/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C" { /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "nsfw_init.h" #include "nsfw_mem_api.h" #include "nsfw_recycle_api.h" #include "nsfw_mgr_com_api.h" #include "nsfw_ps_mem_api.h" #include "nsfw_ps_api.h" #include "nsfw_recycle_api.h" #include "nsfw_fd_timer_api.h" #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" #include "nstack_eventpoll.h" #include "nstack_dmm_api.h" #include "nstack_dmm_adpt.h" #include "nstack_rd_mng.h" #include "mgr_com.h" int g_same_process = 1; extern int nsep_adpt_attach_memory (); extern int nstack_init_share_res (); extern int nstack_attach_share_res (); extern int nsep_adpt_reg_res_mgr (); /** * This just for linux kernel epoll thread */ int nstack_event_callback (void *pdata, int events) { nsep_epollInfo_t *epInfo = (nsep_epollInfo_t *) pdata; if (!epInfo) { NSSOC_LOGWAR ("!!!!!!!err pdata=%p,get null epInfo", pdata); return -1; } #if 0 if (epInfo->rmidx >= 0 && epInfo->rmidx != modInx) { NSSOC_LOGDBG ("This fd should not issue events"); return -1; } #endif NSSOC_LOGDBG ("Got one event]fd=%d,events=%u", epInfo->fd, events); sys_arch_lock_with_pid (&epInfo->epiLock); struct list_node *fdEpiHead = (struct list_node *) ADDR_SHTOL (epInfo->epiList.head); struct list_node *node = (struct list_node *) ADDR_SHTOL (fdEpiHead->next); struct epitem *epi = NULL; struct eventpoll *ep = NULL; while (node) { epi = (struct epitem *) ep_list_entry (node, struct epitem, fllink); node = (struct list_node *) ADDR_SHTOL (node->next); ep = (struct eventpoll *) ADDR_SHTOL (epi->ep); if (!(epi->event.events & events)) continue; /*event should not notice other process */ if ((ep->pid != get_sys_pid ()) && g_same_process) { continue; } sys_arch_lock_with_pid (&ep->lock); if (unlikely (ep->ovflist != NSEP_EP_UNACTIVE_PTR)) { if (epi->next == NSEP_EP_UNACTIVE_PTR) { epi->next = ep->ovflist; ep->ovflist = (struct epitem *) ADDR_LTOSH (epi); } epi->ovf_revents |= events; NSSOC_LOGDBG ("Add to ovflist]protoFD=%d,event=%d", epInfo->fd, events); goto out_unlock; } if (!EP_HLIST_NODE_LINKED (&epi->rdllink)) { ep_hlist_add_tail (&ep->rdlist, &epi->rdllink); sem_post (&ep->waitSem); } epi->revents |= events; out_unlock: sys_sem_s_signal (&ep->lock); } sys_sem_s_signal (&epInfo->epiLock); /* [Remove fdInf->event_sem post] */ return 0; } int nstack_adpt_init (nstack_dmm_para * para) { nsfw_mem_para stinfo = { 0 }; i32 init_ret = 0; if (!para) { return -1; } stinfo.iargsnum = para->argc; stinfo.pargs = para->argv; stinfo.enflag = para->proc_type; if (para->deploy_type >= NSTACK_MODEL_TYPE1) { g_same_process = 0; } nsfw_com_attr_set (para->attr.policy, para->attr.pri); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_MEM_MGR_MODULE, &stinfo); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_MGR_COM_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_TIMER_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_PS_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_PS_MEM_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_RECYCLE_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_RES_MGR_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_SOFT_PARAM_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); (void) nstack_framework_setModuleParam (NSFW_LOG_CFG_MODULE, (void *) ((u64) para->proc_type)); init_ret = nstack_framework_init (); if (init_ret < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("######################init failed!!!!######################"); return -1; } if ((para->proc_type != NSFW_PROC_APP) && (para->proc_type != NSFW_PROC_MAIN)) { return 0; } if (para->proc_type == NSFW_PROC_MAIN) { if (nstack_init_share_res () != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nstack_init_share_res failed"); return -1; } if (nsep_create_memory () != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nsep_create_memory failed"); return -1; } if (nstack_rd_mng_int (0) != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nstack_rd_mng_int failed"); return -1; } } else { if (nstack_attach_share_res () != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nstack_attach_share_res failed"); return -1; } /** * the share memory for epoll is created and usedy be app, don't clear * it in fault case. */ if (0 != nsep_adpt_attach_memory ()) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nsep_adpt_attach_memory failed"); return -1; } if (nstack_rd_mng_int (1) != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("nstack_rd_mng_int failed"); return -1; } } void *pret = nsfw_recycle_reg_obj (NSFW_REC_PRO_LOWEST, NSFW_REC_NSOCKET_EPOLL, NULL); if (!pret) { NSFW_LOGERR ("regist recycle failed"); return -1; } (void) nsep_adpt_reg_res_mgr (); return 0; } /*just to used to dependence by other module*/ int nstack_init_module (void *para) { return 0; } NSFW_MODULE_NAME (NSTACK_DMM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_PRIORITY (10) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_MEM_MGR_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_MGR_COM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_TIMER_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_PS_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_PS_MEM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_RECYCLE_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_LOG_CFG_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_RES_MGR_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_SOFT_PARAM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_INIT (nstack_init_module) #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */