// This file has been modified by Huawei. // Copyright (C) 2018£¬ Huawei. // // Copyright (c) 2006, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Author: Satoru Takabayashi // // For reference check out: // http://www.codesourcery.com/public/cxx-abi/abi.html#mangling // // Note that we only have partial C++0x support yet. #include // for NULL #include "demangle.h" _START_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ typedef struct { const char *abbrev; const char *real_name; } AbbrevPair; // List of operators from Itanium C++ ABI. static const AbbrevPair kOperatorList[] = { { "nw", "new" }, { "na", "new[]" }, { "dl", "delete" }, { "da", "delete[]" }, { "ps", "+" }, { "ng", "-" }, { "ad", "&" }, { "de", "*" }, { "co", "~" }, { "pl", "+" }, { "mi", "-" }, { "ml", "*" }, { "dv", "/" }, { "rm", "%" }, { "an", "&" }, { "or", "|" }, { "eo", "^" }, { "aS", "=" }, { "pL", "+=" }, { "mI", "-=" }, { "mL", "*=" }, { "dV", "/=" }, { "rM", "%=" }, { "aN", "&=" }, { "oR", "|=" }, { "eO", "^=" }, { "ls", "<<" }, { "rs", ">>" }, { "lS", "<<=" }, { "rS", ">>=" }, { "eq", "==" }, { "ne", "!=" }, { "lt", "<" }, { "gt", ">" }, { "le", "<=" }, { "ge", ">=" }, { "nt", "!" }, { "aa", "&&" }, { "oo", "||" }, { "pp", "++" }, { "mm", "--" }, { "cm", "," }, { "pm", "->*" }, { "pt", "->" }, { "cl", "()" }, { "ix", "[]" }, { "qu", "?" }, { "st", "sizeof" }, { "sz", "sizeof" }, { NULL, NULL }, }; // List of builtin types from Itanium C++ ABI. static const AbbrevPair kBuiltinTypeList[] = { { "v", "void" }, { "w", "wchar_t" }, { "b", "bool" }, { "c", "char" }, { "a", "signed char" }, { "h", "unsigned char" }, { "s", "short" }, { "t", "unsigned short" }, { "i", "int" }, { "j", "unsigned int" }, { "l", "long" }, { "m", "unsigned long" }, { "x", "long long" }, { "y", "unsigned long long" }, { "n", "__int128" }, { "o", "unsigned __int128" }, { "f", "float" }, { "d", "double" }, { "e", "long double" }, { "g", "__float128" }, { "z", "ellipsis" }, { NULL, NULL } }; // List of substitutions Itanium C++ ABI. static const AbbrevPair kSubstitutionList[] = { { "St", "" }, { "Sa", "allocator" }, { "Sb", "basic_string" }, // std::basic_string,std::allocator > { "Ss", "string"}, // std::basic_istream > { "Si", "istream" }, // std::basic_ostream > { "So", "ostream" }, // std::basic_iostream > { "Sd", "iostream" }, { NULL, NULL } }; // State needed for demangling. typedef struct { const char *mangled_cur; // Cursor of mangled name. char *out_cur; // Cursor of output string. const char *out_begin; // Beginning of output string. const char *out_end; // End of output string. const char *prev_name; // For constructors/destructors. int prev_name_length; // For constructors/destructors. short nest_level; // For nested names. bool append; // Append flag. bool overflowed; // True if output gets overflowed. } State; // We don't use strlen() in libc since it's not guaranteed to be async // signal safe. static size_t StrLen(const char *str) { size_t len = 0; while (*str != '\0') { ++str; ++len; } return len; } // Returns true if "str" has at least "n" characters remaining. static bool AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(const char *str, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (str[i] == '\0') { return false; } } return true; } // Returns true if "str" has "prefix" as a prefix. static bool StrPrefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) { size_t i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0' && prefix[i] != '\0' && str[i] == prefix[i]) { ++i; } return prefix[i] == '\0'; // Consumed everything in "prefix". } static void InitState(State *state, const char *mangled, char *out, int out_size) { state->mangled_cur = mangled; state->out_cur = out; state->out_begin = out; state->out_end = out + out_size; state->prev_name = NULL; state->prev_name_length = -1; state->nest_level = -1; state->append = true; state->overflowed = false; } // Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find "one_char_token" // at "mangled_cur" position. It is assumed that "one_char_token" does // not contain '\0'. static bool ParseOneCharToken(State *state, const char one_char_token) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == one_char_token) { ++state->mangled_cur; return true; } return false; } // Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find "two_char_token" // at "mangled_cur" position. It is assumed that "two_char_token" does // not contain '\0'. static bool ParseTwoCharToken(State *state, const char *two_char_token) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == two_char_token[0] && state->mangled_cur[1] == two_char_token[1]) { state->mangled_cur += 2; return true; } return false; } // Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find any character in // "char_class" at "mangled_cur" position. static bool ParseCharClass(State *state, const char *char_class) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == '\0') { return false; } const char *p = char_class; for (; *p != '\0'; ++p) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == *p) { ++state->mangled_cur; return true; } } return false; } // This function is used for handling an optional non-terminal. static bool Optional(bool) { return true; } // This function is used for handling + syntax. typedef bool (*ParseFunc)(State *); static bool OneOrMore(ParseFunc parse_func, State *state) { if (parse_func(state)) { while (parse_func(state)) { } return true; } return false; } // This function is used for handling * syntax. The function // always returns true and must be followed by a termination token or a // terminating sequence not handled by parse_func (e.g. // ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')). static bool ZeroOrMore(ParseFunc parse_func, State *state) { while (parse_func(state)) { } return true; } // Append "str" at "out_cur". If there is an overflow, "overflowed" // is set to true for later use. The output string is ensured to // always terminate with '\0' as long as there is no overflow. static void Append(State *state, const char * const str, const int length) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (state->out_cur + 1 < state->out_end) { // +1 for '\0' *state->out_cur = str[i]; ++state->out_cur; } else { state->overflowed = true; break; } } if (!state->overflowed) { *state->out_cur = '\0'; // Terminate it with '\0' } } // We don't use equivalents in libc to avoid locale issues. static bool IsLower(char c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; } static bool IsAlpha(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } static bool IsDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } // Returns true if "str" is a function clone suffix. These suffixes are used // by GCC 4.5.x and later versions to indicate functions which have been // cloned during optimization. We treat any sequence (.+.+)+ as // a function clone suffix. static bool IsFunctionCloneSuffix(const char *str) { size_t i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { // Consume a single .+.+ sequence. if (str[i] != '.' || !IsAlpha(str[i + 1])) { return false; } i += 2; while (IsAlpha(str[i])) { ++i; } if (str[i] != '.' || !IsDigit(str[i + 1])) { return false; } i += 2; while (IsDigit(str[i])) { ++i; } } return true; // Consumed everything in "str". } // Append "str" with some tweaks, iff "append" state is true. // Returns true so that it can be placed in "if" conditions. static void MaybeAppendWithLength(State *state, const char * const str, const int length) { if (state->append && length > 0) { // Append a space if the output buffer ends with '<' and "str" // starts with '<' to avoid <<<. if (str[0] == '<' && state->out_begin < state->out_cur && state->out_cur[-1] == '<') { Append(state, " ", 1); } // Remember the last identifier name for ctors/dtors. if (IsAlpha(str[0]) || str[0] == '_') { state->prev_name = state->out_cur; state->prev_name_length = length; } Append(state, str, length); } } // A convenient wrapper arount MaybeAppendWithLength(). static bool MaybeAppend(State *state, const char * const str) { if (state->append) { int length = StrLen(str); MaybeAppendWithLength(state, str, length); } return true; } // This function is used for handling nested names. static bool EnterNestedName(State *state) { state->nest_level = 0; return true; } // This function is used for handling nested names. static bool LeaveNestedName(State *state, short prev_value) { state->nest_level = prev_value; return true; } // Disable the append mode not to print function parameters, etc. static bool DisableAppend(State *state) { state->append = false; return true; } // Restore the append mode to the previous state. static bool RestoreAppend(State *state, bool prev_value) { state->append = prev_value; return true; } // Increase the nest level for nested names. static void MaybeIncreaseNestLevel(State *state) { if (state->nest_level > -1) { ++state->nest_level; } } // Appends :: for nested names if necessary. static void MaybeAppendSeparator(State *state) { if (state->nest_level >= 1) { MaybeAppend(state, "::"); } } // Cancel the last separator if necessary. static void MaybeCancelLastSeparator(State *state) { if (state->nest_level >= 1 && state->append && state->out_begin <= state->out_cur - 2) { state->out_cur -= 2; *state->out_cur = '\0'; } } // Returns true if the identifier of the given length pointed to by // "mangled_cur" is anonymous namespace. static bool IdentifierIsAnonymousNamespace(State *state, int length) { static const char anon_prefix[] = "_GLOBAL__N_"; return (length > (int)sizeof(anon_prefix) - 1 && // Should be longer. StrPrefix(state->mangled_cur, anon_prefix)); } // Forward declarations of our parsing functions. static bool ParseMangledName(State *state); static bool ParseEncoding(State *state); static bool ParseName(State *state); static bool ParseUnscopedName(State *state); static bool ParseUnscopedTemplateName(State *state); static bool ParseNestedName(State *state); static bool ParsePrefix(State *state); static bool ParseUnqualifiedName(State *state); static bool ParseSourceName(State *state); static bool ParseLocalSourceName(State *state); static bool ParseNumber(State *state, int *number_out); static bool ParseFloatNumber(State *state); static bool ParseSeqId(State *state); static bool ParseIdentifier(State *state, int length); static bool ParseOperatorName(State *state); static bool ParseSpecialName(State *state); static bool ParseCallOffset(State *state); static bool ParseNVOffset(State *state); static bool ParseVOffset(State *state); static bool ParseCtorDtorName(State *state); static bool ParseType(State *state); static bool ParseCVQualifiers(State *state); static bool ParseBuiltinType(State *state); static bool ParseFunctionType(State *state); static bool ParseBareFunctionType(State *state); static bool ParseClassEnumType(State *state); static bool ParseArrayType(State *state); static bool ParsePointerToMemberType(State *state); static bool ParseTemplateParam(State *state); static bool ParseTemplateTemplateParam(State *state); static bool ParseTemplateArgs(State *state); static bool ParseTemplateArg(State *state); static bool ParseExpression(State *state); static bool ParseExprPrimary(State *state); static bool ParseLocalName(State *state); static bool ParseDiscriminator(State *state); static bool ParseSubstitution(State *state); // Implementation note: the following code is a straightforward // translation of the Itanium C++ ABI defined in BNF with a couple of // exceptions. // // - Support GNU extensions not defined in the Itanium C++ ABI // - and are combined to avoid infinite loop // - Reorder patterns to shorten the code // - Reorder patterns to give greedier functions precedence // We'll mark "Less greedy than" for these cases in the code // // Each parsing function changes the state and returns true on // success. Otherwise, don't change the state and returns false. To // ensure that the state isn't changed in the latter case, we save the // original state before we call more than one parsing functions // consecutively with &&, and restore the state if unsuccessful. See // ParseEncoding() as an example of this convention. We follow the // convention throughout the code. // // Originally we tried to do demangling without following the full ABI // syntax but it turned out we needed to follow the full syntax to // parse complicated cases like nested template arguments. Note that // implementing a full-fledged demangler isn't trivial (libiberty's // cp-demangle.c has +4300 lines). // // Note that (foo) in <(foo) ...> is a modifier to be ignored. // // Reference: // - Itanium C++ ABI // // ::= _Z static bool ParseMangledName(State *state) { return ParseTwoCharToken(state, "_Z") && ParseEncoding(state); } // ::= <(function) name> // ::= <(data) name> // ::= static bool ParseEncoding(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseName(state) && ParseBareFunctionType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseName(state) || ParseSpecialName(state)) { return true; } return false; } // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= static bool ParseName(State *state) { if (ParseNestedName(state) || ParseLocalName(state)) { return true; } State copy = *state; if (ParseUnscopedTemplateName(state) && ParseTemplateArgs(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; // Less greedy than . if (ParseUnscopedName(state)) { return true; } return false; } // ::= // ::= St static bool ParseUnscopedName(State *state) { if (ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) { return true; } State copy = *state; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "St") && MaybeAppend(state, "std::") && ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= // ::= static bool ParseUnscopedTemplateName(State *state) { return ParseUnscopedName(state) || ParseSubstitution(state); } // ::= N [] E // ::= N [] E static bool ParseNestedName(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'N') && EnterNestedName(state) && Optional(ParseCVQualifiers(state)) && ParsePrefix(state) && LeaveNestedName(state, copy.nest_level) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // This part is tricky. If we literally translate them to code, we'll // end up infinite loop. Hence we merge them to avoid the case. // // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= # empty // ::= <(template) unqualified-name> // ::= // ::= static bool ParsePrefix(State *state) { bool has_something = false; while (true) { MaybeAppendSeparator(state); if (ParseTemplateParam(state) || ParseSubstitution(state) || ParseUnscopedName(state)) { has_something = true; MaybeIncreaseNestLevel(state); continue; } MaybeCancelLastSeparator(state); if (has_something && ParseTemplateArgs(state)) { return ParsePrefix(state); } else { break; } } return true; } // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= static bool ParseUnqualifiedName(State *state) { return (ParseOperatorName(state) || ParseCtorDtorName(state) || ParseSourceName(state) || ParseLocalSourceName(state)); } // ::= static bool ParseSourceName(State *state) { State copy = *state; int length = -1; if (ParseNumber(state, &length) && ParseIdentifier(state, length)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= L [] // // References: // http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31775 // http://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs?view=rev&revision=124467 static bool ParseLocalSourceName(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseSourceName(state) && Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= [n] // If "number_out" is non-null, then *number_out is set to the value of the // parsed number on success. static bool ParseNumber(State *state, int *number_out) { int sign = 1; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'n')) { sign = -1; } const char *p = state->mangled_cur; int number = 0; for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) { if (IsDigit(*p)) { number = number * 10 + (*p - '0'); } else { break; } } if (p != state->mangled_cur) { // Conversion succeeded. state->mangled_cur = p; if (number_out != NULL) { *number_out = number * sign; } return true; } return false; } // Floating-point literals are encoded using a fixed-length lowercase // hexadecimal string. static bool ParseFloatNumber(State *state) { const char *p = state->mangled_cur; for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) { if (!IsDigit(*p) && !(*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f')) { break; } } if (p != state->mangled_cur) { // Conversion succeeded. state->mangled_cur = p; return true; } return false; } // The is a sequence number in base 36, // using digits and upper case letters static bool ParseSeqId(State *state) { const char *p = state->mangled_cur; for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) { if (!IsDigit(*p) && !(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')) { break; } } if (p != state->mangled_cur) { // Conversion succeeded. state->mangled_cur = p; return true; } return false; } // ::= (of given length) static bool ParseIdentifier(State *state, int length) { if (length == -1 || !AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(state->mangled_cur, length)) { return false; } if (IdentifierIsAnonymousNamespace(state, length)) { MaybeAppend(state, "(anonymous namespace)"); } else { MaybeAppendWithLength(state, state->mangled_cur, length); } state->mangled_cur += length; return true; } // ::= nw, and other two letters cases // ::= cv # (cast) // ::= v # vendor extended operator static bool ParseOperatorName(State *state) { if (!AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(state->mangled_cur, 2)) { return false; } // First check with "cv" (cast) case. State copy = *state; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "cv") && MaybeAppend(state, "operator ") && EnterNestedName(state) && ParseType(state) && LeaveNestedName(state, copy.nest_level)) { return true; } *state = copy; // Then vendor extended operators. if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'v') && ParseCharClass(state, "0123456789") && ParseSourceName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; // Other operator names should start with a lower alphabet followed // by a lower/upper alphabet. if (!(IsLower(state->mangled_cur[0]) && IsAlpha(state->mangled_cur[1]))) { return false; } // We may want to perform a binary search if we really need speed. const AbbrevPair *p; for (p = kOperatorList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[0] && state->mangled_cur[1] == p->abbrev[1]) { MaybeAppend(state, "operator"); if (IsLower(*p->real_name)) { // new, delete, etc. MaybeAppend(state, " "); } MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name); state->mangled_cur += 2; return true; } } return false; } // ::= TV // ::= TT // ::= TI // ::= TS // ::= Tc <(base) encoding> // ::= GV <(object) name> // ::= T <(base) encoding> // G++ extensions: // ::= TC <(offset) number> _ <(base) type> // ::= TF // ::= TJ // ::= GR // ::= GA // ::= Th <(base) encoding> // ::= Tv <(base) encoding> // // Note: we don't care much about them since they don't appear in // stack traces. The are special data. static bool ParseSpecialName(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCharClass(state, "VTIS") && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Tc") && ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseEncoding(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GV") && ParseName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseEncoding(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; // G++ extensions if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "TC") && ParseType(state) && ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && DisableAppend(state) && ParseType(state)) { RestoreAppend(state, copy.append); return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCharClass(state, "FJ") && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GR") && ParseName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GA") && ParseEncoding(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCharClass(state, "hv") && ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseEncoding(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= h _ // ::= v _ static bool ParseCallOffset(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'h') && ParseNVOffset(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'v') && ParseVOffset(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= <(offset) number> static bool ParseNVOffset(State *state) { return ParseNumber(state, NULL); } // ::= <(offset) number> _ <(virtual offset) number> static bool ParseVOffset(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseNumber(state, NULL)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= C1 | C2 | C3 // ::= D0 | D1 | D2 static bool ParseCtorDtorName(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'C') && ParseCharClass(state, "123")) { const char * const prev_name = state->prev_name; const int prev_name_length = state->prev_name_length; MaybeAppendWithLength(state, prev_name, prev_name_length); return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'D') && ParseCharClass(state, "012")) { const char * const prev_name = state->prev_name; const int prev_name_length = state->prev_name_length; MaybeAppend(state, "~"); MaybeAppendWithLength(state, prev_name, prev_name_length); return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= // ::= P # pointer-to // ::= R # reference-to // ::= O # rvalue reference-to (C++0x) // ::= C # complex pair (C 2000) // ::= G # imaginary (C 2000) // ::= U # vendor extended type qualifier // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= Dp # pack expansion of (C++0x) // ::= Dt E # decltype of an id-expression or class // # member access (C++0x) // ::= DT E # decltype of an expression (C++0x) // static bool ParseType(State *state) { // We should check CV-qualifers, and PRGC things first. State copy = *state; if (ParseCVQualifiers(state) && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseCharClass(state, "OPRCG") && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Dp") && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'D') && ParseCharClass(state, "tT") && ParseExpression(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'U') && ParseSourceName(state) && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseBuiltinType(state) || ParseFunctionType(state) || ParseClassEnumType(state) || ParseArrayType(state) || ParsePointerToMemberType(state) || ParseSubstitution(state)) { return true; } if (ParseTemplateTemplateParam(state) && ParseTemplateArgs(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; // Less greedy than . if (ParseTemplateParam(state)) { return true; } return false; } // ::= [r] [V] [K] // We don't allow empty to avoid infinite loop in // ParseType(). static bool ParseCVQualifiers(State *state) { int num_cv_qualifiers = 0; num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'r'); num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'V'); num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'K'); return num_cv_qualifiers > 0; } // ::= v, etc. // ::= u static bool ParseBuiltinType(State *state) { const AbbrevPair *p; for (p = kBuiltinTypeList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[0]) { MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name); ++state->mangled_cur; return true; } } State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'u') && ParseSourceName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= F [Y] E static bool ParseFunctionType(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'F') && Optional(ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Y')) && ParseBareFunctionType(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= <(signature) type>+ static bool ParseBareFunctionType(State *state) { State copy = *state; DisableAppend(state); if (OneOrMore(ParseType, state)) { RestoreAppend(state, copy.append); MaybeAppend(state, "()"); return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= static bool ParseClassEnumType(State *state) { return ParseName(state); } // ::= A <(positive dimension) number> _ <(element) type> // ::= A [<(dimension) expression>] _ <(element) type> static bool ParseArrayType(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'A') && ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'A') && Optional(ParseExpression(state)) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= M <(class) type> <(member) type> static bool ParsePointerToMemberType(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'M') && ParseType(state) && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= T_ // ::= T _ static bool ParseTemplateParam(State *state) { if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "T_")) { MaybeAppend(state, "?"); // We don't support template substitutions. return