// This file has been modified by Huawei. // Copyright (C) 2018£¬ Huawei. // // Copyright (c) 2002, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Author: Ray Sidney #include "config_for_unittests.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H # include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/commandlineflags.h" #include "glog/logging.h" #include "glog/raw_logging.h" #include "googletest.h" DECLARE_string(log_backtrace_at); // logging.cc #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GFLAGS #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GMOCK #include #include "mock-log.h" // Introduce several symbols from gmock. using testing::_; using testing::AnyNumber; using testing::HasSubstr; using testing::AllOf; using testing::StrNe; using testing::StrictMock; using testing::InitGoogleMock; using GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::glog_ns_testing::ScopedMockLog; #endif using namespace std; using namespace GOOGLE_NAMESPACE; // Some non-advertised functions that we want to test or use. _START_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ namespace base_ns { namespace internal_ns { bool GetExitOnDFatal(); void SetExitOnDFatal(bool value); } // namespace internal } // namespace base _END_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ static void TestLogging(bool check_counts); static void TestRawLogging(); static void LogWithLevels(int v, int severity, bool err, bool alsoerr); static void TestLoggingLevels(); static void TestLogString(); static void TestLogSink(); static void TestLogToString(); static void TestLogSinkWaitTillSent(); static void TestCHECK(); static void TestDCHECK(); static void TestSTREQ(); static void TestBasename(); static void TestSymlink(); static void TestExtension(); static void TestWrapper(); static void TestErrno(); static void TestTruncate(); static int x = -1; static void BM_Check1(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); CHECK_GE(n, x); } } BENCHMARK(BM_Check1); static void CheckFailure(int a, int b, const char* file, int line, const char* msg); static void BM_Check3(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); if (n < x) CheckFailure(n, x, __FILE__, __LINE__, "n < x"); } } BENCHMARK(BM_Check3); static void BM_Check2(int n) { if (n == 17) { x = 5; } while (n-- > 0) { CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); CHECK(n >= x); } } BENCHMARK(BM_Check2); static void CheckFailure(int, int, const char* /* file */, int /* line */, const char* /* msg */) { } static void BM_logspeed(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { LOG(INFO) << "test message"; } } BENCHMARK(BM_logspeed); static void BM_vlog(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { VLOG(1) << "test message"; } } BENCHMARK(BM_vlog); int main(int argc, char **argv) { FLAGS_colorlogtostderr = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GFLAGS ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); #endif // Make sure stderr is not buffered as stderr seems to be buffered // on recent windows. setbuf(stderr, NULL); // Test some basics before InitGoogleLogging: CaptureTestStderr(); LogWithLevels(FLAGS_v, FLAGS_stderrthreshold, FLAGS_logtostderr, FLAGS_alsologtostderr); LogWithLevels(0, 0, 0, 0); // simulate "before global c-tors" const string early_stderr = GetCapturedTestStderr(); InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); FLAGS_logtostderr = true; InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GMOCK InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv); #endif // so that death tests run before we use threads CHECK_EQ(RUN_ALL_TESTS(), 0); CaptureTestStderr(); // re-emit early_stderr LogMessage("dummy", LogMessage::kNoLogPrefix, GLOG_INFO).stream() << early_stderr; TestLogging(true); TestRawLogging(); TestLoggingLevels(); TestLogString(); TestLogSink(); TestLogToString(); TestLogSinkWaitTillSent(); TestCHECK(); TestDCHECK(); TestSTREQ(); // TODO: The golden test portion of this test is very flakey. EXPECT_TRUE( MungeAndDiffTestStderr(FLAGS_test_srcdir + "/src/logging_unittest.err")); FLAGS_logtostderr = false; TestBasename(); TestSymlink(); TestExtension(); TestWrapper(); TestErrno(); TestTruncate(); ShutdownGoogleLogging(); fprintf(stdout, "PASS\n"); return 0; } void TestLogging(bool check_counts) { int64 base_num_infos = LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_INFO); int64 