#!/bin/bash . ./script/nstack_var.sh . ./script/nstack_fun.sh script_path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) config_name=${script_path}/script/nstack_var.sh if [ ! -e $config_name ]; then log $LINENO "nstack_var.sh not exit, plz check!" exit 1 fi ######################################################## ##get the log info from the parameter of ./start -l XXX -a XXX ### nstack_log_path="" hostinfo_path="" while getopts "l:i:a:" arg do case $arg in l) nstack_log_path="$OPTARG" ;; i) hostinfo_path="$OPTARG" ;; esac done hostinfo_stat=0 ( flock -e -n 200 if [ $? -eq 1 ] then log $LINENO "another process is running now, exit" exit 1 fi ######################################################## # modify the nstack & dpdk log path config: nStackConfig.json if [ -n "$nstack_log_path" ]; then modify_nstack_log_path $nstack_log_path fi if [ -n "$hostinfo_path" -a -e "$hostinfo_path" -a -r "$hostinfo_path" ]; then nstack_alarm_local_ip=($(awk -F '=' '/\['AGENT'\]/{a=1}a==1&&$1"="~/^(\s*)(VM_ID)(\s*)(=)/{print $2 ;exit}' $hostinfo_path)) modify_local_ip_env else hostinfo_stat=1 fi ######################################################## #set the log path in nstack_var.sh##### modify_log_var ) 200>>./lockfile if [ -f "lockfile" ]; then rm lockfile fi . ./script/nstack_var.sh ######################################################## # init_log_file:nstack.log and dpdk.log # if need print log, the messgae need add after init_log_file init_log_file if [ "$hostinfo_stat" -ne 0 ]; then log $LINENO "please use correct -i parameter for start_nstack.sh" log $LINENO "host info path:$hostinfo_path" hostinfo_stat=0 fi log $LINENO "######################start nstack######################" ######################################################## # check application running process_nstack_main=nStackMain pid_nstack=`pidof $process_nstack_main` nstack_ctrl_path=${script_path}/bin pgrep nStackMain main_run_status=$? if [ ${main_run_status} -eq 0 ]; then log $LINENO "nStackMain is running ok, please stop it first!" save_pid_file ${pid_master} exit 0 fi huge_files=`ls /mnt/nstackhuge` if [ "x${huge_files}" != "x" ] then if [ "x${pid_nstack}" = "x" ] then log $LINENO "huge page file exist and nStackMain not exist" exit 1 fi fi ######################################################## # set hugepage init_hugepage $process_nstack_main ######################################################## # install config install_config ######################################################## core_mask=1 START_TYPE="primary" log $LINENO "./script/run_nstack_main.sh ${core_mask} $HUGE_DIR $MEM_SIZE $START_TYPE" cd script ./run_nstack_main.sh $HUGE_DIR $MEM_SIZE print_pid=$(ps -ux | grep nStackMain | awk '{print $2}' | awk 'NR == 2') echo "nStackMain PID:$print_pid" log $LINENO "nstack start success" exit 0