/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "sys_arch.h" #include "netif.h" #include "spl_sockets.h" //#include #include "stackx_spl_share.h" #include "stackx_pbuf.h" #include "spl_api.h" #include "sharedmemory.h" //#include "nettool.h" #include "lwip/etharp.h" #include "ip_module_api.h" #include "sc_dpdk.h" #include "nstack_log.h" #include "common.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" //#include "ip.h" #include "configuration_reader.h" #include "spl_hal.h" #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" #include "stackx_common.h" #include "spl_instance.h" #include #include "prot/tcp.h" extern u32_t g_mbuf_size[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; extern u32_t uStackArgIndex; extern void smp_parse_stack_args (int argc, char **argv); extern void spl_do_dump (struct spl_pbuf *p, u16 direction); #define SPL_HAL_SEND_TRY 100000 #define SPL_HAL_MODULE "SPL_HAL_MODULE" extern u16_t g_offSetArry[SPL_PBUF_MAX_LAYER]; /* structure to store the rx and tx packets. Put two per cache line as ports * used in pairs */ struct port_stats { unsigned rx; unsigned tx; unsigned drop; u64_t rx_size; u64_t tx_size; u64_t recv_last_cycles; u64_t send_last_cycles; } __attribute__ ((aligned (COMMON_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / 2))); struct port_capa { u32_t tx_ipv4_cksum_offload; u32_t tx_udp_cksum_offload; u32_t tx_tcp_cksum_offload; }; struct rx_pkts { u16_t num; u16_t index; struct common_mem_mbuf *pkts[PKT_BURST]; }; struct tx_pkts { u16_t num; struct common_mem_mbuf *pkts[PKT_BURST]; }; struct port_pkts { struct rx_pkts rx; struct tx_pkts tx; }; struct psd_header { u32_t src_addr; /* IPaddress of source host. */ u32_t dst_addr; /* IPaddress of destination host(s). */ u8_t zero; /* zero. */ u8_t proto; /* L4 protocol type. */ u16_t len; /* L4 length. */ } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); NSTACK_STATIC unsigned num_ports_NIC = 0; NSTACK_STATIC unsigned num_ports_NIC_start = 0; struct stackx_port_info *head_used_port_list; struct stackx_port_zone *p_stackx_port_zone = NULL; struct bond_ports_info bond_ports_array = {.cnt = 0 }; static u8_t bond_ports_array_cnt_start = 0; static struct port_capa spl_hal_capa = { 0 }; static struct port_pkts spl_hal_pkts[HAL_MAX_NIC_NUM]; NSTACK_STATIC inline u16_t get_ipv4_16b_sum (u16_t * ptr16, u32_t nr) { u32_t sum = 0; while (nr > 1) { sum += *ptr16; nr -= sizeof (u16_t); ptr16++; if (sum > UINT16_MAX) { sum -= UINT16_MAX; } } /* If length is in odd bytes */ if (nr) { sum += *((u8_t *) ptr16); } sum = ((sum & 0xffff0000) >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum &= 0x0ffff; return (u16_t) sum; } NSTACK_STATIC inline u16_t get_ipv4_bswap16 (u16_t x) { return (u16_t) (((x & 0x00ffU) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00U) >> 8)); } NSTACK_STATIC inline u16_t get_ipv4_psd_sum (struct ip_hdr * iphdr, u64_t ol_flags) { struct psd_header psd_hdr; psd_hdr.src_addr = iphdr->src.addr; psd_hdr.dst_addr = iphdr->dest.addr; psd_hdr.zero = 0; psd_hdr.proto = iphdr->_proto; if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG) { psd_hdr.len = 0; } else { psd_hdr.len = get_ipv4_bswap16 ((get_ipv4_bswap16 (iphdr->_len) - sizeof (struct ip_hdr))); } return get_ipv4_16b_sum ((u16_t *) & psd_hdr, sizeof (struct psd_header)); } /* should be called after head_used_port_list is initialized */ NSTACK_STATIC hal_hdl_t get_port_hdl_by_name (const char *name) { unsigned int i = 0; struct stackx_port_info *p = p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port; while (i < p_stackx_port_zone->port_num) { if (!strncasecmp (p->linux_ip.if_name, name, strlen (name))) { return p->linux_ip.hdl; } p = &p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[++i]; } NSPOL_LOGERR ("failed to find port id]name=%s", name); return hal_get_invalid_hdl (); } NSTACK_STATIC struct stackx_port_info * get_port_info_by_name (const char *name) { struct stackx_port_info *p = p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < p_stackx_port_zone->port_num) { if (!strncasecmp (p->linux_ip.if_name, name, strlen (name))) { return p; } p = &p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[++i]; } return NULL; } NSTACK_STATIC int del_port_in_port_list (const char *name) { struct stackx_port_info *inf = head_used_port_list; struct stackx_port_info *prev = NULL; while (inf) { if (!strncasecmp (inf->linux_ip.if_name, name, strlen (name))) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next_use_port = inf->next_use_port; } else { head_used_port_list = inf->next_use_port; } break; } prev = inf; inf = inf->next_use_port; } return 0; } extern void create_netif (struct stackx_port_info *p_port_info); NSTACK_STATIC int add_port_in_port_list (struct stackx_port_info *p) { char *name; struct stackx_port_info *inf = head_used_port_list; struct stackx_port_info *prev = NULL; name = p->linux_ip.if_name; while (inf) { if (!strncasecmp (inf->linux_ip.if_name, name, strlen (name))) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("ERROR: add an existing port!"); return -1; } prev = inf; inf = inf->next_use_port; } if (prev == NULL) { head_used_port_list = p; } else { prev->next_use_port = p; } p->next_use_port = NULL; create_netif (p); return 0; } /* Queries the link status of a port and prints it to screen */ NSTACK_STATIC void report_port_link_status (struct stackx_port_info *p) { /* get link status */ u32 status; status = hal_link_status (p->linux_ip.hdl); if (status) { NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Port=%s: Link Up", p->linux_ip.if_name); } else { NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Port=%s: Link Down", p->linux_ip.if_name); } } int spl_hal_ether_etoa (const unsigned char *e, int e_len, char *a, int a_len) { char *c = a; int i; int retVal; if (!e || !a || e_len < 0) return -1; if (e_len > NETIF_ETH_ADDR_LEN) e_len = NETIF_ETH_ADDR_LEN; if (a_len < e_len * 3) return -1; for (i = 0; i < e_len; i++) { if (i) { *c++ = ':'; } retVal = SPRINTF_S (c, a_len - (c - a), "%02x", e[i] & 0xff); if (-1 == retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("SPRINTF_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } c = c + retVal; } return 0; } NSTACK_STATIC inline void spl_hal_buf_convert (struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf, struct spl_pbuf **buf) { struct common_mem_mbuf *before = NULL; struct spl_pbuf *last = NULL; struct spl_pbuf *first = NULL; struct spl_pbuf *tmp = NULL; while (mbuf != NULL) { //dpdk 2.1 tmp = (struct spl_pbuf *) ((char *) mbuf + sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)); res_alloc (&tmp->res_chk); tmp->payload = common_pktmbuf_mtod (mbuf, void *); tmp->tot_len = mbuf->pkt_len; tmp->len = mbuf->data_len; tmp->type = SPL_PBUF_HUGE; tmp->proto_type = SPL_PBUF_PROTO_NONE; tmp->next = NULL; tmp->flags = 0; if (first == NULL) { first = tmp; last = first; } else { /* Always the "if(first == NULL)" code segment is executed and then "else" segment code is executed, so the "last" variable is not NULL always when "else" case is executed */ last->next = tmp; last = tmp; } before = mbuf; mbuf = mbuf->next; before->next = NULL; } *buf = first; } NSTACK_STATIC int spl_hal_port_zone_init () { int retVal; nsfw_mem_zone create_port_zone; nsfw_mem_zone create_port_info; struct stackx_port_info *mz_port_info; INITPOL_LOGINF ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_START); if ((CUR_CFG_HAL_PORT_NUM < 1) || (SIZE_MAX / sizeof (struct stackx_port_info) < CUR_CFG_HAL_PORT_NUM)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("malloc parameter incorrect]max_linux_port=%u", CUR_CFG_HAL_PORT_NUM); return -1; } if (spl_snprintf (create_port_zone.stname.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH - 1, "%s", MP_STACKX_PORT_ZONE) < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_snprintf fail"); return -1; } create_port_zone.stname.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; create_port_zone.isocket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; create_port_zone.length = sizeof (struct stackx_port_zone); create_port_zone.ireserv = 0; p_stackx_port_zone = (struct stackx_port_zone *) nsfw_mem_zone_create (&create_port_zone); if (NULL == p_stackx_port_zone) { INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", "Cannot create memory zone for MP_STACKX_PORT_ZONE information", LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); common_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create memory zone for MP_STACKX_PORT_ZONE information"); } retVal = MEMSET_S (p_stackx_port_zone, sizeof (struct stackx_port_zone), 0, sizeof (struct stackx_port_zone)); if (EOK != retVal) { INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", "MEMSET_S return fail", retVal, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); nsfw_mem_zone_release (&create_port_zone.stname); return -1; } if (spl_snprintf (create_port_info.stname.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH - 1, "%s", MP_STACKX_PORT_INFO) < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("VSNPRINTF_S fail"); return -1; } create_port_info.stname.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; create_port_info.isocket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; create_port_info.length = CUR_CFG_HAL_PORT_NUM * sizeof (struct stackx_port_info); create_port_info.ireserv = 0; mz_port_info = (struct stackx_port_info *) nsfw_mem_zone_create (&create_port_info); if (NULL == mz_port_info) { INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", "Cannot create memory zone for MP_STACKX_PORT_INFO information", LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); common_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create memory zone for MP_STACKX_PORT_INFO information"); } retVal = MEMSET_S (mz_port_info, create_port_info.length, 0, create_port_info.length); if (EOK != retVal) { INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", "MEMSET_S return fail", retVal, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); nsfw_mem_zone_release (&create_port_info.stname); nsfw_mem_zone_release (&create_port_zone.stname); return -1; } MEM_STAT (SPL_HAL_MODULE, create_port_zone.stname.aname, NSFW_SHMEM, create_port_info.length); p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port = mz_port_info; INITPOL_LOGINF ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_zone_init", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_SUCCESS); return 0; } int spl_hal_init (int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = -1; int idx_init; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "spl_hal_init start"); /* Get nstack args */ smp_parse_stack_args (argc, argv); if (0 == uStackArgIndex) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("uStackArgIndex is 0, can lead to long loop]"); return retval; } /* Init DPDK */ argc = uStackArgIndex--; INITPOL_LOGINF ("HAL", "hal_init_global", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_START); for (idx_init = 0; idx_init < argc; idx_init++) { NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "hal_init_global]idx_init=%d,argv[idx_init]=%s", idx_init, argv[idx_init]); } retval = hal_init_global (argc, argv); if (0 != retval) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("call hal_init_global fail]retval = %d", retval); return -1; } retval = hal_init_local (); if (0 != retval) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("call hal_init_local fail]retval = %d", retval); return -1; } retval = spl_hal_port_zone_init (); if (0 != retval) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("call hal_init_local fail]retval = %d", retval); return -1; } NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Finished Process Init"); return 0; } static inline int spl_hal_rx_mbuf_free (void *data, void *arg) { struct spl_pbuf *tmp = NULL; struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf = (struct common_mem_mbuf *) data; (void) arg; tmp = (struct spl_pbuf *) ((char *) mbuf + sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)); if (tmp->res_chk.alloc_flag == TRUE) return 1; if (common_mbuf_refcnt_read (mbuf) == 0) return 1; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "rx_pool init in fault case: free mbuf=%p", mbuf); spl_mbuf_free (mbuf); return 0; } struct common_mem_mempool * spl_hal_rx_pool_create (int nic_id, int queue_id, int start_type) { int retval; struct common_mem_mempool *mp; nsfw_mem_mbfpool create_mbuf_pool; nsfw_mem_name lookup_mbuf_pool; struct common_mem_ring *ring; if (start_type == 1) { create_mbuf_pool.stname.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; create_mbuf_pool.uscash_size = 0; create_mbuf_pool.uspriv_size = 0; create_mbuf_pool.isocket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; create_mbuf_pool.enmptype = NSFW_MRING_SPSC; retval = spl_snprintf (create_mbuf_pool.stname.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH - 1, "%s", get_mempoll_rx_name (queue_id, nic_id)); if (-1 == retval) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_snprintf fail"); return NULL; } create_mbuf_pool.usnum = RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE - 1; /*performance, rx buf cap is special, ((size - HEADROOM) >> 10) <<10, see ixgbe_dev_rx_init; if want cap size == TX_MBUF_MAX_LEN, must let data_root=TX_MBUF_MAX_LEN+COMMON_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM and TX_MBUF_MAX_LEN must N*1024; */ create_mbuf_pool.usdata_room = TX_MBUF_MAX_LEN + COMMON_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "hal_rx_pool.usnum=%u, usdata_room=%u", create_mbuf_pool.usnum, create_mbuf_pool.usdata_room); mp = (struct common_mem_mempool *) nsfw_mem_mbfmp_create (&create_mbuf_pool); if (mp == NULL) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("nsfw_mem_mbfmp_create fail"); return NULL; } MEM_STAT (SPL_HAL_MODULE, create_mbuf_pool.stname.aname, NSFW_SHMEM, nsfw_mem_get_len (mp, NSFW_MEM_MBUF)); NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "create:thread=%d,nic_id=%d,mp=%p,size=%d", queue_id, nic_id, mp, nsfw_mem_get_len (mp, NSFW_MEM_MBUF)); char rx_msg_arr_name[NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH]; data_com_msg *rx_msg_array = NULL; retval = spl_snprintf (rx_msg_arr_name, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", get_mempoll_rxmsg_name (queue_id, nic_id)); if (-1 != retval) { rx_msg_array = (data_com_msg *) sbr_create_mzone (rx_msg_arr_name, (size_t) sizeof (data_com_msg) * RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE); } if (!rx_msg_array) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("Create rx_msg_array zone fail]name=%s, num=%u, size=%zu", rx_msg_arr_name, RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE, (size_t) sizeof (data_com_msg) * RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE); } else { /*bind msg to pbuf */ MEM_STAT (SPL_HAL_MODULE, rx_msg_arr_name, NSFW_SHMEM, (size_t) sizeof (data_com_msg) * RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE); NSSBR_LOGINF ("Create rx_msg_array zone ok]name=%s, ptr=%p, num=%u, size=%zu", rx_msg_arr_name, rx_msg_array, RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE, sizeof (data_com_msg) * RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE); struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf = NULL; struct spl_pbuf *buf = NULL; u32 loop = 0; for (; loop < RX_MBUF_POOL_SIZE; loop++) { mbuf = nsfw_mem_mbf_alloc (mp, NSFW_SHMEM); if (!mbuf) { /* alloc failed , still can