/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.fd.hc2vpp.docs.scripts import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine import io.fd.hc2vpp.docs.api.* import io.fd.hc2vpp.docs.core.ClassPathTypeIndex import io.fd.hc2vpp.docs.core.CoverageGenerator import io.fd.hc2vpp.docs.core.YangTypeLinkIndex import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.acl.future.FutureJVppAcl import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.core.future.FutureJVppCore import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.ioamexport.future.FutureJVppIoamexport import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.ioampot.future.FutureJVppIoampot import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.ioamtrace.future.FutureJVppIoamtrace import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.nsh.future.FutureJVppNsh import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.snat.future.FutureJVppSnat import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.util.stream.Collectors import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList /** * Generates VPP api to Yang node index for hc2vpp guice modules listed in api.docs.modules maven property. */ class ApiDocsIndexGenerator { private static def NL = System.lineSeparator() // TODO - check if list of plugin classes can be generated based on list of modules enabled for doc generation private static def PLUGIN_CLASSES = [FutureJVppCore.class, FutureJVppAcl.class, FutureJVppSnat.class, FutureJVppNsh.class, FutureJVppIoamexport.class, FutureJVppIoampot.class, FutureJVppIoamtrace.class] private static def TABLE_PART_MARK = "|" /** * Generate coverage data for all configured coverage.modules and JVpp plugins * */ public static void generate(final project, final log) { def loader = this.getClassLoader() String moduleNames = project.properties.get("api.docs.modules") String projectRoot = project.properties.get("project.root.folder") if (moduleNames.trim().isEmpty()) { log.info "No modules defined for ${project.name}. Skipping api-docs generation." return } final List moduleNamesList = moduleNames.split(",") log.info "Reading module list for ${project.name}" def modules = moduleNamesList.stream() .map { moduleName -> moduleName.trim() } .map { moduleName -> log.info "Loading class $moduleName" loader.loadClass(moduleName).newInstance() } .collect(toList()) String outPath = project.build.outputDirectory log.info "Generating yang type generateLink index" YangTypeLinkIndex yangTypeIndex = new YangTypeLinkIndex(projectRoot) log.info "Classpath type generateLink index" ClassPathTypeIndex classPathIndex = new ClassPathTypeIndex(projectRoot) log.info "Generating VPP API to YANG mapping" PLUGIN_CLASSES.stream() .forEach { pluginClass -> log.info "Generating mapping for ${pluginClass}" final PluginCoverage configCoverage = new CoverageGenerator() .generateConfigCoverage(pluginClass, modules, yangTypeIndex, classPathIndex) generateJvppCoverageDoc(configCoverage, outPath, log) //TODO operational coverage } } static void generateJvppCoverageDoc( final PluginCoverage pluginCoverage, final String outPath, final log) { if (!pluginCoverage.hasCoverage()) { log.info "Plugin ${pluginCoverage.getPluginName()} does not have coverage data, skipping config docs generation" return } log.info "Generating config api docs for plugin ${pluginCoverage.getPluginName()}" def template = this.getClassLoader().getResource("yang_to_jvpp_template") def result = new SimpleTemplateEngine() .createTemplate(template) .make(["pluginName": pluginCoverage.getPluginName(), "tableContent": generateConfigTableContent(pluginCoverage.getCoverage())]).toString() log.debug "Docs result for ${pluginCoverage.getPluginName()}$NL$result" Paths.get(outPath).toFile().mkdirs() def outFileName if (pluginCoverage.isConfig()) { outFileName = "${normalizePluginName(pluginCoverage.getPluginName())}-yang-config-index.adoc" } else { outFileName = "${normalizePluginName(pluginCoverage.getPluginName())}-yang-operational-index.adoc" } def outFilePath = Paths.get(outPath, outFileName) Files.write(outFilePath, result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE) log.info "Plugin ${pluginCoverage.getPluginName()} config api docs sucessfully writen to ${outFilePath.toString()}" } private static String generateConfigTableContent(final Set coverage) { coverage.stream().sorted() .map { unit -> "$NL" + "${vppApiWithLink(unit.vppApi)}" + "${javaApi(unit.javaApi)}" + "${yangTypes(unit.yangTypes)}" + "${supportedOperations(unit.supportedOperations)}" } .collect(Collectors.joining(NL)) } private static String vppApiWithLink(final VppApiMessage vppApi) { "$TABLE_PART_MARK${vppApi.link}[${vppApi.name}]$NL" } private static String javaApi(final JavaApiMessage javaApi) { "$TABLE_PART_MARK${javaApi.name}$NL" } private static String yangTypes(final List yangTypes) { "$NL$TABLE_PART_MARK$NL ${yangTypes.stream().map { yangType -> " ${yangType.link}[${yangType.type}]" }.collect(Collectors.joining(NL))}" } private static String supportedOperations(final Collection operations) { "$NL$TABLE_PART_MARK${operations.stream().map { reference -> " ${reference.link}[${reference.operation}]" }.collect(Collectors.joining(NL))}" } private static String normalizePluginName(final String name) { name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-") } }