base_num_warning = LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_WARNING); int64 base_num_errors = LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_ERROR); LOG(INFO) << string("foo ") << "bar " << 10 << ' ' << 3.4; for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { int old_errno = errno; errno = i; PLOG_EVERY_N(ERROR, 2) << "Plog every 2, iteration " << COUNTER; errno = old_errno; LOG_EVERY_N(ERROR, 3) << "Log every 3, iteration " << COUNTER << endl; LOG_EVERY_N(ERROR, 4) << "Log every 4, iteration " << COUNTER << endl; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(WARNING, true, 5) << "Log if every 5, iteration " << COUNTER; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(WARNING, false, 3) << "Log if every 3, iteration " << COUNTER; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, true, 1) << "Log if every 1, iteration " << COUNTER; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(ERROR, (i < 3), 2) << "Log if less than 3 every 2, iteration " << COUNTER; } LOG_IF(WARNING, true) << "log_if this"; LOG_IF(WARNING, false) << "don't log_if this"; char s[] = "array"; LOG(INFO) << s; const char const_s[] = "const array"; LOG(INFO) << const_s; int j = 1000; LOG(ERROR) << string("foo") << ' '<< j << ' ' << setw(10) << j << " " << setw(1) << hex << j; LogMessage("foo", LogMessage::kNoLogPrefix, GLOG_INFO).stream() << "no prefix"; if (check_counts) { CHECK_EQ(base_num_infos + 14, LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_INFO)); CHECK_EQ(base_num_warning + 3, LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_WARNING)); CHECK_EQ(base_num_errors + 15, LogMessage::num_messages(GLOG_ERROR)); } } static void NoAllocNewHook() { CHECK(false) << "unexpected new"; } struct NewHook { NewHook() { g_new_hook = &NoAllocNewHook; } ~NewHook() { g_new_hook = NULL; } }; TEST(DeathNoAllocNewHook, logging) { // tests that NewHook used below works NewHook new_hook; ASSERT_DEATH({ new int; }, "unexpected new"); } void TestRawLogging() { string* foo = new string("foo "); string huge_str(50000, 'a'); FlagSaver saver; // Check that RAW loggging does not use mallocs. NewHook new_hook; RAW_LOG(INFO, "%s%s%d%c%f", foo->c_str(), "bar ", 10, ' ', 3.4); char s[] = "array"; RAW_LOG(WARNING, "%s", s); const char const_s[] = "const array"; RAW_LOG(INFO, "%s", const_s); void* p = reinterpret_cast(0x12345678); RAW_LOG(INFO, "ptr %p", p); p = NULL; RAW_LOG(INFO, "ptr %p", p); int j = 1000; RAW_LOG(ERROR, "%s%d%c%010d%s%1x", foo->c_str(), j, ' ', j, " ", j); RAW_VLOG(0, "foo %d", j); #ifdef NDEBUG RAW_LOG(INFO, "foo %d", j); // so that have same stderr to compare #else RAW_DLOG(INFO, "foo %d", j); // test RAW_DLOG in debug mode #endif // test how long messages are chopped: RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Huge string: %s", huge_str.c_str()); RAW_VLOG(0, "Huge string: %s", huge_str.c_str()); FLAGS_v = 0; RAW_LOG(INFO, "log"); RAW_VLOG(0, "vlog 0 on"); RAW_VLOG(1, "vlog 1 off"); RAW_VLOG(2, "vlog 2 off"); RAW_VLOG(3, "vlog 3 off"); FLAGS_v = 2; RAW_LOG(INFO, "log"); RAW_VLOG(1, "vlog 1 on"); RAW_VLOG(2, "vlog 2 on"); RAW_VLOG(3, "vlog 3 off"); #ifdef NDEBUG RAW_DCHECK(1 == 2, " RAW_DCHECK's shouldn't be compiled in normal mode"); #endif RAW_CHECK(1 == 1, "should be ok"); RAW_DCHECK(true, "should be ok"); delete foo; } void LogWithLevels(int v, int severity, bool err, bool alsoerr) { RAW_LOG(INFO, "Test: v=%d stderrthreshold=%d logtostderr=%d alsologtostderr=%d", v, severity, err, alsoerr); FlagSaver saver; FLAGS_v = v; FLAGS_stderrthreshold = severity; FLAGS_logtostderr = err; FLAGS_alsologtostderr = alsoerr; RAW_VLOG(-1, "vlog -1"); RAW_VLOG(0, "vlog 0"); RAW_VLOG(1, "vlog 1"); RAW_LOG(INFO, "log info"); RAW_LOG(WARNING, "log warning"); RAW_LOG(ERROR, "log error"); VLOG(-1) << "vlog -1"; VLOG(0) << "vlog 0"; VLOG(1) << "vlog 1"; LOG(INFO) << "log info"; LOG(WARNING) << "log warning"; LOG(ERROR) << "log error"; VLOG_IF(-1, true) << "vlog_if -1"; VLOG_IF(-1, false) << "don't vlog_if -1"; VLOG_IF(0, true) << "vlog_if 0"; VLOG_IF(0, false) << "don't vlog_if 0"; VLOG_IF(1, true) << "vlog_if 1"; VLOG_IF(1, false) << "don't vlog_if 1"; LOG_IF(INFO, true) << "log_if info"; LOG_IF(INFO, false) << "don't log_if info"; LOG_IF(WARNING, true) << "log_if warning"; LOG_IF(WARNING, false) << "don't log_if warning"; LOG_IF(ERROR, true) << "log_if