# 1. What is rsocket Rsockets is a protocol over RDMA that supports a socket-level API for applications. The dmm_rsocket adapted to DMM based on the librdmacm 1.1.0 version make it a protocol in DMM framework. # 2. How to use DMM-rsocket ## How to integrate rsocket into DMM  The file CMakeList.txt defined the compiling process, including downloading librdmacm 1.1.0 and patch it with rsocket.patch. The patch will modify the related files when necessary, and finally provide library of "libdmm_rdmacm.a" and "libdmm_rsocket.so". Target 'dmm_rsocket' could not be get automatically unless you run 'make dmm_rsocket' manually. 'make dmm_rsocket' will compile the adaption code and linking with libdmm_rdmacm.a.  ## Compile (refer to dmm/doc/Build_DMM.md) ```sh #cd dmm/build && cmake .. #make help #make dmm_rsocket ``` Note: After these processes, libdmm_rsocket.so protocol module would be created in dmm/release/lib64/libdmm_rsocket.so ## Test - Steps 1: update some environment variables ```sh #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${dmm}/release/lib64 #export LD_PRELOAD=${dmm}/release/lib64/libnStackAPI.so #export NSTACK_MOD_CFG_FILE=${dmm}/stacks/rsocket/config/module_config.json #export NSTACK_MOD_CFG_RD=${dmm}/stacks/rsocket/config/rd_config.json ``` - Steps 2: Modify rd_config.json(located at dmm/stacks/rsocket/config/) ```sh #vim rd_config.json //set "subnet": "" ``` Note: Means dmm will hijack data from subnet 192.168.21.* - Steps 3: Communication test between machine A(as server) with machine B (as client) ##### Run in machine A ```sh #./dmm/release/bin/vs_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 1000 -t 500000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 50000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` Note: Means the current machine would be server, and it's destination address is (client address), source address is address) ##### Run in machine B ``` #./dmm/release/bin/vc_common -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 1000 -t 500000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 50000 -e 10 -x 1 ``` Note: Means the current machine would be client, and it's destination address is (server address), source address is address) # 3. Document description (dmm/stacks/rsocket) ## CMakeLists.txt Control file for Cmake compiling. ## config folder ##### module_config.json - module_config.json is for configuring dmm protocol stack module ##### rd_config.json - rd_config.json is to choose which module is better to go through. It will go through rsocket protocol stack when RD type is nstack-rsocket ## rsocket.patch For the librdmacm patch, the key modification is to find the point where the epoll event is executed, all using the DMM_RSOCKET macro control. Other changes are to package the hijacked API, so that the code can calls libc API directly to avoid calls to the hijacked functions in the DMM, all using GSAPI macro control. ## src folder ##### rsocket_adpt.c && rsocket_adpt.h - Rsocket adaptation section, including initialization and adaptation functions. ##### rsocket_rdma.h - Public header file. ##### rsocket_in.h && rsocket_rs.c - rsocket_in.h is included in rsocket.c.(rsocket.c is located at dmm/stacks/rsocket/librdmacm-1.1.0/src) - rsocket_rs.c is embedded at the end of rsocket.c ##### rsocket_sapi.h - List of libc functions which only be used internally. # 4. More Information https://wiki.fd.io/view/DMM https://github.com/ofiwg/librdmacm/blob/master/docs/rsocket https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket http://www.mellanox.com/page/products_dyn?product_family=26