/* * * Copyright (c) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "stackx_res_mgr.h" #include "stackx_common.h" #include "nstack_securec.h" #include "nsfw_msg.h" #include "stackx_common.h" #include "nsfw_mgr_com_api.h" #include "stackx_cfg.h" #include "nsfw_maintain_api.h" //#include "stackx_dfx_api.h" #include "stackx_app_res.h" sbr_share_group g_share_group = { 0 }; #define SLOW_SLEEP_TIME 500000 NSTACK_STATIC inline void sbr_reset_fd_share (sbr_fd_share * fd_share) { common_mem_spinlock_init (&fd_share->recv_lock); common_mem_spinlock_init (&fd_share->common_lock); fd_share->err = 0; fd_share->lastoffset = 0; fd_share->lastdata = NULL; fd_share->recoder.head = NULL; fd_share->recoder.tail = NULL; fd_share->recoder.totalLen = 0; fd_share->recv_timeout = 0; fd_share->send_timeout = 0; fd_share->rcvlowat = 1; fd_share->block_polling_time = SLOW_SLEEP_TIME; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : sbr_init_tx_pool * Description : get tx buf pool * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : static int * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC int sbr_init_tx_pool () { mpool_handle pool[1]; pool[0] = NULL; (void) sbr_malloc_tx_pool (get_sys_pid (), pool, 1); if (pool[0]) { g_share_group.tx_pool = pool[0]; return 0; } return -1; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : sbr_init_app_res * Description : get msg, conn pool * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : static int * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ NSTACK_STATIC int sbr_init_app_res () { g_share_group.conn_pool = sbr_get_instance_conn_pool (0); if (!g_share_group.conn_pool) { return -1; } return 0; } /*=========== get share config for app =============*/ NSTACK_STATIC inline int get_share_config () { static nsfw_mem_name g_cfg_mem_info = { NSFW_SHMEM, NSFW_PROC_MAIN, NSTACK_SHARE_CONFIG }; mzone_handle base_cfg_mem = nsfw_mem_zone_lookup (&g_cfg_mem_info); if (NULL == base_cfg_mem) { NSSOC_LOGERR ("get config share mem failed."); return -1; } if (get_share_cfg_from_mem (base_cfg_mem) < 0) { NSSOC_LOGERR ("get share config failed."); return -1; } NSSOC_LOGDBG ("get share config success."); return 0; } int nstack_set_share_config () { return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : sbr_init_stackx * Description : init stackx res * Input : None * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ int sbr_init_stackx () { sbr_init_cfg (); if (get_share_config () < 0) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("get_share_config failed"); return -1; } if (sbr_attach_group_array () != 0) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("sbr_attach_group_array failed"); return -1; } NSSBR_LOGDBG ("sbr_attach_group_array ok"); if (sbr_init_tx_pool () != 0) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("init tx pool failed"); return -1; } NSSBR_LOGDBG ("init tx pool ok"); if (sbr_init_app_res () != 0) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("sbr_init_app_res failed"); return -1; } NSSBR_LOGDBG ("sbr_init_app_res ok"); NSSBR_LOGDBG ("sbr_init_stackx ok"); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Prototype : sbr_malloc_conn_for_sk * Description : malloc netconn for sk,need add pid * Input : sbr_socket_t* sk * netconn_type_t type * Output : None * Return Value : int * Calls : * Called By : * *****************************************************************************/ int sbr_malloc_conn_for_sk (sbr_socket_t * sk, spl_netconn_type_t type) { spl_netconn_t *conn = ss_malloc_conn_app (g_share_group.conn_pool, type); if (!conn) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("malloc conn failed]fd=%d", sk->fd); sbr_set_errno (ENOBUFS); return -1; } NSSBR_LOGINF ("malloc conn ok]fd=%d,conn=%p", sk->fd, conn); u16 thread_index = 0; ss_set_bind_thread_index (conn, thread_index); ss_set_msg_box (conn, ss_get_instance_msg_box (thread_index, 0)); sbr_fd_share *fd_share = (sbr_fd_share *) ((char *) conn + SS_NETCONN_SIZE); sbr_reset_fd_share (fd_share); sk->stack_obj = (void *) conn; sk->sk_obj = (void *) fd_share; return 0; } int sbr_init_conn_for_accept (sbr_socket_t * sk, spl_netconn_t * conn) { if (!conn) { sbr_set_sk_errno (sk, ENOBUFS); return -1; } NSSBR_LOGINF ("accept conn ok]fd=%d,conn=%p,private_data=%p", sk->fd, conn, conn->private_data); if (ss_add_pid (conn, get_sys_pid ()) < 0) { NSSBR_LOGERR ("ss_add_pid failed]fd=%d", sk->fd); } ss_set_accept_from (conn, NULL); /* need clear flag */ sbr_fd_share *fd_share = (sbr_fd_share *) ((char *) conn + SS_NETCONN_SIZE); sbr_reset_fd_share (fd_share); sk->stack_obj = (void *) conn; sk->sk_obj = (void *) fd_share; return 0; } void sbr_free_conn_from_sk (sbr_socket_t * sk) { ss_free_conn (sbr_get_conn (sk)); sk->stack_obj = NULL; sk->sk_obj = NULL; NSSBR_LOGDBG ("free conn ok]fd=%d", sk->fd); }