# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** | Resource | resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_setup.robot | Library | resources.libraries.python.Cop | ... | Force Tags | 3_NODE_SINGLE_LINK_TOPO | PERFTEST | HW_ENV | MRR | ... | NIC_Intel-X520-DA2 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | COPWHLIST | ... | Suite Setup | Set up 3-node performance topology with DUT's NIC model | ... | L3 | Intel-X520-DA2 | Suite Teardown | Tear down 3-node performance topology | ... | Test Setup | Set up performance test | ... | Test Teardown | Tear down performance mrr test | ... | Documentation | *Raw results IPv6 whitelist test cases* | ... | ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology | ... | with single links between nodes. | ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv6 for IPv6 routing. | ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv6 | ... | routing, two static IPv6 /64 routes and IPv6 COP security whitelist | ... | ingress /64 filter entries applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. | ... | DUT1 and DUT2 tested with 2p10GE NIC X520 Niantic by Intel. | ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* In MaxReceivedRate tests TG sends traffic\ | ... | at line rate and reports total received/sent packets over trial period.\ | ... | Test packets are generated by TG on | ... | links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups | ... | (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets | ... | containing Ethernet header, IPv6 header and static | ... | payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node | ... | interfaces. | ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC2544. *** Variables *** # X520-DA2 bandwidth limit | ${s_limit} | ${10000000000} # Traffic profile: | ${traffic_profile} | trex-sl-3n-ethip6-ip6src253 *** Keywords *** | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with ${wt} \ | | ... | thread(s), ${wt} phy core(s), ${rxq} receive queue(s) per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for ${framesize} frames using single\ | | ... | trial throughput test. | | ... | | [Arguments] | ${framesize} | ${wt} | ${rxq} | | ... | | # Test Variables required for test teardown | | Set Test Variable | ${framesize} | | ${get_framesize}= | Get Frame Size | ${framesize} | | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${get_framesize} | | ... | | Given Add '${wt}' worker threads and '${rxq}' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology | | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology | | And Run Keyword If | ${get_framesize} < ${1522} | | ... | Add no multi seg to all DUTs | | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs | | When Initialize IPv6 forwarding in 3-node circular topology | | And Add Fib Table | ${dut1} | 1 | ipv6=${TRUE} | | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut1} | 2001:1:: | 64 | vrf=1 | local=${TRUE} | | And Add Fib Table | ${dut2} | 1 | ipv6=${TRUE} | | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut2} | 2001:2:: | 64 | vrf=1 | local=${TRUE} | | And COP Add whitelist Entry | ${dut1} | ${dut1_if1} | ip6 | 1 | | And COP Add whitelist Entry | ${dut2} | ${dut2_if2} | ip6 | 1 | | And COP interface enable or disable | ${dut1} | ${dut1_if1} | enable | | And COP interface enable or disable | ${dut2} | ${dut2_if2} | enable | | Then Traffic should pass with maximum rate | ${perf_trial_duration} | | ... | ${max_rate}pps | ${framesize} | ${traffic_profile} *** Test Cases *** | tc01-78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 78B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 78B | 1T1C | STHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=${78} | tc02-1518B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 1518B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 1518B | 1T1C | STHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=${1518} | tc03-9000B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 9000B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 9000B | 1T1C | STHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=${9000} | tc04-IMIX-1t1c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for IMIX_v4_1 frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B) | | ... | | [Tags] | IMIX | 1T1C | STHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=IMIX_v4_1 | tc05-78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 78B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 78B | 2T2C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=${78} | tc06-1518B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 1518B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 1518B | 2T2C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=${1518} | tc07-9000B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 9000B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 9000B | 2T2C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=${9000} | tc08-IMIX-2t2c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for IMIX_v4_1 frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B) | | ... | | [Tags] | IMIX | 2T2C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=IMIX_v4_1 | tc09-78B-4t4c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 4 threads, 4 phy cores, 2 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 78B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 78B | 4T4C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=4 | rxq=2 | framesize=${78} | tc10-1518B-4t4c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 4 threads, 4 phy cores, 2 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 1518B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 1518B | 4T4C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=4 | rxq=2 | framesize=${1518} | tc11-9000B-4t4c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 4 threads, 4 phy cores, 2 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for 9000B frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | | [Tags] | 9000B | 4T4C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=4 | rxq=2 | framesize=${9000} | tc12-IMIX-4t4c-ethip6-ip6base-copwhtlistbase-mrr | | [Documentation] | | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPv6 routing and whitelist filters config with \ | | ... | 4 threads, 4 phy cores, 2 receive queue per NIC port. | | ... | [Ver] Measure MaxReceivedRate for IMIX_v4_1 frames using single trial\ | | ... | throughput test. | | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B) | | ... | | [Tags] | IMIX | 4T4C | MTHREAD | | ... | | [Template] | Check RR for ip6base-copwhtlistbase | | wt=4 | rxq=2 | framesize=IMIX_v4_1