error"; LOG_IF(ERROR, false) << "don't log_if error"; int c; c = 1; VLOG_IF(100, c -= 2) << "vlog_if 100 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 1; VLOG_IF(0, c -= 2) << "vlog_if 0 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 1; LOG_IF(INFO, c -= 2) << "log_if info expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 1; LOG_IF(ERROR, c -= 2) << "log_if error expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 2; VLOG_IF(0, c -= 2) << "don't vlog_if 0 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); c = 2; LOG_IF(ERROR, c -= 2) << "don't log_if error expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); c = 3; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, c -= 4, 1) << "log_if info every 1 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 3; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(ERROR, c -= 4, 1) << "log_if error every 1 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, -1); c = 4; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(ERROR, c -= 4, 3) << "don't log_if info every 3 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); c = 4; LOG_IF_EVERY_N(ERROR, c -= 4, 3) << "don't log_if error every 3 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); c = 5; VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(0, c -= 4, 1) << "vlog_if 0 every 1 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 1); c = 5; VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(100, c -= 4, 3) << "vlog_if 100 every 3 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 1); c = 6; VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(0, c -= 6, 1) << "don't vlog_if 0 every 1 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); c = 6; VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(100, c -= 6, 3) << "don't vlog_if 100 every 1 expr"; EXPECT_EQ(c, 0); } void TestLoggingLevels() { LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_INFO, false, false); LogWithLevels(1, GLOG_INFO, false, false); LogWithLevels(-1, GLOG_INFO, false, false); LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_WARNING, false, false); LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_ERROR, false, false); LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_FATAL, false, false); LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_FATAL, true, false); LogWithLevels(0, GLOG_FATAL, false, true); LogWithLevels(1, GLOG_WARNING, false, false); LogWithLevels(1, GLOG_FATAL, false, true); } TEST(DeathRawCHECK, logging) { ASSERT_DEATH(RAW_CHECK(false, "failure 1"), "RAW: Check false failed: failure 1"); ASSERT_DEBUG_DEATH(RAW_DCHECK(1 == 2, "failure 2"), "RAW: Check 1 == 2 failed: failure 2"); } void TestLogString() { vector errors; vector *no_errors = NULL; LOG_STRING(INFO, &errors) << "LOG_STRING: " << "collected info"; LOG_STRING(WARNING, &errors) << "LOG_STRING: " << "collected warning"; LOG_STRING(ERROR, &errors) << "LOG_STRING: " << "collected error"; LOG_STRING(INFO, no_errors) << "LOG_STRING: " << "reported info"; LOG_STRING(WARNING, no_errors) << "LOG_STRING: " << "reported warning"; LOG_STRING(ERROR, NULL) << "LOG_STRING: " << "reported error"; for (size_t i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i) { LOG(INFO) << "Captured by LOG_STRING: " << errors[i]; } } void TestLogToString() { string error; string* no_error = NULL; LOG_TO_STRING(INFO, &error) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "collected info"; LOG(INFO) << "Captured by LOG_TO_STRING: " << error; LOG_TO_STRING(WARNING, &error) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "collected warning"; LOG(INFO) << "Captured by LOG_TO_STRING: " << error; LOG_TO_STRING(ERROR, &error) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "collected error"; LOG(INFO) << "Captured by LOG_TO_STRING: " << error; LOG_TO_STRING(INFO, no_error) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "reported info"; LOG_TO_STRING(WARNING, no_error) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "reported warning"; LOG_TO_STRING(ERROR, NULL) << "LOG_TO_STRING: " << "reported error"; } class TestLogSinkImpl : public LogSink { public: vector errors; virtual void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* /* full_filename */, const char* base_filename, int line, const struct tm* tm_time, const char* message, size_t