work, no prebind success just not so faster */ NSSBR_LOGERR ("nsfw_mem_mbf_alloc failed,this can not happen"); break; } buf = (struct spl_pbuf *) ((char *) mbuf + sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)); sys_sem_init (&rx_msg_array[loop].param.op_completed); rx_msg_array[loop].param.msg_from = NULL; buf->msg = (void *) &rx_msg_array[loop]; (void) res_free (&buf->res_chk); //no need to check return value, as it will do free operation depends on alloc_flag if (nsfw_mem_mbf_free (mbuf, NSFW_SHMEM) < 0) { /* free failed , still can work, no prebind work just not so faster */ NSSBR_LOGERR ("nsfw_mem_mbf_free failed,this can not happen"); break; } } } } else { retval = spl_snprintf (lookup_mbuf_pool.aname, NSFW_MEM_NAME_LENGTH - 1, "%s", get_mempoll_rx_name (queue_id, nic_id)); if (-1 == retval) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_snprintf fail"); return NULL; } lookup_mbuf_pool.entype = NSFW_SHMEM; lookup_mbuf_pool.enowner = NSFW_PROC_MAIN; mp = (struct common_mem_mempool *) nsfw_mem_mbfmp_lookup (&lookup_mbuf_pool); if (mp == NULL) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("nsfw_mem_mbfmp_lookup fail, name=%s, try to create", lookup_mbuf_pool.aname); return spl_hal_rx_pool_create (nic_id, queue_id, 1); } NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "lookup:thread=%d,nic_id=%d,mp=%p,size=%d", queue_id, nic_id, mp, nsfw_mem_get_len (mp, NSFW_MEM_MBUF)); /*We have to recycle RX mbufs hold by DPDK when fault recovering of upgrading nstack */ if (start_type == 3 || start_type == 2) { ring = (struct common_mem_ring *) (mp->pool_data); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "BEFORE clear rx_mpool]prod.head=%u, prod.tail=%u, " "cons.head=%u, cons.tail=%u", ring->prod.head, ring->prod.tail, ring->cons.head, ring->cons.tail); if (nsfw_mem_mbuf_iterator (mp, 0, mp->size, spl_hal_rx_mbuf_free, NULL) < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("nsfw_mem_mbuf_iterator return fail"); return NULL; } NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "AFTER clear rx_mpool]prod.head=%u, prod.tail=%u, " "cons.head=%u, cons.tail=%u", ring->prod.head, ring->prod.tail, ring->cons.head, ring->cons.tail); } } return mp; } int spl_hal_bond_config (struct network_configuration *network) { struct phy_net *phynet = network->phy_net; struct ref_nic *phead = phynet->header; static u8_t bond_index = 0; /* for auto-generating bond_name */ unsigned int check_bond = 0, check_name; int retVal; u8_t j, k, idx = 0; /* get bond info from network configuration */ if (phynet->bond_mode != -1 && bond_ports_array.cnt < MAX_BOND_PORT_NUM) { struct ref_nic *phead_bond = phead; char *name = phynet->bond_name; struct bond_set *s = &bond_ports_array.ports[bond_ports_array.cnt]; while (phead_bond != NULL) { /* check slave name, repeated slave nic cannot be added to bond set. */ check_name = 0; for (j = 0; j < idx; j++) { if (strcmp (s->slave_ports[j], phead_bond->nic_name) == 0) { check_name = 1; break; } } if (check_name) { break; } /* if this nic has been added to a bond_set, ignore it */ check_bond = 0; for (k = 0; k < bond_ports_array.cnt && !check_bond; k++) { for (j = 0; j < bond_ports_array.ports[k].slave_port_cnt && !check_bond; j++) { if (strcmp (bond_ports_array.ports[k].slave_ports[j], phead_bond->nic_name) == 0) { check_bond = 1; if (name[0] == 0) { retVal = STRNCPY_S (name, IP_MODULE_MAX_NAME_LEN, bond_ports_array. ports[k].bond_port_name, strlen (bond_ports_array. ports[k].bond_port_name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } } if (strcmp (name, bond_ports_array.ports[k].bond_port_name) != 0) { NSOPR_SET_ERRINFO (-1, "%s init failed!\n", name); NSPOL_LOGERR ("%s init failed! %s in both %s and %s", name, phead_bond->nic_name, name, bond_ports_array.ports[k].bond_port_name); return -1; } } } } if (check_bond == 1) { break; } /* copy slave ports name to bond array */ retVal = STRNCPY_S (s->slave_ports[idx], HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN, phead_bond->nic_name, strlen (phead_bond->nic_name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } idx++; phead_bond = phead_bond->next; if (idx >= HAL_MAX_SLAVES_PER_BOND) { break; } } if (check_bond == 0) { if (name[0] == 0) { /* if bond_name is a empty string, generate a new bond name */ retVal = SPRINTF_S (name, HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN, "bond%u_auto", bond_index++); if (-1 == retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("SPRINTF_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } } /* copy bond_name to bond array */ retVal = STRNCPY_S (s->bond_port_name, HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN, name, strlen (name)); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRNCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } s->slave_port_cnt = idx; bond_ports_array.cnt++; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond_ports_array.cnt=%u,slave_port_cnt=%u", bond_ports_array.cnt, s->slave_port_cnt); } } return 0; } int spl_hal_port_config (unsigned int *port_num) { int retVal; unsigned int check; struct phy_net *phynet; struct network_configuration *network = get_network_list (); if (!network) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("fail to get_provider_node"); return -1; } unsigned int port_index = p_stackx_port_zone->port_num; while (network && (phynet = network->phy_net)) { struct ref_nic *phead = phynet->header; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "network=%p,network_name=%s", network, network->network_name); if (spl_hal_bond_config (network) < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_hal_bond_config fail."); return -1; } while (phead != NULL) { /* check if the NIC is inited */ for (check = 0; check < port_index; ++check) { if (strcmp (p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[check]. linux_ip.if_name, phead->nic_name) == 0) { break; } } if (check != port_index) { phead = phead->next; continue; } /* check if the number of VF exceeds MAX_VF_NUM */ if (port_index >= MAX_VF_NUM + p_stackx_port_zone->bonded_port_num) { NSOPR_SET_ERRINFO (-1, "Support Only %d VF. %s init failed!\n", MAX_VF_NUM, phead->nic_name); NSPOL_LOGERR ("Support Only %d VF. %s init failed!", MAX_VF_NUM, phead->nic_name); NSOPR_SET_ERRINFO (-1, "Add network %s failed!\n", network->network_name); break; } if (strlen (phead->nic_name) >= sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_name) - 1 || strlen (phead->nic_name) <= 3) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("Invalid configuration"); return -1; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_name, sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_name), phead->nic_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "if_name %s", p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_name); retVal = STRCPY_S (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_type, sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_type), network->nic_type_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("strcpy_s failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "if_type %s", p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.if_type); retVal = STRCPY_S (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.ip_addr_linux, sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip. ip_addr_linux), ""); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.mask_linux, sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip. mask_linux), ""); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip.bcast_linux, sizeof (p_stackx_port_zone-> stackx_one_port[port_index].linux_ip. bcast_linux), ""); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d.", retVal); return -1; } ++port_index; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "port_index=%u", port_index); if (CUR_CFG_HAL_PORT_NUM <= port_index + bond_ports_array.cnt) { // TODO: Invalid configuration received, return immediately NSPOL_LOGERR ("Insufficient nStack configuration when compared to configuration from network.json"); return -1; } /* [TA33636] [2017-04-11] Do not need provider.json */ if (phynet->bond_mode == -1 /*&& strncmp(network->network_name, "provider", 8) != 0 */ ) { break; } else { phead = phead->next; } } network = network->next; } *port_num = port_index; return ERR_OK; } void spl_hal_capa_init () { u32_t ipv4_cksum_offload = 1; u32_t udp_cksum_offload = 1; u32_t tcp_cksum_offload = 1; hal_netif_capa_t info = { 0 }; struct stackx_port_info *p_port_info = head_used_port_list; while (p_port_info) { hal_get_capability (p_port_info->linux_ip.hdl, &info); if ((info.tx_offload_capa & HAL_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM) == 0) { ipv4_cksum_offload = 0; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Port %s TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM Disable", p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); } if ((info.tx_offload_capa & HAL_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) == 0) { udp_cksum_offload = 0; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Port %s TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM Disable", p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); } if ((info.tx_offload_capa & HAL_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) == 0) { tcp_cksum_offload = 0; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Port %s TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM Disable", p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); } p_port_info = p_port_info->next_use_port; } spl_hal_capa.tx_ipv4_cksum_offload = ipv4_cksum_offload; spl_hal_capa.tx_udp_cksum_offload = udp_cksum_offload; spl_hal_capa.tx_tcp_cksum_offload = tcp_cksum_offload; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "ipv4_cksum_offload(%u),udp_cksum_offload(%u),tcp_cksum_offload(%u)", ipv4_cksum_offload, udp_cksum_offload, tcp_cksum_offload); } NSTACK_STATIC void spl_hal_bond_info_init (hal_hdl_t hdl, struct bond_set *s, struct stackx_port_info *p) { #define MAX_MAC_STR_LEN 20 char mac_string[MAX_MAC_STR_LEN]; int retVal; struct ether_addr addr; p->linux_ip.hdl = hdl; struct stackx_port_info *slave_port; slave_port = get_port_info_by_name (s->slave_ports[0]); if (slave_port == NULL) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("get_port_info_by_name