/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*==============================================* * include header files * *----------------------------------------------*/ #include "nstack_select.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #include "nsfw_base_linux_api.h" /*==============================================* * constants or macros define * *----------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef NSTACK_SELECT_MODULE /*==============================================* * project-wide global variables * *----------------------------------------------*/ extern void *nstack_select_thread (void *arg); /*************select module***************************/ struct select_module_info g_select_module = { .inited = FALSE, }; /*==============================================* * routines' or functions' implementations * *----------------------------------------------*/ /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : get_select_module * Description : get_select_module * Input : void * Output : None * Return Value : struct select_module_info * * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ struct select_module_info * get_select_module (void) { return &g_select_module; } /*split comm seclet entry to child mod select*/ /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_cb_split_by_mod * Description : select_cb_split_by_module * Input : i32 nfds * fd_set *readfd * fd_set *writefd * fd_set *exceptfd * struct select_entry *entry * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_cb_split_by_mod (i32 nfds, fd_set * readfd, fd_set * writefd, fd_set * exceptfd, struct select_entry * entry) { i32 inx; i32 i; i32 fd; for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { /*not bound to any stack */ for (inx = 0; inx < get_mode_num (); inx++) { if (!((readfd && FD_ISSET (i, readfd)) || (writefd && FD_ISSET (i, writefd)) || (exceptfd && FD_ISSET (i, exceptfd)))) { continue; } fd = select_get_modfd (i, inx); /*not create by nstack */ if ((fd < 0) || (select_get_modindex (i) < 0)) { if (inx != get_mode_linux_index ()) { continue; } fd = i; nssct_create (fd, fd, inx); } else { if (select_get_modindex (i) != inx) continue; } NSSOC_LOGDBG ("fd is available i= %d fd = %d index = %d\n", i, fd, inx); if ((readfd) && (FD_ISSET (i, readfd))) { NSTACK_FD_SET (fd, &(entry->cb[inx].nstack_readset)); if (entry->cb[inx].count <= fd) entry->cb[inx].count = fd + 1; } if ((writefd) && (FD_ISSET (i, writefd))) { NSTACK_FD_SET (fd, &(entry->cb[inx].nstack_writeset)); if (entry->cb[inx].count <= fd) entry->cb[inx].count = fd + 1; } if ((exceptfd) && (FD_ISSET (i, exceptfd))) { NSTACK_FD_SET (fd, &(entry->cb[inx].nstack_exceptset)); if (entry->cb[inx].count <= fd) entry->cb[inx].count = fd + 1; } } } for (inx = 0; inx < get_mode_num (); inx++) { if (entry->cb[inx].count > 0) { entry->info.set_num++; entry->info.index = inx; } } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_add_cb * Description : add cb to global list * Input : struct select_entry *entry * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_add_cb (struct select_entry * entry) { if ((!entry)) { return FALSE; } select_spin_lock (&g_select_module.lock); if (!g_select_module.entry_head) { g_select_module.entry_head = entry; g_select_module.entry_tail = entry; entry->next = NULL; entry->prev = NULL; } else { g_select_module.entry_tail->next = entry; entry->prev = g_select_module.entry_tail; g_select_module.entry_tail = entry; entry->next = NULL; } select_spin_unlock (&g_select_module.lock); select_sem_post (&g_select_module.sem); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_rm_cb * Description : rm the cb from global list * Input : struct select_entry *entry * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_rm_cb (struct select_entry * entry) { if (!entry) { return FALSE; } select_spin_lock (&g_select_module.lock); if (g_select_module.entry_head == entry) { g_select_module.entry_head = entry->next; } else if (entry->prev) { entry->prev->next = entry->next; } if (g_select_module.entry_tail == entry) { g_select_module.entry_tail = entry->prev; } else if (entry->next) { entry->next->prev = entry->prev; } entry->next = NULL; entry->prev = NULL; select_spin_unlock (&g_select_module.lock); return TRUE; } /*get fd set from entry*/ /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_thread_get_fdset * Description : get module listening fd form global list * Input : nstack_fd_set *readfd * nstack_fd_set *writefd * nstack_fd_set *exceptfd * struct select_module_info *module * i32 inx * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_thread_get_fdset (nstack_fd_set * readfd, nstack_fd_set * writefd, nstack_fd_set * exceptfd, struct select_module_info * module, i32 inx) { struct select_entry *tmp; i32 nfds = 0; int retVal; if (!module) { return FALSE; } retVal = NSTACK_FD_ZERO (readfd); retVal |= NSTACK_FD_ZERO (writefd); retVal |= NSTACK_FD_ZERO (exceptfd); if (EOK != retVal) { NSSOC_LOGERR ("NSTACK_FD_ZERO MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return FALSE; } select_spin_lock (&module->lock); for (tmp = module->entry_head; NULL != tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->cb[inx].count <= 0) { continue; } NSTACK_FD_OR (readfd, &tmp->cb[inx].nstack_readset); NSTACK_FD_OR (writefd, &tmp->cb[inx].nstack_writeset); NSTACK_FD_OR (exceptfd, &tmp->cb[inx].nstack_exceptset); if (nfds < tmp->cb[inx].count) { nfds = tmp->cb[inx].count; } } select_spin_unlock (&module->lock); return nfds; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_thread_set_fdset * Description : set ready event to global list * Input : i32 nfds * nstack_fd_set *readfd * nstack_fd_set *writefd * nstack_fd_set *exceptfd * struct select_module_info *module * i32 inx * i32 err * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_thread_set_fdset (i32 nfds, nstack_fd_set * readfd, nstack_fd_set * writefd, nstack_fd_set * exceptfd, struct select_module_info * module, i32 inx, i32 err) { struct select_entry *tmp; if (!module) { return FALSE; } select_spin_lock (&module->lock); for (tmp = module->entry_head; NULL != tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->cb[inx].count <= 0) { continue; } if (nfds < 0) { tmp->ready.readyset = nfds; tmp->ready.select_errno = err; continue; } NSSOC_LOGDBG ("readyset=%d,index=%d", tmp->ready.readyset, inx); entry_module_fdset (tmp, nfds, readfd, writefd, exceptfd, inx); } select_spin_unlock (&module->lock); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_event_post * Description : when event ready post sem to awake nstack_select * Input : struct select_module_info *module * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void select_event_post (struct select_module_info *module) { struct select_entry *tmp; int inx; select_spin_lock (&module->lock); for (tmp = module->entry_head; NULL != tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if ((tmp->ready.readyset != 0)) { for (inx = 0; inx < get_mode_num (); inx++) { tmp->cb[inx].count = 0; } NSSOC_LOGDBG ("readyset=%d", tmp->ready.readyset); select_sem_post (&tmp->sem); } } select_spin_unlock (&module->lock); } /*set select_event function*/ /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_module_init * Description : init select module * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_module_init () { i32 i; pthread_t select_thread_id; i32 retval; if (fdmapping_init () < 0) { goto ERR_RET; } g_select_module.default_mod = get_mode_linux_index (); g_select_module.default_fun = nsfw_base_select; /*regist select fun */ for (i = 0; i < get_mode_num (); i++) { g_select_module.get_select_fun_nonblock[i] = nstack_module_ops (i)->pfselect; } select_sem_init (&g_select_module.sem, 0, 0); select_spin_lock_init (&g_select_module.lock); if (pthread_create (&select_thread_id, NULL, nstack_select_thread, NULL)) { goto ERR_RET; } retval = pthread_setname_np (select_thread_id, "nstack_select"); if (retval) { /*set thread name failed */ } g_select_module.inited = TRUE; g_select_module.entry_head = g_select_module.entry_tail = NULL; return TRUE; ERR_RET: return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : entry_module_fdset * Description : set event * Input : struct select_entry *entry * i32 fd_size * nstack_fd_set *readfd * nstack_fd_set *writefd * nstack_fd_set *exceptfd * i32 inx * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void entry_module_fdset (struct select_entry *entry, i32 fd_size, nstack_fd_set * readfd, nstack_fd_set * writefd, nstack_fd_set * exceptfd, i32 inx) { i32 i; i32 fd; for (i = 0; i < fd_size; i++) { fd = select_get_commfd (i, inx); if (fd < 0) { continue; } if (NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, readfd) && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, &entry->cb[inx].nstack_readset)) { FD_SET (fd, &entry->ready.readset); entry->ready.readyset++; NSSOC_LOGDBG ("readyset is %d", entry->ready.readyset); } if (NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, writefd) && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, &entry->cb[inx].nstack_writeset)) { FD_SET (fd, &entry->ready.writeset); entry->ready.readyset++; NSSOC_LOGDBG ("writeset is %d", entry->ready.readyset); } if (NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, exceptfd) && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, &entry->cb[inx].nstack_exceptset)) { FD_SET (fd, &entry->ready.exceptset); entry->ready.readyset++; NSSOC_LOGDBG ("exceptset is %d", entry->ready.readyset); } } } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : select_scan * Description : scan all modules to check event ready or not * Input : struct select_entry *entry * Output : None * Return Value : i32 * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ i32 select_scan (struct select_entry *entry) { i32 inx; i32 fd_size; i32 ready; nstack_fd_set *readfd; nstack_fd_set *writefd; nstack_fd_set *exceptfd; struct