# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/ipv4.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/bridge_domain.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/testing_path.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/double_qemu_setup.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/qemu.robot
| Library  | resources.libraries.python.Trace
| Force Tags | HW_ENV | VM_ENV | SKIP_PATCH
| Test Setup | Run Keywords | Configure all DUTs before test
| ...        | AND          | Save VPP PIDs
| ...        | AND          | Configure all TGs for traffic script
| ...        | AND          | Reset VAT History On All DUTs | ${nodes}
| Test Teardown | Run Keywords | Show Packet Trace on All DUTs | ${nodes}
| ...           | AND          | Show VAT History On All DUTs | ${nodes}
| ...           | AND          | Tear down QEMU | ${dut1_node} | ${qemu_node1}
| ...                          | qemu_node1
| ...           | AND          | Tear down QEMU | ${dut2_node} | ${qemu_node2}
| ...                          | qemu_node2
| ...           | AND          | Verify VPP PID in Teardown
| Documentation | *Tenant network FDS related.*
| ...
| ... | Test suite uses 3-node topology TG - DUT1 - DUT2 - TG
| ... | with one link between nodes. Test packets are sent in both directions
| ... | between namespaces in DUT1 and DUT2 with both positive and negative
| ... | scenarios tested.

*** Variables ***
| ${bd_id1}= | 1
| ${bd_id2}= | 2
| ${shg1}= | 3
| ${shg2}= | 4
| ${sock1}= | /tmp/sock1
| ${sock2}= | /tmp/sock2
| ${sock3}= | /tmp/sock3
| ${sock4}= | /tmp/sock4

| ${vni_blue}= | 23
| ${vni_red}= | 24

| ${bid_b}= | 23
| ${bid_r}= | 24

| ${dut1_if_ip}= |
| ${dut2_if_ip}= |

| ${dut1_blue1}= |
| ${dut1_blue2}= |
| ${dut1_red1}= |
| ${dut1_red2}= |

| ${dut2_blue1}= |
| ${dut2_blue2}= |
| ${dut2_red1}= |
| ${dut2_red2}= |

| ${namespace1}= | nmspace1
| ${namespace2}= | nmspace2
| ${namespace3}= | nmspace3
| ${namespace4}= | nmspace4

| ${prefix_length}= | 16

*** Test Cases ***
| L2 test cases with tenant networks (VXLAN)
| | [Documentation] | Ping among all ports inside the same network should pass.
| | ...             | a) test l2 connectivity inside every network
| | ...             | b) test l2 connectivity between networks
| | Given Configure path in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['DUT2']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Set Interface Address
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${dut1_if_ip} | ${prefix_length}
| | And Set Interface Address
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut2_if_ip} | ${prefix_length}
| | And Set Interface State | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | up
| | And Set Interface State | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | up
| | ${vhost_if1_DUT1}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${sock1}
| | ${vhost_if2_DUT1}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${sock2}
| | ${vhost_if3_DUT1}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${sock3}
| | ${vhost_if4_DUT1}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${sock4}
| | ${dut1_vhosts}= | And Create List | ${vhost_if1_DUT1} | ${vhost_if2_DUT1}
| | ... | ${vhost_if3_DUT1} | ${vhost_if4_DUT1}
| | ${vhost_if1_DUT2}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${sock1}
| | ${vhost_if2_DUT2}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${sock2}
| | ${vhost_if3_DUT2}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${sock3}
| | ${vhost_if4_DUT2}= | And Vpp Create Vhost User Interface
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${sock4}
| | ${dut2_vhosts}= | And Create List | ${vhost_if1_DUT2} | ${vhost_if2_DUT2}
| | ... | ${vhost_if3_DUT2} | ${vhost_if4_DUT2}
| | When Configure QEMU vhost and run it | ${dut1_node}
| | ...                   | ${sock1}
| | ...                   | ${sock2}
| | ...                   | ${sock3}
| | ...                   | ${sock4}
| | ...                   | ${dut1_blue1}
| | ...                   | ${dut1_blue2}
| | ...                   | ${dut1_red1}
| | ...                   | ${dut1_red2}
| | ...                   | ${prefix_length}
| | ...                   | qemu_node1
| | ...                   | 04
| | And Configure QEMU vhost and run it | ${dut2_node}
| | ...                   | ${sock1}
| | ...                   | ${sock2}
| | ...                   | ${sock3}
| | ...                   | ${sock4}
| | ...                   | ${dut2_blue1}
| | ...                   | ${dut2_blue2}
| | ...                   | ${dut2_red1}
| | ...                   | ${dut2_red2}
| | ...                   | ${prefix_length}
| | ...                   | qemu_node2
| | ...                   | 06
| | And Setup VXLAN and BD on Dut | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_if_ip} | ${dut2_if_ip}
| | ... | @{dut1_vhosts}
| | And Setup VXLAN and BD on Dut | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_if_ip} | ${dut1_if_ip}
| | ... | @{dut2_vhosts}
| | Then Positive Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Intra network
| | And Positive Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Inter network
| | And Positive Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Intra network
| | And Positive Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Inter network
| | And Negative Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Intra network
| | And Negative Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Inter network
| | And Negative Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Intra network
| | And Negative Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Inter network

