module vpp-acl { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix "vpp-acl"; import ietf-access-control-list { prefix "acl"; } import yang-ext { prefix "ext"; } import ietf-packet-fields { prefix packet-fields; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization " - The Fast Data Project"; contact "Hc2vpp Wiki Mailing List "; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions that extend ietf-access-control-list module with VPP specific features provided by the VPP ACL plugin. Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision "2018-10-22" { description "Updated vpp dependencies to match changes in ietf-access-control-list@2018-10-01 yang model."; } revision "2017-06-15" { description "Renamed stateful/permit leaf to permit-and-reflect"; } revision "2016-12-14" { description "Initial revision of vpp-acl model."; } identity vpp-acl { base acl:acl-base; description "ACL that contains only aces of vpp-ace type."; } identity vpp-macip-acl { base acl:acl-base; description "ACL that contains only aces of vpp-macip-acl type."; } identity accept-and-reflect { base acl:forwarding-action; description "Permits egress TCP/UDP traffic and ingress in reverse direction by creating reflexive ACEs."; } grouping value-range { description "Defines value range with first and last value defined"; leaf first { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Lower boundary for range"; } leaf last { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Upper boundary for range"; must "last >= first"; } } grouping acl-icmp-header-fields { description "ICMP header fields"; container icmp-type-range { presence "Enables setting icmp-type"; description "Inclusive range representing icmp types to be used."; uses value-range; } container icmp-code-range { presence "Enables setting icmp-code"; description "Inclusive range representing icmp codes to be used."; uses value-range; } } grouping acl-tcp-header-fields { description "ICMP header fields"; leaf flags-mask { type bits { bit cwr { position 1; description "Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) flag is set by the sending host to indicate that it received a TCP segment with the ECE flag set and had responded in congestion control mechanism."; reference "RFC 3168: The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP."; } bit ece { position 2; description "ECN-Echo has a dual role, depending on the value of the SYN flag. It indicates: If the SYN flag is set (1), that the TCP peer is ECN capable. If the SYN flag is clear (0), that a packet with Congestion Experienced flag set (ECN=11) in IP header was received during normal transmission (added to header by RFC 3168). This serves as an indication of network congestion (or impending congestion) to the TCP sender."; reference "RFC 3168: The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP."; } bit urg { position 3; description "Indicates that the Urgent pointer field is significant."; } bit ack { position 4; description "Indicates that the Acknowledgment field is significant. All packets after the initial SYN packet sent by the client should have this flag set."; } bit psh { position 5; description "Push function. Asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application."; } bit rst { position 6; description "Reset the connection."; } bit syn { position 7; description "Synchronize sequence numbers. Only the first packet sent from each end should have this flag set. Some other flags and fields change meaning based on this flag, and some are only valid for when it is set, and others when it is clear."; } bit fin { position 8; description "Last package from sender."; } } description "Also known as Control Bits. Contains 9 1-bit flags."; reference "RFC 793: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)."; } } augment /acl:acls/acl:acl/acl:aces/acl:ace/acl:matches/acl:l4/acl:icmp/acl:icmp { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-icmp-ace-augmentation"; container vpp-icmp-ace { description "Access List entry that can define: - icmp code range fields - icmp type range fields."; uses acl-icmp-header-fields; } } augment /acl:acls/acl:acl/acl:aces/acl:ace/acl:matches/acl:l4/acl:tcp/acl:tcp { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-tcp-ace-augmentation"; container vpp-tcp-ace { description "Access List entry that can define: - Flag mask"; uses acl-tcp-header-fields; } } augment /acl:acls/acl:acl { ext:augment-identifier "vpp-acl-augmentation"; leaf tag { type string { length 1..63; } description "ASCII tag that can be used as a placeholder for ACL metadata. Value is stored in vpp, and returned in read requests. No processing involved."; } } }