.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. SNOW 3G Crypto Poll Mode Driver =============================== The SNOW 3G PMD (**librte_pmd_snow3g**) provides poll mode crypto driver support for utilizing Intel Libsso library, which implements F8 and F9 functions for SNOW 3G UEA2 cipher and UIA2 hash algorithms. Features -------- SNOW 3G PMD has support for: Cipher algorithm: * RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_SNOW3G_UEA2 Authentication algorithm: * RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SNOW3G_UIA2 Limitations ----------- * Chained mbufs are not supported. * SNOW 3G (UIA2) supported only if hash offset field is byte-aligned. * In-place bit-level operations for SNOW 3G (UEA2) are not supported (if length and/or offset of data to be ciphered is not byte-aligned). Installation ------------ To build DPDK with the SNOW3G_PMD the user is required to download the export controlled ``libsso_snow3g`` library, by registering in `Intel Resource & Design Center <https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/design/resource-design-center.html>`_. Once approval has been granted, the user needs to search for *Snow3G F8 F9 3GPP cryptographic algorithms Software Library* to download the library or directly through this `link <https://cdrdv2.intel.com/v1/dl/getContent/575867>`_. After downloading the library, the user needs to unpack and compile it on their system before building DPDK:: make snow3G **Note**: When encrypting with SNOW3G UEA2, by default the library encrypts blocks of 4 bytes, regardless the number of bytes to be encrypted provided (which leads to a possible buffer overflow). To avoid this situation, it is necessary not to pass 3GPP_SAFE_BUFFERS as a compilation flag. For this, in the Makefile of the library, make sure that this flag is commented out.:: #EXTRA_CFLAGS += -D_3GPP_SAFE_BUFFERS Initialization -------------- In order to enable this virtual crypto PMD, user must: * Export the environmental variable LIBSSO_SNOW3G_PATH with the path where the library was extracted (snow3g folder). * Build the LIBSSO_SNOW3G library (explained in Installation section). * Set CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_SNOW3G=y in config/common_base. To use the PMD in an application, user must: * Call rte_vdev_init("crypto_snow3g") within the application. * Use --vdev="crypto_snow3g" in the EAL options, which will call rte_vdev_init() internally. The following parameters (all optional) can be provided in the previous two calls: * socket_id: Specify the socket where the memory for the device is going to be allocated (by default, socket_id will be the socket where the core that is creating the PMD is running on). * max_nb_queue_pairs: Specify the maximum number of queue pairs in the device (8 by default). * max_nb_sessions: Specify the maximum number of sessions that can be created (2048 by default). Example: .. code-block:: console ./l2fwd-crypto -l 1 -n 4 --vdev="crypto_snow3g,socket_id=0,max_nb_sessions=128" \ -- -p 1 --cdev SW --chain CIPHER_ONLY --cipher_algo "snow3g-uea2"