uses SIGALRM itself (this includes certain profilers) """ chan = self._ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.invoke_shell() chan.settimeout(int(time_out)) chan.set_combine_stderr(True) buf = '' while not buf.endswith((":~$ ", "~]$ ", "~]# ")): try: chunk = chan.recv(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF) if not chunk: break buf += chunk if chan.exit_status_ready(): logger.error('Channel exit status ready') break except socket.timeout: logger.error('Socket timeout: {0}'.format(buf)) raise Exception('Socket timeout: {0}'.format(buf)) return chan def interactive_terminal_exec_command(self, chan, cmd, prompt): """Execute command on interactive terminal. interactive_terminal_open() method has to be called first! :param chan: SSH channel with opened terminal. :param cmd: Command to be executed. :param prompt: Command prompt, sequence of characters used to indicate readiness to accept commands. :returns: Command output. .. warning:: Interruptingcow is used here, and it uses signal(SIGALRM) to let the operating system interrupt program execution. This has the following limitations: Python signal handlers only apply to the main thread, so you cannot use this from other threads. You must not use this in a program that uses SIGALRM itself (this includes certain profilers) """ chan.sendall('{c}\n'.format(c=cmd)) buf = '' while not buf.endswith(prompt): try: chunk = chan.recv(self.__MAX_RECV_BUF) if not chunk: break buf += chunk if chan.exit_status_ready(): logger.error('Channel exit status ready') break except socket.timeout: logger.error('Socket timeout during execution of command: ' '{0}\nBuffer content:\n{1}'.format(cmd, buf)) raise Exception('Socket timeout during execution of command: ' '{0}\nBuffer content:\n{1}'.format(cmd, buf)) tmp = buf.replace(cmd.replace('\n', ''), '') for item in prompt: tmp.replace(item, '') return tmp @staticmethod def interactive_terminal_close(chan): """Close interactive terminal SSH channel. :param: chan: SSH channel to be closed. """ chan.close() def scp(self, local_path, remote_path, get=False, timeout=30): """Copy files from local_path to remote_path or vice versa. connect() method has to be called first! :param local_path: Path to local file that should be uploaded; or path where to save remote file. :param remote_path: Remote path where to place uploaded file; or path to remote file which should be downloaded. :param get: scp operation to perform. Default is put. :param timeout: Timeout value in seconds. :type local_path: str :type remote_path: str :type get: bool :type timeout: int """ if not get: logger.trace('SCP {0} to {1}:{2}'.format( local_path, self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername(), remote_path)) else: logger.trace('SCP {0}:{1} to {2}'.format( self._ssh.get_transport().getpeername(), remote_path, local_path)) # SCPCLient takes a paramiko transport as its only argument scp = SCPClient(self._ssh.get_transport(), socket_timeout=timeout) start = time() if not get: scp.put(local_path, remote_path) else: scp.get(remote_path, local_path) scp.close() end = time() logger.trace('SCP took {0} seconds'.format(end-start)) def exec_cmd(node, cmd, timeout=600, sudo=False): """Convenience function to ssh/exec/return rc, out & err. Returns (rc, stdout, stderr). """ if node is None: raise TypeError('Node parameter is None') if cmd is None: raise TypeError('Command parameter is None') if len(cmd) == 0: raise ValueError('Empty command parameter') ssh = SSH() try: ssh.connect(node) except SSHException as err: logger.error("Failed to connect to node" + str(err)) return None, None, None try: if not sudo: (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout=timeout) else: (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd, timeout=timeout) except SSHException as err: logger.error(err) return None, None, None return ret_code, stdout, stderr def exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, timeout=600, sudo=False): """Convenience function to ssh/exec/return out & err. Verifies that return code is zero. Returns (stdout, stderr). """ (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = exec_cmd(node, cmd, timeout=timeout, sudo=sudo) assert_equal(ret_code, 0, 'Command execution failed: "{}"\n{}'. format(cmd, stderr)) return stdout, stderr