message_len) { errors.push_back( ToString(severity, base_filename, line, tm_time, message, message_len)); } }; void TestLogSink() { TestLogSinkImpl sink; LogSink *no_sink = NULL; LOG_TO_SINK(&sink, INFO) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "collected info"; LOG_TO_SINK(&sink, WARNING) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "collected warning"; LOG_TO_SINK(&sink, ERROR) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "collected error"; LOG_TO_SINK(no_sink, INFO) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "reported info"; LOG_TO_SINK(no_sink, WARNING) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "reported warning"; LOG_TO_SINK(NULL, ERROR) << "LOG_TO_SINK: " << "reported error"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(&sink, INFO) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "collected info"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(&sink, WARNING) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "collected warning"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(&sink, ERROR) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "collected error"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(no_sink, INFO) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "thrashed info"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(no_sink, WARNING) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "thrashed warning"; LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(NULL, ERROR) << "LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE: " << "thrashed error"; LOG(INFO) << "Captured by LOG_TO_SINK:"; for (size_t i = 0; i < sink.errors.size(); ++i) { LogMessage("foo", LogMessage::kNoLogPrefix, GLOG_INFO).stream() << sink.errors[i]; } } // For testing using CHECK*() on anonymous enums. enum { CASE_A, CASE_B }; void TestCHECK() { // Tests using CHECK*() on int values. CHECK(1 == 1); CHECK_EQ(1, 1); CHECK_NE(1, 2); CHECK_GE(1, 1); CHECK_GE(2, 1); CHECK_LE(1, 1); CHECK_LE(1, 2); CHECK_GT(2, 1); CHECK_LT(1, 2); // Tests using CHECK*() on anonymous enums. // Apple's GCC doesn't like this. #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) CHECK_EQ(CASE_A, CASE_A); CHECK_NE(CASE_A, CASE_B); CHECK_GE(CASE_A, CASE_A); CHECK_GE(CASE_B, CASE_A); CHECK_LE(CASE_A, CASE_A); CHECK_LE(CASE_A, CASE_B); CHECK_GT(CASE_B, CASE_A); CHECK_LT(CASE_A, CASE_B); #endif } void TestDCHECK() { #ifdef NDEBUG DCHECK( 1 == 2 ) << " DCHECK's shouldn't be compiled in normal mode"; #endif DCHECK( 1 == 1 ); DCHECK_EQ(1, 1); DCHECK_NE(1, 2); DCHECK_GE(1, 1); DCHECK_GE(2, 1); DCHECK_LE(1, 1); DCHECK_LE(1, 2); DCHECK_GT(2, 1); DCHECK_LT(1, 2); auto_ptr sptr(new int64); int64* ptr = DCHECK_NOTNULL(sptr.get()); CHECK_EQ(ptr, sptr.get()); } void TestSTREQ() { CHECK_STREQ("this", "this"); CHECK_STREQ(NULL, NULL); CHECK_STRCASEEQ("this", "tHiS"); CHECK_STRCASEEQ(NULL, NULL); CHECK_STRNE("this", "tHiS"); CHECK_STRNE("this", NULL); CHECK_STRCASENE("this", "that"); CHECK_STRCASENE(NULL, "that"); CHECK_STREQ((string("a")+"b").c_str(), "ab"); CHECK_STREQ(string("test").c_str(), (string("te") + string("st")).c_str()); } TEST(DeathSTREQ, logging) { ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STREQ(NULL, "this"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STREQ("this", "siht"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STRCASEEQ(NULL, "siht"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STRCASEEQ("this", "siht"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STRNE(NULL, NULL), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STRNE("this", "this"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_STREQ((string("a")+"b").c_str(), "abc"), ""); } TEST(CheckNOTNULL, Simple) { int64 t; void *ptr = static_cast(&t); void *ref = CHECK_NOTNULL(ptr); EXPECT_EQ(ptr, ref); CHECK_NOTNULL(reinterpret_cast(ptr)); CHECK_NOTNULL(reinterpret_cast(ptr)); CHECK_NOTNULL(reinterpret_cast(ptr)); CHECK_NOTNULL(reinterpret_cast(ptr)); } TEST(DeathCheckNN, Simple) { ASSERT_DEATH(CHECK_NOTNULL(static_cast(NULL)), ""); } // Get list of file names that match pattern static void GetFiles(const string& pattern, vector* files) { files->clear(); #if defined(HAVE_GLOB_H) glob_t g; const int r = glob(pattern.c_str(), 0, NULL, &g); CHECK((r == 0) || (r == GLOB_NOMATCH)) << ": error matching " << pattern; for (size_t i = 0; i < g.gl_pathc; i++) { files->push_back(string(g.gl_pathv[i])); } globfree(&g); #elif