timeval timeout; readfd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); writefd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); exceptfd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); if ((!readfd) || (!writefd) || (!exceptfd)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("malloc nstack_fd_set fail"); FREE_FD_SET (readfd, writefd, exceptfd); return -1; } for (inx = 0; inx < get_mode_num (); inx++) { *readfd = entry->cb[inx].nstack_readset; *writefd = entry->cb[inx].nstack_writeset; *exceptfd = entry->cb[inx].nstack_exceptset; fd_size = entry->cb[inx].count; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if ((g_select_module.get_select_fun_nonblock[inx]) && (fd_size > 0)) { ready = g_select_module.get_select_fun_nonblock[inx] (fd_size, (fd_set *) readfd, (fd_set *) writefd, (fd_set *) exceptfd, &timeout); } else { continue; } if (ready > 0) { entry_module_fdset (entry, fd_size, readfd, writefd, exceptfd, inx); } else if (ready < 0) { entry->ready.readyset = ready; entry->ready.select_errno = errno; NSSOC_LOGERR ("select failed index = %d", inx); FREE_FD_SET (readfd, writefd, exceptfd); return FALSE; } } FREE_FD_SET (readfd, writefd, exceptfd); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : lint_lock * Description : avoid lint error * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : static inline void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ static inline void lint_lock () { return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : lint_unlock * Description : avoid lint error * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : static inline void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ static inline void lint_unlock () { return; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nstack_select_thread * Description : if global list not null scaning all modules ,need to think about block mod * Input : void *arg * Output : None * Return Value : void * * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void * nstack_select_thread (void *arg) { #define SELECT_SLEEP_TIME 800 //us i32 inx; nstack_fd_set *readfd; nstack_fd_set *writefd; nstack_fd_set *exceptfd; i32 fd_size; i32 ready; i32 sleep_time = SELECT_SLEEP_TIME; struct timeval timeout; lint_lock (); readfd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); writefd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); exceptfd = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set)); if ((!readfd) || (!writefd) || (!exceptfd)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("malloc nstack_fd_set fail"); FREE_FD_SET (readfd, writefd, exceptfd); lint_unlock (); return NULL; } /*used nonblock need add block mod later */ for (;;) { /*wait app calling select no cong cpu */ if (!g_select_module.entry_head) { select_sem_wait (&g_select_module.sem); } for (inx = 0; inx < get_mode_num (); inx++) { fd_size = select_thread_get_fdset (readfd, writefd, exceptfd, &g_select_module, inx); if (fd_size <= 0) { continue; } if (g_select_module.get_select_fun_nonblock[inx]) { ready = g_select_module.get_select_fun_nonblock[inx] (fd_size, (fd_set *) readfd, (fd_set *) writefd, (fd_set *) exceptfd, &timeout); } else { continue; } if (ready > 0) { select_thread_set_fdset (fd_size, readfd, writefd, exceptfd, &g_select_module, inx, 0); } else if (ready < 0) { select_thread_set_fdset (ready, readfd, writefd, exceptfd, &g_select_module, inx, errno); NSSOC_LOGERR ("module[%d] select failed] ret = %d errno = %d", inx, ready, errno); lint_unlock (); break; } } select_event_post (&g_select_module); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = sleep_time; lint_unlock (); /*use linux select for timer */ nsfw_base_select (1, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timeout); } } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nssct_create * Description : create a select record for event fd * Input : i32 cfd * i32 mfd * i32 inx * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nssct_create (i32 cfd, i32 mfd, i32 inx) { if (g_select_module.inited != TRUE) { return; } select_set_modfd (cfd, inx, mfd); select_set_commfd (mfd, inx, cfd); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nssct_close * Description : rm the record * Input : i32 cfd * i32 inx * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nssct_close (i32 cfd, i32 inx) { if (g_select_module.inited != TRUE) { return; } i32 mfd = select_get_modfd (cfd, inx); select_set_modfd (cfd, inx, -1); select_set_commfd (mfd, inx, -1); select_set_index (cfd, -1); } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : nssct_set_index * Description : set select fd index * Input : i32 fd * i32 inx * Output : None * Return Value : void * Calls : * Called By : *****************************************************************************/ void nssct_set_index (i32 fd, i32 inx) { if (g_select_module.inited != TRUE) { return; } select_set_index (fd, inx); } #endif /* NSTACK_SELECT_MODULE */