/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*==============================================* * include header files * *----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _NSFW_MGRCOM_API_H #define _NSFW_MGRCOM_API_H #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C"{ /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define NSFW_MGR_COM_MODULE "nsfw_mgr_com" #define MRG_RSP(_req_msg) (_req_msg + MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE) typedef enum _mgr_msg_type { MGR_MSG_NULL = 0, /*#############common msg type################# */ MGR_MSG_CHK_INIT_REQ = 1, MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_REQ, MGR_MSG_CHK_HBT_REQ, MGR_MSG_APP_EXIT_REQ, MGR_MSG_SRV_CTL_REQ, MGR_MSG_VER_MGR_REQ, MGR_MSG_SOF_PAR_REQ, /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_MEM_ALLOC_REQ = 64, /* memory msg type */ /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_DFX_QRY_REQ = 96, /* nStackCtrl maitain msg */ MGR_MSG_SET_LOG_REQ, /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_RCC_END_REQ = 128, /* service msg type */ /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_TOOL_TCPDUMP_REQ = 256, /* for tools */ MGR_MSG_TOOL_HEART_BEAT, /*###query message with large rsp message begin## */ MGR_MSG_LARGE_QRY_REQ_BEGIN = 384, MGR_MSG_LARGE_STA_QRY_REQ = MGR_MSG_LARGE_QRY_REQ_BEGIN, MGR_MSG_LARGE_MT_QRY_REQ, /* nStackCtrl maitain msg */ /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_LARGE_ALARM_REQ = 500, /* alarm msg type */ MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE = 512, /*#############common msg type################# */ MGR_MSG_CHK_INIT_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_CHK_INIT_REQ), MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_REQ), MGR_MSG_CHK_HBT_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_CHK_HBT_REQ), MGR_MSG_APP_EXIT_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_APP_EXIT_REQ), MGR_MSG_SRV_CTL_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_SRV_CTL_REQ), MGR_MSG_VER_MGR_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_VER_MGR_REQ), MGR_MSG_SOF_PAR_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_SOF_PAR_REQ), /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_MEM_ALLOC_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_MEM_ALLOC_REQ), MGR_MSG_DFX_QRY_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_DFX_QRY_REQ), MGR_MSG_SET_LOG_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_SET_LOG_REQ), MGR_MSG_RCC_END_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_RCC_END_REQ), /*############################################# */ MGR_MSG_TOOL_TCPDUMP_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_TOOL_TCPDUMP_REQ), MGR_MSG_TOOL_HEART_BEAT_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_TOOL_HEART_BEAT), /*##############LARGE RSP MESSAGE################## */ MGR_MSG_LAG_QRY_RSP_BEGIN = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_LARGE_QRY_REQ_BEGIN), MGR_MSG_LAG_STA_QRY_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_LARGE_STA_QRY_REQ), MGR_MSG_LAG_MT_QRY_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_LARGE_MT_QRY_REQ), MGR_MSG_LARGE_ALARM_RSP = MRG_RSP (MGR_MSG_LARGE_ALARM_REQ), MGR_MSG_MAX = 1024 } mgr_msg_type; typedef enum _fw_poc_type { NSFW_PROC_NULL = 0, NSFW_PROC_MAIN, NSFW_PROC_MASTER, NSFW_PROC_APP, NSFW_PROC_CTRL, NSFW_PROC_TOOLS, NSFW_PROC_ALARM, NSFW_PROC_MAX = 16 } fw_poc_type; #define NSFW_DOMAIN_DIR "/var/run" #define NSTACK_MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN 20 typedef enum _nsfw_mgr_msg_rsp_code { NSFW_MGR_SUCESS, NSFW_MGR_MSG_TYPE_ERROR, } mgr_msg_rsp_code; extern char *nsfw_get_proc_name (u8 proc_type); #define GET_USER_MSG(_stu, _msg) ((_stu *)(&(_msg)->msg_body[0])) /*for log print*/ #define MSGINFO "msg=%p,len=%d,t=%d,sq=%d,st=%d,sp=%d,dt=%d,dp=%d" #define PRTMSG(msg) (msg), (msg)->msg_len,(msg)->msg_type,(msg)->seq, (msg)->src_proc_type,(msg)->src_pid,(msg)->dst_proc_type,(msg)->dst_pid #define NSFW_MGR_MSG_LEN 512 #define NSFW_MGR_MSG_HDR_LEN 32 #define NSFW_MGR_MSG_BODY_LEN (NSFW_MGR_MSG_LEN - NSFW_MGR_MSG_HDR_LEN) #define NSFW_MGR_LARGE_MSG_LEN (256*1024) #define NSFW_MGR_LARGE_MSG_BODY_LEN (NSFW_MGR_LARGE_MSG_LEN - NSFW_MGR_MSG_HDR_LEN) typedef struct _nsfw_mgr_msg { u16 msg_type; /* mgr_msg_type */ u16 u16Reserve; u32 msg_len; u8 alloc_flag:1; u8 fw_flag:1; u8 from_mem:1; u8 more_msg_flag:1; u8 reserve_flag:4; u8 resp_code; u8 src_proc_type; /* fw_poc_type */ u8 dst_proc_type; i32 seq; u32 src_pid; u32 dst_pid; u8 msg_body[NSFW_MGR_MSG_BODY_LEN]; } nsfw_mgr_msg; extern nsfw_mgr_msg *nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (u16 msg_type, u8 dst_proc_type); extern void nsfw_mgr_msg_free (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg); /* for rsp msg alloc*/ extern nsfw_mgr_msg *nsfw_mgr_null_rspmsg_alloc (); extern nsfw_mgr_msg *nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc (nsfw_mgr_msg * req_msg); /* for msg proc fun reg*/ typedef int (*nsfw_mgr_msg_fun) (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_reg_msg_fun (u16 msg_type, nsfw_mgr_msg_fun fun); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_send_msg (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_send_req_wait_rsp (nsfw_mgr_msg * req_msg, nsfw_mgr_msg * rsp_msg); /* for fork clear parent resource*/ extern void nsfw_mgr_close_dst_proc (u8 proc_type, u32 dst_pid); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_clr_fd_lock (); /* for epoll thread reg other sock proc fun*/ typedef int (*nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) (i32 epfd, i32 socket, u32 events); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (i32 socket, nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun); extern void nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (i32 socket); extern int nsfw_mgr_com_socket_error (i32 fd, nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun, i32 timer); extern u8 nsfw_mgr_ep_start (); extern int nsfw_mgr_com_module_init (void *param); extern int nsfw_mgr_run_script (const char *cmd, char *result, int result_buf_len); extern int nsfw_mgr_com_chk_hbt (int v_add); extern i32 nsfw_set_close_on_exec (i32 sock); extern int nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_init (u32 proc_type); #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _NSFW_MGRCOM_API_H */