true; } State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) { MaybeAppend(state, "?"); // We don't support template substitutions. return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= // ::= static bool ParseTemplateTemplateParam(State *state) { return (ParseTemplateParam(state) || ParseSubstitution(state)); } // ::= I + E static bool ParseTemplateArgs(State *state) { State copy = *state; DisableAppend(state); if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'I') && OneOrMore(ParseTemplateArg, state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { RestoreAppend(state, copy.append); MaybeAppend(state, "<>"); return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= // ::= // ::= I * E # argument pack // ::= X E static bool ParseTemplateArg(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'I') && ZeroOrMore(ParseTemplateArg, state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseType(state) || ParseExprPrimary(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'X') && ParseExpression(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // ::= // // ::= st // ::= sr // ::= sr static bool ParseExpression(State *state) { if (ParseTemplateParam(state) || ParseExprPrimary(state)) { return true; } State copy = *state; if (ParseOperatorName(state) && ParseExpression(state) && ParseExpression(state) && ParseExpression(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOperatorName(state) && ParseExpression(state) && ParseExpression(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOperatorName(state) && ParseExpression(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "st") && ParseType(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "sr") && ParseType(state) && ParseUnqualifiedName(state) && ParseTemplateArgs(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "sr") && ParseType(state) && ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= L <(value) number> E // ::= L <(value) float> E // ::= L E // // A bug in g++'s C++ ABI version 2 (-fabi-version=2). // ::= LZ E static bool ParseExprPrimary(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseType(state) && ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseType(state) && ParseFloatNumber(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseMangledName(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "LZ") && ParseEncoding(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // := Z <(function) encoding> E <(entity) name> // [] // := Z <(function) encoding> E s [] static bool ParseLocalName(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Z') && ParseEncoding(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E') && MaybeAppend(state, "::") && ParseName(state) && Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) { return true; } *state = copy; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Z') && ParseEncoding(state) && ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Es") && Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // := _ <(non-negative) number> static bool ParseDiscriminator(State *state) { State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseNumber(state, NULL)) { return true; } *state = copy; return false; } // ::= S_ // ::= S _ // ::= St, etc. static bool ParseSubstitution(State *state) { if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "S_")) { MaybeAppend(state, "?"); // We don't support substitutions. return true; } State copy = *state; if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'S') && ParseSeqId(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) { MaybeAppend(state, "?"); // We don't support substitutions. return true; } *state = copy; // Expand abbreviations like "St" => "std". if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'S')) { const AbbrevPair *p; for (p = kSubstitutionList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[1]) { MaybeAppend(state, "std"); if (p->real_name[0] != '\0') { MaybeAppend(state, "::"); MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name); } ++state->mangled_cur; return true; } } } *state = copy; return false; } // Parse , optionally followed by either a function-clone suffix // or version suffix. Returns true only if all of "mangled_cur" was consumed. static bool ParseTopLevelMangledName(State *state) { if (ParseMangledName(state)) { if (state->mangled_cur[0] != '\0') { // Drop trailing function clone suffix, if any. if (IsFunctionCloneSuffix(state->mangled_cur)) { return true; } // Append trailing version suffix if any. // ex. _Z3foo@@GLIBCXX_3.4 if (state->mangled_cur[0] == '@') { MaybeAppend(state, state->mangled_cur); return true; } return false; // Unconsumed suffix. } return true; } return false; } // The demangler entry point. bool Demangle(const char *mangled, char *out, int out_size) { State state; InitState(&state, mangled, out, out_size); return ParseTopLevelMangledName(&state) && !state.overflowed; } _END_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_