# CSIT progressions.
64b-2t1c-avf-dot1q-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-avf-dot1q-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-avf-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-avf-eth-l2xcbase: 4
64b-2t1c-avf-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-dot1q-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
64b-2t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc: 5
# CSIT regressions.
64b-2t1c-avf-dot1q-l2xcbase: 3
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4-ip4scale200k-rnd: 2
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4-ip4scale2m-rnd: 2
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp-ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows: 1
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp-ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows: 1
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp-ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows: 1
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp-ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows: 1
64b-2t1c-ethip4-ip4scale200k-rnd: 2
64b-2t1c-ethip4-ip4scale2m: 7
64b-2t1c-ethip4-ip4scale2m-rnd: 2

# Multiline string, empty lines (or \n) are required,
# see https://yaml-multiline.info/

footnote: "
    [1] DONE Apparent regression in ACL tests due to Gerrit 26112. With CSIT
    using changed VPP API, instead of failing, misconfigured VPP passes
    the test, albeit with reduced performance. [CSIT-1739]

    [2] DONE Regression in tests using random flow sequencing due to
    Gerrit 26456. Unpinned random seed to make TRex workers generate
    different sequences of packets. [CSIT-1731]

    [3] DONE Regression in base dot1q-l2xcbase suites due to Gerrit
    25363. Unified dot1q handling across various tests. Previously,
    this one suite was different, using dot1q on one port only.

    [4] DONE Progression in high performance tests due to Gerrit 26445.
    TRex setting improvement. [CSIT-1740]

    [5] DONE Progression in tests with VPP (l2xc) inside a VM due to
    Gerrit 25309. Make VPP in VM worker placement deterministic.

    [7] POSTPONED Possible anomaly, but stdev of results is high.
    Performance differences considered to probably be just noise.

    [8] DONE Regressions in some tests with VPP in VM due to Gerrit
    26744. Switch to clang-9 compiler identified as cause. Tests using
    l2xcbase as vswitch with small stdev used for bisect. [CSIT-1741]

    [9] OPEN Progression in all ip6 scale tests. Changes to vppinfra
    bihash may have improved code efficiency. [CSIT-1735]

    [11] OPEN Progression in memif tests, mainly in
    avf-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2memif-1dcr. Two progression candidates found:
    Gerrit 24053 and Gerrit 26744. Performance results are not consistent enough
    to separate the two from other possible causes. [CSIT-1744]

    [12] OPEN Progression in some l2bdscale tests. [CSIT-1745]

    [13] DONE Stateless ACL tests have the same performance in 2005.0-4
    as in 2001.0-2. The difference shown here is inflated by an API
    change, see [1]. [CSIT-1739]

    [14] DONE Stateful ACL tests have better performance in 2005.0-4 as
    in 2001.0-2. The CSIT part of API change, Gerrit 26112, has fixed
    an earlier CSIT regression in the same tests. The difference shown here
    is further inflated by the API mismatch, see [1]. [CSIT-1739]

    [15] OPEN Progression in nat44 test (not scale ones). [CSIT-1747]

    [17] OPEN Progression in some vhost tests (dpdk in VM). [CSIT-1749]