# Application examples using hICN stack ## Introduction higet and hicn-http-proxy are two application examples that use hicn stack. ## Using hICN Application Examples ### Dependencies Build dependencies: - c++14 ( clang++ / g++ ) - CMake 3.5 or higher Basic dependencies: - OpenSSL - pthreads - libevent - libparc - libcurl - libhicntransport ## Executables ### hicn-http-proxy `hicn-http-proxy` is a reverse proxy which can be used for augmenting the performance of a legacy HTTP/TCP server by making use of hICN. It performs the following operations: - Receives a HTTP request from a hICN client - Forwards it to a HTTP server over TCP - Receives the response from the server and send it back to the client ```bash hicn-http-proxy [HTTP_PREFIX] [OPTIONS] HTTP_PREFIX: The prefix used for building the hicn names. Options: -a = origin server address -p = origin server port -c = cache size of the proxy, in number of hicn data packets -m = mtu of hicn packets -P = optional most significant 16 bits of hicn prefix, in hexadecimal format Example: ./hicn-http-proxy http://webserver -a -p 8080 -c 10000 -m 1200 -P b001 ``` The hICN names used by the hicn-http-proxy for naming the HTTP responses are composed in the following way, starting from the most significant byte: - The first 2 bytes are the prefix specified in the -P option - The next 6 bytes are the hash (Fowler–Noll–Vo non-crypto hash) of the locator (in the example `webserver`, without the `http://` part) - The last 8 bytes are the hash (Fowler–Noll–Vo non-crypto hash) of the http request corresponding to the response being forwarded back to the client. ### higet Higet is a non-interactive HTTP client working on top oh hICN. ```bash higet [option]... [url] Options: -O = write documents to . Use '-' for stdout. -S = print server response. -P = optional first 16 bits of hicn prefix, in hexadecimal format Example: ./higet -P b001 -O - http://webserver/index.html ``` The hICN names used by higet for naming the HTTP requests are composed the same way as described in [hicn-http-proxy](#hicn-http-proxy). ### How To Setup A Simple HTTP Client-Server Scenario using the hicn-http-proxy We consider the following topology, consisting on two linux VM which are able to communicate through an IP network (you can also use containers or physical machines): ```text |client (; 9001::1/64)|======|server (; 9001::2/64)| ``` Install the hICN suite on two linux VM. This tutorial makes use of Ubuntu 18.04, but it could easily be adapted to other platforms. You can either install the hICN stack using binaries or compile the code. In this tutorial we will build the code from source. ```bash $ curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/fdio/release/script.deb.sh | sudo bash $ apt-get install -y git \ cmake \ build-essential \ libasio-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libparc-dev \ --no-install-recommends $ mkdir hicn-suite && cd hicn-suite $ git clone https://github.com/FDio/hicn hicn-src $ mkdir hicn-build && cd hicn-build $ cmake ../hicn-src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../hicn-install -DBUILD_APPS=ON $ make -j 4 install $ export HICN_ROOT=${PWD}/../hicn-install ``` It should install the hICN suite under hicn-install. #### hICN stack based on hicn-light forwarder with UDP faces ##### Server Configuration Open a new terminal on the machine where you want to run the HTTP server and install apache2 http server: ```bash server$ sudo apt-get install -y apache2 server$ sudo systemctl start apache2 ``` Create a configuration file for the hicn-light forwarder. Here we are configuring UDP faces. ```bash server$ mkdir -p ${HICN_ROOT}/etc server$ LOCAL_IP="" # Put here the actual IPv4 of the local interface server$ LOCAL_PORT="12345" server$ cat << EOF > ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf add listener udp list0 ${LOCAL_IP} ${LOCAL_PORT} EOF ``` Start the hicn-light forwarder ```bash server$ sudo ${HICN_ROOT}/bin/hicn-light-daemon --daemon --capacity 1000 --log-file ${HICN_ROOT}/hicn-light.log --config ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf ``` Run the [hicn-http-proxy](#hicn-http-proxy). Assuming the http origin is listening on port 80: ```bash server$ ${HICN_ROOT}/bin/hicn-http-proxy -a -p 80 -c 10000 -m 1200 -P c001 http://webserver ``` ##### Client Configuration Create a configuration file for the hicn-light forwarder. Here we are configuring UDP faces. ```bash client$ mkdir -p ${HICN_ROOT}/etc client$ LOCAL_IP="" # Put here the actual IPv4 of the local interface client$ LOCAL_PORT="12345" client$ REMOTE_IP="" # Put here the actual IPv4 of the remote interface client$ REMOTE_PORT="12345" client$ cat << EOF > ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf add listener udp list0 ${LOCAL_IP} ${LOCAL_PORT} add connection udp conn0 ${REMOTE_IP} ${REMOTE_PORT} ${LOCAL_IP} ${LOCAL_PORT} add route conn0 c001::/16 1 EOF ``` Run the hicn-light forwarder ```bash client$ sudo ${HICN_ROOT}/bin/hicn-light-daemon --daemon --capacity 1000 --log-file ${HICN_ROOT}/hicn-light.log --config ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf ``` Run the http client [higet](#higet) and print the http response on stdout: ```bash client$ ${HICN_ROOT}/bin/higet -O - http://webserver/index.html -P c001 EOF ``` #### Using hicn-light forwarder with hICN faces For sending hICN packets directly over the network, using hicn faces, change the configuration of the two forwarders and restart them. ##### Server Configuration ```bash server$ mkdir -p ${HICN_ROOT}/etc server$ LOCAL_IP="9001::1" server$ cat << EOF > ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf add listener hicn lst 0::0 add punting lst c001::/16 add listener hicn list0 ${LOCAL_IP} EOF ``` #### Client Configuration ```bash client$ mkdir -p ${HICN_ROOT}/etc client$ LOCAL_IP="9001::2" client$ REMOTE_IP="9001::1" client$ cat << EOF > ${HICN_ROOT}/etc/hicn-light.conf add listener hicn lst 0::0 add punting lst c001::/16 add listener hicn list0 ${LOCAL_IP} add connection hicn conn0 ${REMOTE_IP} ${LOCAL_IP} add route conn0 c001::/16 1 EOF ``` ## License This software is distributed under the following license: ```text Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```