# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. export WS_ROOT=$(CURDIR) SHELL := /bin/bash FUNCTIONAL := tests/run-functional.sh MKDIR := mkdir -p RM := rm VERSIONFILE := $(CURDIR)/versions.cmake COMMIT_TEMPLATE_FILE = .git_commit_template.txt # Docker stuff DOCKER := docker DEV_IMAGE := hicn-dev-img DOCKERFILE := Dockerfile.dev DEV_CONTAINER := hicn-dev # # OS Detection # ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) OS_ID = macos OPENSSL_ROOT=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1 else OS_ID = $(shell grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') OS_VERSION_ID = $(shell grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') endif ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) BUILD_HICNPLUGIN := OFF PUNTING := OFF else BUILD_HICNPLUGIN := ON PUNTING := ON endif DEB_DEPENDS = cmake ninja-build unzip python3-ply libasio-dev DEB_DEPENDS += libconfig-dev libconfig++-dev libevent-dev DEB_DEPENDS += llvm-11-tools llvm-11 clang-11 vpp-dev libvppinfra-dev DEB_DEPENDS += vpp-plugin-core libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev DEB_DEPENDS += doxygen DEBUG_DEPENDS = iproute2 iperf3 iputils-ping tcpdump gdb MACOS_DEPENDS = asio libconfig ninja openssl@1.1 .PHONY = help help: @echo "Targets" @echo " dep - install software dependencies" @echo " debug-tools - install debug dependencies" @echo " build - build debug binaries. Optional argument: INSTALL_DIR" @echo " build-release - build release binaries" @echo " build-coverage - build with coverage metainformation" @echo " wipe - wipe debug binaries" @echo " wipe-release - wipe release binaries" @echo " docs - build documentation" @echo "" @echo "Make Arguments:" @echo " INSTALL_PREFIX= - Install software at specified location." @echo " BUILD_PATH= - Path of build folder." @echo " VPP_HOME= - Path of VPP" @echo " OPENSSL_ROOT= - Path of Openssl installation" @echo " ENABLE_RELY= - Enable/disable rely compilation" @echo " SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER=" - Path of sonarqube build wrapper @echo " SONAR_OUT_DIR=" - Path of directory of sonarqube report @echo "Current Arguments:" @echo " INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)" @echo " VPP_HOME=$(VPP_HOME)" @echo " OPENSSL_ROOT=$(OPENSSL_ROOT)" @echo " ENABLE_RELY=$(ENABLE_RELY)" @echo " SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER=$(SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER)" @echo " SONAR_OUT_DIR=$(SONAR_OUT_DIR)" .PHONY = commit-template commit-template: @git config commit.template $(COMMIT_TEMPLATE_FILE) .PHONY = vpp-dep vpp-dep: VERSION_PATH=$(VERSIONFILE) sudo -E $(SHELL) scripts/install-vpp.sh .PHONY = dep dep: vpp-dep commit-template ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) brew install $(MACOS_DEPENDS) else ifeq ($(filter ubuntu debian,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) @sudo -E apt-get update @sudo -E apt-get $(APT_ARGS) -y install $(DEB_DEPENDS) --no-install-recommends else @echo "Operating system not supported (yet)" endif .PHONY = deps deps: dep .PHONY = debug-tools debug-tools: @sudo -E apt-get $(APT_ARGS) -y install $(DEBUG_DEPENDS) --no-install-recommends define build_folder $(eval LOWER_BUILDTYPE=$(shell echo $(2) | tr A-Z a-z)) $(eval BUILD_FOLDER=$(or $(BUILD_PATH), $(WS_ROOT)/build-$(LOWER_BUILDTYPE)-$(OS_ID))) $(1) := $$(BUILD_FOLDER) endef define install_folder $(eval LOWER_BUILDTYPE=$(shell echo $(2) | tr A-Z a-z)) $(eval INSTALL_FOLDER=$(or $(INSTALL_PREFIX), $(WS_ROOT)/install-$(LOWER_BUILDTYPE))) $(1) := $$(INSTALL_FOLDER) endef define