/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*==============================================* * include header files * *----------------------------------------------*/ #include "types.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "nsfw_init.h" #include "common_mem_api.h" #include "nsfw_mgr_com_api.h" #include "mgr_com.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #include "nsfw_base_linux_api.h" #include #include #include #include #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" #include "nsfw_ps_api.h" #include "nsfw_fd_timer_api.h" #include "common_func.h" #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C"{ /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ nsfw_mgr_msg_fun g_mgr_fun[MGR_MSG_MAX][NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_PROC_FUN]; nsfw_mgr_init_cfg g_mgr_com_cfg; nsfw_mgr_sock_map g_mgr_socket_map = {{0}, NULL}; nsfw_mgrcom_stat g_mgr_stat; nsfw_mgrcom_proc g_ep_proc = { 0 }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ u32 g_mgr_sockfdmax = NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_SOCKET; char g_proc_info[NSFW_PROC_MAX][NSTACK_MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN] = { "", "nStackMain", "nStackMaster", "nStackLib", "nStackTools", "nStackCtrl", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int g_thread_policy = 0; int g_thread_pri = 0; void nsfw_com_attr_set (int policy, int pri) { g_thread_policy = policy; g_thread_pri = pri; } char * nsfw_get_proc_name (u8 proc_type) { if (proc_type >= NSFW_PROC_MAX || NSFW_PROC_NULL == proc_type) { return NULL; } return g_proc_info[proc_type]; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_reg_msg_fun * Description : reg the callback function when receive new message * Input : u16 msg_type * nsfw_mgr_msg_fun fun * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_reg_msg_fun (u16 msg_type, nsfw_mgr_msg_fun fun) { u32 i; if (MGR_MSG_MAX <= msg_type) { NSFW_LOGERR ("reg mgr_msg]msg_type=%u,fun=%p", msg_type, fun); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_PROC_FUN; i++) { if (NULL == g_mgr_fun[msg_type][i]) { g_mgr_fun[msg_type][i] = fun; NSFW_LOGINF ("reg mgr_msg fun suc]msg_type=%u,fun=%p", msg_type, fun); return TRUE; } } NSFW_LOGERR ("reg mgr_msg type full]msg_type=%u,fun=%p", msg_type, fun); return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_null_rspmsg_alloc * Description : alloc null response msg for receive message buffer * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : nsfw_mgr_msg* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ nsfw_mgr_msg * nsfw_mgr_null_rspmsg_alloc () { return nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (MGR_MSG_NULL, NSFW_PROC_NULL); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc * Description : alloc new request message to send * Input : u16 msg_type * u8 dst_proc_type * Output : None * Return Value : nsfw_mgr_msg* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ nsfw_mgr_msg * nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (u16 msg_type, u8 dst_proc_type) { nsfw_mgr_msg *p_msg = NULL; u8 from_mem_flag = FALSE; u32 alloc_len = sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg); if (MGR_MSG_LAG_QRY_RSP_BEGIN <= msg_type) { from_mem_flag = TRUE; alloc_len = NSFW_MGR_LARGE_MSG_LEN; } if ((NULL == g_mgr_com_cfg.msg_pool) && (MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_REQ == msg_type || MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_RSP == msg_type)) { from_mem_flag = TRUE; } if (FALSE == from_mem_flag) { if (0 == nsfw_mem_ring_dequeue (g_mgr_com_cfg.msg_pool, (void *) &p_msg)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc msg full]type=%u,dst=%u", msg_type, dst_proc_type); return NULL; } alloc_len = sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg); } else { p_msg = (nsfw_mgr_msg *) malloc (alloc_len); } if (NULL == p_msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc msg nul]type=%u,dst=%u", msg_type, dst_proc_type); return NULL; } if (EOK != MEMSET_S (p_msg, alloc_len, 0, alloc_len)) { p_msg->from_mem = from_mem_flag; nsfw_mgr_msg_free (p_msg); NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc msg MEMSET_S failed]type=%u,dst=%u", msg_type, dst_proc_type); return NULL; } p_msg->from_mem = from_mem_flag; if (msg_type < MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE && msg_type > 0) { p_msg->seq = common_mem_atomic32_add_return (&g_mgr_com_cfg.cur_idx, 1); } p_msg->from_mem = from_mem_flag; p_msg->msg_type = msg_type; p_msg->src_pid = get_sys_pid (); p_msg->src_proc_type = g_mgr_com_cfg.proc_type; p_msg->msg_len = alloc_len; p_msg->dst_proc_type = dst_proc_type; p_msg->alloc_flag = TRUE; p_msg->more_msg_flag = 0; g_mgr_stat.msg_alloc++; return p_msg; } static inline void lint_lock_1 () { return; } static inline void lint_unlock_1 () { return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc * Description : alloc response message from request message * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg* req_msg * Output : None * Return Value : nsfw_mgr_msg* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ nsfw_mgr_msg * nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc (nsfw_mgr_msg * req_msg) { nsfw_mgr_msg *p_msg = NULL; if (NULL == req_msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("req msg nul!"); return NULL; } p_msg = nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (req_msg->msg_type + MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE, req_msg->src_proc_type); if (NULL == p_msg) { return NULL; } p_msg->dst_pid = req_msg->src_pid; p_msg->seq = req_msg->seq; return p_msg; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_msg_free * Description : message free * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg *msg * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nsfw_mgr_msg_free (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg) { if (NULL == msg) { return; } if (FALSE == msg->alloc_flag) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg refree]msg=%p, type=%u", msg, msg->msg_type); return; } msg->alloc_flag = FALSE; if (TRUE == msg->from_mem) { if ((MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_REQ == msg->msg_type || MGR_MSG_INIT_NTY_RSP == msg->msg_type) || (MGR_MSG_LAG_QRY_RSP_BEGIN <= msg->msg_type)) { free (msg); g_mgr_stat.msg_free++; return; } NSFW_LOGERR ("msg err free]type=%u", msg->msg_type); } if (0 == nsfw_mem_ring_enqueue (g_mgr_com_cfg.msg_pool, msg)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg free failed pool full]msg=%p, type=%u", msg, msg->msg_type); return; } g_mgr_stat.msg_free++; return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_get_listen_socket * Description : get domain socket listen fd * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 nsfw_mgr_get_listen_socket () { i32 fd, len; struct sockaddr_un un; if ((fd = nsfw_base_socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("create sock failed!"); return -1; } if (-1 == unlink ((char *) g_mgr_com_cfg.domain_path)) { NSFW_LOGWAR ("unlink failed]error=%d", errno); } if (EOK != MEMSET_S (&un, sizeof (un), 0, sizeof (un))) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("create sock MEMSET_S failed!] error=%d", errno); return -1; } un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; int retVal = STRCPY_S ((char *) un.sun_path, sizeof (un.sun_path), (char *) g_mgr_com_cfg.domain_path); if (EOK != retVal) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("create sock STRCPY_S failed!] error=%d", errno); return -1; } int rc = nsfw_set_close_on_exec (fd); if (rc == -1) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("set exec err]fd=%d, errno=%d", fd, errno); return -1; } len = offsetof (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) +strlen ((char *) g_mgr_com_cfg.domain_path); if (nsfw_base_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &un, len) < 0) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("bind failed!]mgr_fd=%d,error=%d", fd, errno); return -1; } if (nsfw_base_listen (fd, 10) < 0) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("listen failed!]mgr_fd=%d,error=%d", fd, errno); return -1; } NSFW_LOGINF ("mgr com start with]mgr_fd=%d", fd); return fd; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_get_connect_socket * Description : get new connect fd to destination procedure * Input : u8 proc_type * u32 host_pid * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 nsfw_mgr_get_connect_socket (u8 proc_type, u32 host_pid) { i32 fd, len; char *name; struct sockaddr_un un; const char *directory = NSFW_DOMAIN_DIR; const char *home_dir = getenv ("HOME"); if (getuid () != 0 && home_dir != NULL) directory = home_dir; switch (proc_type) { case NSFW_PROC_MAIN: name = NSFW_MAIN_FILE; break; case NSFW_PROC_MASTER: name = NSFW_MASTER_FILE; break; case NSFW_PROC_ALARM: directory = "/tmp"; name = NSFW_ALARM_FILE; break; default: NSFW_LOGERR ("get dst socket err]type=%u,pid=%u", proc_type, host_pid); return -1; } if ((fd = nsfw_base_socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("create socket err]type=%u,pid=%u,errno=%d", proc_type, host_pid, errno); return -1; } if (EOK != MEMSET_S (&un, sizeof (un), 0, sizeof (un))) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("get dst socket err]mgr_fd=%d,type=%u,pid=%u", fd, proc_type, host_pid); return -1; } struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = MGR_COM_RECV_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (nsfw_base_setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *) &tv, sizeof tv)) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("setsockopt socket err]mgr_fd=%d,type=%u,pid=%u", fd, proc_type, host_pid); return -1; } int rc = nsfw_set_close_on_exec (fd); if (rc == -1) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("set exec err]fd=%d, errno=%d", fd, errno); return -1; } int size, size_len; size = MAX_RECV_BUF_DEF; size_len = sizeof (size); if (0 > nsfw_base_setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *) &size, (socklen_t) size_len)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("set socket opt err!]error=%d", errno); } if (0 > nsfw_base_setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *) &size, (socklen_t) size_len)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("set socket opt err!]error=%d", errno); } un.sun_family = AF_UNIX;; int retVal = STRCPY_S ((char *) un.sun_path, sizeof (un.sun_path), (char *) directory); if (EOK != retVal) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("create sock STRCPY_S failed!] error=%d", errno); return -1; } retVal = STRCAT_S (un.sun_path, sizeof (un.sun_path), name); if (EOK != retVal) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("create sock STRCAT_S failed!] error=%d", errno); return -1; } len = offsetof (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) +strlen (un.sun_path); if (nsfw_base_connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &un, len) < 0) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGERR ("create socket err]mgr_fd=%d,type=%u,pid=%u,errno=%d,path=%s", fd, proc_type, host_pid, errno, un.sun_path); return -1; } NSFW_LOGINF ("get dst socket]mgr_fd=%d,type=%u,pid=%u", fd, proc_type, host_pid); return (fd); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_new_socket * Description : management the new fd to cache * Input : u32 fd * u8 proc_type * u32 host_pid * Output : None * Return Value : static inline u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC inline u8 nsfw_mgr_new_socket (i32 fd, u8 proc_type, u32 host_pid) { nsfw_mgr_sock_info *sock_info = NULL; if (((i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX <= fd) || (fd < 0) || (!g_mgr_socket_map.sock)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fd err]mgr_fd=%d, sock=%p", fd, g_mgr_socket_map.sock); return FALSE; } sock_info = &g_mgr_socket_map.sock[fd]; if (host_pid != sock_info->host_pid) { NSFW_LOGDBG ("update sock info]mgr_fd=%d,old_pid=%u,new_pid=%u,type=%u", fd, sock_info->host_pid, host_pid, proc_type); } sock_info->host_pid = host_pid; sock_info->proc_type = proc_type; if (proc_type < NSFW_PROC_MAX) { g_mgr_socket_map.proc_cache[proc_type] = fd; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_del_socket * Description : delete the fd from cache when fd close * Input : u32 fd * Output : None * Return Value : static inline u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC inline u8 nsfw_mgr_del_socket (u32 fd) { nsfw_mgr_sock_info *sock_info = NULL; if ((NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX <= fd) || (!g_mgr_socket_map.sock)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fd err]mgr_fd=%u, sock=%p", fd, g_mgr_socket_map.sock); return FALSE; } sock_info = &g_mgr_socket_map.sock[fd]; if (sock_info->proc_type < NSFW_PROC_MAX && fd == g_mgr_socket_map.proc_cache[sock_info->proc_type]) { g_mgr_socket_map.proc_cache[sock_info->proc_type] = 0; } NSFW_LOGDBG ("del sock]mgr_fd=%u,type=%u,pid=%u", fd, sock_info->proc_type, sock_info->host_pid); sock_info->host_pid = 0; sock_info->proc_type = 0; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_get_dst_socket * Description : get the fd to send message to destination procedure * Input : u8 proc_type * u32 dst_pid * Output : None * Return Value : static inline i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC inline i32 nsfw_mgr_get_dst_socket (u8 proc_type, u32 dst_pid) { i32 fd = -1; nsfw_mgr_sock_info *sock_info = NULL; if (proc_type < NSFW_PROC_MAX) { fd = g_mgr_socket_map.proc_cache[proc_type]; } if (!g_mgr_socket_map.sock) { return -1; } if (fd > 0 && fd < (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX) { sock_info = &g_mgr_socket_map.sock[fd]; if (sock_info->host_pid != 0) { if (0 == dst_pid || dst_pid == sock_info->host_pid) { return fd; } } else if (proc_type == sock_info->proc_type) { return fd; } } i32 i; for (i = 0; i < (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX; i++) { sock_info = &g_mgr_socket_map.sock[i]; if (sock_info->host_pid != 0 && proc_type == sock_info->proc_type) { if (0 == dst_pid || dst_pid == sock_info->host_pid) { return i; } } } return -1; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_get_new_socket * Description : get new connect * Input : u8 proc_type * u32 dst_pid * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 nsfw_mgr_get_new_socket (u8 proc_type, u32 dst_pid) { i32 fd = 0; fd = nsfw_mgr_get_connect_socket (proc_type, dst_pid); if (fd > 0) { (void) nsfw_mgr_new_socket (fd, proc_type, dst_pid); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (fd, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); } return fd; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_clr_fd_lock * Description : clear the fd lock when fork in child proc * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_clr_fd_lock () { i32 i; if (!g_mgr_socket_map.sock) { NSFW_LOGERR ("clr fd lock fail, sock is null"); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX; i++) { common_mem_spinlock_init (&(g_mgr_socket_map.sock[i].opr_lock)); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_close_dst_proc * Description : close the remote connect * Input : u8 proc_type * u32 dst_pid * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nsfw_mgr_close_dst_proc (u8 proc_type, u32 dst_pid) { i32 fd = nsfw_mgr_get_dst_socket (proc_type, dst_pid); if (fd > 0) { (void) nsfw_mgr_del_socket (fd); (void) nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (fd); (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); } } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_send_msg_socket * Description : send message to dst fd * Input : u32 fd * nsfw_mgr_msg* msg * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_send_msg_socket (u32 fd, nsfw_mgr_msg * msg) { i32 send_len = 0; i32 off_set = 0; if (NULL == msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg nul]mgr_fd=%u", fd); return FALSE; } if (msg->msg_len < sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg)) { msg->msg_len = sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg); } if (msg->msg_type == MGR_MSG_LARGE_ALARM_RSP) { off_set = NSFW_MGR_MSG_HDR_LEN; } do { off_set += send_len; send_len = nsfw_base_send (fd, (char *) msg + off_set, msg->msg_len - off_set, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (send_len <= 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("send error]mgr_fd=%u,send_len=%d,off_set=%d,errno=%d" MSGINFO, fd, send_len, off_set, errno, PRTMSG (msg)); return FALSE; } } while ((send_len + off_set) < (i32) msg->msg_len); NSFW_LOGDBG ("send mgr_msg suc]mgr_fd=%u," MSGINFO, fd, PRTMSG (msg)); g_mgr_stat.msg_send[msg->msg_type]++; return TRUE; } #define MAX_RECV_COUNT 100 /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_recv_msg_socket * Description : receive new message from fd * Input : u32 fd * nsfw_mgr_msg* msg * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_recv_msg_socket (u32 fd, nsfw_mgr_msg * msg, nsfw_mgr_msg ** large_msg) { i32 recv_len = 0; i32 off_set = 0; u32 msg_len = 0; i32 max_count = 0; if (NULL == msg) { return FALSE; } u8 from_flag = msg->from_mem; msg_len = msg->msg_len; do { off_set += recv_len; recv_len = nsfw_base_recv (fd, (char *) msg + off_set, msg_len - off_set, 0); if (recv_len <= 0) { if ((EINTR == errno || EAGAIN == errno) && (max_count < MAX_RECV_COUNT)) { recv_len = 0; max_count++; continue; } NSFW_LOGERR ("recv error]mgr_fd=%u,recv_len=%d,off_set=%d,errno=%d," MSGINFO, fd, recv_len, off_set, errno, PRTMSG (msg)); msg->from_mem = from_flag; return FALSE; } } while (recv_len + off_set < (i32) msg_len); msg->from_mem = from_flag; g_mgr_stat.msg_recv[msg->msg_type]++; if (msg->msg_len <= msg_len) { NSFW_LOGDBG ("recv mgr_msg suc]mgr_fd=%u," MSGINFO, fd, PRTMSG (msg)); return TRUE; } if (large_msg == NULL) { return TRUE; } nsfw_mgr_msg *l_msg = nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (msg->msg_type, msg->dst_proc_type); if (NULL == l_msg) { return TRUE; } if (l_msg->msg_len <= msg_len) { NSFW_LOGWAR ("alloc new msg error!]len=%u,org_len=%u,type=%u", l_msg->msg_len, msg->msg_len, msg->msg_type); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (l_msg); return TRUE; } max_count = 0; (void) nsfw_set_sock_block (fd, FALSE); from_flag = l_msg->from_mem; u32 l_msg_len = l_msg->msg_len; do { off_set += recv_len; recv_len = nsfw_base_recv (fd, (char *) l_msg + off_set, l_msg_len - off_set, 0); if (recv_len <= 0) { if ((EINTR == errno || EAGAIN == errno) && (max_count < MAX_RECV_COUNT)) { recv_len = 0; max_count++; continue; } NSFW_LOGERR ("recv error]mgr_fd=%u,recv_len=%d,off_set=%d,errno=%d," MSGINFO, fd, recv_len, off_set, errno, PRTMSG (msg)); l_msg->from_mem = from_flag; nsfw_mgr_msg_free (l_msg); return FALSE; } } while (recv_len + off_set < (i32) l_msg_len); (void) nsfw_set_sock_block (fd, TRUE); int retVal = MEMCPY_S (l_msg, msg_len, msg, msg_len); if (EOK != retVal) { NSFW_LOGERR ("MEMCPY_S failed] ret=%d", retVal); l_msg->from_mem = from_flag; nsfw_mgr_msg_free (l_msg); return TRUE; } l_msg->from_mem = from_flag; l_msg->msg_len = l_msg_len; *large_msg = l_msg; NSFW_LOGDBG ("recv large mgr_msg suc]mgr_fd=%u," MSGINFO, fd, PRTMSG (l_msg)); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_send_req_wait_rsp * Description : send request message and block waiting for it's response within MGR_COM_RECV_TIMEOUT * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg* req_msg * nsfw_mgr_msg* rsp_msg * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_send_req_wait_rsp (nsfw_mgr_msg * req_msg, nsfw_mgr_msg * rsp_msg) { if (NULL == req_msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("req msg nul!"); return FALSE; } i32 dst_socket = nsfw_mgr_get_dst_socket (req_msg->dst_proc_type, req_msg->dst_pid); if (dst_socket <= 0) { dst_socket = nsfw_mgr_get_new_socket (req_msg->dst_proc_type, req_msg->dst_pid); if (dst_socket <= 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("send msg get dst_socket_error]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (req_msg)); return FALSE; } } if ((NULL == rsp_msg) && (req_msg->msg_len == sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg))) { LOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) if (FALSE == nsfw_mgr_send_msg_socket (dst_socket, req_msg)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("send msg error]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (req_msg)); g_mgr_stat.msg_send_failed++; UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) return FALSE; } UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) return TRUE; } LOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket); (void) nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (dst_socket); if (FALSE == nsfw_mgr_send_msg_socket (dst_socket, req_msg)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("send msg error]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (req_msg)); g_mgr_stat.msg_send_failed++; (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (dst_socket, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket); return FALSE; } if (NULL == rsp_msg) { (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (dst_socket, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) return TRUE; } u16 i; for (i = 0; i < MGR_COM_MAX_DROP_MSG; i++) { if (FALSE == nsfw_mgr_recv_msg_socket (dst_socket, rsp_msg, NULL)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("recv msg error]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (req_msg)); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (dst_socket, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) return FALSE; } if ((rsp_msg->seq == req_msg->seq) && (rsp_msg->msg_type == req_msg->msg_type + MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE)) { break; } NSFW_LOGINF ("recv msg forward]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (rsp_msg)); rsp_msg->fw_flag = TRUE; (void) nsfw_mgr_send_msg (rsp_msg); } (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (dst_socket, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); if (0 == req_msg->dst_pid) { (void) nsfw_mgr_new_socket (dst_socket, rsp_msg->src_proc_type, rsp_msg->src_pid); } UNLOCK_MGR_FD (dst_socket) return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_send_msg * Description : send message to peer * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg* msg * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_send_msg (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg) { return nsfw_mgr_send_req_wait_rsp (msg, NULL); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_msg_in * Description : when new domain socket mgr message receive, this function will be call * Input : i32 fd * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_msg_in (i32 