# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2018 Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org>

doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required: get_option('enable_docs'))

if doxygen.found()
	# due to the CSS customisation script, which needs to run on a file that
	# is in a subdirectory that is created at build time and thus it cannot
	# be an individual custom_target, we need to wrap the doxygen call in a
	# script to run the CSS modification afterwards
	generate_doxygen = find_program('generate_doxygen.sh')
	generate_examples = find_program('generate_examples.sh')
	generate_css = find_program('doxy-html-custom.sh')

	inputdir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'examples')
	htmldir = join_paths('share', 'doc', 'dpdk')

	# due to the following bug: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4107
	# if install is set to true it will override build_by_default and it will
	# cause the target to always be built. If install were to be always set to
	# false it would be impossible to install the docs.
	# So use a configure option for now.
	example = custom_target('examples.dox',
		input: inputdir,
		output: 'examples.dox',
		command: [generate_examples, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
		install: get_option('enable_docs'),
		install_dir: htmldir,
		build_by_default: false)

	cdata = configuration_data()
	cdata.set('VERSION', meson.project_version())
	cdata.set('API_EXAMPLES', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'doc', 'api', 'examples.dox'))
	cdata.set('OUTPUT', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'doc', 'api'))
	cdata.set('HTML_OUTPUT', 'api')
	cdata.set('TOPDIR', meson.source_root())
	cdata.set('STRIP_FROM_PATH', meson.source_root())

	doxy_conf = configure_file(input: 'doxy-api.conf.in',
		output: 'doxy-api.conf',
		configuration: cdata,
		install: false)

	doxy_build = custom_target('doxygen',
		depends: example,
		input: doxy_conf,
		output: 'api',
		command: [generate_doxygen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', generate_css],
		install: get_option('enable_docs'),
		install_dir: htmldir,
		build_by_default: false)

	doc_targets += doxy_build
	doc_target_names += 'Doxygen_API'