module vpp-acl { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:vpp:acl"; prefix "vpp-acl"; import ietf-access-control-list { prefix "acl"; } import yang-ext { prefix "ext"; } import ietf-packet-fields { prefix packet-fields; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } revision "2017-06-15" { description "Renamed stateful/permit leaf to permit-and-reflect"; } revision "2016-12-14" { description "Initial revision of vpp-acl model."; } augment /acl:access-lists/acl:acl/acl:access-list-entries/acl:ace/acl:actions/acl:packet-handling { ext:augment-identifier "stateful-acl-action-augmentation"; when "../acl:matches/acl:ace-type = 'vpp-acl:vpp-acl'"; case stateful { leaf permit-and-reflect { type empty; description "Permits egress TCP/UDP traffic and ingress in reverse direction by creating reflexive ACEs."; } } } identity vpp-acl { base acl:acl-base; description "ACL that contains only aces of vpp-ace type."; } identity vpp-macip-acl { base acl:acl-base; description "ACL that contains only aces of vpp-macip-acl type."; } grouping value-range { description "Defines value range with first and last value defined"; leaf first { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Lower boundary for range"; } leaf last { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Upper boundary for range"; must "last >= first"; } } grouping acl-icmp-header-fields { description "ICMP header fields"; container icmp-type-range { presence "Enables setting icmp-type"; description "Inclusive range representing icmp types to be used."; uses value-range; } container icmp-code-range { presence "Enables setting icmp-code"; description "Inclusive range representing icmp codes to be used."; uses value-range; } } grouping acl-tcp-header-fields { description "TCP header fields"; leaf tcp-flags-mask { description "Binary mask for tcp flags to match. MSB order (FIN at position 0). Applied as logical AND to tcp flags field of the packet being matched, before it is compared with tcp-flags-value."; type uint8; } leaf tcp-flags-value { description "Binary value for tcp flags to match. MSB order (FIN at position 0). Before tcp-flags-value is compared with tcp flags field of the packet being matched, tcp-flags-mask is applied to packet field value."; type uint8; } } grouping acl-other-protocol-fields { description "Used for any other protocol than TCP/UDP/ICMP/ICMPv6"; leaf protocol { must "protocol != 1 and protocol != 6 and protocol != 17 and protocol != 58"; type uint8; description "Internet Protocol number."; } } grouping acl-ip-protocol-header-fields { description "Defines header fields for TCP/UDP or ICMP protocols"; choice ip-protocol { case icmp { container icmp-nodes { uses acl-icmp-header-fields; } } case icmp-v6 { container icmp-v6-nodes { uses acl-icmp-header-fields; } } case udp { container udp-nodes { uses packet-fields:acl-transport-header-fields; } } case tcp { container tcp-nodes { uses packet-fields:acl-transport-header-fields; uses acl-tcp-header-fields; } } case other { container other-nodes { uses acl-other-protocol-fields; } } } } augment /acl:access-lists/acl:acl/acl:access-list-entries/acl:ace/acl:matches/acl:ace-type { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-acl-type-augmentation"; case vpp-ace { description "Access List entry that can define: - IP4/IP6 src/dst ip prefix- Internet Protocol number - Internet Protocol number - selected L4 headers: * ICMP (type range) * UDP (port range) * TCP (port range, flags mask, flags value)"; container vpp-ace-nodes { choice ace-ip-version { description "IP version used in this Access List Entry."; case ace-ipv4 { uses packet-fields:acl-ipv4-header-fields; } case ace-ipv6 { uses packet-fields:acl-ipv6-header-fields; } } uses acl-ip-protocol-header-fields; } } } grouping vpp-macip-ace-eth-header-fields { description "Fields in Ethernet header supported by vpp-macip rule"; leaf source-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Source IEEE 802 MAC address. Before source-mac-address is compared with source mac address field of the packet being matched, source-mac-address-mask is applied to packet field value."; } leaf source-mac-address-mask { type yang:mac-address; description "Source IEEE 802 MAC address mask. Applied as logical AND with source mac address field of the packet being matched, before it is compared with source-mac-address."; } } grouping vpp-macip-ace-ipv4-header-fields { description "Fields in IPv4 header supported by vpp-macip rule"; leaf source-ipv4-network { type inet:ipv4-prefix; description "Source IPv4 address prefix."; } } grouping vpp-macip-ace-ipv6-header-fields { description "Fields in IPv6 header supported by vpp-macip rule"; leaf source-ipv6-network { type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "Source IPv6 address prefix."; } } augment /acl:access-lists/acl:acl/acl:access-list-entries/acl:ace/acl:matches/acl:ace-type { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-macip-acl-type-augmentation"; case vpp-macip-ace { description "Access List entry that can define: - IP4/IP6 src ip prefix - src MAC address mask - src MAC address value - can be used only for static ACLs."; container vpp-macip-ace-nodes { choice ace-ip-version { description "IP version used in this Access List Entry."; case ace-ipv4 { uses vpp-macip-ace-ipv4-header-fields; } case ace-ipv6 { uses vpp-macip-ace-ipv6-header-fields; } } uses vpp-macip-ace-eth-header-fields; } } } augment /acl:access-lists/acl:acl { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-acl-augmentation"; leaf tag { type string { length 1..63; } description "ASCII tag that can be used as a placeholder for ACL metadata. Value is stored in vpp, and returned in read requests. No processing involved."; } } }