fd) { u32 i = 0; u8 ret = FALSE; u8 msg_match = FALSE; nsfw_mgr_msg *msg = nsfw_mgr_null_rspmsg_alloc (); nsfw_mgr_msg *large_msg = NULL; LOCK_MGR_FD (fd) ret = nsfw_mgr_recv_msg_socket (fd, msg, &large_msg); UNLOCK_MGR_FD (fd) if (large_msg != NULL) { nsfw_mgr_msg_free (msg); msg = large_msg; } if (FALSE == ret) { nsfw_mgr_msg_free (msg); return FALSE; } if (msg->fw_flag != TRUE) { (void) nsfw_mgr_new_socket (fd, msg->src_proc_type, msg->src_pid); } if (msg->msg_type < MGR_MSG_MAX) { for (i = 0; i < NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_PROC_FUN; i++) { if (NULL == g_mgr_fun[msg->msg_type][i]) { break; } (void) g_mgr_fun[msg->msg_type][i] (msg); msg_match = TRUE; } } if (FALSE != msg_match) { nsfw_mgr_msg_free (msg); return TRUE; } if (msg->msg_type < MGR_MSG_RSP_BASE) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg match failed! auto rsp]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (msg)); nsfw_mgr_msg *rsp_msg = nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc (msg); if (NULL != rsp_msg) { rsp_msg->resp_code = NSFW_MGR_MSG_TYPE_ERROR; (void) nsfw_mgr_send_msg (rsp_msg); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (rsp_msg); } } NSFW_LOGERR ("drop msg]" MSGINFO, PRTMSG (msg)); /* fix "Out-of-bounds write" type codex issue */ if (msg->msg_type < MGR_MSG_MAX) { g_mgr_stat.recv_drop[msg->msg_type]++; } nsfw_mgr_msg_free (msg); return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_new_msg * Description : when new mgr message receive from socket, this function will call back * Input : i32 epfd * i32 fd * u32 events * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_new_msg (i32 epfd, i32 fd, u32 events) { lint_lock_1 (); if ((events & EPOLLERR) || (events & EPOLLHUP) || (!(events & EPOLLIN))) { (void) nsfw_mgr_del_socket (fd); (void) nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (fd); (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); lint_unlock_1 (); return TRUE; } (void) nsfw_mgr_msg_in (fd); lint_unlock_1 (); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_com_rereg_fun * Description : rereg the error socket * Input : u32 timer_type * void* data * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_com_rereg_fun (u32 timer_type, void *data) { (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (timer_type, (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) data); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_com_socket_error * Description : remove the error fd from ep * Input : i32 fd * nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun * i32 timer * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_com_socket_error (i32 fd, nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun, i32 timer) { struct timespec time_left = { timer, 0 }; nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (fd); nsfw_timer_reg_timer (fd, (void *) fun, nsfw_mgr_com_rereg_fun, time_left); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_new_connection * Description : when new mgr connection in, this function will call back * Input : i32 epfd * i32 fd * u32 events * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_new_connection (i32 epfd, i32 fd, u32 events) { if ((events & EPOLLERR) || (events & EPOLLHUP) || (!(events & EPOLLIN))) { (void) nsfw_base_close (fd); NSFW_LOGWAR ("listen disconnect!]epfd=%d,listen=%d,event=0x%x", epfd, fd, events); (void) nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (fd); i32 listen_fd = nsfw_mgr_get_listen_socket (); if (listen_fd < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get listen_fd failed!]epfd=%d,listen_fd=%d,event=0x%x", epfd, fd, events); return FALSE; } (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (listen_fd, nsfw_mgr_new_connection); return TRUE; } struct sockaddr in_addr; socklen_t in_len; int infd; in_len = sizeof in_addr; int size, size_len; u8 accept_flag = FALSE; while (1) { infd = nsfw_base_accept (fd, &in_addr, &in_len); if (infd == -1) { if (FALSE == accept_flag) { nsfw_mgr_com_socket_error (fd, nsfw_mgr_new_connection, 1); } break; } if (-1 == nsfw_set_close_on_exec (infd)) { (void) nsfw_base_close (infd); NSFW_LOGERR ("set exec err]fd=%d, errno=%d", infd, errno); break; } size = MAX_RECV_BUF_DEF; size_len = sizeof (size); if (0 > nsfw_base_setsockopt (infd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *) &size, (socklen_t) size_len)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("set socket opt err!]error=%d", errno); } if (0 > nsfw_base_setsockopt (infd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *) &size, (socklen_t) size_len)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("set socket opt err!]error=%d", errno); } (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (infd, nsfw_mgr_new_msg); NSFW_LOGDBG ("accept_flag new fd]new_mgr_fd=%d", infd); accept_flag = TRUE; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_set_sock_block * Description : set fd block or not for epoll thread * Input : i32 sock * u8 flag * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 nsfw_set_sock_block (i32 sock, u8 flag) { i32 flags; flags = nsfw_base_fcntl (sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fcntl err]new_mgr_fd=%d,errno=%d", sock, errno); return -1; } if (TRUE == flag) { flags = flags | O_NONBLOCK; } else { flags = flags & (~O_NONBLOCK); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = MGR_COM_RECV_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (nsfw_base_setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *) &tv, sizeof tv)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("setsockopt socket err]mgr_fd=%d", sock); return -1; } } if (nsfw_base_fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fcntl