/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "json.h" #include "trp_rb_tree.h" #include "network.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #include "config_common.h" #include "stackx_spl_share.h" #include "stackx/spl_api.h" #include "sharedmemory.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "spl_hal.h" #include "inet.h" struct network_list g_network_list = { 0 }; extern struct stackx_port_zone *p_stackx_port_zone; extern u32 spl_hal_is_nic_exist (const char *name); static bool_t is_phy_net_ok (struct phy_net *pst_phy_net) { if (!pst_phy_net || !pst_phy_net->header) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("phy_net is not ok"); return 0; } return 1; } static bool_t is_network_configuration_ok (struct network_configuration *network) { while (network) { if (!is_phy_net_ok (network->phy_net)) { return 0; } network = network->next; } return 1; } static void add_ref_nic (struct phy_net *pst_phy_net, struct ref_nic *pst_ref_nic) { pst_ref_nic->next = pst_phy_net->header; pst_phy_net->header = pst_ref_nic; } static void free_ref_nic (struct ref_nic *pst_ref_nic) { struct ref_nic *nic = pst_ref_nic; struct ref_nic *tmp = NULL; while (nic) { tmp = nic; nic = tmp->next; free (tmp); } } static void free_phy_net (struct phy_net *pst_phy_net) { if (pst_phy_net) { free_ref_nic (pst_phy_net->header); free (pst_phy_net); } } static void free_ip_subnet (struct ip_subnet *subnet, bool_t only_free) { struct ip_subnet *tmp = NULL; while (subnet) { tmp = subnet; subnet = subnet->next; free (tmp); } } void free_network_configuration (struct network_configuration *network, bool_t only_free) { if (network) { free_ip_subnet (network->ip_subnet, only_free); free_phy_net (network->phy_net); if (network->buffer) { free_network_buffer (network->buffer); network->buffer = NULL; } free (network); } } inline int is_in_subnet (unsigned int ip, struct ip_subnet *subnet) { unsigned int mask = ~0; unsigned int seg_ip, seg; mask = mask << (IP_MODULE_SUBNET_MASK_LEN - subnet->mask_len); seg_ip = ip & mask; seg = subnet->subnet & mask; return seg_ip != seg ? 1 : 0; } inline struct network_configuration * get_network_by_ip_with_tree (unsigned int ip) { unsigned int h_ip = spl_ntohl (ip); struct network_configuration *p = g_network_list.header; while (p) { if (!is_in_subnet (h_ip, p->ip_subnet)) { return p; } p = p->next; } return NULL; } struct network_configuration * get_network_by_name (char *name) { struct network_configuration *network = g_network_list.header; while (network) { if (strcasecmp (name, network->network_name) == 0) { return network; } network = network->next; } return NULL; } struct network_configuration * get_network_by_nic_name (char *name) { if (NULL == name) { return NULL; } struct ref_nic *refnic = NULL; struct phy_net *phynet = NULL; struct network_configuration *network = g_network_list.header; while (network) { phynet = network->phy_net; if (phynet) { if ((phynet->bond_mode != -1) && strcmp (name, phynet->bond_name) == 0) { return network; } refnic = phynet->header; while (refnic) { if (strcmp (name, refnic->nic_name) == 0) { return network; } refnic = refnic->next; } } network = network->next; } return NULL; } struct network_configuration * get_network_by_name_from_json (struct network_configuration *network) { char *name = network->network_name; struct network_configuration *tmp = network->next; while (tmp) { if (strcasecmp (name, tmp->network_name) == 0) { return tmp; } tmp = tmp->next; } return NULL; } NSTACK_STATIC inline int get_network_count () { int count = 0; struct network_configuration *network = g_network_list.header; while (network) { count++; network = network->next; } return count; } int get_network_all (char *jsonBuf, size_t size) { if (NULL == jsonBuf) { return NSCRTL_ERR; } if (size < 2) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("get all ip cfg error, buffer is not enough."); return NSCRTL_STATUS_ERR; } int retVal; char bfirstData = 1; *jsonBuf = '['; jsonBuf = jsonBuf + 1; size_t len = size - 2; // strlen("[]") size_t strsize = 0; struct network_configuration *network = g_network_list.header; while (network) { if (NULL == network->buffer) { network = network->next; continue; } if (bfirstData) { bfirstData = 0; } else { *jsonBuf = ','; jsonBuf = jsonBuf + 1; len = len - 1; } strsize = strlen (get_network_json (network)) + 1; if ((strsize > 0) && (strsize < len)) { retVal = STRCPY_S (jsonBuf, len, get_network_json (network)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return NSCRTL_STATUS_ERR; } len = len - strlen (get_network_json (network)); jsonBuf = jsonBuf + strlen (get_network_json (network)); } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("get all network cfg error, buffer is not enough."); return NSCRTL_STATUS_ERR; } network = network->next; } *jsonBuf = ']'; return 0; } int nic_already_bind (const char *nic_name) { struct ref_nic *pnic = NULL; struct network_configuration *pnetwork = g_network_list.header; while (pnetwork) { pnic = pnetwork->phy_net->header; while (pnic) { if (0 == strcmp (pnic->nic_name, nic_name)) { return 1; } pnic = pnic->next; } pnetwork = pnetwork->next; } return 0; } int nic_already_init (const char *nic_name) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < p_stackx_port_zone->port_num; i++) { if (0 == strcmp (p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[i].linux_ip.if_name, nic_name)) { return 1; } } return 0; } extern struct stackx_port_info *head_used_port_list; int bonded_nic_already_bind (struct network_configuration *pnetwork, const char *nic_name) { struct stackx_port_info *p_port_list = head_used_port_list; while (p_port_list) { if (0 == strcmp (p_port_list->linux_ip.if_name, nic_name)) { return 1; } p_port_list = p_port_list->next_use_port; } struct ref_nic *pnic = NULL; while (pnetwork) { if (pnetwork->phy_net->bond_mode == -1) { pnic = pnetwork->phy_net->header; if (0 == strcmp (pnic->nic_name, nic_name)) { return 1; } } pnetwork = pnetwork->next; } return 0; } extern struct bond_ports_info bond_ports_array; int nic_already_bond (struct network_configuration *pnetwork, const char *nic_name) { u8_t i, j; struct bond_set *s; for (i = 0; i < bond_ports_array.cnt; i++) { s = &bond_ports_array.ports[i]; for (j = 0; j < s->slave_port_cnt; j++) { if (strcmp (s->slave_ports[j], nic_name) == 0) { return 1; } } } struct ref_nic *pnic = NULL; while (pnetwork) { if (pnetwork->phy_net->bond_mode != -1) { pnic = pnetwork->phy_net->header; while (pnic) { if (0 == strcmp (pnic->nic_name, nic_name)) { return 1; } pnic = pnic->next; } } pnetwork = pnetwork->next; } return 0; } /* add network to list in descending sort */ void add_network_to_list (struct network_configuration *network) { struct network_configuration *curr = g_network_list.header; struct network_configuration *prev = NULL; network->next = NULL; while (curr) { if (network->ip_subnet->mask_len >= curr->ip_subnet->mask_len) { break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } if (NULL == prev) { network->next = curr; g_network_list.header = network; } else { network->next = prev->next; prev->next = network; } } int add_network_configuration (struct network_configuration *pst_network_configuration) { struct network_configuration *tmp = pst_network_configuration; struct ref_nic *pheader; if (tmp) { if (get_network_by_name (tmp->network_name) || get_network_by_name_from_json (tmp)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network exists or duplicates]network_name=%s", tmp->network_name); free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_RD_EXIST; } if (strcasecmp ("nstack-dpdk", tmp->type_name) != 0) { NSOPR_LOGWAR ("illegal network type]type_name=%s", tmp->type_name); } /* control max network and ipaddress count */ if (get_network_count () >= MAX_NETWORK_COUNT) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network reach]max_count=%d", MAX_NETWORK_COUNT); free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_NETWORK_COUNT_EXCEED; } /* If nic is not existed or not initiated, return error */ pheader = tmp->phy_net->header; while (pheader) { if (!spl_hal_is_nic_exist (pheader->nic_name) && !nic_already_init (pheader->nic_name) && strncmp (tmp->nic_type_name, "vhost", strlen ("vhost"))) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Invalid configuration %s not exist Error! ", pheader->nic_name); free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_RD_NOT_EXIST; } pheader = pheader->next; } /* if a bonded nic has been inited in a non-bond network, return error */ if (tmp->phy_net->bond_mode != -1) { pheader = tmp->phy_net->header; while (pheader) { if (bonded_nic_already_bind (pst_network_configuration, pheader->nic_name)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Invalid configuration %s already bind! ", pheader->nic_name); free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_INPUT_ERR; } pheader = pheader->next; } } /* if a non-bond nic has been inited in a bonded network, return error */ if (tmp->phy_net->bond_mode == -1) { pheader = tmp->phy_net->header; while (pheader) { if (nic_already_bond (pst_network_configuration, pheader->nic_name)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Invalid configuration %s already bind! ", pheader->nic_name); free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); return NSCRTL_INPUT_ERR; } pheader = pheader->next; } } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("Invalid network configuration!"); return NSCRTL_INPUT_ERR; } /*looping through each node has move to read_ipmoduleoperateadd_configuration */ ip_subnet_print (tmp->ip_subnet); add_network_to_list (tmp); return NSCRTL_OK; } struct network_configuration * parse_network_obj (struct json_object *network_obj) { int retVal; struct network_configuration *pst_network_configuration = NULL; struct json_object *network_name_obj = NULL, *args_obj = NULL, *phy_obj = NULL, *type_name_obj = NULL; struct json_object *ref_nic_list_obj = NULL, *bond_mode_obj = NULL, *bond_name_obj = NULL, *ipam_obj = NULL; struct json_object *subnet_obj = NULL, *nic_type_obj = NULL; if (!network_obj) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network_obj is null"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration = malloc (sizeof (struct network_configuration)); if (NULL == pst_network_configuration) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = MEMSET_S (pst_network_configuration, sizeof (struct network_configuration), 0, sizeof (struct network_configuration)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (network_obj, "name", &network_name_obj); if (network_name_obj) { const char *network_name = json_object_get_string (network_name_obj); if ((NULL == network_name) || (network_name[0] == 0) || (strlen (network_name) >= IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network_name is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRCPY_S (pst_network_configuration->network_name, sizeof (pst_network_configuration->network_name), network_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("name is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (network_obj, "type", &type_name_obj); if (type_name_obj) { const char *type_name = json_object_get_string (type_name_obj); if ((NULL == type_name) || (type_name[0] == 0) || (strlen (type_name) >= IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("type parse error"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRCPY_S (pst_network_configuration->type_name, sizeof (pst_network_configuration->type_name), type_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("type is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (network_obj, "args", &args_obj); if (args_obj) { json_object_object_get_ex (args_obj, "phynet", &phy_obj); if (phy_obj) { struct phy_net *pst_phy_net = malloc (sizeof (struct phy_net)); if (NULL == pst_phy_net) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = MEMSET_S (pst_phy_net, sizeof (struct phy_net), 0, sizeof (struct phy_net)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (phy_obj, "nic_type", &nic_type_obj); /*lint !e534 no need to check return value */ if (nic_type_obj) { const char *nic_type_name = json_object_get_string (nic_type_obj); if (strcmp (nic_type_name, "pci") != 0 && strcmp (nic_type_name, "vhost") != 0) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("unsupported nic_type]nic_type=%s", nic_type_name); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRCPY_S (pst_network_configuration->nic_type_name, sizeof (pst_network_configuration->nic_type_name), nic_type_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("strcpy_s failed]ret=%d", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGINF ("nic_type not specified, use default type]defaul nic_type=pci"); retVal = STRCPY_S (pst_network_configuration->nic_type_name, sizeof (pst_network_configuration->nic_type_name), "pci"); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("strcpy_s failed]ret=%d", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } json_object_object_get_ex (phy_obj, "ref_nic", &ref_nic_list_obj); if (ref_nic_list_obj) { int j; int ref_nic_num = json_object_array_length (ref_nic_list_obj); if (0 == ref_nic_num) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("ref_nic is empty"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } for (j = ref_nic_num - 1; j >= 0; j--) { struct json_object *ref_nic_obj = json_object_array_get_idx (ref_nic_list_obj, j); if (ref_nic_obj) { const char *nic_name = json_object_get_string (ref_nic_obj); if ((NULL == nic_name) || (nic_name[0] == 0) || (strlen (nic_name) >= HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("nic_name is not ok"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } struct ref_nic *pst_ref_nic = malloc (sizeof (struct ref_nic)); if (NULL == pst_ref_nic) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = MEMSET_S (pst_ref_nic, sizeof (struct ref_nic), 0, sizeof (struct ref_nic)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); free (pst_ref_nic); pst_ref_nic = NULL; free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRCPY_S (pst_ref_nic->nic_name, sizeof (pst_ref_nic->nic_name), nic_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); free (pst_ref_nic); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } add_ref_nic (pst_phy_net, pst_ref_nic); } } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("ref_nic is not ok"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (phy_obj, "bond_mode", &bond_mode_obj); if (bond_mode_obj) { pst_phy_net->bond_mode = json_object_get_int (bond_mode_obj); if (pst_phy_net->bond_mode != -1) { json_object_object_get_ex (phy_obj, "bond_name", &bond_name_obj); if (bond_name_obj) { const char *bond_name = json_object_get_string (bond_name_obj); if ((NULL == bond_name) || (strlen (bond_name) >= IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("bond_name is not ok"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = MEMSET_S (pst_phy_net->bond_name, sizeof (pst_phy_net->bond_name), 0, sizeof (pst_phy_net->bond_name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRNCPY_S (pst_phy_net->bond_name, sizeof (pst_phy_net->bond_name), bond_name, strlen (bond_name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]retVal=%d", retVal); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("bond_name is not ok"); free_phy_net (pst_phy_net); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } } else { pst_phy_net->bond_mode = -1; } pst_network_configuration->phy_net = pst_phy_net; } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("phy_net is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("args