*** Keywords ***
| Setup VXLAN and BD on Dut
| | [Documentation] | Setup VXLAN and bridge domain on specific DUT and
| | ...             | subsequently interconnect them properly.
| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut_node - Node where to setup vxlan and BD. Type: dict
| | ... | - src_ip - Source IP for VXLAN. Type: string
| | ... | - dst_ip - Destination IP for vxlan. Type: string
| | ... | - vhosts - List containing vhost interfaces.
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
| | ... | \| Setup VXLAN and BD on Dut \| ${dut_node} \| \| \
| | ... | \| @{vhosts} \|
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip} | @{vhosts}
| | Create bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${bid_b} | learn=${TRUE}
| | Create bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${bid_r} | learn=${TRUE}
| | ${vxlan1_if}= | Create VXLAN interface     | ${dut_node} | ${vni_blue}
| |                 | ...  | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ${vxlan2_if}= | Create VXLAN interface     | ${dut_node} | ${vni_red}
| |                 | ...  | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${vxlan1_if} | ${bid_b} | 0
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | @{vhosts}[0] | ${bid_b} | 0
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | @{vhosts}[1] | ${bid_b} | 0
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${vxlan2_if} | ${bid_r} | 0
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | @{vhosts}[2] | ${bid_r} | 0
| | Add interface to bridge domain
| | ... | ${dut_node} | @{vhosts}[3] | ${bid_r} | 0

| Positive Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Intra network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test connectivity.
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue2} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue1} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red2} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red1} | ${namespace4}

| Positive Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Inter network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test connectivity.
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue1} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue2} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue1} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue2} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red1} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red2} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red1} | ${namespace4}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red2} | ${namespace4}

| Positive Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Intra network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test connectivity.
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue2} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue1} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red2} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red1} | ${namespace4}

| Positive Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Inter network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test connectivity.
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue1} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue2} | ${namespace1}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue1} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue2} | ${namespace2}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red1} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red2} | ${namespace3}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red1} | ${namespace4}
| | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red2} | ${namespace4}

| Negative Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Intra network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test unreachability of namespaces.
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace4}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut1_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace4}

| Negative Scenario Ping From DUT1 - Inter network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test unreachability of namespaces.
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace4}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node1} | ${dut2_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace4}

| Negative Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Intra network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test unreachability of namespaces.
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace4}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut2_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace4}

| Negative Scenario Ping From DUT2 - Inter network
| | [Documentation] | Send ping packets from specified namespaces to other in
| | ...             | order to test unreachability of namespaces.
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace1}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red1}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_red2}
| | ... | ${namespace2}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace3}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue1}
| | ... | ${namespace4}
| | Run keyword and expect error | Ping Not Successful
| | ... | Send Ping From Node To Dst | ${qemu_node2} | ${dut1_blue2}
| | ... | ${namespace4}