err]new_mgr_fd=%d,errno=%d,flags=%d", sock, errno, flags); return -1; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_set_close_on_exec * Description : close on exec set * Input : i32 sock * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 nsfw_set_close_on_exec (i32 sock) { i32 flags; flags = nsfw_base_fcntl (sock, F_GETFD, 0); if (flags < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fcntl err]fd=%d,errno=%d", sock, errno); return -1; } flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; if (nsfw_base_fcntl (sock, F_SETFD, flags) < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fcntl err]fd=%d,errno=%d,flags=%d", sock, errno, flags); return -1; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_add_sock_to_ep * Description : add fd to epoll wait thread * Input : i32 fd * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_add_sock_to_ep (i32 fd) { struct epoll_event event; event.data.fd = fd; event.events = EPOLLIN; if (g_ep_proc.epfd == 0) { return TRUE; } (void) nsfw_set_sock_block (fd, TRUE); if (0 > nsfw_base_epoll_ctl (g_ep_proc.epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event)) { NSFW_LOGINF ("add sock to ep thread failed]mgr_fd=%d,errno=%d,epfd=%d", fd, errno, g_ep_proc.epfd); return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGDBG ("add sock to ep thread]mgr_fd=%d,epfd=%d", fd, g_ep_proc.epfd) return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_rmv_sock_from_ep * Description : remove fd from epoll thread * Input : i32 fd * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_rmv_sock_from_ep (i32 fd) { struct epoll_event event; event.data.fd = fd; event.events = EPOLLIN; if (g_ep_proc.epfd == 0) { return TRUE; } (void) nsfw_set_sock_block (fd, FALSE); if (0 > nsfw_base_epoll_ctl (g_ep_proc.epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &event)) { NSFW_LOGINF ("rmv sock to ep thread failed] mgr_fd=%d,errno=%d,epfd=%d", fd, errno, g_ep_proc.epfd); return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGDBG ("rmv sock to ep thread] mgr_fd=%d,epfd=%d", fd, g_ep_proc.epfd) return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun * Description : reg fd process function to call back when epoll thread recvice new event of the reg fd * Input : i32 fd * nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (i32 fd, nsfw_mgr_sock_fun fun) { lint_lock_1 (); if ((fd >= (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX) || (fd < 0) || NULL == fun) { NSFW_LOGINF ("reg sock fun error!] mgr_fd=%d,fun=%p", fd, fun); lint_unlock_1 (); return FALSE; } if ((g_ep_proc.ep_fun) && (NULL == g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd])) { g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd] = fun; if (FALSE == nsfw_add_sock_to_ep (fd)) { g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd] = NULL; lint_unlock_1 (); return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGDBG ("reg sock fun] mgr_fd=%d,fun=%p", fd, fun); lint_unlock_1 (); return TRUE; } lint_unlock_1 (); return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun * Description : unreg the fd event function * Input : i32 fd * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nsfw_mgr_unreg_sock_fun (i32 fd) { lint_lock_1 (); if (fd >= (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX) { NSFW_LOGINF ("unreg sock fun failed!] mgr_fd=%d", fd); lint_unlock_1 (); return; } if ((g_ep_proc.ep_fun) && (NULL != g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd])) { g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd] = NULL; (void) nsfw_rmv_sock_from_ep (fd); NSFW_LOGDBG ("unreg sock fun] mgr_fd=%d", fd); lint_unlock_1 (); return; } lint_unlock_1 (); return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_sock_fun_callback * Description : call back the event process function * Input : i32 epfd * i32 fd * u32 events * Output : None * Return Value : static inline u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC inline u8 nsfw_sock_fun_callback (i32 epfd, i32 fd, u32 events) { if ((fd < (i32) NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX) && (g_ep_proc.ep_fun) && (NULL != g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd])) { (void) g_ep_proc.ep_fun[fd] (epfd, fd, events); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_sock_add_to_ep * Description : add all event process function has ben reg to the epoll thread when thread start * Input : i32 epfd * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_sock_add_to_ep (i32 epfd) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX; i++) { if ((g_ep_proc.ep_fun) && (NULL == g_ep_proc.ep_fun[i])) { continue; } (void) nsfw_add_sock_to_ep (i); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_com_start * Description : start mgr com module * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_com_start () { i32 listen_fd = nsfw_mgr_get_listen_socket (); if (listen_fd < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get listen_fd failed!"); return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGINF ("start mgr_com module!] listen_fd=%d", listen_fd); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (listen_fd, nsfw_mgr_new_connection); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_com_start_local * Description : start_local_msg_com * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_com_start_local (u8 proc_type) { int fd[2]; if ((socketpair (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd)) < 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("create socket err] type=%u,errno=%d", proc_type, errno); return FALSE; } (void) nsfw_mgr_new_socket (fd[0], proc_type, get_sys_pid ()); (void) nsfw_mgr_new_socket (fd[1], proc_type, get_sys_pid ()); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (fd[0], nsfw_mgr_new_msg); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_sock_fun (fd[1], nsfw_mgr_new_msg); NSFW_LOGINF ("create local socket] fd0=%d,fd1=%d", fd[0], fd[1]); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_listen_thread * Description : epoll thread function * Input : void* arg * Output : None * Return Value : void * * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * nsfw_mgr_listen_thread (void *arg) { i32 epfd = 0; //i32 listen_socket = 0; lint_lock_1 (); #define MAXEVENTS 10 epfd = nsfw_base_epoll_create (10); struct epoll_event events[MAXEVENTS]; if (EOK != MEMSET_S (events, sizeof (events), 0, sizeof (events))) { NSFW_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed!]epfd=%d", epfd); lint_unlock_1 (); return NULL; } g_ep_proc.epfd = epfd; g_ep_proc.hbt_count = 0; (void) nsfw_sock_add_to_ep (epfd); lint_unlock_1 (); while (1) { lint_lock_1 (); int n, i; n = nsfw_base_epoll_wait (epfd, events, MAXEVENTS, -1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (TRUE == nsfw_sock_fun_callback (epfd, events[i].data.fd, events[i].events)) { g_ep_proc.hbt_count = 0; continue; } NSFW_LOGERR ("error event recv] fd=%d,event=%d", events[i].data.fd, events[i].events); } lint_unlock_1 (); } } NSTACK_STATIC inline void get_thread_policy (pthread_attr_t * attr) { int policy; int rs = pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (attr, &policy); if (rs != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("pthread_attr_getschedpolicy failed"); return; } switch (policy) { case SCHED_FIFO: NSFW_LOGINF ("policy= SCHED_FIFO"); break; case SCHED_RR: NSFW_LOGINF ("policy= SCHED_RR"); break; case SCHED_OTHER: NSFW_LOGINF ("policy=SCHED_OTHER"); break; default: NSFW_LOGINF ("policy=UNKNOWN"); break; } return; } NSTACK_STATIC inline void get_thread_priority (pthread_attr_t * attr) { struct sched_param param; int rs = pthread_attr_getschedparam (attr, ¶m); if (rs != 0) { NSFW_LOGERR ("pthread_attr_getschedparam failed"); return; } NSFW_LOGINF ("get thread priority] pri=%d", param.sched_priority); } /* support thread priority configuration */ void set_thread_attr (pthread_attr_t * pattr, int stacksize, int pri, int policy) { struct sched_param param; (void) pthread_attr_init (pattr); if (stacksize > 0) { (void) pthread_attr_setstacksize (pattr, stacksize); } param.sched_priority = pri; if (SCHED_OTHER != policy) { (void) pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (pattr, policy); (void) pthread_attr_setschedparam (pattr, ¶m); (void) pthread_attr_setinheritsched (pattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); } get_thread_policy (pattr); get_thread_priority (pattr); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_ep_start * Description : start epoll thread * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 nsfw_mgr_ep_start () { /* heart beat thread should have the same priority with the tcpip thread */ pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_t *pattr = NULL; if (g_thread_policy != SCHED_OTHER) { set_thread_attr (&attr, 0, g_thread_pri, g_thread_policy); pattr = &attr; } if (pthread_create (&g_ep_proc.ep_thread, pattr, nsfw_mgr_listen_thread, NULL)) { return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGINF ("start thread] id=%d", g_ep_proc.ep_thread); if (pthread_setname_np (g_ep_proc.ep_thread, NSFW_MGRCOM_THREAD)) { return TRUE; } (void) nsfw_reg_trace_thread (g_ep_proc.ep_thread); return TRUE; } int nsfw_mgr_com_chk_hbt (int v_add) { int ret = g_ep_proc.hbt_count; g_ep_proc.hbt_count += v_add; return ret; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy * Description : free the memory * Input : * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy () { if (g_ep_proc.ep_fun) { free (g_ep_proc.ep_fun); g_ep_proc.ep_fun = NULL; } if (g_mgr_socket_map.sock) { free (g_mgr_socket_map.sock); g_mgr_socket_map.sock = NULL; } return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_init * Description : fd map and socket info init * Input : u32 proc_type * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_init (u32 proc_type) { /*only app need to do this */ if ((g_mgr_socket_map.sock) && (g_ep_proc.ep_fun)) { return 0; } if (NSFW_PROC_APP == proc_type) { long sysfdmax = 0; sysfdmax = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX); NSFW_LOGINF ("] sys max open files=%d", sysfdmax); if (sysfdmax > 0) { NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX = (int) ((sysfdmax <= NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_SOCKET * 60) ? sysfdmax : NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_SOCKET * 60); } else { NSFW_LOGERR ("get sys max open file fail"); NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX = NSFW_MGRCOM_MAX_SOCKET; } } NSFW_LOGINF ("] final max fd=%d", NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); if (!g_mgr_socket_map.sock) { g_mgr_socket_map.sock = (nsfw_mgr_sock_info *) malloc (sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_info) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); if (NULL == g_mgr_socket_map.sock) { NSFW_LOGERR ("malloc fail] length=%d", sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_info) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); return -1; } (void) MEMSET_S (g_mgr_socket_map.sock, sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_info) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX, 0, sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_info) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); } if (!g_ep_proc.ep_fun) { g_ep_proc.ep_fun = (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun *) malloc (sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); if (NULL == g_ep_proc.ep_fun) { NSFW_LOGERR ("malloc fail] length=%d ", sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); return -1; } (void) MEMSET_S (g_ep_proc.ep_fun, sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX, 0, sizeof (nsfw_mgr_sock_fun) * NSFW_MGR_FD_MAX); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_com_module_init * Description : module init * Input : void* param * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_com_module_init (void *param); int nsfw_mgr_com_module_init (void *param) { lint_lock_1 (); u32 proc_type = (u32) ((long long) param); nsfw_mgr_init_cfg *mgr_cfg = &g_mgr_com_cfg; const char *directory = NSFW_DOMAIN_DIR; const char *home_dir = getenv ("HOME"); NSFW_LOGINF ("module mgr init] type=%u", proc_type); if (getuid () != 0 && home_dir != NULL) directory = home_dir; if (0 != nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_init (proc_type)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("fd init fail] proc_type=%u", proc_type); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } switch (proc_type) { case NSFW_PROC_MAIN: /* modify destMax, remove "-1" */ if (EOK != STRCPY_S (mgr_cfg->domain_path, NSFW_MGRCOM_PATH_LEN, directory)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr init STRCPY_S failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } /* modify destMax, remove "-1" */ if (EOK != STRCAT_S (mgr_cfg->domain_path, NSFW_MGRCOM_PATH_LEN, NSFW_MAIN_FILE)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr init STRCAT_S failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } //TODO: check the path exist or not NSFW_LOGINF ("module mgr init]NSFW_PROC_MAIN domain_path=%s", mgr_cfg->domain_path); if (TRUE != nsfw_mgr_com_start ()) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr nsfw_mgr_com_start failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } break; case NSFW_PROC_MASTER: /* modify destMax, remove "-1" */ if (EOK != STRCPY_S (mgr_cfg->domain_path, NSFW_MGRCOM_PATH_LEN, directory)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr init STRCPY_S failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } /* modify destMax, remove "-1" */ if (EOK != STRCAT_S (mgr_cfg->domain_path, NSFW_MGRCOM_PATH_LEN, NSFW_MASTER_FILE)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr init STRCAT_S failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } NSFW_LOGINF ("module mgr init]NSFW_PROC_MASTER domain_path=%s", mgr_cfg->domain_path); if (TRUE != nsfw_mgr_com_start ()) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr nsfw_mgr_com_start failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } break; case NSFW_PROC_TOOLS: break; case NSFW_PROC_CTRL: if (TRUE != nsfw_mgr_com_start_local (proc_type)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr nsfw_mgr_com_start_local failed!"); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } break; default: if (proc_type < NSFW_PROC_MAX) { break; } lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } mgr_cfg->msg_size = MGR_COM_MSG_COUNT_DEF; mgr_cfg->max_recv_timeout = MGR_COM_RECV_TIMEOUT_DEF; mgr_cfg->max_recv_drop_msg = MGR_COM_MAX_DROP_MSG_DEF; mgr_cfg->proc_type = proc_type; nsfw_mem_sppool pmpinfo; if (EOK != MEMSET_S (&pmpinfo, sizeof (pmpinfo), 0, sizeof (pmpinfo))) { NSFW_LOGERR ("Error to memset!!!"); nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy (); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } pmpinfo.enmptype = NSFW_MRING_MPMC; pmpinfo.usnum = mgr_cfg->msg_size; pmpinfo.useltsize = sizeof (nsfw_mgr_msg); pmpinfo.isocket_id = NSFW_SOCKET_ANY; pmpinfo.stname.entype = NSFW_NSHMEM; if (-1 == SPRINTF_S (pmpinfo.stname.aname, sizeof (pmpinfo.stname.aname), "%s", "MS_MGR_MSGPOOL")) { NSFW_LOGERR ("Error to SPRINTF_S!!!"); nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy (); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } mgr_cfg->msg_pool = nsfw_mem_sp_create (&pmpinfo); if (!mgr_cfg->msg_pool) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr init msg_pool alloc failed!"); nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy (); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } (void) MEM_STAT (NSFW_MGR_COM_MODULE, pmpinfo.stname.aname, NSFW_NSHMEM, nsfw_mem_get_len (mgr_cfg->msg_pool, NSFW_MEM_SPOOL)); if ((NSFW_PROC_TOOLS == proc_type) || (NSFW_PROC_CTRL == proc_type) || (NSFW_PROC_MAIN == proc_type)) { if (TRUE != nsfw_mgr_ep_start ()) { NSFW_LOGERR ("module mgr nsfw_mgr_ep_start failed!"); nsfw_mgr_comm_fd_destroy (); lint_unlock_1 (); return -1; } } lint_unlock_1 (); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mgr_run_script * Description : run a linux shell script * Input : const char *cmd, char *result, int result_buf_len * Output : result length * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mgr_run_script (const char *cmd, char *result, int result_buf_len) { if (!cmd || !result || result_buf_len <= 1) { return -1; } FILE *fp = popen (cmd, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { size_t n = fread (result, sizeof (char), result_buf_len - 1, fp); if (n == 0) { result[0] = '\0'; } else if ('\n' == result[n - 1]) { result[n - 1] = '\0'; } else { result[n] = '\0'; } pclose (fp); return n; } return -1; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ NSFW_MODULE_NAME(NSFW_MGR_COM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_PRIORITY(10) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS(NSFW_MEM_MGR_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_INIT(nsfw_mgr_com_module_init) /* *INDENT-ON* */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */