# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Library | resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.Routing.RoutingKeywords
| Library | resources.libraries.python.Trace
| Library | resources.libraries.python.InterfaceUtil
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/testing_path.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/ip/ip4.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/ip/ip6.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/honeycomb.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/interfaces.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/routing.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/honeycomb/fib.robot
| ...
| Test Setup | Clear Packet Trace on All DUTs | ${nodes}
| ...
| Suite Setup | Set Up Honeycomb Functional Test Suite | ${node}
| ...
| Suite Teardown | Tear Down Honeycomb Functional Test Suite | ${node}
| ...
| Test Teardown | Honeycomb routing test teardown | ${node} | ${table}
| ...
| Documentation | *Honeycomb routing test suite.*
| ...
| Force Tags | HC_FUNC

*** Test Cases ***
| TC01: Single hop IPv4 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMP.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure route with TG-if2 as next-hop.
| | ... | [Ver] Send ICMP packet from first TG interface to configured route
| | ... | destination. Receive packet on the second TG interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table1
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv4 routing test
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table1 | ipv4 | ${table1} | ${1}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table1 | ipv4 | ${table1_oper}
| | And Verify route IPv4 | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}

| TC02: Multi hop IPv4 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMP.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure two routes through the second DUT interface.
| | ... | [Ver] Send 100 ICMP packets from first TG interface to configured
| | ... | route destination. Receive all packets on the second TG interface and\
| | ... | verify that each destination MAC was used by exactly 50 packets.
| | ... | Receive packet on the second TG interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table2
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv4 routing test
| | And Honeycomb adds interface IPv4 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop1} | ${next_hop_mac1}
| | And Honeycomb adds interface IPv4 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop2} | ${next_hop_mac2}
| | ...
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table2 | ipv4 | ${table2} | ${1}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table2 | ipv4 | ${table2_oper}
| | And Verify multipath Route | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${next_hop_mac1} | ${next_hop_mac2}

| TC03: Special hop - blackhole IPv4 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMP.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure route with special rule blackhole.
| | ... | [Ver] Send ICMP packet from first TG interface to configured route
| | ... | destination. Make sure no packet is received on the second TG\
| | ... | interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table3
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv4 routing test
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table3 | ipv4 | ${table3} | ${1} | special=${TRUE}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table3 | ipv4 | ${table3_oper}
| | And Run keyword and Expect Error | ICMP echo Rx timeout
| | ... | Verify route IPv4 | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}

| TC04: Single hop IPv6 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv6-ICMPv6.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure route with TG-if2 as next-hop.
| | ... | [Ver] Send ICMP packet from first TG interface to configured route
| | ... | destination. Receive packet on the second TG interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table4
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv6 routing test
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table4 | ipv6 | ${table4} | ${1}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table4 | ipv6 | ${table4_oper}
| | And Verify route IPv6 | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${next_hop}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}

| TC05: Multi hop IPv6 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv6-ICMPv6.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure two routes through the second DUT interface.
| | ... | [Ver] Send 100 ICMP packets from first TG interface to configured
| | ... | route destination. Receive all packets on the second TG interface and\
| | ... | verify that each destination MAC was used by exactly 50 packets.
| | ... | Receive packet on the second TG interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table5
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv6 routing test
| | And Honeycomb adds interface IPv6 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop1} | ${next_hop_mac1}
| | And Honeycomb adds interface IPv6 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop2} | ${next_hop_mac2}
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table5 | ipv6 | ${table5} | ${1}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table5 | ipv6 | ${table5_oper}
| | And Verify multipath Route | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${next_hop_mac1} | ${next_hop_mac2}

| TC06: Special hop - blackhole IPv6 route
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1=TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv6-ICMPv6.
| | ... | [Cfg] (Using Honeycomb API) On DUT1 add ARP entries to both TG\
| | ... | interfaces and configure route with special rule blackhole.
| | ... | [Ver] Send ICMP packet from first TG interface to configured route
| | ... | destination. Make sure no packet is received on the second TG\
| | ... | interface.
| | ...
| | ${table}= | Set Variable | table6
| | Given Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv6 routing test
| | When Honeycomb configures routing table
| | ... | ${node} | table6 | ipv6 | ${table6} | ${1} | special=${TRUE}
| | Then Routing data from Honeycomb should contain
| | ... | ${node} | table6 | ipv6 | ${table6_oper}
| | And Run keyword and Expect Error | ICMP echo Rx timeout
| | ... | Verify route IPv6 | ${nodes['TG']}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${dst_ip}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac}

*** Keywords ***
| Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv4 routing test
| | Configure path in 2-node circular topology
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | Import Variables | resources/test_data/honeycomb/routing.py
| | ... | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ipv4 | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | Setup vrf FIBs | ${dut_node} | ${1}
| | Setup vrf IDs | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${1}
| | Setup vrf IDs | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${1}
| | Honeycomb configures interface state | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | up
| | Honeycomb configures interface state | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | up
| | Vpp Node Interfaces Ready Wait | ${dut_node}
| | Honeycomb sets interface IPv4 address with prefix | ${dut_node}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_ip} | ${prefix_len}
| | Honeycomb sets interface IPv4 address with prefix | ${dut_node}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if2_ip} | ${prefix_len}
| | Honeycomb adds interface IPv4 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | Honeycomb adds interface IPv4 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}

| Setup interfaces and neighbors for IPv6 routing test
| | Configure path in 2-node circular topology
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | Import Variables | resources/test_data/honeycomb/routing.py
| | ... | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ipv6 | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | Setup vrf FIBs | ${dut_node} | ${1}
| | Setup vrf IDs | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${1}
| | Setup vrf IDs | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${1}
| | Honeycomb configures interface state | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | up
| | Honeycomb configures interface state | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | up
| | Vpp Node Interfaces Ready Wait | ${dut_node}
| | Honeycomb sets interface IPv6 address | ${dut_node}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${dut_to_tg_if1_ip} | ${prefix_len}
| | Honeycomb sets interface IPv6 address | ${dut_node}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut_to_tg_if2_ip} | ${prefix_len}
| | Honeycomb adds interface IPv6 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1}
| | ... | ${src_ip} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | Honeycomb adds interface IPv6 neighbor | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ... | ${next_hop} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | Vpp all ra suppress link layer | ${nodes}

| Honeycomb routing test teardown
| | ...
| | [arguments] | ${node} | ${routing_table}
| | ...
| | Show Packet Trace on All DUTs | ${nodes}
| | Log routing configuration from VAT | ${node}
| | Honeycomb removes routing configuration | ${node} | ${routing_table}
| | Remove vrf FIBs | ${node} | ${1}

| Setup vrf IDs
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${node} | ${interface} | ${vrf}
| | ...
| | Honeycomb sets interface VRF ID
| | ... | ${node} | ${interface} | ${vrf} | ipv4
| | Honeycomb sets interface VRF ID
| | ... | ${node} | ${interface} | ${vrf} | ipv6

| Setup vrf FIBs
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${node} | ${vrf}
| | ...
| | Honeycomb configures FIB table | ${node} | ipv4 | ${vrf}
| | Honeycomb configures FIB table | ${node} | ipv6 | ${vrf}

| Remove vrf FIBs
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${node} | ${vrf}
| | ...
| | Honeycomb removes FIB configuration | ${node} | ipv4 | ${vrf}
| | Honeycomb removes FIB configuration | ${node} | ipv6 | ${vrf}