// Package memif represents the VPP binary API of the 'memif' VPP module. // DO NOT EDIT. Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json' on Thu, 04 May 2017 13:11:57 CEST. package memif import "gerrit.fd.io/r/govpp.git/api" // VlApiVersion contains version of the API. const VlAPIVersion = 0xadb63e82 // MemifCreate represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_create'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 6: // // ["memif_create", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "client_index"], // ["u32", "context"], // ["u8", "role"], // ["u64", "key"], // ["u8", "socket_filename", 128], // ["u32", "ring_size"], // ["u16", "buffer_size"], // ["u8", "hw_addr", 6], // {"crc" : "0x23fe3309"} // ], // type MemifCreate struct { Role uint8 Key uint64 SocketFilename []byte `struc:"[128]byte"` RingSize uint32 BufferSize uint16 HwAddr []byte `struc:"[6]byte"` } func (*MemifCreate) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_create" } func (*MemifCreate) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.RequestMessage } func (*MemifCreate) GetCrcString() string { return "23fe3309" } func NewMemifCreate() api.Message { return &MemifCreate{} } // MemifCreateReply represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_create_reply'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 18: // // ["memif_create_reply", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "context"], // ["i32", "retval"], // ["u32", "sw_if_index"], // {"crc" : "0x93d7498b"} // ], // type MemifCreateReply struct { Retval int32 SwIfIndex uint32 } func (*MemifCreateReply) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_create_reply" } func (*MemifCreateReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.ReplyMessage } func (*MemifCreateReply) GetCrcString() string { return "93d7498b" } func NewMemifCreateReply() api.Message { return &MemifCreateReply{} } // MemifDelete represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_delete'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 25: // // ["memif_delete", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "client_index"], // ["u32", "context"], // ["u32", "sw_if_index"], // {"crc" : "0x12814e3d"} // ], // type MemifDelete struct { SwIfIndex uint32 } func (*MemifDelete) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_delete" } func (*MemifDelete) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.RequestMessage } func (*MemifDelete) GetCrcString() string { return "12814e3d" } func NewMemifDelete() api.Message { return &MemifDelete{} } // MemifDeleteReply represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_delete_reply'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 32: // // ["memif_delete_reply", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "context"], // ["i32", "retval"], // {"crc" : "0x72c9fa3c"} // ], // type MemifDeleteReply struct { Retval int32 } func (*MemifDeleteReply) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_delete_reply" } func (*MemifDeleteReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.ReplyMessage } func (*MemifDeleteReply) GetCrcString() string { return "72c9fa3c" } func NewMemifDeleteReply() api.Message { return &MemifDeleteReply{} } // MemifDetails represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_details'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 38: // // ["memif_details", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "context"], // ["u32", "sw_if_index"], // ["u8", "if_name", 64], // ["u8", "hw_addr", 6], // ["u64", "key"], // ["u8", "role"], // ["u8", "socket_filename", 128], // ["u32", "ring_size"], // ["u16", "buffer_size"], // ["u8", "admin_up_down"], // ["u8", "link_up_down"], // {"crc" : "0xcf105583"} // ], // type MemifDetails struct { SwIfIndex uint32 IfName []byte `struc:"[64]byte"` HwAddr []byte `struc:"[6]byte"` Key uint64 Role uint8 SocketFilename []byte `struc:"[128]byte"` RingSize uint32 BufferSize uint16 AdminUpDown uint8 LinkUpDown uint8 } func (*MemifDetails) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_details" } func (*MemifDetails) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.ReplyMessage } func (*MemifDetails) GetCrcString() string { return "cf105583" } func NewMemifDetails() api.Message { return &MemifDetails{} } // MemifDump represents the VPP binary API message 'memif_dump'. // Generated from 'bin_api/memif.api.json', line 53: // // ["memif_dump", // ["u16", "_vl_msg_id"], // ["u32", "client_index"], // ["u32", "context"], // {"crc" : "0x68d39e95"} // ] // type MemifDump struct { } func (*MemifDump) GetMessageName() string { return "memif_dump" } func (*MemifDump) GetMessageType() api.MessageType { return api.RequestMessage } func (*MemifDump) GetCrcString() string { return "68d39e95" } func NewMemifDump() api.Message { return &MemifDump{} }