is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } json_object_object_get_ex (network_obj, "ipam", &ipam_obj); if (ipam_obj) { json_object_object_get_ex (ipam_obj, "subnet", &subnet_obj); if (subnet_obj) { int iRet; char tmp[IP_MODULE_LENGTH_32] = { 0 }; const char *subnet = json_object_get_string (subnet_obj); struct in_addr addr; retVal = MEMSET_S (&addr, sizeof (addr), 0, sizeof (addr)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } if ((NULL == subnet) || (subnet[0] == 0) || (strlen (subnet) > IP_MODULE_LENGTH_32)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("subnet is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } const char *sub = strstr (subnet, "/"); if ((NULL == sub) || (sizeof (tmp) - 1 <= (unsigned int) (sub - subnet)) || (strlen (sub) >= sizeof (tmp) - 1)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("subnet is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } iRet = STRNCPY_S (tmp, sizeof (tmp), subnet, (size_t) (sub - subnet)); if (EOK != iRet) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d", iRet); goto RETURN_ERROR; } iRet = spl_inet_aton (tmp, &addr); if (0 == iRet) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("subnet is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet = (struct ip_subnet *) malloc (sizeof (struct ip_subnet)); if (!pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = MEMSET_S (pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet, sizeof (struct ip_subnet), 0, sizeof (struct ip_subnet)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("MEMSET_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet->next = NULL; pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet->subnet = spl_ntohl (addr.s_addr); iRet = atoi (sub + 1); if ((iRet < 0) || (iRet > IP_MODULE_LENGTH_32)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("mask is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration->ip_subnet->mask_len = (unsigned int) iRet; } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("subnet is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("ipam is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } const char *network_json = json_object_get_string (network_obj); if ((NULL == network_json) || (network_json[0] == 0)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("json_object_get_string failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration->buffer = malloc_network_buffer (); if (!pst_network_configuration->buffer) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("malloc_network_buffer failed"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } retVal = STRCPY_S (get_network_json (pst_network_configuration), IP_MODULE_NETWORK_JSON_LEN, network_json); if (EOK != retVal) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); goto RETURN_ERROR; } return pst_network_configuration; RETURN_ERROR: if (pst_network_configuration) { free_network_configuration (pst_network_configuration, IP_MODULE_TRUE); pst_network_configuration = NULL; } return NULL; } struct network_configuration * parse_network_json (char *param, struct network_configuration *pnetwork_list) { struct json_object *obj = json_tokener_parse (param); struct network_configuration *pst_network_configuration = NULL; if (!obj) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("parse error"); return NULL; } int network_num = json_object_array_length (obj); if (0 == network_num) { json_object_put (obj); return NULL; } int i; for (i = 0; i < network_num; i++) { struct json_object *network_obj = json_object_array_get_idx (obj, i); if (network_obj) { pst_network_configuration = parse_network_obj (network_obj); if (!pst_network_configuration) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("parse_network_obj error"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } pst_network_configuration->next = pnetwork_list; pnetwork_list = pst_network_configuration; pst_network_configuration = NULL; } else { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network_obj is NULL"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } if (pnetwork_list) { if (!is_network_configuration_ok (pnetwork_list)) { NSOPR_LOGERR ("network_configuration is not ok"); goto RETURN_ERROR; } } json_object_put (obj); return pnetwork_list; RETURN_ERROR: free_network_configuration (pnetwork_list, IP_MODULE_TRUE); json_object_put (obj); return NULL; } int del_network_by_name (char *name) { struct network_configuration *network = NULL; struct network_configuration **ref = &g_network_list.header; while ((network = *ref)) { if (strcasecmp (name, network->network_name) == 0) { *ref = network->next; network->next = NULL; free_network_configuration (network, IP_MODULE_FALSE); return 0; } ref = &network->next; } return NSCRTL_RD_NOT_EXIST; } int is_in_same_network (unsigned int src_ip, unsigned int dst_ip) { if (src_ip == dst_ip) { return 1; } struct network_configuration *src = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (src_ip); struct network_configuration *dst = get_network_by_ip_with_tree (dst_ip); if (src && (src == dst)) { return 1; } return 0; } struct network_configuration * get_network_list () { return g_network_list.header; }