/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _NSFW_MEM_STAT_API_H #define _NSFW_MEM_STAT_API_H #include "types.h" #include "nsfw_mgr_com_api.h" #include "compiling_check.h" #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C"{ /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*################MEM_STAT######################*/ #define NSFW_MEM_MODULE_LEN 32 #define NSFW_MEM_NAME_LEN 64 #define OMC_PROC_MM "omc_proc_maintain" #define MEM_STAT(module, mem_name, mem_type, mem_size)\ nsfw_mem_stat(module, mem_name, mem_type, mem_size) extern void nsfw_mem_stat (char *module, char *mem_name, u8 mem_type, u32 mem_size); extern void nsfw_mem_stat_print (); /*##############################################*/ /*################SRV_CTRL######################*/ typedef enum _nsfw_srv_ctrl_state { NSFW_SRV_CTRL_RESUME = 1, NSFW_SRV_CTRL_SUSPEND = 2 } nsfw_srv_ctrl_state; typedef struct _nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg { nsfw_srv_ctrl_state srv_state; u16 rsp_code; } nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg; extern u8 nsfw_srv_ctrl_send (nsfw_srv_ctrl_state state, u8 rsp_flag); /*#############################################*/ /*#################RES_MGR######################*/ #define NSFW_RES_MGR_MODULE "nsfw_res_mgr" typedef enum _nsfw_res_scan_type { NSFW_RES_SCAN_ARRAY = 0, NSFW_RES_SCAN_SPOOL, NSFW_RES_SCAN_MBUF, NSFW_RES_SCAN_MAX } nsfw_res_scan_type; typedef int (*nsfw_res_free_fun) (void *pdata); typedef struct _nsfw_res_scn_cfg { u8 type; /*nsfw_res_scan_type */ u8 force_free_percent; /*if the resource free percent below this vlaue, begin to force free the element */ u16 force_free_chk_num; /*if the check count beyone this vlaue, call free fun release this element */ u16 alloc_speed_factor; /*alloc fast with higher value */ u32 num_per_cyc; /*define the element number in one scan cycle process and increase chk_count of every element */ u32 total_num; /*total number of elements */ u32 elm_size; /*element size */ u32 res_mem_offset; /*the nsfw_res offset from the element start */ void *data; /*the array addr or spool addr */ void *mgr_ring; nsfw_res_free_fun free_fun; } nsfw_res_scn_cfg; typedef struct _nsfw_res_mgr_item_cfg { nsfw_res_scn_cfg scn_cfg; u32 cons_head; u32 prod_head; u32 free_percent; u32 last_scn_idx; u64 force_count; } nsfw_res_mgr_item_cfg; #define NSFW_MAX_RES_SCAN_COUNT 256 extern u8 nsfw_res_mgr_reg (nsfw_res_scn_cfg * cfg); extern i32 nsfw_proc_start_with_lock (u8 proc_type); /*#############################################*/ typedef enum _nsfw_exit_code { NSFW_EXIT_SUCCESS = 0, NSFW_EXIT_FAILED = 1, NSFW_EXIT_DST_ERROR = 2, NSFW_EXIT_TIME_OUT = 3, NSFW_EXIT_MAX_COM_ERR = 31, } nsfw_exit_code; /*#############################################*/ /*#################SOFT_PARAM##################*/ #define NSFW_SOFT_PARAM_MODULE "nsfw_soft_param" typedef struct _nsfw_soft_param_msg { u32 param_name; u32 rsp_code; u8 param_value[NSFW_MGR_MSG_BODY_LEN - sizeof (u32) - sizeof (u32)]; } nsfw_soft_param_msg; typedef enum _nsfw_soft_param { NSFW_DBG_MODE_PARAM = 1, NSFW_HBT_TIMER = 2, NSFW_HBT_COUNT_PARAM = 3, NSFW_APP_EXIT_TIMER = 4, NSFW_SRV_RESTORE_TIMER = 5, NSFW_APP_RESEND_TIMER = 6, NSFW_APP_SEND_PER_TIME = 7, NSFW_MAX_SOFT_PARAM = 1024 } nsfw_soft_param; typedef int (*nsfw_set_soft_fun) (u32 param, char *buf, u32 buf_len); extern u8 nsfw_soft_param_reg_fun (u32 param_name, nsfw_set_soft_fun fun); extern u8 nsfw_soft_param_reg_int (u32 param_name, u32 size, u32 min, u32 max, u64 * data); extern void nsfw_set_soft_para (fw_poc_type