// Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // simple-client is an example VPP management application that exercises the // govpp API on real-world use-cases. package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "git.fd.io/govpp.git" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/adapter/socketclient" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/api" interfaces "git.fd.io/govpp.git/binapi/interface" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/binapi/interface_types" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/binapi/ip" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/binapi/ip_types" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/binapi/vpe" "git.fd.io/govpp.git/core" ) var ( sockAddr = flag.String("sock", socketclient.DefaultSocketName, "Path to VPP binary API socket file") ) func main() { flag.Parse() fmt.Println("Starting simple client example") fmt.Println() // connect to VPP asynchronously conn, connEv, err := govpp.AsyncConnect(*sockAddr, core.DefaultMaxReconnectAttempts, core.DefaultReconnectInterval) if err != nil { log.Fatalln("ERROR:", err) } defer conn.Disconnect() // wait for Connected event select { case e := <-connEv: if e.State != core.Connected { log.Fatalln("ERROR: connecting to VPP failed:", e.Error) } } // check compatibility of used messages ch, err := conn.NewAPIChannel() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("ERROR: creating channel failed:", err) } defer ch.Close() if err := ch.CheckCompatiblity(vpe.AllMessages()...); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := ch.CheckCompatiblity(interfaces.AllMessages()...); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // process errors encountered during the example defer func() { if len(Errors) > 0 { fmt.Printf("finished with %d errors\n", len(Errors)) os.Exit(1) } else { fmt.Println("finished successfully") } }() // use request/reply (channel API) getVppVersion(ch) getSystemTime(ch) idx := createLoopback(ch) interfaceDump(ch) addIPAddress(ch, idx) ipAddressDump(ch, idx) interfaceNotifications(ch, idx) } func getVppVersion(ch api.Channel) { fmt.Println("Retrieving version..") req := &vpe.ShowVersion{} reply := &vpe.ShowVersionReply{} if err := ch.SendRequest(req).ReceiveReply(reply); err != nil { logError(err, "retrieving version") return } fmt.Printf("VPP version: %q\n", reply.Version) fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } func getSystemTime(ch api.Channel) { fmt.Println("Retrieving system time..") req := &vpe.ShowVpeSystemTime{} reply := &vpe.ShowVpeSystemTimeReply{} if err := ch.SendRequest(req).ReceiveReply(reply); err != nil { logError(err, "retrieving system time") return } fmt.Printf("system time: %v\n", reply.VpeSystemTime) fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } func createLoopback(ch api.Channel) interface_types.InterfaceIndex { fmt.Println("Creating loopback interface..") req := &interfaces.CreateLoopback{} reply := &interfaces.CreateLoopbackReply{} if err := ch.SendRequest(req).ReceiveReply(reply); err != nil { logError(err, "creating loopback interface") return 0 } fmt.Printf("interface index: %v\n", reply.SwIfIndex) fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() return reply.SwIfIndex } func interfaceDump(ch api.Channel) { fmt.Println("Dumping interfaces..") n := 0 reqCtx := ch.SendMultiRequest(&interfaces.SwInterfaceDump{ SwIfIndex: ^interface_types.InterfaceIndex(0), }) for { msg := &interfaces.SwInterfaceDetails{} stop, err := reqCtx.ReceiveReply(msg) if stop { break } if err != nil { logError(err, "dumping interfaces") return } n++ fmt.Printf(" - interface #%d: %+v\n", n, msg) marshal(msg) } fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } func addIPAddress(ch api.Channel, index interface_types.InterfaceIndex) { fmt.Printf("Adding IP address to interface index %d\n", index) req := &interfaces.SwInterfaceAddDelAddress{ SwIfIndex: index, IsAdd: true, Prefix: ip_types.AddressWithPrefix{ Address: ip_types.Address{ Af: ip_types.ADDRESS_IP4, Un: ip_types.AddressUnionIP4(ip_types.IP4Address{10, 10, 0, uint8(index)}), }, Len: 32, }, } marshal(req) reply := &interfaces.SwInterfaceAddDelAddressReply{} if err := ch.SendRequest(req).ReceiveReply(reply); err != nil { logError(err, "adding IP address to interface") return } fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } func ipAddressDump(ch api.Channel, index interface_types.InterfaceIndex) { fmt.Printf("Dumping IP addresses for interface index %d..\n", index) req := &ip.IPAddressDump{ SwIfIndex: index, } reqCtx := ch.SendMultiRequest(req) for { msg := &ip.IPAddressDetails{} stop, err := reqCtx.ReceiveReply(msg) if err != nil { logError(err, "dumping IP addresses") return } if stop { break } fmt.Printf(" - ip address: %+v\n", msg) marshal(msg) } fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } // interfaceNotifications shows the usage of notification API. Note that for notifications, // you are supposed to create your own Go channel with your preferred buffer size. If the channel's // buffer is full, the notifications will not be delivered into it. func interfaceNotifications(ch api.Channel, index interface_types.InterfaceIndex) { fmt.Printf("Subscribing to notificaiton events for interface index %d\n", index) notifChan := make(chan api.Message, 100) // subscribe for specific notification message sub, err := ch.SubscribeNotification(notifChan, &interfaces.SwInterfaceEvent{}) if err != nil { logError(err, "subscribing to interface events") return } // enable interface events in VPP err = ch.SendRequest(&interfaces.WantInterfaceEvents{ PID: uint32(os.Getpid()), EnableDisable: 1, }).ReceiveReply(&interfaces.WantInterfaceEventsReply{}) if err != nil { logError(err, "enabling interface events") return } // receive notifications go func() { for notif := range notifChan { e := notif.(*interfaces.SwInterfaceEvent) fmt.Printf("incoming event: %+v\n", e) marshal(e) } }() // generate some events in VPP err = ch.SendRequest(&interfaces.SwInterfaceSetFlags{ SwIfIndex: index, Flags: interface_types.IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_ADMIN_UP, }).ReceiveReply(&interfaces.SwInterfaceSetFlagsReply{}) if err != nil { logError(err, "setting interface flags") return } err = ch.SendRequest(&interfaces.SwInterfaceSetFlags{ SwIfIndex: index, Flags: 0, }).ReceiveReply(&interfaces.SwInterfaceSetFlagsReply{}) if err != nil { logError(err, "setting interface flags") return } // disable interface events in VPP err = ch.SendRequest(&interfaces.WantInterfaceEvents{ PID: uint32(os.Getpid()), EnableDisable: 0, }).ReceiveReply(&interfaces.WantInterfaceEventsReply{}) if err != nil { logError(err, "setting interface flags") return } // unsubscribe from delivery of the notifications err = sub.Unsubscribe() if err != nil { logError(err, "unsubscribing from interface events") return } fmt.Println("OK") fmt.Println() } func marshal(v interface{}) { fmt.Printf("GO: %#v\n", v) b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("JSON: %s\n", b) } var Errors []error func logError(err error, msg string) { fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s: %v\n", msg, err) Errors = append(Errors, err) }