/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ option version = "1.0.0"; typeonly manual_print manual_endian define local_locator { u32 sw_if_index; u8 priority; u8 weight; }; /** \brief add or delete locator_set @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param locator_set_name - locator name @param locator_num - number of locators @param locators - LISP locator records */ manual_endian manual_print define lisp_add_del_locator_set { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 locator_set_name[64]; u32 locator_num; vl_api_local_locator_t locators[locator_num]; }; /** \brief Reply for locator_set add/del @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param retval - return code @param ls_index - locator set index */ define lisp_add_del_locator_set_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u32 ls_index; }; /** \brief add or delete locator for locator_set @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param locator_set_name - name of locator_set to add/del locator @param sw_if_index - index of the interface @param priority - priority of the lisp locator @param weight - weight of the lisp locator */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_locator { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 locator_set_name[64]; u32 sw_if_index; u8 priority; u8 weight; }; /** \brief add or delete lisp eid-table @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param eid_type: 0 : ipv4 1 : ipv6 2 : mac @param eid - EID can be ip4, ip6 or mac @param prefix_len - prefix len @param locator_set_name - name of locator_set to add/del eid-table @param vni - virtual network instance @param key_id HMAC_NO_KEY 0 HMAC_SHA_1_96 1 HMAC_SHA_256_128 2 @param key - secret key */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_local_eid { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 eid_type; u8 eid[16]; u8 prefix_len; u8 locator_set_name[64]; u32 vni; u16 key_id; u8 key[64]; }; /** \brief Add/delete map server @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero; delete otherwise @param is_ipv6 - if non-zero the address is ipv6, else ipv4 @param ip_address - map server IP address */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_map_server { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 is_ipv6; u8 ip_address[16]; }; /** \brief add or delete map-resolver @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param is_ipv6 - if non-zero the address is ipv6, else ipv4 @param ip_address - array of address bytes */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_map_resolver { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 is_ipv6; u8 ip_address[16]; }; /** \brief enable or disable LISP feature @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_en - enable protocol if non-zero, else disable */ autoreply define lisp_enable_disable { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_en; }; /** \brief configure or disable LISP PITR node @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param ls_name - locator set name @param is_add - add locator set if non-zero, else disable pitr */ autoreply define lisp_pitr_set_locator_set { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 ls_name[64]; }; /** \brief configure or disable use of PETR @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_ip4 - Address is IPv4 if set and IPv6 otherwise @param address - PETR IP address @param is_add - add locator set if non-zero, else disable pitr */ autoreply define lisp_use_petr { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_ip4; u8 address[16]; u8 is_add; }; /** \brief Request for LISP PETR status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define show_lisp_use_petr { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief LISP PETR status, enable or disable @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param status - LISP PETR enable if non-zero, else disable @param is_ip4 - Address is IPv4 if non-zero, else IPv6 @param address - PETR IP address */ define show_lisp_use_petr_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u8 status; u8 is_ip4; u8 address[16]; }; /** \brief Get state of LISP RLOC probing @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define show_lisp_rloc_probe_state { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Reply for show_lisp_rloc_probe_state @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param retval - return code @param is_enabled - state of RLOC probing */ define show_lisp_rloc_probe_state_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u8 is_enabled; }; /** \brief enable/disable LISP RLOC probing @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_enable - enable if non-zero; disable otherwise */ autoreply define lisp_rloc_probe_enable_disable { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_enabled; }; /** \brief enable/disable LISP map-register @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_enable - enable if non-zero; disable otherwise */ autoreply define lisp_map_register_enable_disable { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_enabled; }; /** \brief Get state of LISP map-register @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define show_lisp_map_register_state { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Reply for show_lisp_map_register_state @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param retval - return code */ define show_lisp_map_register_state_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u8 is_enabled; }; /** \brief set LISP map-request mode. Based on configuration VPP will send src/dest or just normal destination map requests. @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param mode - new map-request mode. Supported values are: 0 - destination only 1 - source/destination */ autoreply define lisp_map_request_mode { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 mode; }; /** \brief Request for LISP map-request mode @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define show_lisp_map_request_mode { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Reply for show_lisp_map_request_mode @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param retval - return code @param mode - map-request mode */ define show_lisp_map_request_mode_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u8 mode; }; typeonly manual_endian manual_print define remote_locator { u8 is_ip4; u8 priority; u8 weight; u8 addr[16]; }; /** \brief add or delete remote static mapping @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param is_src_dst - flag indicating src/dst based routing policy @param del_all - if set, delete all remote mappings @param vni - virtual network instance @param action - negative map-reply action @param eid_type - 0 : ipv4 1 : ipv6 2 : mac @param deid - dst EID @param seid - src EID, valid only if is_src_dst is enabled @param rloc_num - number of remote locators @param rlocs - remote locator records */ autoreply manual_print manual_endian define lisp_add_del_remote_mapping { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 is_src_dst; u8 del_all; u32 vni; u8 action; u8 eid_type; u8 eid[16]; u8 