/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "common_mem_pal.h" #include "common_mem_pal_memconfig.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "nsfw_shmem_ring.h" #include "nsfw_ring_fun.h" #include "common_mem_buf.h" #include "common_func.h" void nsfw_shmem_ring_baseaddr_query (uint64_t * rte_lowest_addr, uint64_t * rte_highest_addr) { struct common_mem_mem_config *pMemCfg = common_mem_pal_get_configuration ()->mem_config; struct common_mem_memseg *PMemSegArry = pMemCfg->memseg; *rte_lowest_addr = PMemSegArry[0].addr_64; *rte_highest_addr = PMemSegArry[0].addr_64 + PMemSegArry[0].len; int s = 1; while (s < COMMON_MEM_MAX_MEMSEG && PMemSegArry[s].len > 0) { if (*rte_lowest_addr > PMemSegArry[s].addr_64) { *rte_lowest_addr = PMemSegArry[s].addr_64; } if (*rte_highest_addr < PMemSegArry[s].addr_64 + PMemSegArry[s].len) { *rte_highest_addr = PMemSegArry[s].addr_64 + PMemSegArry[s].len; } s++; } } static unsigned nsfw_shmem_pool_node_alloc (struct nsfw_mem_ring *perfring_ptr, unsigned alloc_index, unsigned max_index, void *mz, size_t mz_len, unsigned elt_size) { size_t alloc_size = 0; unsigned offset_idx = 0; NSTCP_LOGINF ("mz(%p), mz_len = 0x%x", mz, mz_len); while (alloc_size + elt_size <= mz_len) { perfring_ptr->ring[alloc_index + offset_idx].data_s.ver = alloc_index + offset_idx; perfring_ptr->ring[alloc_index + offset_idx].data_s.val = ADDR_LTOSH_EXT (mz) - ((uint64_t) perfring_ptr->Addrbase); mz = (char *) mz + elt_size; alloc_size += elt_size; offset_idx++; if (alloc_index + offset_idx == max_index) { break; } } return offset_idx; } void nsfw_shmem_pool_free (struct nsfw_mem_ring *perfring_ptr) { struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *ptemp; if (NULL == perfring_ptr) { return; } struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *pnode = (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *) ((char *) perfring_ptr - sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head)); while (pnode) { // phead is involved in phead->mem_zone ptemp = pnode->next; common_mem_memzone_free (pnode->mem_zone); pnode = ptemp; } } struct nsfw_mem_ring * nsfw_shmem_pool_create (const char *name, unsigned int n, unsigned int elt_size, int socket_id, unsigned char flag) { struct nsfw_mem_ring *perfring_ptr = NULL; struct common_mem_memzone *mz_mem; void *mz = NULL; /*get pool size, pool size must pow of 2 */ unsigned int num = common_mem_align32pow2 (n + 1); struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *pcur = NULL; /*calculate the empty rte_perf_ring Size */ size_t len = sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head) + sizeof (struct nsfw_mem_ring) + (size_t) num * sizeof (union RingData_U) + (size_t) num * elt_size; size_t alloc_len = len; unsigned int alloc_num = 0; unsigned int alloc_index = 0; size_t mz_len = 0; unsigned int mz_index = 1; char mz_name[128] = { 0 }; int retVal; /*we'd better use `strlen(src)` or `sizeof(dst)` to explain copying length of src string. it's meaningless using `sizeof(dst) - 1` to reserve 1 byte for '\0'. if copying length equals to or bigger than dst length, just let STRNCPY_S() returns failure. */ retVal = STRNCPY_S (mz_name, sizeof (mz_name), name, sizeof (mz_name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSTCP_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return NULL; } mz_mem = common_memzone_data_lookup_name (name); NSTCP_LOGINF ("memzone data look up] n=%u,num=%u,len=%zu", n, num, len); if (mz_mem) { perfring_ptr = (struct nsfw_mem_ring *) ((char *) mz_mem + sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head)); return perfring_ptr; } while (alloc_len > 0) { if (NULL != perfring_ptr) { retVal = SPRINTF_S (mz_name, sizeof (mz_name), "%s_%03d", name, mz_index); if (-1 == retVal) { NSCOMM_LOGERR ("SPRINTF_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); nsfw_shmem_pool_free (perfring_ptr); return NULL; } } mz_mem = (struct common_mem_memzone *) common_mem_memzone_reserve (mz_name, alloc_len, socket_id, 0); if (mz_mem == NULL) { mz_mem = (struct common_mem_memzone *) common_mem_memzone_reserve (mz_name, 0, socket_id, 0); } if (mz_mem == NULL) { nsfw_shmem_pool_free (perfring_ptr); return NULL; } if (NULL == perfring_ptr && (mz_mem->len < sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head) + sizeof (struct nsfw_mem_ring) + num * sizeof (union RingData_U))) { common_mem_memzone_free (mz_mem); return NULL; } if (NULL == perfring_ptr) { pcur = (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *) ADDR_SHTOL (mz_mem->addr_64); pcur->mem_zone = mz_mem; pcur->next = NULL; perfring_ptr = (struct nsfw_mem_ring *) ((char *) pcur + sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head)); mz = (void *) ((char *) perfring_ptr + sizeof (struct nsfw_mem_ring) + num * sizeof (union RingData_U)); mz_len = mz_mem->len - sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head) - sizeof (struct nsfw_mem_ring) - num * sizeof (union RingData_U); uint64_t rte_base_addr; uint64_t rte_highest_addr; nsfw_shmem_ring_baseaddr_query (&rte_base_addr, &rte_highest_addr); nsfw_mem_pool_head_init (perfring_ptr, num, elt_size, (void *) rte_base_addr, NSFW_SHMEM, (nsfw_mpool_type) flag); } else { if (pcur) { pcur->next = (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head *) ADDR_SHTOL (mz_mem->addr_64); pcur = pcur->next; pcur->mem_zone = mz_mem; pcur->next = NULL; if (mz_mem->len < sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head)) { NSCOMM_LOGERR ("mz_len error %d", mz_mem->len); nsfw_shmem_pool_free (perfring_ptr); return NULL; } mz = (void *) ((char *) pcur + sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head)); mz_len = mz_mem->len - sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head); } } alloc_num = nsfw_shmem_pool_node_alloc (perfring_ptr, alloc_index, num, mz, mz_len, elt_size); alloc_index += alloc_num; if (alloc_index >= num) { break; } // second time allocate should not contained all ring head alloc_len = (size_t) (num - alloc_index) * elt_size + sizeof (struct nsfw_shmem_ring_head); mz_index++; } return perfring_ptr; } /*ring create*/ struct nsfw_mem_ring * nsfw_shmem_ring_create (const char *name, unsigned int n, int socket_id, unsigned char flag) { struct nsfw_mem_ring *perfring_ptr; struct common_mem_memzone *mz; uint64_t rte_base_addr; uint64_t rte_highest_addr; unsigned int num = common_mem_align32pow2 (n); mz = (struct common_mem_memzone *) common_mem_memzone_reserve (name, sizeof (struct nsfw_mem_ring) + num * sizeof (union RingData_U), socket_id, 0); if (mz == NULL) { return NULL; } perfring_ptr = mz->addr; nsfw_shmem_ring_baseaddr_query (&rte_base_addr, &rte_highest_addr); nsfw_mem_ring_init (perfring_ptr, num, (void *) rte_base_addr, NSFW_SHMEM, flag); return perfring_ptr; } /* this is a multi thread/process enqueue function, please pay attention to the bellow point 1. while Enqueue corrupt, we may lose one element; because no one to add the Head */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_mp_enqueue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void *box) { union RingData_U expectPostVal; union RingData_U curVal; unsigned int tmpHead; unsigned int tmpTail; unsigned int CurHead = ring->prod.head; unsigned int mask = ring->mask; unsigned int size = ring->size; void *prmBox = NULL; prmBox = (void *) ADDR_LTOSH_EXT (box); /*do box range check */ if ((char *) prmBox <= (char *) ring->Addrbase || (char *) prmBox > (char *) ring->Addrbase + PERFRING_ADDR_RANGE) { /*invalid addr of box, can't put in rte_perf_ring, maybe should set a errno here */ return -1; } do { /* if the ring is Full return directly; this not a exact check, cause we made tail++ after dequeue success. the thing we could make sure is ring[ring->Tail&mask] already dequeue */ tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; if (tmpTail + size - CurHead == 0) { /* here we give enqueue a chance to recorrect the Tail, if tail not has Data let tail++ */ if (ring->ring[tmpTail & mask].data_s.val == 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->cons.tail, tmpTail, tmpTail + 1); } else { return 0; } } /* the old version of ring->ring[CurHead&mask] must CurHead - size, which enqueue set to this pos lasttime & the val must already dequeue. otherwise this pos can't enqueue; */ expectPostVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) (CurHead - size)) << VALUE_LEN); /* the new version of ring->ring[CurHead&mask] must CurHead, which