defined(OS_WINDOWS) WIN32_FIND_DATAA data; HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileA(pattern.c_str(), &data); size_t index = pattern.rfind('\\'); if (index == string::npos) { LOG(FATAL) << "No directory separator."; } const string dirname = pattern.substr(0, index + 1); if (FAILED(handle)) { // Finding no files is OK. return; } do { files->push_back(dirname + data.cFileName); } while (FindNextFileA(handle, &data)); LOG_SYSRESULT(FindClose(handle)); #else # error There is no way to do glob. #endif } // Delete files patching pattern static void DeleteFiles(const string& pattern) { vector files; GetFiles(pattern, &files); for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { CHECK(unlink(files[i].c_str()) == 0) << ": " << strerror(errno); } } static void CheckFile(const string& name, const string& expected_string) { vector files; GetFiles(name + "*", &files); CHECK_EQ(files.size(), 1UL); FILE* file = fopen(files[0].c_str(), "r"); CHECK(file != NULL) << ": could not open " << files[0]; char buf[1000]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file) != NULL) { if (strstr(buf, expected_string.c_str()) != NULL) { fclose(file); return; } } fclose(file); LOG(FATAL) << "Did not find " << expected_string << " in " << files[0]; } static void TestBasename() { fprintf(stderr, "==== Test setting log file basename\n"); const string dest = FLAGS_test_tmpdir + "/logging_test_basename"; DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); SetLogDestination(GLOG_INFO, dest.c_str()); LOG(INFO) << "message to new base"; FlushLogFiles(GLOG_INFO); CheckFile(dest, "message to new base"); // Release file handle for the destination file to unlock the file in Windows. LogToStderr(); DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); } static void TestSymlink() { #ifndef OS_WINDOWS fprintf(stderr, "==== Test setting log file symlink\n"); string dest = FLAGS_test_tmpdir + "/logging_test_symlink"; string sym = FLAGS_test_tmpdir + "/symlinkbase"; DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); DeleteFiles(sym + "*"); SetLogSymlink(GLOG_INFO, "symlinkbase"); SetLogDestination(GLOG_INFO, dest.c_str()); LOG(INFO) << "message to new symlink"; FlushLogFiles(GLOG_INFO); CheckFile(sym, "message to new symlink"); DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); DeleteFiles(sym + "*"); #endif } static void TestExtension() { fprintf(stderr, "==== Test setting log file extension\n"); string dest = FLAGS_test_tmpdir + "/logging_test_extension"; DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); SetLogDestination(GLOG_INFO, dest.c_str()); SetLogFilenameExtension("specialextension"); LOG(INFO) << "message to new extension"; FlushLogFiles(GLOG_INFO); CheckFile(dest, "message to new extension"); // Check that file name ends with extension vector filenames; GetFiles(dest + "*", &filenames); CHECK_EQ(filenames.size(), 1UL); CHECK(strstr(filenames[0].c_str(), "specialextension") != NULL); // Release file handle for the destination file to unlock the file in Windows. LogToStderr(); DeleteFiles(dest + "*"); } struct MyLogger : public base_ns::Logger { string data; virtual void Write(bool /* should_flush */, time_t /* timestamp */, const char* message, int length) { data.append(message, length); } virtual void Flush() { } virtual uint32 LogSize() { return data.length(); } }; static void TestWrapper() { fprintf(stderr, "==== Test log wrapper\n"); MyLogger my_logger; base_ns::Logger* old_logger = base_ns::GetLogger(GLOG_INFO); base_ns::SetLogger(GLOG_INFO, &my_logger); LOG(INFO) << "Send to wrapped logger"; FlushLogFiles(GLOG_INFO); base_ns::SetLogger(GLOG_INFO, old_logger); CHECK(strstr(my_logger.data.c_str(), "Send to wrapped logger") != NULL); } static void TestErrno() { fprintf(stderr, "==== Test errno preservation\n"); errno = ENOENT; TestLogging(false); CHECK_EQ(errno, ENOENT); } static void TestOneTruncate(const char *path, int64 limit, int64 keep, int64 dsize, int64 ksize, int64 expect) { int fd; CHECK_ERR(fd = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)); const char *discardstr = "DISCARDME!", *keepstr = "KEEPME!"; // Fill the file with the requested data; first discard data, then kept data int64 written = 0; while (written < dsize) { int bytes = min(dsize - written, strlen(discardstr)); CHECK_ERR(write(fd, discardstr, bytes)); written += bytes; } written = 0; while (written < ksize) { int bytes = min(ksize - written, strlen(keepstr)); CHECK_ERR(write(fd, keepstr, bytes)); written += bytes; } TruncateLogFile(path, limit, keep); // File should now be shorter struct stat statbuf; CHECK_ERR(fstat(fd, &statbuf)); CHECK_EQ(statbuf.st_size, expect); CHECK_ERR(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)); // File should contain the suffix of the original file const size_t buf_size = statbuf.st_size + 1; char* buf = new char[buf_size]; memset(buf, 0, buf_size); CHECK_ERR(read(fd, buf, buf_size)); const char *p = buf; int64 checked = 0; while (checked < expect) { int bytes = min(expect - checked, strlen(keepstr)); CHECK(!memcmp(p, keepstr, bytes)); checked += bytes; } close(fd); delete[] buf; } static void TestTruncate() { #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H fprintf(stderr, "==== Test log truncation\n"); string path = FLAGS_test_tmpdir + "/truncatefile"; // Test on a small file TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); // And a big file (multiple blocks to copy) TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 2<<20, 4<<10, 3<<20, 4<<10, 4<<10); // Check edge-case limits TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 10, 20, 0, 20, 20); TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 10, 0, 0, 0, 0); TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 10, 50, 0, 10, 10); TestOneTruncate(path.c_str(), 50, 100, 0, 30, 30); // MacOSX 10.4 doesn't fail in this case. // Windows doesn't have symlink. // Let's just ignore this test for these cases. #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_WINDOWS) // Through a symlink should fail to truncate string linkname = path + ".link"; unlink(linkname.c_str()); CHECK_ERR(symlink(path.c_str(), linkname.c_str())); TestOneTruncate(linkname.c_str(), 10, 10, 0, 30, 30); #endif // The /proc/self path makes sense only for linux. #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Through an open fd symlink should work int fd; CHECK_ERR(fd = open(path.c_str(), O_APPEND | O_WRONLY)); char fdpath[64]; snprintf(fdpath, sizeof(fdpath), "/proc/self/fd/%d", fd); TestOneTruncate(fdpath, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); #endif #endif } _START_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ namespace glog_ns_internal_namespace_ { extern // in logging.cc bool SafeFNMatch_(const char* pattern, size_t patt_len, const char* str, size_t str_len); } // namespace glog_internal_namespace_ using glog_ns_internal_namespace_::SafeFNMatch_; _END_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ static bool WrapSafeFNMatch(string pattern, string str) { pattern += "abc"; str += "defgh"; return SafeFNMatch_(pattern.data(), pattern.size() - 3, str.data(), str.size() - 5); } TEST(SafeFNMatch, logging) { CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("foo", "foo")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("foo", "bar")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("foo", "fo")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("foo", "foo2")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("bar/foo.ext", "bar/foo.ext")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("*ba*r/fo*o.ext*", "bar/foo.ext")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("bar/foo.ext", "bar/baz.ext")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("bar/foo.ext", "bar/foo")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("bar/foo.ext", "bar/foo.ext.zip")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*.ext", "bar/foo.ext")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*.ext", "baZ/FOO.ext")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*.ext", "barr/foo.ext")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*.ext", "bar/foo.ext2")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*", "bar/foo.ext2")); CHECK(WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*", "bar/")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/?", "bar/")); CHECK(!WrapSafeFNMatch("ba?