eid_len; u8 seid[16]; u8 seid_len; u32 rloc_num; vl_api_remote_locator_t rlocs[rloc_num]; }; /** \brief add or delete LISP adjacency adjacency @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param vni - virtual network instance @param eid_type - 0 : ipv4 1 : ipv6 2 : mac @param reid - remote EID @param leid - local EID */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_adjacency { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u32 vni; u8 eid_type; u8 reid[16]; u8 leid[16]; u8 reid_len; u8 leid_len; }; /** \brief add or delete map request itr rlocs @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete @param locator_set_name - locator set name */ autoreply define lisp_add_del_map_request_itr_rlocs { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u8 locator_set_name[64]; }; /** \brief Reply for lisp_add_del_map_request_itr_rlocs @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param retval - return code */ /** \brief map/unmap vni/bd_index to vrf @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_add - add or delete mapping @param dp_table - virtual network id/bridge domain index @param vrf - vrf */ autoreply define lisp_eid_table_add_del_map { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_add; u32 vni; u32 dp_table; u8 is_l2; }; /** \brief Request for map lisp locator status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param locator_set_index - index of locator_set @param ls_name - locator set name @param is_index_set - flag indicating whether ls_name or ls_index is set */ define lisp_locator_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; u32 ls_index; u8 ls_name[64]; u8 is_index_set; }; /** \brief LISP locator_set status @param local - if is set, then locator is local @param locator_set_name - name of the locator_set @param sw_if_index - sw_if_index of the locator @param priority - locator priority @param weight - locator weight */ define lisp_locator_details { u32 context; u8 local; u32 sw_if_index; u8 is_ipv6; u8 ip_address[16]; u8 priority; u8 weight; }; /** \brief LISP locator_set status @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param ls_index - locator set index @param ls_name - name of the locator set */ define lisp_locator_set_details { u32 context; u32 ls_index; u8 ls_name[64]; }; /** \brief Request for locator_set summary status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param filter - filter type Supported values: 0: all locator sets 1: local locator sets 2: remote locator sets */ define lisp_locator_set_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 filter; }; /** \brief Dump lisp eid-table @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param locator_set_index - index of locator_set, if ~0 then the mapping is negative @param action - negative map request action @param is_local - local if non-zero, else remote @param eid_type: 0 : ipv4 1 : ipv6 2 : mac @param is_src_dst - EID is type of source/destination @param eid - EID can be ip4, ip6 or mac @param eid_prefix_len - prefix length @param seid - source EID can be ip4, ip6 or mac @param seid_prefix_len - source prefix length @param vni - virtual network instance @param ttl - time to live @param authoritative - authoritative @param key_id HMAC_NO_KEY 0 HMAC_SHA_1_96 1 HMAC_SHA_256_128 2 @param key - secret key */ define lisp_eid_table_details { u32 context; u32 locator_set_index; u8 action; u8 is_local; u8 eid_type; u8 is_src_dst; u32 vni; u8 eid[16]; u8 eid_prefix_len; u8 seid[16]; u8 seid_prefix_len; u32 ttl; u8 authoritative; u16 key_id; u8 key[64]; }; /** \brief Request for eid table summary status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param eid_set - if non-zero request info about specific mapping @param vni - virtual network instance; valid only if eid_set != 0 @param prefix_length - prefix length if EID is IP address; valid only if eid_set != 0 @param eid_type - EID type; valid only if eid_set != 0 Supported values: 0: EID is IPv4 1: EID is IPv6 2: EID is ethernet address @param eid - endpoint identifier @param filter - filter type; Support values: 0: all eid 1: local eid 2: remote eid */ define lisp_eid_table_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 eid_set; u8 prefix_length; u32 vni; u8 eid_type; u8 eid[16]; u8 filter; }; /** \brief LISP adjacency @param eid_type - 0 : ipv4 1 : ipv6 2 : mac @param reid - remote EID @param leid - local EID @param reid_prefix_len - remote EID IP prefix length @param leid_prefix_len - local EID IP prefix length */ typeonly manual_print manual_endian define lisp_adjacency { u8 eid_type; u8 reid[16]; u8 leid[16]; u8 reid_prefix_len; u8 leid_prefix_len; }; /** \brief LISP adjacency reply @param count - number of adjacencies @param adjacencies - array of adjacencies */ manual_endian manual_print define lisp_adjacencies_get_reply { u32 context; i32 retval; u32 count; vl_api_lisp_adjacency_t adjacencies[count]; }; /** \brief Request for LISP adjacencies @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param vni - filter adjacencies by VNI */ define lisp_adjacencies_get { u32 client_index; u32 context; u32 vni; }; /** \brief Shows relationship between vni and vrf/bd @param dp_table - VRF index or bridge domain index @param vni - virtual network instance */ define lisp_eid_table_map_details { u32 context; u32 vni; u32 dp_table; }; /** \brief Request for lisp_eid_table_map_details @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param is_l2 - if set dump vni/bd mappings else vni/vrf */ define lisp_eid_table_map_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; u8 is_l2; }; /** \brief Dumps all VNIs used in mappings @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define lisp_eid_table_vni_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief reply to lisp_eid_table_vni_dump @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param vni - virtual network instance */ define lisp_eid_table_vni_details { u32 context; u32 vni; }; /** \brief LISP map resolver status @param is_ipv6 - if non-zero the address is ipv6, else ipv4 @param ip_address - array of address bytes */ define lisp_map_resolver_details { u32 context; u8 is_ipv6; u8 ip_address[16]; }; /** \brief Request for map resolver summary status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define lisp_map_resolver_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief LISP map server details @param is_ipv6 - if non-zero the address is ipv6, else ipv4 @param ip_address - array of address bytes */ define lisp_map_server_details { u32 context; u8 is_ipv6; u8 ip_address[16]; }; /** \brief Request for map server summary status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define lisp_map_server_dump { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Request for lisp-gpe protocol status @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define show_lisp_status { u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Status of lisp, enable or disable @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request @param feature_status - lisp enable if non-zero, else disable @param gpe_status - lisp enable if non-zero, else disable */ define show_lisp_st