## Go-libmemif Package **libmemif** is a Golang adapter for the **libmemif library** (`extras/libmemif` in the [VPP](https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP) repository). To differentiate between the adapter and the underlying C-written library, labels `Go-libmemif` and `C-libmemif` are used in the documentation. ### Requirements libmemif for Golang is build on the top of the original, C-written libmemif library using `cgo`. It is therefore necessary to have C-libmemif header files, and the library itself installed in locations known to the compiler. For example, to install C-libmemif system-wide into the standard locations, execute: ``` $ git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp $ cd vpp/extras/libmemif $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ sudo make install ``` ### Build Package **libmemif** is not part of the **GoVPP** core and as such it is not included in the [make build](../../Makefile) target. Instead, it has its own target in the [top-level Makefile](../../Makefile) used to build the attached examples with the adapter: ``` $ make extras ``` ### APIs All **Go-libmemif** public APIs can be found in [adapter.go](adapter.go). Please see the comments for a more detailed description. Additionally, a list of all errors thrown by libmemif can be found in [error.go](error.go). ### Usage **libmemif** needs to be first initialized with `Init(appName)`. This has to be done only once in the context of the entire process. Make sure to call `Cleanup()` to release all the resources allocated by **libmemif** before exiting your application. Consider calling `Init()` followed by `Cleanup()` scheduled with `defer` in the `main()` function. Log messages are by default printed to stdout. Use `SetLogger()` to use your own customized logger (can be changed before `Init()`). Once **libmemif** is initialized, new memif interfaces can be created with `CreateInterface(config, callbacks)`. See `MemifConfig` structure definition to learn about possible memif configuration options. If successful, `CreateInterface()` returns an instance of `Memif` structure representing the underlying memif interface. Callbacks are optional and can be shared across multiple memif instances. Available callbacks are: 1. **OnConnect**: called when the connection is established. By the time the callback is called, the Rx/Tx queues are initialized and ready for data transmission. Interrupt channels are also created and ready to be read from. The user is expected to start polling for input packets via repeated calls to `Memif.RxBurst(queueID, count)` or to initiate select on the interrupt channels obtained with `Get*InterruptChan()`, depending on the Rx mode. By default, all memif Rx queues are created in the interrupt mode, but this can be changed per-queue with `Memif.SetRxMode(queueID, mode)`. 2. **OnDisconnect**: called after the connection was closed. Immediately after the user callback returns, Rx/Tx queues and interrupt channels are also deallocated. The user defined callback should therefore ensure that all the Rx/Tx operations are stopped before it returns. **libmemif** was designed for a maximum possible performance. Packets are sent and received in bulks, rather than one-by-one, using `Memif.TxBurst(queueID, packets)` and `Memif.RxBurst(queueID, count)`, respectively. Memif connection can consist of multiple queues in both directions. A queue is one-directional wait-free ring buffer. It is the unit of parallelism for data transmission. The maximum possible lock-free granularity is therefore one go routine for one queue. Interrupt channel for one specific Rx queue can be obtained with `GetQueueInterruptChan(queueID)` as opposed to `GetInterruptChan()` for all the Rx queues. There is only one interrupt signal sent for an entire burst of packets, therefore an interrupt handling routine should repeatedly call RxBurst() until an empty slice of packets is returned. This way it is ensured that there are no packets left on the queue unread when the interrupt signal is cleared. Study the `ReadAndPrintPackets()` function in [raw-data example](examples/raw-data/raw-data.go). For **libmemif** the packet is just an array of bytes. It does not care what the actual content is. It is not required for a packet to follow any network protocol in order to get transported from one end to another. See the type declaration for `RawPacketData` and its use in `Memif.TxBurst()` and `Memif.RxBurst()`. In order to remove a memif interface, call `Memif.Close()`. If the memif is in the connected state, the connection is first properly closed. Do not touch memif after it was closed, let garbage collector to remove the `Memif` instance. In the end, `Cleanup()` will also ensure that all active memif interfaces are closed before the cleanup finalizes. To use libmemif with `google/gopacket`, simply call `Memif.NewPacketHandle()` to create `google/gopacket/PacketDataSource` from