/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SPL_HAL_H_ #define SPL_HAL_H_ #include "hal_api.h" #include "netif.h" #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" #include "stackx_spl_share.h" #include "stackx_pbuf_comm.h" #include "netifapi.h" #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ extern "C" { /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif int spl_hal_init (int argc, char *argv[]); int spl_hal_port_init (); int spl_hal_stats_display (struct netif *pnetif, char *str, u32_t len, char *json, u32_t json_len); err_t spl_hal_output (struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *buf); void spl_hal_input (struct netif *netif, struct spl_pbuf **buf); inline u16_t spl_hal_recv (struct netif *netif, u8_t id); int spl_hal_tx_ip_cksum_enable (); int spl_hal_tx_udp_cksum_enable (); int spl_hal_tx_tcp_cksum_enable (); u32 spl_hal_is_nic_exist (const char *name); int spl_hal_is_bond_netif (struct netif *pnetif); static inline void spl_do_dump (struct spl_pbuf *p, u16 direction) { struct spl_pbuf *q = p; while (q) { ntcpdump (q->payload, q->len, direction); q = q->next; } } /* information of bond*/ #define MAX_BOND_PORT_NUM 4 /* information of one bond port */ struct bond_set { char bond_port_name[HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN]; char slave_ports[HAL_MAX_SLAVES_PER_BOND][HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN]; u8_t slave_port_cnt; }; #define NETIF_ETH_ADDR_LEN 6 /* information of all bond ports */ struct bond_ports_info { u8_t cnt; struct bond_set ports[MAX_BOND_PORT_NUM]; }; struct ether_addr { u8_t addr_bytes[NETIF_ETH_ADDR_LEN]; }; struct netif *get_netif_by_ip (unsigned int ip); struct netif *netif_check_broadcast_addr (spl_ip_addr_t * addr); struct netifExt *getNetifExt (u16_t id); int netifExt_add (struct netif *netif); int add_netif_ip (char *netif_name, unsigned int ip, unsigned int mask); int del_netif_ip (char *netif_name, unsigned int ip); err_t spl_netifapi_netif_add (struct netif *pnetif, spl_ip_addr_t * ipaddr, spl_ip_addr_t * netmask, spl_ip_addr_t * gw, void *state, netif_init_fn init, netif_input_fn input, netifapi_void_fn voidfunc); struct netif *find_netif_by_if_name (char *if_name); void ethernetif_packets_input (struct netif *pstnetif); err_t ethernetif_init (struct netif *pnetif); #ifdef __cplusplus /* *INDENT-OFF* */ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif #endif /* SPL_HAL_H_ */