/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "types.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "nsfw_init.h" #include "nsfw_ps_module.h" #include "nsfw_mgr_com_api.h" #include "nsfw_ps_mem_api.h" #include "nsfw_ps_mem_module.h" #include "nsfw_ps_api.h" #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" #include "nsfw_fd_timer_api.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C"{ /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ ns_mem_mng_init_cfg g_mem_cfg; int mem_ps_exiting (void *pps_info, void *argv); int nsfw_mem_ps_exit_resend_timeout (u32 timer_type, void *data) { nsfw_ps_info *ps_info = data; if (NULL == ps_info) { NSFW_LOGERR ("ps_info nul!"); return FALSE; } if (NSFW_PROC_APP != ps_info->proc_type) { return FALSE; } if (NSFW_PS_EXITING != ps_info->state) { return FALSE; } ps_info->resend_timer_ptr = NULL; (void) mem_ps_exiting (ps_info, NULL); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_ps_exiting * Description : send exiting message when ps_info exiting * Input : void *pps_info * void* argv * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int mem_ps_exiting (void *pps_info, void *argv) { if (NULL == pps_info) { NSFW_LOGERR ("ps_info nul!"); return FALSE; } if (TRUE == NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND) { NSFW_LOGERR ("main suspend]ps_info=%d,pid=%u", pps_info, ((nsfw_ps_info *) pps_info)->host_pid); return FALSE; } nsfw_mgr_msg *msg = nsfw_mgr_msg_alloc (MGR_MSG_APP_EXIT_REQ, NSFW_PROC_MAIN); if (NULL == msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("ps_exit alloc msg failed]ps_info=%p,pid=%u", pps_info, ((nsfw_ps_info *) pps_info)->host_pid); return FALSE; } nsfw_ps_info_msg *ps_msg = GET_USER_MSG (nsfw_ps_info_msg, msg); ps_msg->host_pid = ((nsfw_ps_info *) pps_info)->host_pid; (void) nsfw_mgr_send_msg (msg); NSFW_LOGINF ("ps_exiting send msg]ps_info=%p,pid=%u", pps_info, ps_msg->host_pid); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (msg); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_alloc_ps_info * Description : alloc ps_info * Input : u32 pid * u8 proc_type * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 mem_alloc_ps_info (u32 pid, u8 proc_type) { nsfw_ps_info *pps_info = NULL; pps_info = nsfw_ps_info_get (pid); if (NULL != pps_info) { return TRUE; } pps_info = nsfw_ps_info_alloc (pid, proc_type); if (NULL == pps_info) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc ps_info falied!]pid=%u,proc_type=%u", pid, proc_type); return FALSE; } NSFW_LOGINF ("alloc new ps_info]pps_info=%p,pid=%u", pps_info, pid); return TRUE; } /*mem alloc by msg begin*/ void * mem_item_zone_create (void *mem_info) { return (void *) nsfw_mem_zone_create ((nsfw_mem_zone *) mem_info); } void * mem_item_mbfmp_create (void *mem_info) { return (void *) nsfw_mem_mbfmp_create ((nsfw_mem_mbfpool *) mem_info); } void * mem_item_sp_create (void *mem_info) { return (void *) nsfw_mem_sp_create ((nsfw_mem_sppool *) mem_info); } void * mem_item_ring_create (void *mem_info) { return (void *) nsfw_mem_ring_create ((nsfw_mem_mring *) mem_info); } nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg g_ps_mem_map[] = { { NSFW_RESERV_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_reserv_req), NSFW_MEM_MZONE, mem_item_zone_create, mem_item_get_callargv} , { NSFW_MBUF_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req), NSFW_MEM_MBUF, mem_item_mbfmp_create, mem_item_get_callargv} , { NSFW_SPPOOL_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_sppool_req), NSFW_MEM_SPOOL, mem_item_sp_create, mem_item_get_callargv} , { NSFW_RING_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_ring_req), NSFW_MEM_RING, mem_item_ring_create, mem_item_get_callargv} , { NSFW_RELEASE_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_free_req), 0xFFFF, mem_item_free, mem_item_get_callargv, } , { NSFW_MEM_LOOKUP_REQ_MSG, sizeof (nsfw_shmem_lookup_req), 0xFFFF, mem_item_lookup, mem_item_get_callargv, } }; /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg * Description : get memory config * Input : u16 msg_type * Output : None * Return Value : nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg * * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg * mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg (u16 msg_type) { int idx; int map_count = sizeof (g_ps_mem_map) / sizeof (nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg); for (idx = 0; idx < map_count; idx++) { if (g_ps_mem_map[idx].usmsg_type == msg_type) { return &g_ps_mem_map[idx]; } } return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_item_get_callargv * Description : change the message value to structur value * Input : u16 msg_type * char* msg_body * char *memstr_buf * i32 buf_len * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 mem_item_get_callargv (u16 msg_type, char *msg_body, char *memstr_buf, i32 buf_len) { switch (msg_type) { case NSFW_RESERV_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (lenth, lenth, nsfw_mem_zone, nsfw_shmem_reserv_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (isocket_id, isocket_id, nsfw_mem_zone, nsfw_shmem_reserv_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; case NSFW_MBUF_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (usnum, usnum, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (uscash_size, uscash_size, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (uspriv_size, uspriv_size, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (usdata_room, usdata_room, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (enmptype, enmptype, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (isocket_id, isocket_id, nsfw_mem_mbfpool, nsfw_shmem_mbuf_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; case NSFW_SPPOOL_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (usnum, usnum, nsfw_mem_sppool, nsfw_shmem_sppool_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (useltsize, useltsize, nsfw_mem_sppool, nsfw_shmem_sppool_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (enmptype, enmptype, nsfw_mem_sppool, nsfw_shmem_sppool_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (isocket_id, isocket_id, nsfw_mem_sppool, nsfw_shmem_sppool_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; case NSFW_RING_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (usnum, usnum, nsfw_mem_mring, nsfw_shmem_ring_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (enmptype, enmptype, nsfw_mem_mring, nsfw_shmem_ring_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); MEM_GET_CALLARGV (isocket_id, isocket_id, nsfw_mem_mring, nsfw_shmem_ring_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; case NSFW_RELEASE_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (ustype, ustype, nsfw_mem_type_info, nsfw_shmem_free_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; case NSFW_MEM_LOOKUP_REQ_MSG: MEM_GET_CALLARGV (ustype, ustype, nsfw_mem_type_info, nsfw_shmem_lookup_req, memstr_buf, msg_body); break; default: NSFW_LOGERR ("error msg]type=%u", msg_type); return FALSE; } if (EOK != STRCPY_S (((nsfw_mem_zone *) memstr_buf)->stname.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENTH, ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) msg_body)->aname)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]msg_type=%u", msg_type); return FALSE; } ((nsfw_mem_zone *) memstr_buf)->stname.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_item_free * Description : free memory item * Input : void *pdata * Output : None * Return Value : void* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * mem_item_free (void *pdata) { nsfw_mem_type_info *mem_free = (nsfw_mem_type_info *) pdata; i32 ret; NSFW_LOGINF ("free mem]type=%u,name=%s", mem_free->ustype, mem_free->stname.aname); switch (mem_free->ustype) { case NSFW_MEM_MZONE: ret = nsfw_mem_zone_release (&mem_free->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_MBUF: ret = nsfw_mem_mbfmp_release (&mem_free->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_SPOOL: ret = nsfw_mem_sp_release (&mem_free->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_RING: ret = nsfw_mem_ring_release (&mem_free->stname); break; default: NSFW_LOGERR ("free mem err type]type=%u", mem_free->ustype); return NULL; } if (NSFW_MEM_OK != ret) { NSFW_LOGERR ("mem free failed!]ret=%d", ret); return NULL; } return pdata; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_item_lookup * Description : lookup memory item * Input : void *pdata * Output : None * Return Value : void* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * mem_item_lookup (void *pdata) { nsfw_mem_type_info *mem_lookup = (nsfw_mem_type_info *) pdata; void *ret; NSFW_LOGDBG ("lookup mem]type=%u,name=%s", mem_lookup->ustype, mem_lookup->stname.aname); switch (mem_lookup->ustype) { case NSFW_MEM_MZONE: ret = nsfw_mem_zone_lookup (&mem_lookup->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_MBUF: ret = nsfw_mem_mbfmp_lookup (&mem_lookup->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_SPOOL: ret = nsfw_mem_sp_lookup (&mem_lookup->stname); break; case NSFW_MEM_RING: ret = nsfw_mem_ring_lookup (&mem_lookup->stname); break; default: NSFW_LOGERR ("lookup mem err type]type=%d", mem_lookup->ustype); return NULL; } if (NULL == ret) { NSFW_LOGERR ("mem lookup failed!]ret=%p,name=%s", ret, mem_lookup->stname.aname); return NULL; } return ret; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_item_proc_by_msg * Description : call memory item process function * Input : void *pdata * nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg* item_cfg * Output : None * Return Value : void* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * mem_item_proc_by_msg (void *pdata, nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg * item_cfg) { char argv_buf[NSFW_MEM_CALL_ARG_BUF] = { 0 }; if ((NULL == item_cfg->change_fun) || (NULL == item_cfg->create_fun)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("item error]change_fun=%p,create_fun=%p", item_cfg->change_fun, item_cfg->create_fun); return NULL; } if (FALSE == item_cfg->change_fun (item_cfg->usmsg_type, pdata, argv_buf, NSFW_MEM_CALL_ARG_BUF)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("call change_fun failed!]type=%u", item_cfg->usmsg_type); return NULL; } void *pdataret = NULL; pdataret = (item_cfg->create_fun) ((void *) argv_buf); return pdataret; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_init_rsp_msg * Description : init the rsp message * Input : nsfw_shmem_msg_head* msg * nsfw_shmem_msg_head *rsp * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ u8 mem_init_rsp_msg (nsfw_shmem_msg_head * msg, nsfw_shmem_msg_head * rsp) { nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg *item_cfg = mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg (msg->usmsg_type); if (NULL == item_cfg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get item cfg failed!]msg_type=%u", msg->usmsg_type); return FALSE; } int idx; int mem_count = msg->uslenth / item_cfg->item_size; rsp->usmsg_type = msg->usmsg_type + 1; rsp->uslenth = mem_count * sizeof (nsfw_shmem_ack); nsfw_shmem_ack *pack = (nsfw_shmem_ack *) & (rsp->aidata[0]); char *pdata = NULL; for (idx = 0; idx < mem_count; idx++) { pdata = (char *) msg->aidata + idx * item_cfg->item_size; pack->pbase_addr = NULL; pack->usseq = ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) pdata)->usseq; pack->cstate = NSFW_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL; pack++; } NSFW_LOGDBG ("init all rsp ack]mem_count=%d,msg_type=%u", mem_count, msg->usmsg_type); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_rel_mem_by_msg * Description : release memory by message * Input : nsfw_shmem_msg_head* req_msg * nsfw_shmem_msg_head *rsp * u32 pid * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 mem_rel_mem_by_msg (nsfw_shmem_msg_head * req_msg, nsfw_shmem_msg_head * rsp, u32 pid) { u32 i; nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg *item_cfg = mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg (req_msg->usmsg_type); if (NULL == item_cfg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get item cfg failed!]msg_type=%u", req_msg->usmsg_type); return FALSE; } unsigned int mem_count = req_msg->uslenth / item_cfg->item_size; char *pdata = NULL; nsfw_shmem_ack *pack = (nsfw_shmem_ack *) & (rsp->aidata[0]); for (i = 0; i < mem_count; i++) { pdata = (char *) req_msg->aidata + i * item_cfg->item_size; if (NULL != mem_item_proc_by_msg ((void *) pdata, item_cfg)) { pack->cstate = NSFW_MEM_ALLOC_SUCC; pack->pbase_addr = NULL; } pack++; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_lookup_mem_by_msg * Description : lookup memory by message * Input : nsfw_shmem_msg_head* mgr_msg * nsfw_shmem_msg_head *rsp * u32 pid * Output : None * Return Value : u8 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ u8 mem_lookup_mem_by_msg (nsfw_shmem_msg_head * mgr_msg, nsfw_shmem_msg_head * rsp, u32 pid) { i32 idx; nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg *item_cfg = mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg (mgr_msg->usmsg_type); if (NULL == item_cfg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get item cfg failed!]msg_type=%u", mgr_msg->usmsg_type); return FALSE; } int mem_count = mgr_msg->uslenth / item_cfg->item_size; char *pdata = NULL; void *paddr = NULL; nsfw_shmem_ack *pack = (nsfw_shmem_ack *) & (rsp->aidata[0]); for (idx = 0; idx < mem_count; idx++) { pdata = (char *) mgr_msg->aidata + idx * item_cfg->item_size; paddr = mem_item_proc_by_msg ((void *) pdata, item_cfg); if (NULL != paddr) { pack->cstate = NSFW_MEM_ALLOC_SUCC; pack->pbase_addr = paddr; } pack++; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_alloc_mem_by_msg * Description : alloc memory by message * Input : nsfw_shmem_msg_head* mem_msg * nsfw_shmem_msg_head *rsp * Output : None * Return Value : ns_mem_info* * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * mem_alloc_mem_by_msg (nsfw_shmem_msg_head * mem_msg, nsfw_shmem_msg_head * rsp) { nsfw_ps_mem_item_cfg *item_cfg = mem_item_get_cfg_from_msg (mem_msg->usmsg_type); if (NULL == item_cfg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("get item cfg failed!]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); return NULL; } int i; int j; nsfw_mem_type_info mem_free; char *pdata = NULL; void *p_addr = NULL; int mem_count = mem_msg->uslenth / item_cfg->item_size; nsfw_shmem_ack *pack = (nsfw_shmem_ack *) & (rsp->aidata[0]); for (i = 0; i < mem_count; i++) { pdata = (char *) mem_msg->aidata + i * item_cfg->item_size; p_addr = mem_item_proc_by_msg ((void *) pdata, item_cfg); if (NULL == p_addr) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc mem failed!]type=%u,mem_count=%d,item=%d,name=%s", mem_msg->usmsg_type, mem_count, i, ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) pdata)->aname); goto fail_free_mem; } pack->cstate = NSFW_MEM_ALLOC_SUCC; pack->pbase_addr = p_addr; NSFW_LOGINF ("alloc mem suc!]addr=%p,type=%u,mem_count=%d,item=%d,name=%s", p_addr, mem_msg->usmsg_type, mem_count, i, ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) pdata)->aname); pack++; } return p_addr; fail_free_mem: for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { pdata = (char *) mem_msg->aidata + j * item_cfg->item_size; if (EOK != STRCPY_S (mem_free.stname.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENTH, ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) pdata)->aname)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]j=%d", j); continue; } mem_free.ustype = item_cfg->mem_type; mem_free.stname.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; (void) mem_item_free (&mem_free); NSFW_LOGINF ("free mem]addr=%p,type=%u,mem_count=%d,item=%d,name=%s", p_addr, mem_msg->usmsg_type, mem_count, j, ((nsfw_shmem_reserv_req *) pdata)->aname); pack++; } return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_alloc_req_proc * Description : memory message * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg* msg * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int mem_alloc_req_proc (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg) { void *mem_addr = NULL; if (NULL == msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg nul"); return FALSE; } nsfw_shmem_msg_head *mem_msg = GET_USER_MSG (nsfw_shmem_msg_head, msg); nsfw_mgr_msg *rsp_msg = nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc (msg); if (NULL == rsp_msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc rsp msg failed]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); return FALSE; } nsfw_shmem_msg_head *mem_rsp_msg = GET_USER_MSG (nsfw_shmem_msg_head, rsp_msg); if (!mem_init_rsp_msg (mem_msg, mem_rsp_msg)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("init rsp msg failed]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (rsp_msg); return FALSE; } switch (mem_msg->usmsg_type) { case NSFW_MEM_LOOKUP_REQ_MSG: if (!mem_lookup_mem_by_msg (mem_msg, mem_rsp_msg, msg->src_pid)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("lookup mem msg failed]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); goto sendrspmsg; } (void) mem_alloc_ps_info (msg->src_pid, msg->src_proc_type); break; case NSFW_RESERV_REQ_MSG: case NSFW_MBUF_REQ_MSG: case NSFW_SPPOOL_REQ_MSG: case NSFW_RING_REQ_MSG: mem_addr = mem_alloc_mem_by_msg (mem_msg, mem_rsp_msg); if (NULL == mem_addr) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc mem msg failed]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); (void) mem_init_rsp_msg (mem_msg, mem_rsp_msg); goto sendrspmsg; } (void) mem_alloc_ps_info (msg->src_pid, msg->src_proc_type); break; case NSFW_RELEASE_REQ_MSG: if (!mem_rel_mem_by_msg (mem_msg, mem_rsp_msg, msg->src_pid)) { NSFW_LOGERR ("rel mem msg failed]msg_type=%u", mem_msg->usmsg_type); goto sendrspmsg; } break; default: break; } sendrspmsg: (void) nsfw_mgr_send_msg (rsp_msg); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (rsp_msg); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_ps_exiting_resend * Description : send the exiting message again * Input : void *pps_info * void* argv * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int mem_ps_exiting_resend (void *pps_info, void *argv) { u32 *count = argv; nsfw_ps_info *ps_info = pps_info; if (NULL == ps_info) { NSFW_LOGERR ("ps_info nul!"); return FALSE; } if (NSFW_PROC_APP != ps_info->proc_type) { return FALSE; } if (NSFW_PS_EXITING != ps_info->state) { return FALSE; } if (NULL != count) { NSFW_LOGINF ("send count]count=%u,pid=%u", *count, ps_info->host_pid); if (NSFW_PS_SEND_PER_TIME < (*count)++) { struct timespec time_left = { NSFW_PS_MEM_RESEND_TVLAUE + ((*count) / NSFW_PS_SEND_PER_TIME), 0 }; ps_info->resend_timer_ptr = (void *) nsfw_timer_reg_timer (NSFW_PS_MEM_RESEND_TIMER, pps_info, nsfw_mem_ps_exit_resend_timeout, time_left); return TRUE; } } (void) mem_ps_exiting (ps_info, NULL); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_mem_srv_restore_timeout * Description : service waiting resume timeout * Input : u32 timer_type * void* data * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_mem_srv_restore_timeout (u32 timer_type, void *data) { u32 max_count = 0; g_mem_cfg.p_restore_timer = NULL; if (TRUE == NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND) { NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND = FALSE; (void) nsfw_ps_iterator (mem_ps_exiting_resend, &max_count); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : mem_srv_ctrl_proc * Description : service control message process * Input : nsfw_mgr_msg* msg * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int mem_srv_ctrl_proc (nsfw_mgr_msg * msg) { if (NULL == msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("msg nul"); return FALSE; } nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg = GET_USER_MSG (nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg, msg); nsfw_mgr_msg *rsp_msg = nsfw_mgr_rsp_msg_alloc (msg); if (NULL == rsp_msg) { NSFW_LOGERR ("alloc rsp msg failed]msg=%p", msg); return FALSE; } nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg *ctrl_rsp_msg = GET_USER_MSG (nsfw_srv_ctrl_msg, rsp_msg); NSFW_LOGINF ("get srv ctrl state] state=%d", ctrl_msg->srv_state); ctrl_rsp_msg->rsp_code = NSFW_MGR_SUCESS; (void) nsfw_mgr_send_msg (rsp_msg); nsfw_mgr_msg_free (rsp_msg); if (NSFW_SRV_CTRL_RESUME == ctrl_msg->srv_state) { if (TRUE == NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND) { NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND = FALSE; } u32 max_count = 0; (void) nsfw_ps_iterator (mem_ps_exiting_resend, &max_count); if (NULL != g_mem_cfg.p_restore_timer) { nsfw_timer_rmv_timer ((nsfw_timer_info *) g_mem_cfg.p_restore_timer); g_mem_cfg.p_restore_timer = NULL; } } else { NSFW_SRV_STATE_SUSPEND = TRUE; struct timespec time_left = { NSFW_SRV_RESTORE_TVALUE, 0 }; g_mem_cfg.p_restore_timer = (void *) nsfw_timer_reg_timer (0, NULL, nsfw_mem_srv_restore_timeout, time_left); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nsfw_ps_mem_module_init * Description : module init * Input : void* param * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int nsfw_ps_mem_module_init (void *param) { u32 proc_type = (u32) ((long long) param); NSFW_LOGINF ("ps_mem module init]type=%u", proc_type); switch (proc_type) { case NSFW_PROC_MAIN: (void) nsfw_ps_reg_global_fun (NSFW_PROC_APP, NSFW_PS_EXITING, mem_ps_exiting, NULL); (void) nsfw_mgr_reg_msg_fun (MGR_MSG_MEM_ALLOC_REQ, mem_alloc_req_proc); (void) NSFW_REG_SOFT_INT (NSFW_SRV_RESTORE_TIMER, NSFW_SRV_RESTORE_TVALUE, 1, 0xFFFF); (void) NSFW_REG_SOFT_INT (NSFW_APP_RESEND_TIMER, NSFW_PS_MEM_RESEND_TVLAUE, 1, 0xFFFF); (void) NSFW_REG_SOFT_INT (NSFW_APP_SEND_PER_TIME, NSFW_PS_SEND_PER_TIME, 1, 0xFFFF); break; default: if (proc_type < NSFW_PROC_MAX) { return 0; } return -1; } g_mem_cfg.srv_restore_tvalue = NSFW_SRV_RESTORE_TVALUE_DEF; g_mem_cfg.ps_exit_resend_tvalue = NSFW_PS_MEM_RESEND_TVLAUE_DEF; g_mem_cfg.ps_send_per_time = NSFW_PS_SEND_PER_TIME_DEF; return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ NSFW_MODULE_NAME (NSFW_PS_MEM_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_PRIORITY (10) NSFW_MODULE_DEPENDS (NSFW_PS_MODULE) NSFW_MODULE_INIT (nsfw_ps_mem_module_init) /* *INDENT-ON* */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* __cplusplus */