enqueue set to this pos this time. */ curVal.data_l = ((((unsigned long long) CurHead) << VALUE_LEN) | ((char *) prmBox - (char *) ring->Addrbase)); if (ring->ring[CurHead & mask].data_s.ver == expectPostVal.data_s.ver && __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->ring[CurHead & mask].data_l, expectPostVal.data_l, curVal.data_l)) { /* enqueue success, add Head Value now here we using CAS set instead __sync_fetch_and_add(&ring->Head, 1) to assume that, if one process enqueue success && been killed before add Head, other process can recorrect the Head Value; one more thing the direction of Tail must been add-direction, so we using the condition (ring->Head - CurHead >0x80000000); while many thread do enqueue at same time, Head may not correct,exp: thread A get old head 10, thread A want set head to 11 thread B get old head 10, thread B want set head to 12 thread A do CAS && thread B do CAS at same time, thread A do CAS success; the result of head is 11, but the correct Value should be 12; then thread C get old head 11, thread C will set head to 13[cause pos 12 already has value, thread C will skill 12], the head will be recorrect by thread C. if no thread C, thread A& B are the last enqueue thread; the head must recorrect by the deque function. */ tmpHead = ring->prod.head; if (0 == (CurHead & 0x03) && tmpHead - CurHead > 0x80000000) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->prod.head, tmpHead, CurHead + 1); } break; } /* CurHead++ here; may be cpu slice is end here; while re-sched CurHead < ring->Tail < ring->Head; to avoid multi try we using a cmp & CurHead++ instead CurHead++ directly. if using CurHead++ will amplify the probability of ABA problem */ /*CurHead++; */ tmpHead = ring->prod.head; CurHead = CurHead - tmpHead < mask - 1 ? CurHead + 1 : tmpHead; } while (1); return 1; } /* this is a single thread/process enqueue function */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_sp_enqueue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void *box) { union RingData_U texpectPostVal; union RingData_U curVal; unsigned int tmpTail; unsigned int CurHead = ring->prod.head; unsigned int mask = ring->mask; unsigned int uisize = ring->size; void *prmBox = NULL; prmBox = (void *) ADDR_LTOSH_EXT (box); if ((char *) prmBox <= (char *) ring->Addrbase || (char *) prmBox > (char *) ring->Addrbase + PERFRING_ADDR_RANGE) { return -1; } do { tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; if (tmpTail + uisize - CurHead == 0) { /* *here we give enqueue a chance to recorrect the Tail, if tail not has Data let tail++ */ if (ring->ring[tmpTail & mask].data_s.val == 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->cons.tail, tmpTail, tmpTail + 1); } else { return 0; } } texpectPostVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) (CurHead - uisize)) << VALUE_LEN); curVal.data_l = ((((unsigned long long) CurHead) << VALUE_LEN) | ((char *) prmBox - (char *) ring->Addrbase)); if (ring->ring[CurHead & mask].data_l == texpectPostVal.data_l) { ring->ring[CurHead & mask].data_l = curVal.data_l; ring->prod.head = CurHead + 1; break; } CurHead++; } while (1); return 1; } /*this is a multi thread/process dequeue function, please pay attention to the bellow point */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_mc_dequeue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box) { unsigned int CurTail; unsigned int tmpTail; unsigned int tmpHead; unsigned int mask = ring->mask; union RingData_U curNullVal; union RingData_U ExcpRingVal; CurTail = ring->cons.tail; do { /*if ring is empty return directly */ tmpHead = ring->prod.head; if (CurTail == tmpHead) { /* here we give deque a chance to recorrect the Head, if head has Data let Head++ */ if (ring->ring[tmpHead & mask].data_s.val != 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->prod.head, tmpHead, tmpHead + 1); } else { return 0; } } curNullVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) CurTail) << VALUE_LEN); ExcpRingVal = ring->ring[CurTail & mask]; /* *the version of ring->ring[CurTail&mask] must CurTail&0xFFFFFF */ if ((curNullVal.data_s.ver == ExcpRingVal.data_s.ver) && (ExcpRingVal.data_s.val) && __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->ring[CurTail & mask].data_l, ExcpRingVal.data_l, curNullVal.data_l)) { *box = ADDR_SHTOL (((char *) ring->Addrbase + ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)); /* enqueue success, add Tail Value now here we using CAS set instead __sync_fetch_and_add(&ring->Tail, 1) to assume that, if one process dequeue success && been killed before add Tail, other process can recorrect the Tail Value; one more thing the direction of Tail must been add-direction, so we using the condition (rlTail - CurTail >0x80000000); while multi CAS done the result value of CurTail may not correct, but we don't care, it will be recorrect while next deque done. avg CAS cost 200-300 Cycles, so we using cache loop to instead some CAS;[head&tail not exact guide, so no need Do CAS evertime] here we using 0 == (CurTail&0x11) means we only do CAS while head/tail low bit is 0x11; four times do one CAS. */ tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; if (0 == (CurTail & 0x03) && tmpTail - CurTail > 0x80000000) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->cons.tail, tmpTail, CurTail + 1); } break; } /* CurTail++ here; may be cpu slice is end here; while re-sched CurTail < ring->Tail < ring->Head; to avoid multi try we using a cmp & CurTail++ instead CurTail++ directly. if using CurTail++ will amplify the probability of ABA problem */ /*CurTail++; */ tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; CurTail = CurTail - tmpTail < mask - 1 ? CurTail + 1 : tmpTail; } while (1); return 1; } /* this is enhanced mc_ring_dequeue, support dequeue multi element one time. */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_mc_dequeuev (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box, unsigned int n) { unsigned int uiCurTail; unsigned int tmpTail; unsigned int tmpHead; unsigned int uimask = ring->mask; union RingData_U curNullVal; union RingData_U ExcpRingVal; unsigned int deqNum = 0; uiCurTail = ring->cons.tail; do { /*if ring is empty return directly */ tmpHead = ring->prod.head; if (uiCurTail == tmpHead) { /* here we give deque a chance to recorrect the Head, if head has Data let Head++; here must done to avoid some msg can't deque. */ if (deqNum == 0 && ring->ring[tmpHead & uimask].data_s.val != 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->prod.head, tmpHead, tmpHead + 1); } else { return deqNum; } } curNullVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) uiCurTail) << VALUE_LEN); ExcpRingVal = ring->ring[uiCurTail & uimask]; /* *the version of ring->ring[CurTail&mask] must CurTail&0xFFFFFF */ if ((curNullVal.data_s.ver == ExcpRingVal.data_s.ver) && (ExcpRingVal.data_s.val) && __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring-> ring[uiCurTail & uimask].data_l, ExcpRingVal.data_l, curNullVal.data_l)) { box[deqNum] = ADDR_SHTOL (((char *) ring->Addrbase + ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)); /* enqueue success, add Tail Value now here we using CAS set instead __sync_fetch_and_add(&ring->Tail, 1) to assume that, if one process dequeue success && been killed before add Tail, other process can recorrect the Tail Value; one more thing the direction of Tail must been add-direction, so we using the condition (rlTail - CurTail >0x80000000); avg CAS cost 200-300 Cycles, so we using cache loop to instead some CAS;[head&tail not exact guide, so no need Do CAS evertime] here we using 0 == (CurTail&0x11) means we only do CAS while head/tail low bit is 0x11; four times do one CAS. */ tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; if (0 == (uiCurTail & 0x03) && tmpTail - uiCurTail > 0x80000000) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->cons.tail, tmpTail, uiCurTail + 1); } deqNum++; } /* CurTail++ here; may be cpu slice is end here; while re-sched CurTail < ring->Tail < ring->Head; to avoid multi try we using a cmp & CurTail++ instead CurTail++ directly. if using CurTail++ will amplify the probability of ABA problem */ /*CurTail++; */ tmpTail = ring->cons.tail; uiCurTail = uiCurTail - tmpTail < uimask - 1 ? uiCurTail + 1 : tmpTail; } while (n > deqNum); return deqNum; } /* this is enhanced mc_ring_dequeue, support dequeue multi element one