// Copyright 2012 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source // tree. // +build linux package afpacket import ( "reflect" "testing" ) func TestParseOptions(t *testing.T) { wanted1 := defaultOpts wanted1.frameSize = 1 << 10 wanted1.framesPerBlock = wanted1.blockSize / wanted1.frameSize for i, test := range []struct { opts []interface{} want options err bool }{ {opts: []interface{}{OptBlockSize(2)}, err: true}, {opts: []interface{}{OptFrameSize(333)}, err: true}, {opts: []interface{}{OptTPacketVersion(-3)}, err: true}, {opts: []interface{}{OptTPacketVersion(5)}, err: true}, {opts: []interface{}{OptFrameSize(1 << 10)}, want: wanted1}, } { got, err := parseOptions(test.opts...) t.Logf("got: %#v\nerr: %v", got, err) if test.err && err == nil || !test.err && err != nil { t.Errorf("%d error mismatch, want error? %v. error: %v", i, test.err, err) } if !test.err && !reflect.DeepEqual(test.want, got) { t.Errorf("%d opts mismatch, want\n%#v", i, test.want) } } }