SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash -o pipefail PROJECT := govpp VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --always --tags --dirty) COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) BUILD_STAMP ?= $(shell git log -1 --format='%ct') BUILD_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) BUILD_HOST ?= $(shell hostname) BUILD_USER ?= $(shell id -un) GOVPP_PKG := VPP_API_DIR ?= ${VPP_DIR}/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/share/vpp/api VERSION_PKG := $(GOVPP_PKG)/version LDFLAGS = \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).version=$(VERSION) \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).commitHash=$(COMMIT) \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).buildStamp=$(BUILD_STAMP) \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).buildBranch=$(BUILD_BRANCH) \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).buildUser=$(BUILD_USER) \ -X $(VERSION_PKG).buildHost=$(BUILD_HOST) ifeq ($(NOSTRIP),) LDFLAGS += -w -s endif GO_BUILD_TAGS ?= novpp GO_BUILD_ARGS = -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ifneq ($(GO_BUILD_TAGS),) GO_BUILD_ARGS += -tags="${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" endif ifneq ($(GO_NOTRIM),0) GO_BUILD_ARGS += -trimpath endif ifeq ($(V),1) GO_BUILD_ARGS += -v endif # VPP Docker image to use for api generation (gen-binapi-docker) VPP_IMG ?= ligato/vpp-base:latest # Local VPP directory used for binary api generation (gen-binapi-from-code) VPP_DIR ?= # Target directory for generated go api bindings BINAPI_DIR ?= ./binapi # Binapi generator path BINAPI_GENERATOR = ./bin/binapi-generator .DEFAULT_GOAL = help check-%: @: $(if $(value $*),,$(error $* is undefined)) bin: @mkdir -p bin .PHONY: build build: cmd examples ## Build all .PHONY: cmd cmd: bin ## Build commands @go build ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} -o bin ./cmd/... .PHONY: binapi-generator binapi-generator: bin ## Build only the binapi generator @go build ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} -o bin ./cmd/binapi-generator/ .PHONY: examples examples: bin ## Build examples @go build ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} -o bin ./examples/... .PHONY: test test: ## Run unit tests @echo "# running tests" go test -tags="${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" ./... .PHONY: test-integration test-integration: ## Run integration tests @echo "# running integration tests" go test -tags="integration ${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" ./test/integration .PHONY: lint lint: ## Run code linter @echo "# running linter" @golint ./... .PHONY: install install: install-generator install-proxy ## Install all .PHONY: install-generator install-generator: ## Install binapi-generator @echo "# installing binapi-generator ${VERSION}" @go install ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} ./cmd/binapi-generator .PHONY: install-proxy install-proxy: ## Install vpp-proxy @echo "# installing vpp-proxy ${VERSION}" @go install ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} ./cmd/vpp-proxy .PHONY: generate generate: generate-binapi ## Generate all .PHONY: generate-binapi generate-binapi: install-generator ## Generate binapi code @echo "# generating binapi" @go generate -x "$(BINAPI_DIR)" .PHONY: gen-binapi-local gen-binapi-local: binapi-generator check-VPP_DIR ## Generate binapi code (using locally cloned VPP) @make -C ${VPP_DIR} json-api-files @find $(BINAPI_DIR)/*/*.ba.go -delete @find $(BINAPI_DIR)/* -type d -delete @./bin/binapi-generator -input-dir=$(VPP_API_DIR) -output-dir=$(BINAPI_DIR) -gen=rpc @./bin/binapi-generator -input-dir=$(VPP_API_DIR) -input-file=$(VPP_API_DIR)/core/vpe.api.json -output-dir=$(BINAPI_DIR) -gen=http @sed -i 's@$(VPP_API_DIR)@/usr/share/vpp/api@g' $(BINAPI_DIR)/*/*.ba.go .PHONY: gen-binapi-docker gen-binapi-docker: install-generator ## Generate binapi code (using Docker) @echo "# generating binapi in docker image ${VPP_IMG}" $(eval cmds := $(shell go generate -n $(BINAPI_DIR) 2>&1 | tr "\n" ";")) docker run -t --rm \ -e DEBUG_GOVPP \ -v "$(shell which binapi-generator):/usr/local/bin/binapi-generator:ro" \ -v "$(shell pwd):/govpp" \ -w /govpp \ -u "$(shell id -u):$(shell id -g)" \ "${VPP_IMG}" \ sh -ec "cd $(BINAPI_DIR) && $(cmds)" .PHONY: help help: @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'