memif queue. After this you can use gopacket API to read from `MemifPacketHandle` as normal. You can pass optional `rxCount` when creating the packet handle and then when reading data, handle will try to read more packets at once and cache them for next iteration. Handle also includes convenience method `MemifPacketHandle.WritePacketData()` that is simply calling 1 `Memif.TxBurst()` for provided data. ### Examples **Go-libmemif** ships with two simple examples demonstrating the usage of the package with a detailed commentary. The examples can be found in the subdirectory [examples](./examples). #### Raw data (libmemif <-> libmemif) *raw-data* is a basic example showing how to create a memif interface, handle events through callbacks and perform Rx/Tx of raw data. Before handling an actual packet it is important to understand the skeleton of libmemif-based applications. Since VPP expects proper packet data, it is not very useful to connect *raw-data* example with VPP, even though it will work, since all the received data will get dropped on the VPP side. To create a connection of two raw-data instances, start two processes concurrently in an arbitrary order: - *master* memif: ``` $ cd extras/libmemif/examples/raw-data $ ./raw-data ``` - *slave* memif: ``` $ cd extras/libmemif/examples/raw-data $ ./raw-data --slave ``` Every 3 seconds both sides send 3 raw-data packets to the opposite end through each of the 3 queues. The received packets are printed to stdout. Stop an instance of *raw-data* with an interrupt signal (^C). #### Jumbo Frames Raw data (libmemif <-> libmemif) *jumbo-frames* is simple example how to send larger and larger jumbo packets with libmemif adapter. This is simple copy of *raw-data* but with sending larger packets, so for more information read its code and documentation. #### ICMP Responder *icmp-responder* is a simple example showing how to answer APR and ICMP echo requests through a memif interface. Package `google/gopacket` is used to decode and construct packets. The appropriate VPP configuration for the opposite memif is: ``` vpp$ create memif socket id 1 filename /tmp/icmp-responder-example vpp$ create interface memif id 1 socket-id 1 slave secret secret no-zero-copy vpp$ set int state memif1/1 up vpp$ set int ip address memif1/1 ``` To start the example, simply type: ``` root$ ./icmp-responder ``` *icmp-responder* needs to be run as root so that it can access the socket created by VPP. Normally, the memif interface is in the master mode. Pass CLI flag `--slave` to create memif in the slave mode: ``` root$ ./icmp-responder --slave ``` Don't forget to put the opposite memif into the master mode in that case. To verify the connection, run: ``` vpp$ ping 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=.6974 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=.6310 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.0350 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=.5359 ms Statistics: 5 sent, 4 received, 20% packet loss vpp$ sh ip arp Time IP4 Flags Ethernet Interface 68.5648 D aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa memif0/1 ``` *Note*: it is expected that the first ping is shown as lost. It was actually converted to an ARP request. This is a VPP specific feature common to all interface types. Stop the example with an interrupt signal (^C). #### GoPacket ICMP Responder *gopacket* is a simple example showing how to answer APR and ICMP echo requests through a memif interface. This example is mostly identical to icmp-responder example, but it is using MemifPacketHandle API to read and write packets using gopacket API. The appropriate VPP configuration for the opposite memif is: ``` vpp$ create memif socket id 1 filename /tmp/gopacket-example vpp$ create interface memif id 1 socket-id 1 slave secret secret no-zero-copy vpp$ set int state memif1/1 up vpp$ set int ip address memif1/1 ``` To start the example, simply type: ``` root$ ./gopacket ``` gopacket needs to be run as root so that it can access the socket created by VPP. Normally, the memif interface is in the master mode. Pass CLI flag "--slave" to create memif in the slave mode: ``` root$ ./gopacket --slave ``` Don't forget to put the opposite memif into the master mode in that case. To verify the connection, run: ``` vpp$ ping 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=.6974 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=.6310 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.0350 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=.5359 ms Statistics: 5 sent, 4 received, 20% packet loss vpp$ sh ip arp Time IP4 Flags Ethernet Interface 68.5648 D aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa memif0/1 ``` *Note*: it is expected that the first ping is shown as lost. It was actually converted to an ARP request. This is a VPP specific feature common to all interface types. Stop the example with an interrupt signal (^C).