/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace interface { using HashAlgorithm = core::HashAlgorithm; using CryptoSuite = auth::CryptoSuite; class CallbackContainer { private: std::shared_ptr createContentObject(const Name &name, uint32_t lifetime, const Interest &interest) { auto content_object = core::PacketManager<>::getInstance().getPacket( interest.getFormat(), (sign_ && signer_) ? signer_->getSignatureFieldSize() : 0); content_object->setName(name); content_object->setLifetime(lifetime); content_object->setLocator(interest.getLocator()); if (LoggerIsOn(2)) { LoggerInfo() << ">>> send object " << content_object->getName(); } else if (LoggerIsOn(1)) { LoggerInfo() << ">>> send object " << content_object->getName(); } if (LoggerIsOn(3)) { LoggerInfo() << "----- object dump -----"; content_object->dump(); LoggerInfo() << "-----------------------"; } if (sign_ && signer_) signer_->signPacket(content_object.get()); return content_object; } public: CallbackContainer(const Name &prefix, uint32_t object_size, auth::Signer *signer, bool sign, std::string passphrase, uint32_t lifetime) : buffer_(object_size, 'X'), signer_(signer), sign_(sign) { // Verifier for interest manifests if (!passphrase.empty()) verifier_ = std::make_unique(passphrase); } void processInterest(ProducerSocket &p, Interest &interest, uint32_t lifetime) { if (verifier_ && interest.hasManifest()) { auto t0 = utils::SteadyTime::now(); if (verifier_->verifyPacket(&interest)) { auto t1 = utils::SteadyTime::now(); auto dt = utils::SteadyTime::getDurationUs(t0, t1); LoggerInfo() << "Verification time: " << dt.count(); LoggerInfo() << "<<< Signature Ok."; } else { LoggerErr() << "<<< Signature verification failed!"; } } if (LoggerIsOn(2)) { LoggerInfo() << "<<< received interest " << interest.getName() << " suffixes in manifest: " << interest.numberOfSuffixes(); } else if (LoggerIsOn(1)) { LoggerInfo() << "<<< received interest " << interest.getName(); } if (LoggerIsOn(3)) { LoggerInfo() << "----- interest dump -----"; interest.dump(); LoggerInfo() << "-------------------------"; } if (!interest.isValid()) throw std::runtime_error("Bad interest format"); Name name = interest.getName(); if (!interest.hasManifest()) { // Single interest auto content_object = createContentObject(name, lifetime, interest); p.produce(*content_object); } else { // Interest manifest uint32_t _, *suffix = NULL; UNUSED(_); interest_manifest_foreach_suffix(interest.getIntManifestHeader(), suffix, _) { name.setSuffix(*suffix); auto content_object = createContentObject(name, lifetime, interest); p.produce(*content_object); } } LoggerVerbose(1) << "\n"; } private: std::string buffer_; auth::Signer *signer_; bool sign_; std::unique_ptr verifier_; }; void help() { LoggerInfo() << "usage: hicn-preoducer-ping [options]"; LoggerInfo() << "PING options"; LoggerInfo() << "-s object content size (default 1350B)"; LoggerInfo() << "-n hicn name (default b001::/64)"; LoggerInfo() << "-l data lifetime"; LoggerInfo() << "OUTPUT options"; LoggerInfo() << "-V verbose, prints statistics about the " "messagges sent " " and received (default false)"; LoggerInfo() << "-D dump, dumps sent and received packets " "(default false)"; LoggerInfo() << "-q quiet, not prints (default false)"; LoggerInfo() << "-z IO module to use. Default: hicnlight_module"; LoggerInfo() << "-F Path to optional configuration file for " "libtransport"; #ifndef _WIN32 LoggerInfo() << "-d daemon mode"; #endif LoggerInfo() << "-H prints this message"; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { transport::interface::global_config::GlobalConfigInterface global_conf; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData = {0}; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); #else bool daemon = false; #endif std::string name_prefix = "b001::0/64"; std::string delimiter = "/"; uint32_t object_size = 1250; std::string keystore_path = "./rsa_crypto_material.p12"; std::string keystore_password = "cisco"; std::string passphrase = ""; bool sign = false; uint32_t data_lifetime = default_values::content_object_expiry_time; std::string conf_file; transport::interface::global_config::IoModuleConfiguration io_config; io_config.name = "hicnlight_module"; int opt; #ifndef _WIN32 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:s:n:t:l:frdHk:p:z:F:")) != -1) { #else while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:n:t:l:frHk:p:z:F:")) != -1) { #endif switch (opt) { case 'a': passphrase = optarg; break; case 's': object_size = std::stoi(optarg); break; case 'n': name_prefix = optarg; break; case 'l': data_lifetime = std::stoi(optarg); break; #ifndef _WIN32 case 'd': daemon = true; break; #endif case 'k': keystore_path = optarg; sign = true; break; case 'p': keystore_password = optarg; break; case 'z': io_config.name = optarg; break; case 'F': conf_file = optarg; break; case 'H': default: help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #ifndef _WIN32 if (daemon) { utils::Daemonizator::daemonize(); } #endif /** * IO module configuration */ io_config.set(); /** * Parse config file */ global_conf.parseConfigurationFile(conf_file); core::Prefix producer_namespace(name_prefix); utils::StringTokenizer tokenizer(name_prefix, delimiter); std::string ip_address = tokenizer.nextToken(); Name n(ip_address); if (object_size > 1350) object_size = 1350; CallbackContainer *stubs; std::unique_ptr signer; if (sign) { signer = std::make_unique(keystore_path, keystore_password); stubs = new CallbackContainer(n, object_size, signer.get(), sign, passphrase, data_lifetime); } else { auth::Signer *signer = nullptr; stubs = new CallbackContainer(n, object_size, signer, sign, passphrase, data_lifetime); } ProducerSocket p; p.registerPrefix(producer_namespace); p.setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::MANIFEST_MAX_CAPACITY, 0U); p.setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0U); p.setSocketOption( ProducerCallbacksOptions::CACHE_MISS, (ProducerInterestCallback)bind(&CallbackContainer::processInterest, stubs, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, data_lifetime)); p.connect(); p.start(); asio::io_service io_service; asio::signal_set signal_set(io_service, SIGINT); signal_set.async_wait( [&p, &io_service](const std::error_code &, const int &) { LoggerInfo() << "STOPPING!!"; p.stop(); io_service.stop(); }); io_service.run(); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; } } // namespace interface } // end namespace transport int main(int argc, char **argv) { return transport::interface::main(argc, argv); }