/*", "bar")); } // TestWaitingLogSink will save messages here // No lock: Accessed only by TestLogSinkWriter thread // and after its demise by its creator. static vector global_messages; // helper for TestWaitingLogSink below. // Thread that does the logic of TestWaitingLogSink // It's free to use LOG() itself. class TestLogSinkWriter : public Thread { public: TestLogSinkWriter() : should_exit_(false) { SetJoinable(true); Start(); } // Just buffer it (can't use LOG() here). void Buffer(const string& message) { mutex_.Lock(); RAW_LOG(INFO, "Buffering"); messages_.push(message); mutex_.Unlock(); RAW_LOG(INFO, "Buffered"); } // Wait for the buffer to clear (can't use LOG() here). void Wait() { RAW_LOG(INFO, "Waiting"); mutex_.Lock(); while (!NoWork()) { mutex_.Unlock(); SleepForMilliseconds(1); mutex_.Lock(); } RAW_LOG(INFO, "Waited"); mutex_.Unlock(); } // Trigger thread exit. void Stop() { MutexLock l(&mutex_); should_exit_ = true; } private: // helpers --------------- // For creating a "Condition". bool NoWork() { return messages_.empty(); } bool HaveWork() { return !messages_.empty() || should_exit_; } // Thread body; CAN use LOG() here! virtual void Run() { while (1) { mutex_.Lock(); while (!HaveWork()) { mutex_.Unlock(); SleepForMilliseconds(1); mutex_.Lock(); } if (should_exit_ && messages_.empty()) { mutex_.Unlock(); break; } // Give the main thread time to log its message, // so that we get a reliable log capture to compare to golden file. // Same for the other sleep below. SleepForMilliseconds(20); RAW_LOG(INFO, "Sink got a messages"); // only RAW_LOG under mutex_ here string message = messages_.front(); messages_.pop(); // Normally this would be some more real/involved logging logic // where LOG() usage can't be eliminated, // e.g. pushing the message over with an RPC: int messages_left = messages_.size(); mutex_.Unlock(); SleepForMilliseconds(20); // May not use LOG while holding mutex_, because Buffer() // acquires mutex_, and Buffer is called from LOG(), // which has its own internal mutex: // LOG()->LogToSinks()->TestWaitingLogSink::send()->Buffer() LOG(INFO) << "Sink is sending out a message: " << message; LOG(INFO) << "Have " << messages_left << " left"; global_messages.push_back(message); } } // data --------------- Mutex mutex_; bool should_exit_; queue messages_; // messages to be logged }; // A log sink that exercises WaitTillSent: // it pushes data to a buffer and wakes up another thread to do the logging // (that other thread can than use LOG() itself), class TestWaitingLogSink : public LogSink { public: TestWaitingLogSink() { tid_ = pthread_self(); // for thread-specific behavior AddLogSink(this); } ~TestWaitingLogSink() { RemoveLogSink(this); writer_.Stop(); writer_.Join(); } // (re)define LogSink interface virtual void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* /* full_filename */, const char* base_filename, int line, const struct tm* tm_time, const char* message, size_t message_len) { // Push it to Writer thread if we are the original logging thread. // Note: Something like ThreadLocalLogSink is a better choice // to do thread-specific LogSink logic for real. if (pthread_equal(tid_, pthread_self())) { writer_.Buffer(ToString(severity, base_filename, line, tm_time, message, message_len)); } } virtual void WaitTillSent() { // Wait for Writer thread if we are the original logging thread. if (pthread_equal(tid_, pthread_self())) writer_.Wait(); } private: pthread_t tid_; TestLogSinkWriter writer_; }; // Check that LogSink::WaitTillSent can be used in the advertised way. // We also do golden-stderr comparison. static void TestLogSinkWaitTillSent() { { TestWaitingLogSink sink; // Sleeps give the sink threads time to do all their work, // so that we get a reliable log capture to compare to the golden file. LOG(INFO) << "Message 1"; SleepForMilliseconds(60); LOG(ERROR) << "Message 2"; SleepForMilliseconds(60); LOG(WARNING) << "Message 3"; SleepForMilliseconds(60); } for (size_t i = 0; i < global_messages.size(); ++i) { LOG(INFO) << "Sink capture: " << global_messages[i]; } CHECK_EQ(global_messages.size(), 3UL); } TEST(Strerror, logging) { int errcode = EINTR; char *msg = strdup(strerror(errcode)); const size_t buf_size = strlen(msg) + 1; char *buf = new char[buf_size]; CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, NULL, 0), -1); buf[0] = 'A'; CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, buf, 0), -1); CHECK_EQ(buf[0], 'A'); CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, NULL, buf_size), -1); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_FREEBSD) || defined(OS_OPENBSD) // MacOSX or FreeBSD considers this case is an error since there