# 1. Introduction: This document will help to configure the stack module and protocol routing module, and run sample app with DMM. # 2. Configuration files: There are two configuration files need to modify for setting up the topology. release/configure **module_config.json** is the stack module config file. **rd_config.json** is the rd config file. Copy the two json files to release/bin and configure in next step. <!-- --> Note: If users have run scripts/build.sh, configuration files were generated in /dmm/config/app_test. # 3. JSON files configuration. We need to setup configuration as given below. # 3.1 module_config.json for example: ``` { "default_stack_name": "kernel", /*when rd can't be find maybe choose the defualt one*/ "module_list": [ { "stack_name": "kernel", /*stack name*/ "function_name": "kernel_stack_register", /*function name*/ "libname": "./", /*library name, if loadtype is static, this maybe null, else must give a library name*/ "loadtype": "static", /*library load type: static or dynamic*/ "deploytype": "1", /*deploy model type:model type1, model type2, model type3. Indicating single or multi process deployment. Used during shared memory initialization.*/ "maxfd": "1024", /*the max fd supported*/ "minfd": "0", /*the min fd supported*/ "priorty": "1", /*priorty when executing, reserv*/ "stackid": "0", /*stack id, this must be ordered and not be repeated*/ }, /*********************************** { "stack_name": "stackx", /*this is not a real stack, just an example for multiple stack configurations*/ "function_name": "stackx_register", "libname": "libstackx.so", "loadtype": "dynmic", "deploytype": "3", "maxfd": "1024", "minfd": "0", "priorty": "1", "stackid": "1", }, ] } ***********************************/ ``` # 3.2 rd_config.json for example: ``` { "ip_route": [ { "subnet": "", "type": "nstack-kernel", /* output interface type, nstack-kernel: indicate this ip should go through kernel protocol nstack-dpdk: go through stackx protocol*/ }, { "subnet": "", "type": "nstack-kernel", } ], "prot_route": [ { "proto_type": "11", "type": "nstack-kernel", }, ] } ``` # 4. Run sample APP: - **perf-test:** Add test code with kernel stack or userspace protocol stack Usage: After building the DMM, inside the DMM/release/bin directory below perf-test app will be generated. *kc_common, ks_epoll, ks_select, vc_common, vs_epoll, vs_select* The use of ks_epoll,ks_select,vs_epoll and vs_select are the same. Before executing the app, we should disable ASLR (Address space layout randomization). echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space Examples: **With Kernel stack(With direct kernel stack):** server: ``` #./ks_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` client: ``` #./kc_common -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` **With DMM nStack(Stack is choosed by congfigure file):** Note: Currently DMM nstack only support kernel mode. please check the config file. server: ``` #./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` client: ``` #./vc_common -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` - **NGNIX with DMM nStack**: Nginx build process: *step 1: Compile nginx code* ``` #wget "http://hg.nginx.org/nginx" #cd nginx-1.1.15 #./configure --with-ld-opt="-L /root/Work/xxx/release/lib64/ -lnStackAPI" #make #make install ``` Note: a. ./configure **--with-ld-opt="-L /root/xxx/DMM/release/lib64/ -lnStackAPI"** can be done if you want to use nStack otherwise just give the ./configure. b. Make sure before building edit the configurtaion if you want specific server IP. For Ex: Server: ifconfig eth3 netmask up Client: ifconfig eth3 netmask up nginx.conf file modifiecations: listen *step 2: run the nginx code* ``` #cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin #cp -r * ../../sbin #cd ../../sbin #./nginx ``` Note: if you want to run ./nginx with nStack then perform following before run a. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/xxx/DMM/release/lib64/ b. export NSTACK_LOG_ON=DBG ##to display nStack consol logs. *step 3: Check whether ngnix service is running.* ``` #ps -ax | grep nginx ``` *step 4: Test the nginx server is up or not!* At client board, perform below command and check the output: ``` #curl ``` Note: curl is the tool need to be installed to browse the html page in linux without GUI.