[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lunixbochs/struc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lunixbochs/struc) struc ==== Struc exists to pack and unpack C-style structures from bytes, which is useful for binary files and network protocols. It could be considered an alternative to `encoding/binary`, which requires massive boilerplate for some similar operations. Take a look at an [example comparing `struc` and `encoding/binary`](https://bochs.info/p/cxvm9) Struc considers usability first. That said, it does cache reflection data and aims to be competitive with `encoding/binary` struct packing in every way, including performance. Example struct ---- ```Go type Example struct { Var int `struc:"int32,sizeof=Str"` Str string Weird []byte `struc:"[8]int64"` Var []int `struc:"[]int32,little"` } ``` Struct tag format ---- - ```Var []int `struc:"[]int32,little,sizeof=StringField"` ``` will pack Var as a slice of little-endian int32, and link it as the size of `StringField`. - `sizeof=`: Indicates this field is a number used to track the length of a another field. `sizeof` fields are automatically updated on `Pack()` based on the current length of the tracked field, and are used to size the target field during `Unpack()`. - Bare values will be parsed as type and endianness. Endian formats ---- - `big` (default) - `little` Recognized types ---- - `pad` - this type ignores field contents and is backed by a `[length]byte` containing nulls - `bool` - `byte` - `int8`, `uint8` - `int16`, `uint16` - `int32`, `uint32` - `int64`, `uint64` - `float32` - `float64` Types can be indicated as arrays/slices using `[]` syntax. Example: `[]int64`, `[8]int32`. Bare slice types (those with no `[size]`) must have a linked `Sizeof` field. Private fields are ignored when packing and unpacking. Example code ---- ```Go package main import ( "bytes" "github.com/lunixbochs/struc" ) type Example struct { A int `struc:"big"` // B will be encoded/decoded as a 16-bit int (a "short") // but is stored as a native int in the struct B int `struc:"int16"` // the sizeof key links a buffer's size to any int field Size int `struc:"int8,little,sizeof=Str"` Str string // you can get freaky if you want Str2 string `struc:"[5]int64"` } func main() { var buf bytes.Buffer t := &Example{1, 2, 0, "test", "test2"} err := struc.Pack(&buf, t) o := &Example{} err = struc.Unpack(&buf, o) } ``` Benchmark ---- `BenchmarkEncode` uses struc. `Stdlib` benchmarks use equivalent `encoding/binary` code. `Manual` encodes without any reflection, and should be considered an upper bound on performance (which generated code based on struc definitions should be able to achieve). ``` BenchmarkEncode 1000000 1265 ns/op BenchmarkStdlibEncode 1000000 1855 ns/op BenchmarkManualEncode 5000000 284 ns/op BenchmarkDecode 1000000 1259 ns/op BenchmarkStdlibDecode 1000000 1656 ns/op BenchmarkManualDecode 20000000 89.0 ns/op ```