failed]bond_port_name=%s", s->bond_port_name); return; } /* check the lenght of bond_port_name */ retVal = STRCPY_S (p->linux_ip.if_name, sizeof (p->linux_ip.if_name), s->bond_port_name); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } hal_get_macaddr (hdl, &addr); retVal = spl_hal_ether_etoa (addr.addr_bytes, sizeof (addr.addr_bytes), mac_string, sizeof (mac_string)); if (retVal < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_hal_ether_etoa failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p->linux_ip.mac_addr, sizeof (p->linux_ip.mac_addr), mac_string); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p->linux_ip.ip_addr_linux, sizeof (p->linux_ip.ip_addr_linux), slave_port->linux_ip.ip_addr_linux); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p->linux_ip.mask_linux, sizeof (p->linux_ip.mask_linux), slave_port->linux_ip.mask_linux); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p->linux_ip.bcast_linux, sizeof (p->linux_ip.bcast_linux), slave_port->linux_ip.bcast_linux); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return; } NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "===== the bond port info ======"); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond port name=%s", p->linux_ip.if_name); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond port mac=%s", p->linux_ip.mac_addr); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond port ip=%s", p->linux_ip.ip_addr_linux); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond port netmask=%s", p->linux_ip.mask_linux); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond port broad_cast addr=%s", p->linux_ip.bcast_linux); } NSTACK_STATIC int spl_hal_bond_start (void) { u8_t i, j = 0; struct stackx_port_info *bond_port = NULL; hal_hdl_t hdl; hal_hdl_t slave_hdl[HAL_MAX_SLAVES_PER_BOND]; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "bond_ports_array.cnt=%u", bond_ports_array.cnt); for (i = bond_ports_array_cnt_start; i < bond_ports_array.cnt; i++) { struct bond_set *s = &bond_ports_array.ports[i]; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "i=%u,bond_port_name=%s", i, s->bond_port_name); u8_t slave_num = 0; for (j = 0; j < s->slave_port_cnt; j++) { NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "s->slave_ports[%u]=%s", j, s->slave_ports[j]); hdl = get_port_hdl_by_name (s->slave_ports[j]); if (!hal_is_valid (hdl)) { continue; } slave_hdl[slave_num++] = hdl; /* here we didn't release the port mem allocated in p_stackx_port_zone */ del_port_in_port_list (s->slave_ports[j]); } hdl = hal_bond (s->bond_port_name, slave_num, slave_hdl); if (!hal_is_valid (hdl)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("hal_bond fail: bond_name =%s", s->bond_port_name); return -1; } bond_port = &p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[p_stackx_port_zone->port_num]; num_ports_NIC++; p_stackx_port_zone->port_num++; p_stackx_port_zone->bonded_port_num++; spl_hal_bond_info_init (hdl, s, bond_port); add_port_in_port_list (bond_port); } bond_ports_array_cnt_start = bond_ports_array.cnt; return 0; } /* * Initialises a given port using global settings and with the rx buffers * coming from the mbuf_pool passed as parameter */ NSTACK_STATIC inline int spl_hal_port_start (uint16_t nic_id, struct stackx_port_info *p_port_info, u16_t num_queues) { u16_t num_queues_request, q; hal_hdl_t hdl; struct common_mem_mempool *mp; hal_netif_config_t conf; #define MAX_MAC_STR_LEN 20 char mac_string[MAX_MAC_STR_LEN]; int retVal; struct ether_addr addr; // change the queues number per configuration. // even we only receive packets from one rx queue when dispatch mode is on, the tx queue // shoule set to the queues number requested. num_queues_request = num_queues; if (num_queues_request > HAL_ETH_MAX_QUEUE_NUM) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("no enougth queue num for thread!]num_queues_request=%u,MAX_QUEUE_NUM=%u", num_queues_request, HAL_ETH_MAX_QUEUE_NUM); return -1; } NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "# Initialising index=%s... ", p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); /* used to have fflush,no use code ,remove it. */ conf.bit.hw_vlan_filter = 1; conf.bit.hw_vlan_strip = 1; conf.rx.queue_num = num_queues_request; conf.tx.queue_num = num_queues_request; for (q = 0; q < num_queues_request; q++) { mp = (struct common_mem_mempool *) spl_hal_rx_pool_create (nic_id, q, 1); if (mp == NULL) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_hal_rx_pool_create fail]mp=NULL,nic_id=%u,if_name=%s", nic_id, p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); return -1; } (void) spl_reg_res_txrx_mgr ((mpool_handle *) mp); // will only return 0, no need to check return value conf.rx.ring_pool[q] = mp; conf.rx.ring_size[q] = HAL_RX_RING_SIZE; conf.tx.ring_size[q] = HAL_TX_RING_SIZE; } hdl = hal_create (p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name, p_port_info->linux_ip.if_type, &conf); if (!hal_is_valid (hdl)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("hal_create fail]if_name =%s", p_port_info->linux_ip.if_name); return -1; } p_port_info->linux_ip.hdl = hdl; /* add mac address */ hal_get_macaddr (hdl, &addr); retVal = spl_hal_ether_etoa (addr.addr_bytes, sizeof (addr.addr_bytes), mac_string, sizeof (mac_string)); if (retVal < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("spl_hal_ether_etoa failed]ret=%d", retVal); return -1; } retVal = STRCPY_S (p_port_info->linux_ip.mac_addr, sizeof (p_port_info->linux_ip.mac_addr), mac_string); if (EOK != retVal) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("STRCPY_S failed]ret=%d", retVal); return -1; } return 0; } NSTACK_STATIC int spl_hal_port_setup () { unsigned int i; struct stackx_port_info *p_port_info = NULL; INITPOL_LOGINF ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_setup", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_START); for (i = num_ports_NIC_start; i < num_ports_NIC; i++) { p_port_info = &(p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[i]); if (spl_hal_port_start (i, p_port_info, (u16_t) 1) < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("Error initialising]nic_id=%u", i); INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_setup", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); return -1; } else { report_port_link_status (p_port_info); add_port_in_port_list (p_port_info); } } if (spl_hal_bond_start () < 0) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("bond port init failed!"); INITPOL_LOGERR ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_setup", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); return -1; } spl_hal_capa_init (); INITPOL_LOGINF ("HAL", "spl_hal_port_setup", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_SUCCESS); return 0; } int spl_hal_port_init () { int retval; unsigned int i, port_num = 0; int port_num_start = p_stackx_port_zone->port_num; num_ports_NIC_start = num_ports_NIC; //Read network info INITPOL_LOGINF ("IP", "spl_hal_port_config", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_START); retval = spl_hal_port_config (&port_num); if (retval != ERR_OK) { INITPOL_LOGERR ("IP", "spl_hal_port_config", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_FAIL); return -1; } p_stackx_port_zone->port_num = port_num; NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "port_num=%u", port_num); INITPOL_LOGINF ("IP", "spl_hal_port_config", NULL_STRING, LOG_INVALID_VALUE, MODULE_INIT_SUCCESS); if (port_num_start == p_stackx_port_zone->port_num) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("No new NIC find."); return 0; } //Get ports num for (i = port_num_start; i < p_stackx_port_zone->port_num; i++) { if (p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[i].linux_ip.if_name[0] != 0) { /* right now hard coded, */ int eth_num = atoi (p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[i].linux_ip.if_name + 3); num_ports_NIC++; NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "port_mask=%d ,eth_name=%s", eth_num, p_stackx_port_zone->stackx_one_port[i]. linux_ip.if_name); } } if (num_ports_NIC > HAL_MAX_NIC_NUM) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("just support one eth"); common_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, "just surport one eth"); } if (num_ports_NIC == num_ports_NIC_start) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("No new NIC find."); return 0; } retval = spl_hal_port_setup (); if (retval == -1) { return -1; } NSPOL_LOGDBG (SC_DPDK_INFO, "Finished Process Init."); return 1; } inline NSTACK_STATIC void spl_hal_send (struct netif *pnetif) { u16_t i, sent = 0; struct netifExt *pnetifExt = NULL; u16_t netif_id = pnetif->num; u16_t tx_num = spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].tx.num; struct common_mem_mbuf **tx_ptks = spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].tx.pkts; for (i = 0; i < tx_num; i++) { (void) res_free (& (((struct spl_pbuf *) (((char *) tx_ptks[i]) + sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)))->res_chk)); } int _retry = 0; pnetifExt = getNetifExt (pnetif->num); if (NULL == pnetifExt) return; do { sent += hal_send_packet (pnetifExt->hdl, 0, (hal_mbuf_t **) & (tx_ptks[sent]), tx_num - sent); _retry++; if (_retry > SPL_HAL_SEND_TRY) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("send loop %d times but dpdk send data fail ", SPL_HAL_SEND_TRY); break; } } while (unlikely (sent != tx_num)); if (unlikely (sent != tx_num)) { for (i = sent; i < tx_num; i++) { (void) nsfw_mem_mbf_free ((mbuf_handle) (tx_ptks[i]), NSFW_SHMEM); } } for (i = 0; i < tx_num; i++) { /* set dpdk_send flag */ ((struct spl_pbuf *) (((char *) tx_ptks[i]) + sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)))-> res_chk.u8Reserve |= DPDK_SEND_FLAG; } spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].tx.num = 0; } inline u16_t spl_hal_recv (struct netif *pnetif, u8_t id) { u16_t netif_id, rx_c = 0; struct netifExt *pnetifExt = NULL; netif_id = pnetif->num; pnetifExt = getNetifExt (pnetif->num); if (NULL == pnetifExt) return 0; rx_c = hal_recv_packet (pnetifExt->hdl, 0, (hal_mbuf_t **) spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.pkts, PKT_BURST); if (rx_c <= 0) { return 0; } spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.num = rx_c; spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.index = 0; return rx_c; } /*needflush set 1 has pbuf release problem, ref maybe set 0 before release*/ NSTACK_STATIC inline void spl_hal_set_cksum (struct spl_pbuf *buf, struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf) { //need to be careful, special when small packet oversize if (buf->tot_len > mbuf->pkt_len) { NSPOL_LOGWAR (SC_DPDK_INFO, "small packet OVERSIZE]pbuf_len=%u,mbuf_len=%u", buf->len, mbuf->pkt_len); mbuf->pkt_len = buf->len; } if (!spl_hal_tx_ip_cksum_enable () || !spl_hal_tx_tcp_cksum_enable () || !spl_hal_tx_udp_cksum_enable ()) { struct tcp_hdr *t_hdr; struct udp_hdr *u_hdr; u16_t flag_offset; u64_t ol_flags = (mbuf->ol_flags); //& (~PKT_TX_L4_MASK)); struct eth_hdr *ethhdr = (struct eth_hdr *) ((char *) buf->payload); if (ethhdr->type == 8) { struct ip_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip_hdr *) ((char *) buf->payload + sizeof (struct eth_hdr)); if (!spl_hal_tx_ip_cksum_enable ()) { ol_flags |= PKT_TX_IPV4 | PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM; iphdr->_chksum = 0; } flag_offset = spl_ntohs (iphdr->_offset); /*ip frag, only the first packet has udp or tcp head */ if (0 == (flag_offset & IP_OFFMASK)) { switch (iphdr->_proto) { case IPPROTO_TCP: if (!spl_hal_tx_tcp_cksum_enable ()) { t_hdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) ((char *) buf->payload + sizeof (struct eth_hdr) + sizeof (struct ip_hdr)); t_hdr->chksum = get_ipv4_psd_sum (iphdr, ol_flags); ol_flags |= PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM; } break; case IPPROTO_UDP: { if ((mbuf->ol_flags & PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM) == PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM) { u_hdr = (struct udp_hdr *) ((char *) buf->payload + sizeof (struct eth_hdr) + sizeof (struct ip_hdr)); //l2_len + l3_len); u_hdr->chksum = get_ipv4_psd_sum (iphdr, mbuf->ol_flags); } } break; default: break; } } mbuf->l2_len = sizeof (struct eth_hdr); //l2_len; mbuf->l3_len = sizeof (struct ip_hdr); mbuf->ol_flags = ol_flags; } } } /*needflush set 1 has pbuf release problem, ref maybe set 0 before release*/ err_t spl_hal_output (struct netif *pnetif, struct pbuf *buf) { u16_t netif_id, idx; struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf; struct spl_pbuf *spbuf = NULL; //spl_pbuf_layer layer = SPL_PBUF_TRANSPORT; //u16_t offset; if (!p_def_stack_instance) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("p_def_stack_instance is NULL"); return -1; } u16_t proc_id = spl_get_lcore_id (); NSPOL_LOGINF (SC_DPDK_INFO, "spl_hal_output. len %d totlen %d", buf->len, buf->tot_len); print_pbuf_payload_info (buf, true); if (buf->tot_len > DEF_MBUF_DATA_SIZE) { NSPOL_LOGINF (TCP_DEBUG, "spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage Failed!!!"); return ERR_MEM; } spbuf = spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage (SPL_PBUF_RAW, buf->tot_len, SPL_PBUF_HUGE, proc_id, NULL); if (!spbuf) { NSPOL_LOGINF (TCP_DEBUG, "spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage Failed!!!"); return ERR_MEM; } if (ERR_OK != pbuf_to_splpbuf_copy (spbuf, buf)) { NSPOL_LOGERR ("pbuf to splpbuf copy failed"); return -1; } mbuf = (struct common_mem_mbuf *) ((char *) spbuf - sizeof (struct common_mem_mbuf)); if (spbuf->tot_len > mbuf->pkt_len) { NSPOL_LOGWAR (SC_DPDK_INFO, "small packet OVERSIZE]pbuf_len=%u,mbuf_len=%u", spbuf->len, mbuf->pkt_len); mbuf->pkt_len = spbuf->len; } spl_hal_set_cksum (spbuf, mbuf); netif_id = pnetif->num; idx = spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].tx.num++; spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].tx.pkts[idx] = mbuf; spl_do_dump (spbuf, DUMP_SEND); spl_hal_send (pnetif); return 0; } void spl_hal_input (struct netif *pnetif, struct spl_pbuf **buf) { u16_t netif_id; struct common_mem_mbuf *mbuf; netif_id = pnetif->num; if (likely (spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.num > spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.index)) { mbuf = spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.pkts[spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.index]; spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.index++; spl_hal_buf_convert (mbuf, buf); spl_do_dump (*buf, DUMP_RECV); } else { NSPOL_LOGERR ("recv from spl_dev has a problem]pnetif=%p, num=%u, index=%u", pnetif, spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.num, spl_hal_pkts[netif_id].rx.index); *buf = NULL; } return; } int spl_hal_tx_ip_cksum_enable () { return !spl_hal_capa.tx_ipv4_cksum_offload; } int spl_hal_tx_udp_cksum_enable () { return !spl_hal_capa.tx_udp_cksum_offload; } int spl_hal_tx_tcp_cksum_enable () { return !spl_hal_capa.tx_tcp_cksum_offload; } u32 spl_hal_is_nic_exist (const char *name) { return hal_is_nic_exist (name); } int spl_hal_is_bond_netif (struct netif *pnetif) { int i; struct bond_set *s; struct netifExt *pnetifExt = NULL; pnetifExt = getNetifExt (pnetif->num); if (NULL == pnetifExt) return 0; for (i = 0; i < bond_ports_array.cnt; i++) { s = &bond_ports_array.ports[i]; if (!strncmp (pnetifExt->if_name, s->bond_port_name, HAL_MAX_NIC_NAME_LEN)) { return 1; } } return 0; }