configure $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) $(eval PREFIX=$(or $(INSTALL_PREFIX), $(WS_ROOT)/install-$(LOWER_BUILDTYPE))) $(eval COVERAGE=$(or $(COVERAGE), OFF)) $(eval VPP_HOME=$(or $(VPP_HOME), /usr)) $(eval ENABLE_RELY=$(or $(ENABLE_RELY), OFF)) $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_FOLDER) cmake \ -B $(BUILD_FOLDER) \ -S $(WS_ROOT) \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(PREFIX) \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(1) \ -DBUILD_HICNLIGHT=ON \ -DBUILD_APPS=ON \ -DBUILD_SYSREPOPLUGIN=OFF \ -DBUILD_EXTRAS=OFF \ -DBUILD_TELEMETRY=OFF \ -DBUILD_CTRL=ON \ -DBUILD_HICNPLUGIN=$(BUILD_HICNPLUGIN) \ -DVPP_HOME=$(VPP_HOME) \ -DCOVERAGE=$(COVERAGE) \ -DENABLE_RELY=$(ENABLE_RELY) \ -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(OPENSSL_ROOT) \ -DBUILD_TESTS=ON endef define install $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) cmake --build $(BUILD_FOLDER) -- -j 4 install endef define build $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) cmake --build $(BUILD_FOLDER) -- -j 4 endef define build_coverage $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) $(eval SONAR_OUT_DIR=$(or $(SONAR_OUT_DIR), $(WS_ROOT)/sonarqube-output)) $(SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER) --out-dir $(SONAR_OUT_DIR) cmake --build $(BUILD_FOLDER) -- install endef define package $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) cmake --build $(BUILD_FOLDER) -- package endef .PHONY: configure-debug configure-debug: $(call configure,Debug,) .PHONY: configure-release configure-release: $(call configure,Release,) .PHONY = build build: configure-debug $(call build,Debug,) .PHONY = build-coverage build-coverage: ifndef SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER $(error SONAR_BUILD_WRAPPER is not set) endif $(eval COVERAGE := ON) $(call configure,Debug,) $(call build_coverage,Debug,) .PHONY = build-release build-release: configure-release $(call build,Release,) .PHONY = package package: build $(call package,Debug,) .PHONY = package-release package-release: build-release $(call package,Release,) .PHONY = install install: build $(call install,Debug,) .PHONY = install-release install-release: build-release $(call install,Release,) define wipe $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) $(eval $(call install_folder,INSTALL_FOLDER,$(1))) $(RM) -rf $(BUILD_FOLDER) $(RM) -rf $(INSTALL_FOLDER) endef .PHONY = wipe wipe: $(call wipe,Debug,) .PHONY = wipe-release wipe-release: $(call wipe,Release,) define test $(eval $(call build_folder,BUILD_FOLDER,$(1))) cmake --build $(BUILD_FOLDER) -- test endef .PHONY = test-debug test-debug: build $(call test, Debug,) .PHONY = test test: build-release $(call test, Release,) .PHONY = functional functional: $(SHELL) $(FUNCTIONAL) define documentation python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv python3 -m virtualenv env (source $(WS_ROOT)/env/bin/activate; \ pip install -r $(WS_ROOT)/docs/etc/requirements.txt; \ cd docs; \ make html ) endef .PHONY = doc doc: $(call documentation,) .PHONY = docker docker: $(DOCKER) build -t $(DEV_IMAGE) -f $(DOCKERFILE) ${PWD} ifeq ($(strip $(shell $(DOCKER) ps -q -f name=$(DEV_CONTAINER))),) ifneq ($(shell $(DOCKER) ps -aq -f status=exited -f name=$(DEV_CONTAINER)),) docker rm $(DEV_CONTAINER) endif $(DOCKER) run -dv ${PWD}:/workspace -w /workspace --name $(DEV_CONTAINER) --entrypoint=tail $(DEV_IMAGE) -f /dev/null endif $(DOCKER) exec -it $(DEV_CONTAINER) bash .PHONY = wipe-docker wipe-docker: $(DOCKER) rm --force $(DEV_CONTAINER)