time. */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_sc_dequeue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box) { unsigned int CurTail; unsigned int mask = ring->mask; union RingData_U curNullVal; union RingData_U ExcpRingVal; unsigned int uitmpHead; CurTail = ring->cons.tail; do { /*if ring is empty return directly */ uitmpHead = ring->prod.head; if (CurTail == uitmpHead) { /* here we give deque a chance to recorrect the Head, if head has Data let Head++ */ if (ring->ring[uitmpHead & mask].data_s.val != 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->prod.head, uitmpHead, uitmpHead + 1); } else { return 0; } } curNullVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) CurTail) << VALUE_LEN); ExcpRingVal = ring->ring[CurTail & mask]; if ((curNullVal.data_s.ver == ExcpRingVal.data_s.ver) && (ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)) { ring->ring[CurTail & mask].data_l = curNullVal.data_l; *box = ADDR_SHTOL (((char *) ring->Addrbase + ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)); ring->cons.tail = CurTail + 1; break; } CurTail++; } while (1); return 1; } /* this is a single thread/process dequeue function */ int nsfw_shmem_ring_sc_dequeuev (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box, unsigned int n) { unsigned int CurTail; unsigned int tmpHead; unsigned int mask = ring->mask; union RingData_U curNullVal; union RingData_U ExcpRingVal; unsigned int usdeqNum = 0; CurTail = ring->cons.tail; do { /*if ring is empty return directly */ tmpHead = ring->prod.head; if (CurTail == tmpHead) { /* here we give deque a chance to recorrect the Head, if head has Data let Head++; here must done to avoid some msg can't deque. */ if (usdeqNum == 0 && ring->ring[tmpHead & mask].data_s.val != 0) { (void) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&ring->prod.head, tmpHead, tmpHead + 1); } else { return usdeqNum; } } curNullVal.data_l = (((unsigned long long) CurTail) << VALUE_LEN); ExcpRingVal = ring->ring[CurTail & mask]; /* the version of ring->ring[CurTail&mask] must CurTail&0xFFFFFF */ if ((curNullVal.data_s.ver == ExcpRingVal.data_s.ver) && (ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)) { ring->ring[CurTail & mask].data_l = curNullVal.data_l; box[usdeqNum] = ADDR_SHTOL (((char *) ring->Addrbase + ExcpRingVal.data_s.val)); ring->cons.tail = CurTail + 1; usdeqNum++; } CurTail++; } while (n > usdeqNum); return usdeqNum; } /* nstack just using one thread, for performance using que not support multi thread*/ int nsfw_shmem_ring_singlethread_enqueue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void *box) { u32 head = 0; void *prmBox = NULL; /*if queue is full, just return 0 */ if (ring->prod.head >= (ring->size + ring->cons.tail)) { return 0; } prmBox = (void *) ADDR_LTOSH_EXT (box); head = ring->prod.head; ring->prod.head = head + 1; ring->ring[head & ring->mask].data_s.ver = head; ring->ring[head & ring->mask].data_s.val = (char *) prmBox - (char *) ring->Addrbase; return 1; } /* nstack just using one thread, for performance using que not support multi thread*/ int nsfw_shmem_ring_singlethread_dequeue (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box) { u32 tail = 0; /* if all entries are dequeued return 0 */ if (unlikely (ring->prod.head == ring->cons.tail)) { return 0; } tail = ring->cons.tail; *box = ADDR_SHTOL ((char *) ring->Addrbase + ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.val); ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.val = 0; ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.ver = tail; ring->cons.tail++; return 1; } /* nstack just using one thread, for performance using que not support multi thread*/ int nsfw_shmem_ring_singlethread_dequeuev (struct nsfw_mem_ring *ring, void **box, unsigned int n) { u32 tail = 0; u32 num = 0; while (num < n) { tail = ring->cons.tail; /* if all entries are dequeued return 0 */ if (unlikely (ring->prod.head == ring->cons.tail)) { return num; } ring->cons.tail = tail + 1; box[num] = ADDR_SHTOL ((char *) ring->Addrbase + ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.val); ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.val = 0; ring->ring[tail & ring->mask].data_s.ver = tail; num++; } return num; }