/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include /* * As there is no portable way to generate a va_list to use with sscanf to * support a variable number of arguments, and no way to use a variable array * initialize in a nested struct, we use a fixed maximum number of parameters * * NOTE: update sscanf accordingly */ //#include "command.h" const char *action_to_cmd_action(hc_action_t action) { switch (action) { case ACTION_CREATE: return "add"; case ACTION_UPDATE: return "update"; case ACTION_DELETE: return "remove"; case ACTION_LIST: return "list"; case ACTION_SET: return "set"; case ACTION_SERVE: return "serve"; case ACTION_STORE: return "store"; case ACTION_CLEAR: return "clear"; default: return "UNDEFINED"; } } /* * This function now assumes all parameteres in src are received as string */ int parser_type_func(const parser_type_t *type, const char *src, void *dst, void *dst2, void *dst3) { hicn_ip_address_t addr; char *addr_str; char *len_str; int len, rc; long tmp; switch (type->name) { case TYPENAME_INT: tmp = strtol(src, NULL, 10); if ((tmp < INT32_MIN) || (tmp > INT32_MAX)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not matching type 'signed integer'", tmp); return -1; } if ((tmp < type->integer.min) || (tmp > type->integer.max)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not inside range [%d, %d]", tmp, type->integer.min, type->integer.max); return -1; } if (tmp > INT_MAX) return -1; *(int *)dst = (int)tmp; break; case TYPENAME_UINT: tmp = strtol(src, NULL, 10); if ((tmp < 0) || (tmp > UINT32_MAX)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not matching type 'signed integer'", tmp); return -1; } if ((tmp < type->integer.min) || (tmp > type->integer.max)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not inside range [%d, %d]", tmp, type->integer.min, type->integer.max); return -1; } if (tmp > UINT_MAX) return -1; *(unsigned *)dst = (unsigned)tmp; break; case TYPENAME_INT16: tmp = strtol(src, NULL, 10); if ((tmp < INT16_MIN) || (tmp > INT16_MAX)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not matching type 'signed integer'", tmp); return -1; } if ((tmp < type->integer.min) || (tmp > type->integer.max)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not inside range [%d, %d]", tmp, type->integer.min, type->integer.max); return -1; } *(int16_t *)dst = tmp; break; case TYPENAME_UINT16: tmp = strtol(src, NULL, 10); if ((tmp < 0) || (tmp > UINT16_MAX)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not matching type 'signed integer'", tmp); return -1; } if ((tmp < type->integer.min) || (tmp > type->integer.max)) { ERROR("Input number (%d) not inside range [%d, %d]", tmp, type->integer.min, type->integer.max); return -1; } *(uint16_t *)dst = tmp; break; case TYPENAME_STR: rc = strcpy_s(dst, type->str.max_size, src); if (rc != EOK) { ERROR("Input string is too long"); return -1; } break; case TYPENAME_IP_ADDRESS: rc = hicn_ip_address_pton((char *)src, &addr); if (rc < 0) { ERROR("Wrong IP address format"); return -1; } *(hicn_ip_address_t *)dst = addr; *(int *)dst2 = hicn_ip_address_str_get_family((char *)src); break; case TYPENAME_ON_OFF: if (strcmp((char *)src, "off") == 0) { *(unsigned *)dst = 0; } else if (strcmp((char *)src, "on") == 0) { *(unsigned *)dst = 1; } else { ERROR("on/off are the only possible values"); return -1; } break; case TYPENAME_IP_PREFIX: addr_str = strtok((char *)src, "/"); len_str = strtok(NULL, " "); rc = hicn_ip_address_pton((char *)src, &addr); if (rc < 0) { ERROR("Wrong IP address format"); return -1; } len = atoi(len_str); *(hicn_ip_address_t *)dst = addr; *(int *)dst2 = len; *(int *)dst3 = hicn_ip_address_str_get_family(addr_str); break; case TYPENAME_ENUM: /* Enum index from string */ assert(type->enum_.from_str); *(int *)dst = type->enum_.from_str((char *)src); break; case TYPENAME_POLICY_STATE: { assert(IS_VALID_POLICY_TAG(type->policy_state.tag)); policy_tag_t tag = type->policy_state.tag; /* Format string is "%ms" */ const char *str = *(const char **)src; policy_tag_state_t *pts = ((policy_tag_state_t *)dst); pts[tag].disabled = (str[0] == '!') ? 1 : 0; pts[tag].state = policy_state_from_str(str + pts[tag].disabled); break; } case TYPENAME_UNDEFINED: default: ERROR("Unknown format"); return -1; } return 0; } // NEW FUNCTION int parse_getopt_args(const command_parser_t *parser, int argc, char *argv[], hc_command_t *command) { /* Loop over remaining commandline positional arguments */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < argc; i++) { const command_parameter_t *p = &parser->parameters[i]; if (parser_type_func(&p->type, argv[i], &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset, &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset2, &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset3) < 0) { ERROR("Error during parsing of parameter '%s' value", p->name); goto ERR; } } if (parser->post_hook) parser->post_hook(&command->object.as_uint8); return 0; ERR: return -1; } /* Build a format string to parse all params as a string */ int parse_params(const command_parser_t *parser, const char *params_s, hc_command_t *command) { char fmt[1024]; int n; size_t size = 0; char *pos = fmt; /* Update MAX_PARAMETERS accordingly in command.h */ char sscanf_params[MAX_PARAMETERS][MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; unsigned count = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < parser->nparams; i++) { const char *_fmt = "%s"; n = snprintf(pos, 1024 - size, "%s", _fmt); pos += n; *pos = ' '; pos++; size += n + 1; count++; } *pos = '\0'; DEBUG("parser format: %s", fmt); int ret = sscanf(params_s, fmt, sscanf_params[0], sscanf_params[1], sscanf_params[2], sscanf_params[3], sscanf_params[4], sscanf_params[5], sscanf_params[6], sscanf_params[7], sscanf_params[8], sscanf_params[9]); if (ret != parser->nparams) { ERROR("Parsing failed: check for string used where integer was expected"); goto ERR; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { const command_parameter_t *p = &parser->parameters[i]; if (parser_type_func(&p->type, sscanf_params[i], &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset, &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset2, &command->object.as_uint8 + p->offset3) < 0) { ERROR("Error during parsing of parameter '%s' value", p->name); goto ERR; } } return 0; ERR: return -1; } int parse(const char *cmd, hc_command_t *command) { int nparams = 0; char action_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; char object_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; char params_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; // if n = 2 later, params_s is uninitialized memset(params_s, 0, MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN * sizeof(char)); errno = 0; int n = sscanf(cmd, "%s %s%[^\n]s", action_s, object_s, params_s); if ((n < 2) || (n > 3)) { if (errno != 0) perror("scanf"); return -1; } command->action = action_from_str(action_s); command->object_type = object_type_from_str(object_s); if (strnlen_s(params_s, MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN) > 0) { for (char *ptr = params_s; (ptr = strchr(ptr, ' ')) != NULL; ptr++) nparams++; } /* * This checks is important even with 0 parameters as it checks whether the * command exists. */ const command_parser_t *parser = command_search(command->action, command->object_type, nparams); if (!parser) { ERROR("Could not find parser for command '%s %s'", action_s, object_s); return -1; } if (strnlen_s(params_s, MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN) > 0) { if (parse_params(parser, params_s, command) < 0) return -1; } if (parser->post_hook) parser->post_hook(&command->object.as_uint8); return 0; } int help(const char *cmd) { int nparams = 1; char action_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; char object_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; char params_s[MAX_SCANF_PARAM_LEN]; hc_object_type_t object_type = OBJECT_TYPE_UNDEFINED; hc_action_t action = ACTION_UNDEFINED; int n = sscanf(cmd, "help %[^\n]s", params_s); // No arguments provided to the help command: just list available objects if (n != 1) goto CMD_LIST; // Count number of provided parameters for (char *ptr = params_s; (ptr = strchr(ptr, ' ')) != NULL; ptr++) nparams++; if (nparams > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: too many arguments.\n"); return -1; } // Object specified: list actions available for that object if (nparams == 1) { object_type = object_type_from_str(params_s); if (object_type == OBJECT_TYPE_UNDEFINED) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: undefined object type.\n"); return -1; } goto CMD_LIST; } // Object and action specified: list detailed commands n = sscanf(params_s, "%s %[^\n]s", object_s, action_s); assert(n == 2); object_type = object_type_from_str(object_s); if (object_type == OBJECT_TYPE_UNDEFINED) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: undefined object type.\n"); return -1; } action = action_from_str(action_s); assert(action != ACTION_UNDEFINED); CMD_LIST: printf("Available commands:\n"); command_list(object_type, action); return 0; } #if 0 // tests /* For the tests, we will need to test all non-compliant inputs */ const char * cmds[] = { "add connection hicn conn1 eth0", "add connection udp eth0", "add listener udp lst1 9695 eth0", //"add face", "add route 3 b001::/16 1", //"add punting", //"add strategy", "add policy b001::/16 webex require avoid prohibit !prohibit neutral !require prefer", "list connection", // need pluralize "list listener", "list face", "list route", "list punting", "list strategy", "list policy", "remove connection 1", "remove listener 1", //"remove face", "remove route 1 b001::/16", //"remove punting", //"remove policy", "set debug", "unset debug", "set strategy b001::/16 random", // related prefixes (10 max) ? "set strategy b001::/16 load_balancer", "set strategy b001::/16 low_latency", "set strategy b001::/16 replication", "set strategy b001::/16 bestpath", "set strategy b001::/16 local_remote", "set wldr ", // on-off vs unset "cache clear", "cache store on/off", // set/unset "cache serve on/off", "mapme enable on/off", "mapme discovery on/off", "mapme timescale 500ms", "mapme retx 500ms", "update connection conn1 WT", }; #define array_size(x) sizeof(x) / sizeof(typeof(x[0])) int main() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < array_size(cmds); i++) { printf("PARSING [%d] %s\n", i, cmds[i]); if (parse(cmds[i]) < 0) { ERROR("Could not parse command: %s\n", cmds[i]); continue; } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); ERR: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif