/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*==============================================* * include header files * *----------------------------------------------*/ #include "nstack_log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nstack_securec.h" #include /*==============================================* * constants or macros define * *----------------------------------------------*/ #define FILE_NAME_LEN 256 #define MAX_PRE_INIT_LOG_COUNT 256 #define MAX_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT 50000 /* changed MAX_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT to 50000 to avoid function being blocked for too long */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ int g_l4_dump_enable = 0; static int pre_init_log_count = 0; static struct pre_init_info pre_init_log[MAX_PRE_INIT_LOG_COUNT] = {{0, ""}}; /* *INDENT-ON* */ __thread unsigned int nstack_log_nonreentry = 0; int ctrl_log_switch = 0; /*==============================================* * project-wide global variables * *----------------------------------------------*/ struct nstack_logs g_nstack_logs[MAX_LOG_MODULE] = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Clear compile warning */ struct log_init_para g_log_init_para = { 50, 10, NSTACK_LOG_NAME, 10, 10, NSTACK_LOG_NAME }; static int g_my_pro_type = LOG_PRO_INVALID; #define DEFAULT_LOG_CTR_TIME 5 static struct log_ctrl_info g_log_ctrl_info[LOG_CTRL_ID_MAX]; /*==============================================* * routines' or functions' implementations * *----------------------------------------------*/ /* change the print level, not only has err, Begin.*/ void save_pre_init_log (uint32_t level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int ret = 0; /* add pre_init_log_count rang check */ if (level > NSLOG_DBG || pre_init_log_count >= MAX_PRE_INIT_LOG_COUNT || pre_init_log_count < 0) { return; } pre_init_log[pre_init_log_count].log_buffer[PRE_INIT_LOG_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; (void) va_start (ap, fmt); ret = VSNPRINTF_S (pre_init_log[pre_init_log_count].log_buffer, PRE_INIT_LOG_LENGTH, PRE_INIT_LOG_LENGTH - 1, fmt, ap); if (-1 == ret) { va_end (ap); return; } va_end (ap); pre_init_log[pre_init_log_count].level = level; pre_init_log_count++; } void write_pre_init_log () { int i = 0; for (; i < pre_init_log_count; i++) { if (NSLOG_ERR == pre_init_log[i].level) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("pre init log: %s", pre_init_log[i].log_buffer); } else if (NSLOG_WAR == pre_init_log[i].level) { NSPOL_LOGWAR (NS_LOG_STACKX_ON, "pre init log: %s", pre_init_log[i].log_buffer); } else if (NSLOG_INF == pre_init_log[i].level) { NSPOL_LOGINF (NS_LOG_STACKX_ON, "pre init log: %s", pre_init_log[i].log_buffer); } } } int cmp_log_path (const char *path) { if (NULL == path) { return 1; } /* remove struct log_info g_nstack_log_info */ if (NULL != g_log_init_para.mon_log_path) { if (strcmp (g_log_init_para.mon_log_path, path) == 0) { return 0; } } return 1; } void get_current_time (char *buf, const int len) { int retVal; time_t cur_tick; struct tm cur_time; (void) time (&cur_tick); /* add return value check, */ if (NULL == localtime_r (&cur_tick, &cur_time)) { return; } // from man page of localtime_r: // tm_year The number of years since 1900. // tm_mon The number of months since January, in the range 0 to 11. retVal = SNPRINTF_S (buf, len, len - 1, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", cur_time.tm_year + 1900, cur_time.tm_mon + 1, cur_time.tm_mday, cur_time.tm_hour, cur_time.tm_min, cur_time.tm_sec); if (-1 == retVal) { return; } buf[len - 1] = 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nstack_setlog_level * Description : Set global log level * Input : int module * uint32_t level * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nstack_setlog_level (int module, uint32_t level) { if (MAX_LOG_MODULE <= module || module < 0) { return; } g_nstack_logs[module].level = level; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nstack_log_info_check * Description : log info check * Input : uint32_t module * uint32_t level * ... * Output : None * Return Value : bool * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ bool nstack_log_info_check (uint32_t module, uint32_t level) { if (MAX_LOG_MODULE <= module) { return false; } /* no need compare module ,which is done ahead */ if (LOG_PRO_INVALID == g_my_pro_type) { return false; } return true; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ NSTACK_STATIC inline void init_operation_log_para() { g_nstack_logs[OPERATION].file_type = LOG_TYPE_OPERATION; } NSTACK_STATIC inline void init_nstack_log_para() { int i = 0; (void)glogLevelSet(GLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); glogBufLevelSet(GLOG_LEVEL_WARNING); for(; i 0) { nstack_setlog_level (module, logLevel); return 0; } if (0 == module) { for ( i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_MODULE ; i++ ) { nstack_setlog_level(i,logLevel); } } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : check_log_dir_valid * Description : check the log dir valid or not * Input : const char *arg * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int check_log_dir_valid (const char *path) { size_t length; struct stat statbuf; if (NULL == path) { return -1; } length = strlen (path) + 1; if ((length <= 1) || (length > FILE_NAME_LEN)) { return -1; } /* only write permission is allowed */ if ((0 != access (path, W_OK))) { /* if path can access, use env path */ return -1; } if ((0 == lstat (path, &statbuf)) && S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode)) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : get_app_env_log_path * Description : called by environment-specific log init function * Input : app_file_path, a char pointer to store the log path * Input : app_file_size, the app_file_path size * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ int get_app_env_log_path (char *app_file_path, unsigned int app_file_size) { char *pst_app_log_path_flag = NULL; char *pst_app_log_path_string = NULL; int log_to_file = 0; int ret = -1; char *app_dir = NULL; if ((NULL == app_file_path) || (0 == app_file_size)) { return 0; } pst_app_log_path_flag = getenv ("NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG"); if (pst_app_log_path_flag && strcmp (pst_app_log_path_flag, "1") == 0) { /* if set enviroment variable to 1,then output to file*/ log_to_file = 1; } else { /* if enviroment variable is not equal 1 or don't set this enviroment variable ,output to STDOUT */ return 0; } /* add the realpath and dir check */ /* APP LOG can be set by user */ pst_app_log_path_string = getenv("NSTACK_APP_LOG_PATH"); if ((NULL == pst_app_log_path_string) ||(strlen (pst_app_log_path_string) > FILE_NAME_LEN - 1)) { goto app_default; } app_dir = realpath (pst_app_log_path_string, NULL); if (check_log_dir_valid (pst_app_log_path_string) < 0) { goto app_default; } ret = STRCPY_S (app_file_path, app_file_size, app_dir); if(EOK != ret) { log_to_file = 0; } free(app_dir); return log_to_file; app_default: if ((0 == access (APP_LOG_PATH, W_OK))) { ret = STRCPY_S (app_file_path, app_file_size, APP_LOG_PATH); if (EOK != ret) { log_to_file = 0; } } else { log_to_file = 0; } if (NULL != app_dir) { free (app_dir); } return log_to_file; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nstack_log_init_app * Description : called by environment-specific log init function * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nstack_log_init_app () { char *pc_temp = NULL; int log_level = NSLOG_ERR; int i = 0; int file_flag = 0; char app_log_path[FILE_NAME_LEN] = { 0 }; /* log alread initialized, just return */ if (LOG_PRO_INVALID != g_my_pro_type) { return; } /* Add app log hook module init */ nstack_log_hook_init (); if (0 != g_nstack_logs[NSOCKET].inited) { return; } glogInit ("APP"); pc_temp = getenv ("NSTACK_LOG_ON"); if (pc_temp) { if (strcmp (pc_temp, "INF") == 0) { log_level = NSLOG_INF; } else if (strcmp (pc_temp, "DBG") == 0) { log_level = NSLOG_DBG; } else if (strcmp (pc_temp, "WAR") == 0) { log_level = NSLOG_WAR; } else if (strcmp (pc_temp, "ERR") == 0) { log_level = NSLOG_ERR; } else if (strcmp (pc_temp, "EMG") == 0) { log_level = NSLOG_EMG; } else { log_level = NSLOG_ERR; } } else { log_level = NSLOG_ERR; } /* socket interface APP called include both stack-x and nstack module! */ nstack_setlog_level (STACKX, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (NSOCKET, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (LOGRTE, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (LOGDFX, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (LOGFW, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (LOGHAL, log_level); nstack_setlog_level (LOGSBR, log_level); /* package the app env handle function, Begin */ file_flag = get_app_env_log_path (app_log_path, FILE_NAME_LEN); if ((1 == file_flag) && (strlen (app_log_path) > 0)) { glogDir (app_log_path); glogBufLevelSet (GLOG_LEVEL_WARNING); (void) glogLevelSet (GLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); for (i = 0; i < GLOG_LEVEL_BUTT; i++) glogSetLogSymlink (i, ""); nstack_log_count_set (APP_LOG_COUNT); glogMaxLogSizeSet (APP_LOG_SIZE); glogSetLogFilenameExtension (APP_LOG_NAME); glogFlushLogSecsSet (FLUSH_TIME); } else { glogToStderrSet (1); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_MODULE; i++) { g_nstack_logs[i].file_type = LOG_TYPE_APP; } init_log_ctrl_info (); g_my_pro_type = LOG_PRO_APP; #ifdef FOR_NSTACK_UT #else SetGlogCtrlOpt (TRUE); #endif NSPOL_LOGERR ("app_nStack_version=%s", NSTACK_VERSION); return; } void nstack_segment_error (int s) { #define BACKTRACE_SIZ 20 void *array[BACKTRACE_SIZ]; int size; int i; char **strings = NULL; /*if set, flush the log immediately */ glogFlushLogFiles (GLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); size = backtrace (array, BACKTRACE_SIZ); NSPOL_LOGEMG ("------------------DUMP_BACKTRACE[%d]--------------------------------\n", size); /* easy to view signal in separate log file */ NSPOL_LOGEMG ("Received signal s=%d", s); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { NSPOL_LOGEMG ("[%d]:%p\n", i, array[i]); } strings = backtrace_symbols (array, size); if (NULL == strings) { return; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { NSPOL_LOGEMG ("[%d]:%s\n", i, strings[i]); } NSPOL_LOGEMG ("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); free (strings); } void set_log_init_para (struct log_init_para *para) { if (NULL == para) { return; } if (EOK != MEMCPY_S (&g_log_init_para, sizeof (struct log_init_para), para, sizeof (struct log_init_para))) { return; } } /* control log printed counts */ static inline void update_log_prt_time (struct timespec *cur_time, struct timespec *log_prt_time) { log_prt_time->tv_sec = cur_time->tv_sec; log_prt_time->tv_nsec = cur_time->tv_nsec; } int check_log_prt_time (int id) { struct timespec cur_time; struct timespec *log_prt_time = NULL; if (id >= LOG_CTRL_ID_MAX || id < 0) { return 0; } (void) clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time); log_prt_time = &g_log_ctrl_info[id].last_log_time; if (cur_time.tv_sec - log_prt_time->tv_sec >= g_log_ctrl_info[id].expire_time) { /* first log need print */ set_log_ctrl_time (id, DEFAULT_LOG_CTR_TIME); update_log_prt_time (&cur_time, log_prt_time); return 1; } g_log_ctrl_info[id].unprint_count++; return 0; } int get_unprt_log_count (int id) { return g_log_ctrl_info[id].unprint_count; } void clr_unprt_log_count (int id) { g_log_ctrl_info[id].unprint_count = 0; } void set_log_ctrl_time (int id, int ctrl_time) { if (id >= LOG_CTRL_ID_MAX || id < 0) { return; } if (ctrl_time <= 0) { return; } g_log_ctrl_info[id].expire_time = ctrl_time; } void init_log_ctrl_info () { int i = 0; for (; i < LOG_CTRL_ID_MAX; i++) { /* first log need print */ g_log_ctrl_info[i].expire_time = 0; g_log_ctrl_info[i].unprint_count = 0; g_log_ctrl_info[i].last_log_time.tv_sec = 0; g_log_ctrl_info[i].last_log_time.tv_nsec = 0; } // for every socket api, need different log id // for nstack inner } void set_log_proc_type (int log_proc_type) { g_my_pro_type = log_proc_type; }