# 1. Introduction: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to build DMM and run applications on it. Note: Users can easily build DMM by running DMM/scripts/build.sh, which contains following steps. # 2. Build DPDK: DPDK needs to be built first for DMM RTE memory dependency. - Steps : Download dpdk-16.04.tar.xz from DPDK release, you can get it from [http://static.dpdk.org/rel](http://static.dpdk.org/rel) ``` #wget http://static.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-16.04.tar.xz #tar xvf dpdk-16.04.tar.xz #vi dpdk-16.04/config/common_base //make CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=y, CONFIG_RTE_EXEC_ENV=y, CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_EAL=y #cd dpdk-16.04 #make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc DESTDIR=/usr -j 4 #cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc #make //install the dpdk which will generate .so inside lib folder in the path. ``` Note: Environment: Linux ubuntu 14.04 or some distro which support dpdk-16.04 # 3. Build DMM: ``` #cd $(DMM_DIR)/thirdparty/glog/glog-0.3.4/ && autoreconf -ivf #cd $(DMM_DIR)/build #cmake .. ``` Note: $(DMM_DIR) is the directory where dmm has been cloned. After cmake all the makefiles and dependent .sh files will be copied under build directory. ``` #make -j 8 ``` Then we can get libnStackAPI.so For centos we can use the command 'make pkg-rpm' to generate the rpm package in release/rpm. # 4. Env Setting: - Hugepage setting: ``` #sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=1024 ``` Check hugepage info ``` #cat /proc/meminfo ``` - Mount hugepages: ``` #sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nstackhuge/ #sudo mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=2M none /mnt/nstackhuge/ #sudo mkdir -p /var/run/ip_module ``` # 5. Build and Run the APP - Link the app with the lib **libnStackAPI.so** first, you can refer to app_example/perf-test - Enable detail log of nstack by setting env var ``` #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/dmm/release/lib64 #export NSTACK_LOG_ON=DBG ``` - Copy and update the module_config.json, rd_config.json into the same folder of app - Run your app