is // no enough space. CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, buf, 1), -1); #else CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, buf, 1), 0); #endif CHECK_STREQ(buf, ""); CHECK_EQ(posix_strerror_r(errcode, buf, buf_size), 0); CHECK_STREQ(buf, msg); delete[] buf; CHECK_EQ(msg, StrError(errcode)); free(msg); } // Simple routines to look at the sizes of generated code for LOG(FATAL) and // CHECK(..) via objdump void MyFatal() { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed"; } void MyCheck(bool a, bool b) { CHECK_EQ(a, b); } #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GMOCK TEST(DVLog, Basic) { ScopedMockLog log; #if NDEBUG // We are expecting that nothing is logged. EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, _)).Times(0); #else EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, __FILE__, "debug log")); #endif FLAGS_v = 1; DVLOG(1) << "debug log"; } TEST(DVLog, V0) { ScopedMockLog log; // We are expecting that nothing is logged. EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, _)).Times(0); FLAGS_v = 0; DVLOG(1) << "debug log"; } TEST(LogAtLevel, Basic) { ScopedMockLog log; // The function version outputs "logging.h" as a file name. EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, StrNe(__FILE__), "function version")); EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, __FILE__, "macro version")); int severity = WARNING; LogAtLevel(severity, "function version"); severity = INFO; // We can use the macro version as a C++ stream. LOG_AT_LEVEL(severity) << "macro" << ' ' << "version"; } TEST(TestExitOnDFatal, ToBeOrNotToBe) { // Check the default setting... EXPECT_TRUE(base_ns::internal_ns::GetExitOnDFatal()); // Turn off... base_ns::internal_ns::SetExitOnDFatal(false); EXPECT_FALSE(base_ns::internal_ns::GetExitOnDFatal()); // We don't die. { ScopedMockLog log; //EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, _)).Times(AnyNumber()); // LOG(DFATAL) has severity FATAL if debugging, but is // downgraded to ERROR if not debugging. const LogSeverity severity = #ifdef NDEBUG ERROR; #else FATAL; #endif EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(severity, __FILE__, "This should not be fatal")); LOG(DFATAL) << "This should not be fatal"; } // Turn back on... base_ns::internal_ns::SetExitOnDFatal(true); EXPECT_TRUE(base_ns::internal_ns::GetExitOnDFatal()); #ifdef GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST // Death comes on little cats' feet. EXPECT_DEBUG_DEATH({ LOG(DFATAL) << "This should be fatal in debug mode"; }, "This should be fatal in debug mode"); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_STACKTRACE static void BacktraceAtHelper() { LOG(INFO) << "Not me"; // The vertical spacing of the next 3 lines is significant. LOG(INFO) << "Backtrace me"; } static int kBacktraceAtLine = __LINE__ - 2; // The line of the LOG(INFO) above TEST(LogBacktraceAt, DoesNotBacktraceWhenDisabled) { StrictMock log; FLAGS_log_backtrace_at = ""; EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, "Backtrace me")); EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, "Not me")); BacktraceAtHelper(); } TEST(LogBacktraceAt, DoesBacktraceAtRightLineWhenEnabled) { StrictMock log; char where[100]; snprintf(where, 100, "%s:%d", const_basename(__FILE__), kBacktraceAtLine); FLAGS_log_backtrace_at = where; // The LOG at the specified line should include a stacktrace which includes // the name of the containing function, followed by the log message. // We use HasSubstr()s instead of ContainsRegex() for environments // which don't have regexp. EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, AllOf(HasSubstr("stacktrace:"), HasSubstr("BacktraceAtHelper"), HasSubstr("main"), HasSubstr("Backtrace me")))); // Other LOGs should not include a backtrace. EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, _, "Not me")); BacktraceAtHelper(); } #endif // HAVE_STACKTRACE #endif // HAVE_LIB_GMOCK struct UserDefinedClass { bool operator==(const UserDefinedClass&) const { return true; } }; inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const UserDefinedClass&) { out << "OK"; return out; } TEST(UserDefinedClass, logging) { UserDefinedClass u; vector buf; LOG_STRING(INFO, &buf) << u; CHECK_EQ(1UL, buf.size()); CHECK(buf[0].find("OK") != string::npos); // We must be able to compile this. CHECK_EQ(u, u); }