/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "trp_rb_tree.h" #include "container_ip.h" #include "network.h" #include "netif.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "nstack_rd_mng.h" #include "config_common.h" #include "igmp.h" #include "spl_def.h" #include "stackx_ip_addr.h" #include "hal_api.h" #include "spl_hal.h" struct container_list g_container_list = { 0 }; static trp_rb_root_t g_container_ip_root = { 0 }; //only handled in tcpip thread, no need protect it with a lock static trp_rb_root_t g_container_multicast_root = { 0 }; //only handled in tcpip thread, no need protect it with a lock static void free_container_port (struct container_port *port, bool_t only_free); /*unsigned int value is typecasted into void * pointer and passed as argument to this function. so the value can never be > 0xFFFFFFFF. so can suppress the warning*/ static int ip_compare (trp_key_t left, trp_key_t right) { //return (int)((unsigned long)left - (unsigned long)right); if (left > right) { return 1; } else if (left < right) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } NSTACK_STATIC bool_t is_container_ok (struct container_ip * container) { if (!container->ports_list) { return 0; } return 1; } NSTACK_STATIC void add_port (struct container_ip *container, struct container_port *port) { if (port->ip_cidr_list) { port->next = container->ports_list; container->ports_list = port; } else { free_container_port (port, IP_MODULE_TRUE); } } static void add_ip_cidr (struct container_port *port, struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_cidr) { if (!ip_cidr) { return; } ip_cidr->next = port->ip_cidr_list; port->ip_cidr_list = ip_cidr; return; } NSTACK_STATIC void add_multilcast_ip (struct container_port *port, struct container_multicast_id *muticastIP) { if (!muticastIP) { return; } muticastIP->next = port->multicast_list; port->multicast_list = muticastIP; return; } NSTACK_STATIC void free_container_port_ip_cidr (struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_cidr, bool_t only_free) { output_api *api = get_output_api (); struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_cidr_tmp = NULL; while (ip_cidr) { ip_cidr_tmp = ip_cidr; ip_cidr = ip_cidr_tmp->next; if (!only_free) { if (api->del_netif_ip) { struct network_configuration *network = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (ip_cidr_tmp->ip); if (network) { if (network->phy_net->bond_name[0] != 0) { (void) api->del_netif_ip (network->phy_net->bond_name, ip_cidr_tmp->ip); //fails only when netif_name not exist, no side effect so don't check return value. } else { (void) api->del_netif_ip (network->phy_net-> header->nic_name, ip_cidr_tmp->ip); } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("can't find network by]IP=%u", ip_cidr_tmp->ip); } } trp_rb_erase ((void *) (u64_t) ip_cidr_tmp->ip, &g_container_ip_root, ip_compare); } free (ip_cidr_tmp); ip_cidr_tmp = NULL; } } /*note:::the ip must be local order*/ void container_multicast_rd (unsigned int ip, int op) { rd_ip_data rd_ip = { 0 }; int ret = 0; rd_ip.addr = ip; rd_ip.masklen = 32; if (0 == op) { ret = nstack_rd_ip_node_insert ("nstack-dpdk", &rd_ip); } else { ret = nstack_rd_ip_node_delete (&rd_ip); } if (0 != ret) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("nstack rd multicast ip:0x%x %s fail", ip, (0 == op ? "insert" : "delete")); } else { NSOPR_LOGDBG ("nstack rd multicast ip:0x%x %s success", ip, (0 == op ? "insert" : "delete")); } return; } static void free_container_multicast (struct container_multicast_id *multicast, bool_t only_free) { struct container_multicast_id *tmp = NULL; while (multicast) { tmp = multicast; multicast = multicast->next; if (!only_free) { /*note:::multicast ip is network, need to change to local order, delete multicast ip from rd. */ container_multicast_rd (spl_ntohl (tmp->ip), 1); trp_rb_erase ((void *) (u64_t) tmp->ip, &g_container_multicast_root, ip_compare); } free (tmp); tmp = NULL; } } static void free_container_port (struct container_port *port, bool_t only_free) { struct container_port *port_tmp = NULL; struct container_port *port_curr = port; while (port_curr) { port_tmp = port_curr; port_curr = port_tmp->next; free_container_multicast (port_tmp->multicast_list, only_free); free_container_port_ip_cidr (port_tmp->ip_cidr_list, only_free); if (port_tmp->buffer) { free_port_buffer (port_tmp->buffer); port_tmp->buffer = NULL; } free (port_tmp); port_tmp = NULL; } } void free_container (struct container_ip *container, bool_t only_free) { struct container_ip *container_tmp = NULL; struct container_ip *container_curr = container; while (container_curr) { container_tmp = container_curr; container_curr = container_tmp->next; if (container_tmp->ports_list) { free_container_port (container_tmp->ports_list, only_free); } free (container_tmp); container_tmp = NULL; } } struct container_port * parse_port_obj (struct json_object *port_obj) { int retval; struct json_object *port_name_obj = NULL; struct json_object *ip_cidr_list_obj = NULL; struct json_object *mcIDObj = NULL; if (!port_obj) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("port_obj is null"); return NULL; } struct container_port *port = malloc (sizeof (struct container_port)); if (!port) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); return NULL; } retval = MEMSET_S (port, sizeof (struct container_port), 0, sizeof (struct container_port)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retval); free (port); return NULL; } json_object_object_get_ex (port_obj, "port_name", &port_name_obj); if (port_name_obj) { const char *port_name = json_object_get_string (port_name_obj); if ((NULL == port_name) || (strlen (port_name) >= IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("port name is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = STRCPY_S (port->port_name, sizeof (port->port_name), port_name); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retval); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } json_object_object_get_ex (port_obj, "ip_cidr", &ip_cidr_list_obj); if (ip_cidr_list_obj) { int j; int ip_cidr_num = json_object_array_length (ip_cidr_list_obj); for (j = 0; j < ip_cidr_num; ++j) { struct json_object *ip_cidr_obj = json_object_array_get_idx (ip_cidr_list_obj, j); if (ip_cidr_obj) { char tmp[IP_MODULE_LENGTH_32] = { 0 }; struct container_port_ip_cidr *port_ip_cidr = malloc (sizeof (struct container_port_ip_cidr)); if (NULL == port_ip_cidr) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = MEMSET_S (port_ip_cidr, sizeof (struct container_port_ip_cidr), 0, sizeof (struct container_port_ip_cidr)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retval); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } const char *ip_cidr = json_object_get_string (ip_cidr_obj); if ((NULL == ip_cidr) || (ip_cidr[0] == 0)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("ip_cidr is not ok"); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } const char *sub = strstr (ip_cidr, "/"); if ((NULL == sub) || (sizeof (tmp) - 1 < (unsigned int) (sub - ip_cidr)) || (strlen (sub) > sizeof (tmp) - 1)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Error : Ipaddress notation must be in ip cidr notation!"); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = STRNCPY_S (tmp, sizeof (tmp), ip_cidr, (size_t) (sub - ip_cidr)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retval); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } struct in_addr addr; int iRet; retval = MEMSET_S (&addr, sizeof (addr), 0, sizeof (addr)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retval); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } iRet = spl_inet_aton (tmp, &addr); if (0 == iRet) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("spl_inet_aton failed"); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } port_ip_cidr->ip = addr.s_addr; iRet = atoi (sub + 1); if ((iRet <= 0) || (iRet > IP_MODULE_LENGTH_32)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("IP mask length is not correct"); free (port_ip_cidr); port_ip_cidr = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } port_ip_cidr->mask_len = (unsigned int) iRet; add_ip_cidr (port, port_ip_cidr); } } } json_object_object_get_ex (port_obj, "multicast_id", &mcIDObj); if (mcIDObj) { int j; int arrLen = json_object_array_length (mcIDObj); if (0 == arrLen) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("arrLen is 0"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } for (j = 0; j < arrLen; ++j) { struct json_object *elemObj = json_object_array_get_idx (mcIDObj, j); if (elemObj) { struct json_object *tObj = NULL; const char *tStr; int ret; struct in_addr addr; struct container_multicast_id *mcID = malloc (sizeof (struct container_multicast_id)); if (NULL == mcID) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Can't alloc container multicast id"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (elemObj, "group_ip", &tObj); if (NULL == tObj) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("No group_IP"); free (mcID); mcID = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } tStr = json_object_get_string (tObj); if (NULL == tStr) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Get Multiple cast group IP Failed"); free (mcID); mcID = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } ret = spl_inet_aton (tStr, &addr); if (0 == ret) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Parse group IP Failed"); free (mcID); mcID = NULL; goto RETURN_ERROR; } mcID->ip = addr.s_addr; add_multilcast_ip (port, mcID); } } } const char *port_json = json_object_get_string (port_obj); if ((NULL == port_json) || (0 == strlen (port_json))) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("json_object_get_string failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } port->buffer = malloc_port_buffer (); if (!port->buffer) { goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = STRCPY_S (get_port_json (port), IP_MODULE_PORT_JSON_LEN, port_json); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retval); goto RETURN_ERROR; } return port; RETURN_ERROR: free_container_port (port, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NULL; } struct container_ip * parse_container_ip_json (char *param) { int retval; struct json_object *obj = json_tokener_parse (param); struct json_object *container_id_obj = NULL; struct json_object *ports_list_obj = NULL; if (!obj) { return NULL; } struct container_ip *container = malloc (sizeof (struct container_ip)); if (container == NULL) { json_object_put (obj); return NULL; } retval = MEMSET_S (container, sizeof (struct container_ip), 0, sizeof (struct container_ip)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retval); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (obj, "containerID", &container_id_obj); if (container_id_obj) { const char *container_id = json_object_get_string (container_id_obj); if ((container_id == NULL) || (container_id[0] == 0) || (strlen (container_id) >= IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN)) { goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = MEMSET_S (container->container_id, sizeof (container->container_id), 0, sizeof (container->container_id)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retval); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retval = STRCPY_S (container->container_id, sizeof (container->container_id), container_id); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retval); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { /* this mandatory parameter */ goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (obj, "ports_list", &ports_list_obj); if (ports_list_obj) { int i; int port_num = json_object_array_length (ports_list_obj); if (port_num == 0) { /* this mandatory parameter */ goto RETURN_ERROR; } for (i = 0; i < port_num; i++) { struct json_object *port_obj = json_object_array_get_idx (ports_list_obj, i); struct container_port *port = parse_port_obj (port_obj); if (!port) { goto RETURN_ERROR; } add_port (container, port); } } else { /* mandatory parameter */ goto RETURN_ERROR; } /* Check if this function is required, or needs more check inside this function, as some of them are alraedy validated */ if (!is_container_ok (container)) { goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_put (obj); return container; RETURN_ERROR: json_object_put (obj); free_container (container, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NULL; } bool_t is_ip_match_netif (unsigned int ip, char *netif_name) { if (!netif_name) { return 0; } if (trp_rb_search ((void *) (u64_t) ip, &g_container_ip_root, ip_compare)) { struct network_configuration *network = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (ip); if (network && network->phy_net && network->phy_net->header) { if (0 == strncmp (netif_name, network->phy_net->header->nic_name, HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } inline bool_t is_ip_exist (unsigned int ip) { if (trp_rb_search ((void *) (u64_t) ip, &g_container_ip_root, ip_compare)) { return 1; } return 0; } int validate_addcontainerconfig (struct container_ip *container) { struct container_port *port; struct container_ip *old = get_container_by_container_id (container->container_id); struct container_port *tmp = container->ports_list; if (old) { struct container_port *last = NULL; while (tmp) { if (get_port (container->container_id, tmp->port_name)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("port=%s already exists!", tmp->port_name); return NSCRTL_RD_EXIST; } last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } (void) last; } /* check if port_name duplicates in one json configuration */ tmp = container->ports_list; while (tmp) { if (get_port_from_container (tmp)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("port=%s duplicates!", tmp->port_name); return NSCRTL_RD_EXIST; } tmp = tmp->next; } bool_t is_nstack_dpdk_port; struct container_port **ref = &container->ports_list; while ((port = *ref)) { is_nstack_dpdk_port = 1; struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_cidr = port->ip_cidr_list; while (ip_cidr) { struct network_configuration *network = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (ip_cidr->ip); if (network && (0 == strcmp (network->type_name, "nstack-dpdk"))) { struct netif *pnetif; if (get_netif_by_ip (ip_cidr->ip)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("ip exists]IP=0x%08x", ip_cidr->ip); return NSCRTL_RD_EXIST; } if (network->phy_net->bond_name[0] != 0) { pnetif = find_netif_by_if_name (network->phy_net->bond_name); } else { pnetif = find_netif_by_if_name (network->phy_net-> header->nic_name); } if (!pnetif) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("can't find netif, network json:%s", get_network_json (network)); return NSCRTL_ERR; } if (0 == port->port_name[0]) { NSOPR_LOGINF ("ip=0x%08x is in nstack dpdk network, but port_name is null, json:%s", ip_cidr->ip, get_port_json (port)); is_nstack_dpdk_port = 0; break; } } else { NSOPR_LOGINF ("port %s is not in nstack dpdk network, json:%s", port->port_name, get_port_json (port)); is_nstack_dpdk_port = 0; break; } ip_cidr = ip_cidr->next; } /* only use nstack dpdk port */ if (is_nstack_dpdk_port) { ref = &port->next; } else { *ref = port->next; port->next = NULL; free_container_port (port, IP_MODULE_TRUE); } } return (!container->ports_list) ? NSCRTL_FREE_ALL_PORT : NSCRTL_OK; } /* get the num of IPs in a container , which in a certain subnet */ extern struct network_list g_network_list; extern inline int is_in_subnet (unsigned int ip, struct ip_subnet *subnet); NSTACK_STATIC inline int get_network_ip_count (struct container_ip *container, struct ip_subnet *subnet) { int ip_count = 0; struct container_port *port_list = NULL; struct container_ip *ci = container; while (ci) { port_list = ci->ports_list; while (port_list) { struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_list = port_list->ip_cidr_list; while (ip_list) { if (!is_in_subnet (ip_list->ip, subnet)) { ip_count++; } ip_list = ip_list->next; } port_list = port_list->next; } ci = ci->next; } return ip_count; } int check_ip_count (struct container_ip *container) { int cur_count = 0; int new_count = 0; if (NULL == container) { return 1; } struct network_configuration *network = g_network_list.header; while (network) { cur_count = get_network_ip_count (g_container_list.header, network->ip_subnet); new_count = get_network_ip_count (container, network->ip_subnet); if ((cur_count > MAX_NETWORK_IP_COUNT) || (new_count > MAX_NETWORK_IP_COUNT) || (cur_count + new_count > MAX_NETWORK_IP_COUNT)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("reach ip addr max count]network=%s, max=%d, current=%d, new=%d.", network->network_name, MAX_NETWORK_IP_COUNT, cur_count, new_count); return 0; } network = network->next; } return 1; } int match_groupaddr (struct container_multicast_id *multi_list, spl_ip_addr_t * groupaddr) { struct container_multicast_id *group_info = multi_list; while (group_info) { if (group_info->ip == groupaddr->addr) { return 1; } group_info = group_info->next; } return 0; } int add_container (struct container_ip *container) { int retVal = 0; /* need to check if any of the netif operation failed, then we should return fail */ retVal = validate_addcontainerconfig (container); if (retVal != NSCRTL_OK) { free_container (container, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return (NSCRTL_FREE_ALL_PORT == retVal) ? NSCRTL_OK : retVal; } /* control max network and ipaddress count */ if (!check_ip_count (container)) { free_container (container, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_IP_COUNT_EXCEED; } struct container_port *last = NULL; struct container_ip *old = get_container_by_container_id (container->container_id); if (old) { struct container_port *tmp = container->ports_list; while (tmp) { /* here we don't need to check "if tmp->port_name == NULL", as validate_addcontainerconfig() has done this. */ if (get_port (container->container_id, tmp->port_name)) { free_container (container, IP_MODULE_TRUE); NSOPR_LOGERR ("port exist!"); return NSCRTL_RD_EXIST; } last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } } else { container->next = g_container_list.header; g_container_list.header = container; } output_api *api = get_output_api (); struct container_port *port = container->ports_list; while (port) { struct container_port_ip_cidr *ip_cidr = port->ip_cidr_list; while (ip_cidr) { if (api->add_netif_ip) { struct network_configuration *network = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (ip_cidr->ip); if (network) { unsigned int mask = ~0; mask = (mask << (IP_MODULE_SUBNET_MASK_LEN - ip_cidr->mask_len)); mask = spl_htonl (mask); if (network->phy_net->bond_name[0] != 0) { (void) api->add_netif_ip (network->phy_net->bond_name, ip_cidr->ip, mask); //no need to check return value, validate_addcontainerconfig() has been checked parameters. } else { (void) api->add_netif_ip (network->phy_net-> header->nic_name, ip_cidr->ip, mask); } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("can't find network by]IP=%u,port_name=%s", ip_cidr->ip, port->port_name); } } retVal = trp_rb_insert ((void *) (u64_t) ip_cidr->ip, (void *) port, &g_container_ip_root, ip_compare); if (0 != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("trp_rb_insert failed]ip_cidr->ip=%u", ip_cidr->ip); } ip_cidr = ip_cidr->next; } port = port->next; } if (old) { if (last) { last->next = old->ports_list; old->ports_list = container->ports_list; } container->ports_list = NULL; free_container (container, IP_MODULE_FALSE); } return NSCRTL_OK; } struct container_ip * get_container_by_container_id (char *container_id) { if (NULL == container_id) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Param input container ID is NULL"); return NULL; } struct container_ip *container = g_container_list.header; while (container) { if (0 == strcmp (container->container_id, container_id)) { return container; } container = container->next; } return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : getIpCfgAll * Description : Get All ip configurations * Input : char * * size_t * Output : char * patern:[***,***,***] * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ int getIpCfgAll (char *jsonBuf, size_t size) { int retval; if (NULL == jsonBuf) { return NSCRTL_ERR; } if (size < 2) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("get all ip cfg error, buffer is not enough."); return NSCRTL_STATUS_ERR; } char bfirstData = 1; *jsonBuf = '['; jsonBuf = jsonBuf + 1; /*need another two char to keep [and ] */ size_t len = size - 2; size_t strsize = 0; struct container_port *port = NULL; struct container_ip *container = g_container_list.header; while (container) { port = container->ports_list; while (port) { if (NULL == port->buffer) { port = port->next; continue; } strsize = strlen (get_port_json (port)) + 1; /*always reserve 1 char */ if ((strsize > 0) && (strsize < len)) { if (bfirstData) { bfirstData = 0; } else { *jsonBuf = ','; jsonBuf = jsonBuf + 1; len = len - 1; } retval = STRCPY_S (jsonBuf, len, get_port_json (port)); if (EOK != retval) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retval); return NSCRTL_ERR; } len = len - strlen (get_port_json (port)); jsonBuf = jsonBuf + strlen (get_port_json (port)); } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("get all ip cfg error, buffer is not enough."); return NSCRTL_STATUS_ERR; } port = port->next; } container = container->next; } *jsonBuf = ']'; return 0; } int del_port (char *container_id, char *port_name) { struct container_port *port = NULL; struct container_port **ref = NULL; struct container_ip *container = NULL; struct container_ip **container_ref = &g_container_list.header; while ((container = *container_ref)) { NSOPR_LOGDBG ("container->container_id=%s,container_id=%p", container->container_id, container_id); if (strcmp (container->container_id, container_id) == 0) { ref = &container->ports_list; while ((port = *ref)) { if (strcmp (port_name, port->port_name) == 0) { *ref = port->next; port->next = NULL; free_container_port (port, IP_MODULE_FALSE); return 0; } ref = &port->next; } break; } container_ref = &container->next; } return NSCRTL_RD_NOT_EXIST; } struct container_port * get_port (char *container_id, char *port_name) { struct container_port *port = NULL; struct container_ip *container = g_container_list.header; while (container) { if (strcmp (container->container_id, container_id) == 0) { port = container->ports_list; while (port) { if (strcmp (port_name, port->port_name) == 0) { return port; } port = port->next; } } container = container->next; } return NULL; } struct container_port * get_port_from_container (struct container_port *port) { char *port_name = port->port_name; struct container_port *tmp = port->next; while (tmp) { if (strcmp (port_name, tmp->port_name) == 0) { return tmp; } tmp = tmp->next; } return NULL; }