proc_type, u32 para_name, void *value, u32 size); extern int nsfw_isdigitstr (const char *str); #define NSFW_REG_SOFT_INT(_param,_data,_min, _max) nsfw_soft_param_reg_int(_param,sizeof(_data),_min,_max,(u64*)&_data) /*#############################################*/ /*#################LOG_CONFIG##################*/ #define NSFW_LOG_CFG_MODULE "nsfw_log_cfg" #define NSFW_MODULE_NAME_LEN 20 #define NSFW_LOG_LEVEL_LEN 10 #define NSFW_LOG_VALUE_LEN 256 typedef struct _nsfw_set_log_msg { u16 rsp_code; char module[NSFW_MODULE_NAME_LEN]; char log_level[NSFW_LOG_VALUE_LEN]; } nsfw_set_log_msg; /*#############################################*/ /*################## DFX ######################*/ #define MAX_DFX_QRY_RES_LEN 28 #define SPL_DFX_RES_ALL "all" #define SPL_DFX_RES_QUEUE "queue" #define SPL_DFX_RES_CONN "conn" #define SPL_DFX_RES_L2TO4 "l2to4" #define SPL_DFX_RES_UNMATCH "version" #define SPL_DFX_RES_SOCKT_CB "socketcb" #define SPL_DFX_RES_COMM_MEMPOOL "mbufpool" #define SPL_DFX_RES_PCBLIST "pcblist" #define SPL_DFX_RES_ARPLIST "arplist" typedef enum { DFX_ACTION_SNAPSHOT, DFX_ACTION_RST_STATS, DFX_ACTION_SWITCH, DFX_ACTION_MAX } dfx_module_action; typedef struct _nsfw_dfx_qry_msg { dfx_module_action action; char resource[MAX_DFX_QRY_RES_LEN]; char flag; //for snapshot print "all" } nsfw_dfx_qry_msg; typedef enum { QUERY_ACTION_GET, QUERY_ACTION_MAX } query_action; typedef struct _nsfw_qry_msg { query_action action; char resource[MAX_DFX_QRY_RES_LEN]; } nsfw_get_qry_msg; /*##################DFX#########################*/ /*#################for tcpdump#####################*/ #ifndef nstack_min #define nstack_min(a, b) (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) #endif #define GET_CUR_TIME(ptime) \ (void)clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ptime); #define TCPDUMP_MODULE "tcpdump_tool" #define DUMP_MSG_NUM (64 * 1024) COMPAT_PROTECT (DUMP_MSG_NUM, 64 * 1024); #define DUMP_MSG_SIZE 128 // can not be less than 14 COMPAT_PROTECT (DUMP_MSG_SIZE, 128); #define DEFAULT_DUMP_TIME 600 #define MAX_DUMP_TIME 86400 #define MIN_DUMP_TIME 1 #define MAX_DUMP_TASK 16 #define DUMP_HBT_INTERVAL 2 #define DUMP_HBT_CHK_INTERVAL 4 #define DUMP_TASK_HBT_TIME_OUT 30 #define DUMP_SHMEM_RIGN_NAME "tcpdump_ring" #define DUMP_SHMEM_POOL_NAME "tcpdump_pool" enum L2_PROTOCOL { PROTOCOL_IP = 0x0800, PROTOCOL_ARP = 0x0806, PROTOCOL_RARP = 0x8035, PROTOCOL_OAM_LACP = 0x8809, INVALID_L2_PROTOCOL = 0xFFFF }; enum L3_PROTOCOL { PROTOCOL_ICMP = 1, PROTOCOL_TCP = 6, PROTOCOL_UDP = 17, INVALID_L3_PROTOCOL = 0xFF }; enum DUMP_MSG_DIRECTION { DUMP_SEND = 1, DUMP_RECV = 2, DUMP_SEND_RECV = 3 }; enum DUMP_MSG_TYPE { START_DUMP_REQ, STOP_DUMP_REQ, TOOL_COM_HBT_REQ, DUMP_MSG_TYPE_RSP = 0x00010000, START_DUMP_RSP = START_DUMP_REQ + DUMP_MSG_TYPE_RSP, STOP_DUMP_RSP = STOP_DUMP_REQ + DUMP_MSG_TYPE_RSP, DUMP_MSG_TYPE_INVALID }; typedef struct _nsfw_tool_hbt { u32 seq; i16 task_id; } nsfw_tool_hbt; typedef struct _nsfw_tool_dump_msg { u16 op_type; i16 task_id; u32 task_keep_time; } nsfw_tool_dump_msg; typedef struct _dump_msg_info { u32 len; u16 direction; // 1:SEND, 2:RECV u32 dump_sec; u32 dump_usec; nsfw_res res_chk; char buf[1]; } dump_msg_info; typedef struct _dump_timer_info { u32 seq; i16 task_id; void *interval; void *ptimer; } dump_timer_info; extern void ntcpdump_loop (void *buf, u32 buf_len, u16 direction, void *eth_addr); extern void ntcpdump (void *buf, u32 buf_len, u16 direction); /*##############for tcpdump######################*/ #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _NSFW_MEM_STAT_API_H */