# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Plotly Dash HTML layout override. """ import pandas as pd import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash import dcc from dash import html from dash import callback_context, no_update from dash import Input, Output, State from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from yaml import load, FullLoader, YAMLError from datetime import datetime, timedelta from copy import deepcopy from ..data.data import Data from .graphs import graph_trending, graph_hdrh_latency, \ select_trending_data class Layout: """ """ STYLE_DISABLED = {"display": "none"} STYLE_ENABLED = {"display": "inherit"} CL_ALL_DISABLED = [{ "label": "All", "value": "all", "disabled": True }] CL_ALL_ENABLED = [{ "label": "All", "value": "all", "disabled": False }] PLACEHOLDER = html.Nobr("") def __init__(self, app, html_layout_file, spec_file, graph_layout_file, data_spec_file): """ """ # Inputs self._app = app self._html_layout_file = html_layout_file self._spec_file = spec_file self._graph_layout_file = graph_layout_file self._data_spec_file = data_spec_file # Read the data: data_mrr = Data( data_spec_file=self._data_spec_file, debug=True ).read_trending_mrr(days=5) data_ndrpdr = Data( data_spec_file=self._data_spec_file, debug=True ).read_trending_ndrpdr(days=14) self._data = pd.concat([data_mrr, data_ndrpdr], ignore_index=True) # Read from files: self._html_layout = "" self._spec_tbs = None self._graph_layout = None try: with open(self._html_layout_file, "r") as file_read: self._html_layout = file_read.read() except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Not possible to open the file {self._html_layout_file}\n{err}" ) try: with open(self._spec_file, "r") as file_read: self._spec_tbs = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader) except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Not possible to open the file {self._spec_file,}\n{err}" ) except YAMLError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file " f"{self._spec_file,}\n" f"{err}" ) try: with open(self._graph_layout_file, "r") as file_read: self._graph_layout = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader) except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Not possible to open the file {self._graph_layout_file}\n" f"{err}" ) except YAMLError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file " f"{self._graph_layout_file}\n" f"{err}" ) # Callbacks: if self._app is not None and hasattr(self, 'callbacks'): self.callbacks(self._app) @property def html_layout(self): return self._html_layout @property def spec_tbs(self): return self._spec_tbs @property def data(self): return self._data @property def layout(self): return self._graph_layout def add_content(self): """ """ if self.html_layout and self.spec_tbs: return html.Div( id="div-main", children=[ dbc.Row( id="row-navbar", class_name="g-0", children=[ self._add_navbar(), ] ), dcc.Loading( dbc.Offcanvas( class_name="w-50", id="offcanvas-metadata", title="Throughput And Latency", placement="end", is_open=False, children=[ dbc.Row(id="metadata-tput-lat"), dbc.Row(id="metadata-hdrh-graph"), ] ) ), dbc.Row( id="row-main", class_name="g-0", children=[ dcc.Store( id="selected-tests" ), dcc.Store( id="control-panel" ), self._add_ctrl_col(), self._add_plotting_col(), ] ) ] ) else: return html.Div( id="div-main-error", children=[ dbc.Alert( [ "An Error Occured", ], color="danger", ), ] ) def _add_navbar(self): """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top. """ return dbc.NavbarSimple( id="navbarsimple-main", children=[ dbc.NavItem( dbc.NavLink( "Continuous Performance Trending", disabled=True, external_link=True, href="#" ) ) ], brand="Dashboard", brand_href="/", brand_external_link=True, class_name="p-2", fluid=True, ) def _add_ctrl_col(self) -> dbc.Col: """Add column with controls. It is placed on the left side. """ return dbc.Col( id="col-controls", children=[ self._add_ctrl_panel(), ], ) def _add_plotting_col(self) -> dbc.Col: """Add column with plots and tables. It is placed on the right side. """ return dbc.Col( id="col-plotting-area", children=[ dbc.Row( # Throughput id="row-graph-tput", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ self.PLACEHOLDER ] ), dbc.Row( # Latency id="row-graph-lat", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ self.PLACEHOLDER ] ), dbc.Row( # Download id="row-btn-download", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ self.PLACEHOLDER ] ) ], width=9, ) def _add_ctrl_panel(self) -> dbc.Row: """ """ return dbc.Row( id="row-ctrl-panel", class_name="g-0 p-2", children=[ dbc.Row( class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Physical Test Bed Topology, NIC and Driver", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Select( id="dd-ctrl-phy", placeholder="Select a Physical Test Bed Topology...", options=[ {"label": k, "value": k} for k in self.spec_tbs.keys() ], size="sm", ), ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Area", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Select( id="dd-ctrl-area", placeholder="Select an Area...", disabled=True, size="sm", ), ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Test", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Select( id="dd-ctrl-test", placeholder="Select a Test...", disabled=True, size="sm", ), ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-ctrl-core", class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Number of Cores", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-core-all", options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=False, switch=False ) ], width=3 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-core", inline=True, switch=False ) ] ) ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-ctrl-framesize", class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Frame Size", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-framesize-all", options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=True, switch=False ), ], width=3 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-framesize", inline=True, switch=False ) ] ) ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-ctrl-testtype", class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.Label( "Test Type", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-testtype-all", options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=True, switch=False ), ], width=3 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="cl-ctrl-testtype", inline=True, switch=False ) ] ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="gy-1", children=[ dbc.ButtonGroup( [ dbc.Button( id="btn-ctrl-add", children="Add Selected", color="secondary", ) ], size="md", ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="gy-1", children=[ dcc.DatePickerRange( id="dpr-period", className="d-flex justify-content-center", min_date_allowed=\ datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(days=180), max_date_allowed=datetime.utcnow(), initial_visible_month=datetime.utcnow(), start_date=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=180), end_date=datetime.utcnow(), display_format="D MMMM YY" ) ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-card-sel-tests", class_name="gy-1", style=self.STYLE_DISABLED, children=[ dbc.Label( "Selected tests", class_name="p-0" ), dbc.Checklist( class_name="overflow-auto", id="cl-selected", options=[], inline=False, style={"max-height": "12em"}, ) ], ), dbc.Row( id="row-btns-sel-tests", style=self.STYLE_DISABLED, children=[ dbc.ButtonGroup( children=[ dbc.Button( id="btn-sel-remove-all", children="Remove All", class_name="w-100", color="secondary", disabled=False ), dbc.Button( id="btn-sel-remove", children="Remove Selected", class_name="w-100", color="secondary", disabled=False ), ], size="md", ) ] ), ] ) class ControlPanel: def __init__(self, panel: dict) -> None: CL_ALL_DISABLED = [{ "label": "All", "value": "all", "disabled": True }] # Defines also the order of keys self._defaults = { "dd-ctrl-phy-value": str(), "dd-ctrl-area-options": list(), "dd-ctrl-area-disabled": True, "dd-ctrl-area-value": str(), "dd-ctrl-test-options": list(), "dd-ctrl-test-disabled": True, "dd-ctrl-test-value": str(), "cl-ctrl-core-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-framesize-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-testtype-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-ctrl-add-disabled": True, "cl-selected-options": list(), } self._panel = deepcopy(self._defaults) if panel: for key in self._defaults: self._panel[key] = panel[key] @property def defaults(self) -> dict: return self._defaults @property def panel(self) -> dict: return self._panel def set(self, kwargs: dict) -> None: for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in self._panel: self._panel[key] = val else: raise KeyError(f"The key {key} is not defined.") def get(self, key: str) -> any: return self._panel[key] def values(self) -> tuple: return tuple(self._panel.values()) @staticmethod def _sync_checklists(opt: list, sel: list, all: list, id: str) -> tuple: """ """ options = {v["value"] for v in opt} if id =="all": sel = list(options) if all else list() else: all = ["all", ] if set(sel) == options else list() return sel, all @staticmethod def _list_tests(selection: dict) -> list: """Display selected tests with checkboxes """ if selection: return [ {"label": v["id"], "value": v["id"]} for v in selection ] else: return list() def callbacks(self, app): def _generate_plotting_arrea(args: tuple) -> tuple: """ """ (fig_tput, fig_lat) = args row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER row_fig_lat = self.PLACEHOLDER row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER if fig_tput: row_fig_tput = [ dcc.Loading( dcc.Graph( id="graph-tput", figure=fig_tput ) ), ] row_btn_dwnld = [ dcc.Loading(children=[ dbc.Button( id="btn-download-data", children=["Download Data"] ), dcc.Download(id="download-data") ]), ] if fig_lat: row_fig_lat = [ dcc.Loading( dcc.Graph( id="graph-latency", figure=fig_lat ) ) ] return row_fig_tput, row_fig_lat, row_btn_dwnld @app.callback( Output("control-panel", "data"), # Store Output("selected-tests", "data"), # Store Output("row-graph-tput", "children"), Output("row-graph-lat", "children"), Output("row-btn-download", "children"), Output("row-card-sel-tests", "style"), Output("row-btns-sel-tests", "style"), Output("dd-ctrl-phy", "value"), Output("dd-ctrl-area", "options"), Output("dd-ctrl-area", "disabled"), Output("dd-ctrl-area", "value"), Output("dd-ctrl-test", "options"), Output("dd-ctrl-test", "disabled"), Output("dd-ctrl-test", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-core", "options"), Output("cl-ctrl-core", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-core-all", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-core-all", "options"), Output("cl-ctrl-framesize", "options"), Output("cl-ctrl-framesize", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "options"), Output("cl-ctrl-testtype", "options"), Output("cl-ctrl-testtype", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "value"), Output("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "options"), Output("btn-ctrl-add", "disabled"), Output("cl-selected", "options"), # User selection State("control-panel", "data"), # Store State("selected-tests", "data"), # Store State("cl-selected", "value"), # User selection Input("dd-ctrl-phy", "value"), Input("dd-ctrl-area", "value"), Input("dd-ctrl-test", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-core", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-core-all", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-framesize", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-testtype", "value"), Input("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "value"), Input("btn-ctrl-add", "n_clicks"), Input("dpr-period", "start_date"), Input("dpr-period", "end_date"), Input("btn-sel-remove", "n_clicks"), Input("btn-sel-remove-all", "n_clicks"), ) def _update_ctrl_panel(cp_data: dict, store_sel: list, list_sel: list, dd_phy: str, dd_area: str, dd_test: str, cl_core: list, cl_core_all: list, cl_framesize: list, cl_framesize_all: list, cl_testtype: list, cl_testtype_all: list, btn_add: int, d_start: str, d_end: str, btn_remove: int, btn_remove_all: int) -> tuple: """ """ d_start = datetime(int(d_start[0:4]), int(d_start[5:7]), int(d_start[8:10])) d_end = datetime(int(d_end[0:4]), int(d_end[5:7]), int(d_end[8:10])) row_fig_tput = no_update row_fig_lat = no_update row_btn_dwnld = no_update row_card_sel_tests = no_update row_btns_sel_tests = no_update ctrl_panel = self.ControlPanel(cp_data) trigger_id = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-phy": try: options = [ {"label": self.spec_tbs[dd_phy][v]["label"], "value": v} for v in [v for v in self.spec_tbs[dd_phy].keys()] ] disabled = False except KeyError: options = list() disabled = no_update ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-ctrl-phy-value": dd_phy, "dd-ctrl-area-value": str(), "dd-ctrl-area-options": options, "dd-ctrl-area-disabled": disabled, "dd-ctrl-test-options": list(), "dd-ctrl-test-disabled": True, "cl-ctrl-core-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-framesize-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-testtype-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-ctrl-add-disabled": True, }) elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-area": try: phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-phy-value") options = [ {"label": v, "value": v} for v in self.spec_tbs[phy][dd_area]["test"] ] disabled = False except KeyError: options = list() disabled = True ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-ctrl-area-value": dd_area, "dd-ctrl-test-value": str(), "dd-ctrl-test-options": options, "dd-ctrl-test-disabled": disabled, "cl-ctrl-core-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-framesize-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-ctrl-testtype-options": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-ctrl-add-disabled": True, }) elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-test": core_opts = list() framesize_opts = list() testtype_opts = list() phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-phy-value") area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-area-value") if phy and area and dd_test: core_opts = [ {"label": v, "value": v} for v in self.spec_tbs[phy][area]["core"] ] framesize_opts = [ {"label": v, "value": v} for v in self.spec_tbs[phy][area]["frame-size"] ] testtype_opts = [ {"label": v, "value": v} for v in self.spec_tbs[phy][area]["test-type"] ] ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-ctrl-test-value": dd_test, "cl-ctrl-core-options": core_opts, "cl-ctrl-core-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-ctrl-framesize-options": framesize_opts, "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-ctrl-testtype-options": testtype_opts, "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": list(), "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "btn-ctrl-add-disabled": False, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-core": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt=ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-core-options"), sel=cl_core, all=list(), id="" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-core-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-core-all": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-core-options"), sel=list(), all=cl_core_all, id="all" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-core-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-core-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-framesize": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-framesize-options"), sel=cl_framesize, all=list(), id="" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-framesize-all": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-framesize-options"), sel=list(), all=cl_framesize_all, id="all" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-framesize-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-framesize-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-testtype": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-testtype-options"), sel=cl_testtype, all=list(), id="" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-testtype-all": val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists( opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-testtype-options"), sel=list(), all=cl_testtype_all, id="all" ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-ctrl-testtype-value": val_sel, "cl-ctrl-testtype-all-value": val_all, }) elif trigger_id == "btn-ctrl-add": _ = btn_add phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-phy-value") area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-area-value") test = ctrl_panel.get("dd-ctrl-test-value") cores = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-core-value") framesizes = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-framesize-value") testtypes = ctrl_panel.get("cl-ctrl-testtype-value") # Add selected test to the list of tests in store: if phy and area and test and cores and framesizes and testtypes: if store_sel is None: store_sel = list() for core in cores: for framesize in framesizes: for ttype in testtypes: tid = ( f"{phy.replace('af_xdp', 'af-xdp')}-" f"{area}-" f"{framesize.lower()}-" f"{core.lower()}-" f"{test}-" f"{ttype.lower()}" ) if tid not in [itm["id"] for itm in store_sel]: store_sel.append({ "id": tid, "phy": phy, "area": area, "test": test, "framesize": framesize.lower(), "core": core.lower(), "testtype": ttype.lower() }) row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED ctrl_panel.set(ctrl_panel.defaults) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-selected-options": self._list_tests(store_sel) }) row_fig_tput, row_fig_lat, row_btn_dwnld = \ _generate_plotting_arrea( graph_trending( self.data, store_sel, self.layout, d_start, d_end ) ) elif trigger_id == "dpr-period": row_fig_tput, row_fig_lat, row_btn_dwnld = \ _generate_plotting_arrea( graph_trending( self.data, store_sel, self.layout, d_start, d_end ) ) elif trigger_id == "btn-sel-remove-all": _ = btn_remove_all row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER row_fig_lat = self.PLACEHOLDER row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED store_sel = list() ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-selected-options": list() }) elif trigger_id == "btn-sel-remove": _ = btn_remove if list_sel: new_store_sel = list() for item in store_sel: if item["id"] not in list_sel: new_store_sel.append(item) store_sel = new_store_sel if store_sel: row_fig_tput, row_fig_lat, row_btn_dwnld = \ _generate_plotting_arrea( graph_trending( self.data, store_sel, self.layout, d_start, d_end ) ) ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-selected-options": self._list_tests(store_sel) }) else: row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER row_fig_lat = self.PLACEHOLDER row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED store_sel = list() ctrl_panel.set({ "cl-selected-options": list() }) ret_val = [ ctrl_panel.panel, store_sel, row_fig_tput, row_fig_lat, row_btn_dwnld, row_card_sel_tests, row_btns_sel_tests ] ret_val.extend(ctrl_panel.values()) return ret_val @app.callback( Output("metadata-tput-lat", "children"), Output("metadata-hdrh-graph", "children"), Output("offcanvas-metadata", "is_open"), Input("graph-tput", "clickData"), Input("graph-latency", "clickData") ) def _show_metadata_from_graphs( tput_data: dict, lat_data: dict) -> tuple: """ """ if not (tput_data or lat_data): raise PreventUpdate metadata = no_update graph = list() trigger_id = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if trigger_id == "graph-tput": title = "Throughput" array = tput_data["points"][0]["text"].split("<br>") children = [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [dbc.Badge(x.split(":")[0]), x.split(": ")[1]] ) for x in array ] elif trigger_id == "graph-latency": title = "Latency" array = lat_data["points"][0]["text"].split("<br>") children = [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [dbc.Badge(x.split(":")[0]), x.split(": ")[1]] ) for x in array ] hdrh_data = lat_data["points"][0].get("customdata", None) if hdrh_data: graph = [dbc.Card( class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[ dbc.CardHeader(hdrh_data.pop("name")), dbc.CardBody(children=[ dcc.Graph( id="hdrh-latency-graph", figure=graph_hdrh_latency( hdrh_data, self.layout ) ) ]) ]) ] metadata = [ dbc.Card( class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[ dbc.CardHeader(children=[ dcc.Clipboard( target_id="tput-lat-metadata", title="Copy", style={"display": "inline-block"} ), title ]), dbc.CardBody( id="tput-lat-metadata", class_name="p-0", children=[ dbc.ListGroup(children, flush=True) ] ) ] ) ] return metadata, graph, True @app.callback( Output("download-data", "data"), State("selected-tests", "data"), Input("btn-download-data", "n_clicks"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def _download_data(store_sel, n_clicks): """ """ if not n_clicks: raise PreventUpdate if not store_sel: raise PreventUpdate df = pd.DataFrame() for itm in store_sel: sel_data = select_trending_data(self.data, itm) if sel_data is None: continue df = pd.concat([df, sel_data], ignore_index=True) return dcc.send_data_frame(df.to_csv, "trending_data.csv")