/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ietf_interface.h" #include "../hicn_vpp_comm.h" DEFINE_VAPI_MSG_IDS_INTERFACE_API_JSON; typedef struct hicn_interface_ { u32 sw_if_index; char interface_name[VPP_INTFC_NAME_LEN]; u8 l2_address[VPP_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN]; u64 link_speed; u32 flags; u16 link_mtu; u8 admin_up_down; u8 link_up_down; } hicnIntfc; typedef struct _ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx { u8 last_called; int num_ifs; int capacity; hicnIntfc *intfcArray; } ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx; static i32 ietf_setInterfaceFlags(u32 sw_if_index, u8 admin_up_down); static i32 ietf_interface_name2index(const char *name, u32 *if_index); static i32 ietf_interface_add_del_addr(u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_add, u8 is_ipv6, u8 del_all, u8 address_length, u8 address[VPP_IP6_ADDRESS_LEN]); static int ietf_initSwInterfaceDumpCTX(ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx *dctx); static int ietf_freeSwInterfaceDumpCTX(ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx *dctx); /** * @brief Helper function for converting netmask into prefix length. */ static uint8_t netmask_to_prefix(const char *netmask) { in_addr_t n = 0; uint8_t i = 0; inet_pton(AF_INET, netmask, &n); while (n > 0) { n = n >> 1; i++; } return i; } /** * @brief Helper function for converting IPv4/IPv6 address string into binary * representation. */ static int ip_addr_str_to_binary(const char *ip_address_str, uint8_t *ip_address_bin, bool is_ipv6) { struct in6_addr addr6 = { 0, }; struct in_addr addr4 = { 0, }; int ret = 0; if (is_ipv6) { ret = inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_address_str, &(addr6)); if (1 == ret) { memcpy(ip_address_bin, &addr6, sizeof(addr6)); } } else { ret = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_address_str, &(addr4)); if (1 == ret) { memcpy(ip_address_bin, &addr4, sizeof(addr4)); } } return ret; } /** * @brief Enable or disable given interface. */ static int interface_enable_disable(const char *if_name, bool enable) { uint32_t if_index = ~0; int rc = 0; /* get interface index */ rc = ietf_interface_name2index(if_name, &if_index); if (0 != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Invalid interface name"); return SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; } /* enable/disable interface */ rc = ietf_setInterfaceFlags(if_index, (uint8_t)enable); if (0 != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Error by processing of the sw_interface_set_flags request"); return SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; } else { return SR_ERR_OK; } } vapi_error_e call_sw_interface_add_del_address( struct vapi_ctx_s *ctx, void *callback_ctx, vapi_error_e rv, bool is_last, vapi_payload_sw_interface_add_del_address_reply *reply) { if (!reply->retval) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Successfully done"); return VAPI_OK; } else return VAPI_EUSER; } vapi_error_e call_sw_interface_set_flags( struct vapi_ctx_s *ctx, void *callback_ctx, vapi_error_e rv, bool is_last, vapi_payload_sw_interface_set_flags_reply *reply) { if (!reply->retval) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Successfully done"); return VAPI_OK; } else return VAPI_EUSER; } /** * @brief Callback to be called by any config change of * "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/enabled" leaf. */ static int ietf_interface_enable_disable_cb(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *module_name, const char *xpath, sr_event_t event, uint32_t request_id, void *private_data) { char *if_name = NULL; sr_change_iter_t *iter = NULL; sr_change_oper_t op = SR_OP_CREATED; sr_val_t *old_val = NULL; sr_val_t *new_val = NULL; sr_xpath_ctx_t xpath_ctx = { 0, }; int rc = SR_ERR_OK, op_rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* no-op for apply, we only care about SR_EV_ENABLED, SR_EV_VERIFY, * SR_EV_ABORT */ if (SR_EV_DONE == event) { return SR_ERR_OK; } /* get changes iterator */ rc = sr_get_changes_iter(session, xpath, &iter); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Unable to retrieve change iterator"); return rc; } /* iterate over all changes */ while ((SR_ERR_OK == op_rc || event == SR_EV_ABORT) && (SR_ERR_OK == (rc = sr_get_change_next(session, iter, &op, &old_val, &new_val)))) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("A change detected"); if_name = sr_xpath_key_value(new_val ? new_val->xpath : old_val->xpath, "interface", "name", &xpath_ctx); switch (op) { case SR_OP_CREATED: case SR_OP_MODIFIED: op_rc = interface_enable_disable(if_name, new_val->data.bool_val); break; case SR_OP_DELETED: op_rc = interface_enable_disable(if_name, false /* !enable */); break; default: break; } sr_xpath_recover(&xpath_ctx); if (SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG == op_rc) { sr_set_error(session, "Invalid interface name.", new_val ? new_val->xpath : old_val->xpath); } sr_free_val(old_val); sr_free_val(new_val); } sr_free_change_iter(iter); return op_rc; } /** * @brief Add or remove IPv4/IPv6 address to/from an interface. */ static int interface_ipv46_config_add_remove(const char *if_name, uint8_t *addr, uint8_t prefix, bool is_ipv6, bool add) { uint32_t if_index = ~0; int rc = 0; /* get interface index */ rc = ietf_interface_name2index(if_name, &if_index); if (0 != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Invalid interface name"); return SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; } /* add del addr */ rc = ietf_interface_add_del_addr(if_index, (uint8_t)add, (uint8_t)is_ipv6, 0, prefix, addr); if (0 != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Error by processing of the sw_interface_set_flags request"); return SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; } else { return SR_ERR_OK; } } int ietf_initSwInterfaceDumpCTX(ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx *dctx) { if (dctx == NULL) return -1; dctx->intfcArray = NULL; dctx->last_called = false; dctx->capacity = 0; dctx->num_ifs = 0; return 0; } int ietf_freeSwInterfaceDumpCTX(ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx *dctx) { if (dctx == NULL) return -1; if (dctx->intfcArray != NULL) { free(dctx->intfcArray); } return ietf_initSwInterfaceDumpCTX(dctx); } vapi_error_e ietf_sw_interface_dump_cb( struct vapi_ctx_s *ctx, void *callback_ctx, vapi_error_e rv, bool is_last, vapi_payload_sw_interface_details *reply) { ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx *dctx = callback_ctx; if (is_last) { dctx->last_called = true; } else { if (dctx->capacity == 0 && dctx->intfcArray == NULL) { dctx->capacity = 10; dctx->intfcArray = (hicnIntfc *)malloc(sizeof(hicnIntfc) * dctx->capacity); } if (dctx->num_ifs >= dctx->capacity - 1) { dctx->capacity += 10; dctx->intfcArray = (hicnIntfc *)realloc( dctx->intfcArray, sizeof(hicnIntfc) * dctx->capacity); } hicnIntfc *thisIntfc = &dctx->intfcArray[dctx->num_ifs]; thisIntfc->sw_if_index = reply->sw_if_index; memcpy(thisIntfc->interface_name, reply->interface_name, VPP_INTFC_NAME_LEN); memcpy(thisIntfc->l2_address, reply->l2_address, VPP_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN); // thisIntfc->link_speed = reply->link_speed; #define ONE_MEGABIT (uint64_t)1000000 switch (reply->link_speed << VNET_HW_INTERFACE_FLAG_SPEED_SHIFT) { default: thisIntfc->link_speed = 0; break; } thisIntfc->link_mtu = reply->link_mtu; thisIntfc->flags = reply->flags; dctx->num_ifs += 1; } return VAPI_OK; } static i32 ietf_interface_name2index(const char *name, u32 *if_index) { ARG_CHECK2(-1, name, if_index); i32 ret = -1; ietf_sw_interface_dump_ctx dctx = {false, 0, 0, 0}; vapi_msg_sw_interface_dump *dump; vapi_error_e rv; dctx.last_called = false; dump = vapi_alloc_sw_interface_dump(g_vapi_ctx_instance); dump->payload.name_filter_valid = true; memcpy(&dump->payload.name_filter, name, sizeof(dump->payload.name_filter)); while (VAPI_EAGAIN == (rv = vapi_sw_interface_dump(g_vapi_ctx_instance, dump, ietf_sw_interface_dump_cb, &dctx))) ; int i = 0; for (; i < dctx.num_ifs; ++i) { if (strcmp(dctx.intfcArray[i].interface_name, name) == 0) { *if_index = dctx.intfcArray[i].sw_if_index; ret = 0; break; } } ietf_freeSwInterfaceDumpCTX(&dctx); return ret; } i32 ietf_interface_add_del_addr(u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_add, u8 is_ipv6, u8 del_all, u8 address_length, u8 address[VPP_IP6_ADDRESS_LEN]) { i32 ret = -1; vapi_msg_sw_interface_add_del_address *msg = vapi_alloc_sw_interface_add_del_address(g_vapi_ctx_instance); msg->payload.sw_if_index = sw_if_index; msg->payload.is_add = is_add; msg->payload.prefix.address.af = is_ipv6 ? ADDRESS_IP6 : ADDRESS_IP4; msg->payload.del_all = del_all; msg->payload.prefix.len = address_length; memcpy(msg->payload.prefix.address.un.ip6, address, VPP_IP6_ADDRESS_LEN); if (vapi_sw_interface_add_del_address(g_vapi_ctx_instance, msg, call_sw_interface_add_del_address, NULL) != VAPI_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Operation failed"); return SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; } return ret; } i32 ietf_setInterfaceFlags(u32 sw_if_index, u8 admin_up_down) { i32 ret = -1; vapi_msg_sw_interface_set_flags *msg = vapi_alloc_sw_interface_set_flags(g_vapi_ctx_instance); msg->payload.sw_if_index = sw_if_index; msg->payload.flags = admin_up_down ? IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_ADMIN_UP : 0; if (vapi_sw_interface_set_flags(g_vapi_ctx_instance, msg, call_sw_interface_set_flags, NULL) != VAPI_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Operation failed"); return SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; } return ret; } /** * @brief Modify existing IPv4/IPv6 config on an interface. */ static int interface_ipv46_config_modify(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *if_name, sr_val_t *old_val, sr_val_t *new_val, bool is_ipv6) { sr_xpath_ctx_t xpath_ctx = { 0, }; char *addr_str = NULL; uint8_t addr[16] = { 0, }; uint8_t prefix = 0; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Updating IP config on interface"); /* get old config to be deleted */ if (SR_UINT8_T == old_val->type) { prefix = old_val->data.uint8_val; } else if (SR_STRING_T == old_val->type) { prefix = netmask_to_prefix(old_val->data.string_val); } else { return SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; } addr_str = sr_xpath_key_value((char *)old_val->xpath, "address", "ip", &xpath_ctx); ip_addr_str_to_binary(addr_str, addr, is_ipv6); sr_xpath_recover(&xpath_ctx); /* delete old IP config */ rc = interface_ipv46_config_add_remove(if_name, addr, prefix, is_ipv6, false /* remove */); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Unable to remove old IP address config"); return rc; } /* update the config with the new value */ if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(new_val->xpath, "prefix-length")) { prefix = new_val->data.uint8_val; } else if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(new_val->xpath, "netmask")) { prefix = netmask_to_prefix(new_val->data.string_val); } /* set new IP config */ rc = interface_ipv46_config_add_remove(if_name, addr, prefix, is_ipv6, true /* add */); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Unable to remove old IP address config"); return rc; } return rc; } /** * @brief Callback to be called by any config change in subtrees * "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv4/address" or * "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv6/address". */ static int ietf_interface_ipv46_address_change_cb( sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *module_name, const char *xpath, sr_event_t event, uint32_t request_id, void *private_data) { sr_change_iter_t *iter = NULL; sr_change_oper_t op = SR_OP_CREATED; sr_val_t *old_val = NULL; sr_val_t *new_val = NULL; sr_xpath_ctx_t xpath_ctx = {0}; bool is_ipv6 = false, has_addr = false, has_prefix = false; uint8_t addr[16] = { 0, }; uint8_t prefix = 0; char *node_name = NULL, *if_name = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK, op_rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* no-op for apply, we only care about SR_EV_ENABLED, SR_EV_VERIFY, * SR_EV_ABORT */ if (SR_EV_DONE == event) { return SR_ERR_OK; } /* check whether we are handling ipv4 or ipv6 config */ node_name = sr_xpath_node_idx((char *)xpath, 2, &xpath_ctx); if (NULL != node_name && 0 == strcmp(node_name, "ipv6")) { is_ipv6 = true; } sr_xpath_recover(&xpath_ctx); /* get changes iterator */ rc = sr_get_changes_iter(session, xpath, &iter); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { // SRP_LOG_ERR("Unable to retrieve change iterator: %s", sr_strerror(rc)); return rc; } /* iterate over all changes */ while ((SR_ERR_OK == op_rc || event == SR_EV_ABORT) && (SR_ERR_OK == (rc = sr_get_change_next(session, iter, &op, &old_val, &new_val)))) { if_name = strdup(sr_xpath_key_value(new_val ? new_val->xpath : old_val->xpath, "interface", "name", &xpath_ctx)); sr_xpath_recover(&xpath_ctx); switch (op) { case SR_OP_CREATED: if (SR_LIST_T == new_val->type) { /* create on list item - reset state vars */ has_addr = has_prefix = false; } else { if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(new_val->xpath, "ip")) { ip_addr_str_to_binary(new_val->data.string_val, addr, is_ipv6); has_addr = true; } else if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(new_val->xpath, "prefix-length")) { prefix = new_val->data.uint8_val; has_prefix = true; } else if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(new_val->xpath, "netmask")) { prefix = netmask_to_prefix(new_val->data.string_val); has_prefix = true; } if (has_addr && has_prefix) { op_rc = interface_ipv46_config_add_remove(if_name, addr, prefix, is_ipv6, true /* add */); } } break; case SR_OP_MODIFIED: op_rc = interface_ipv46_config_modify(session, if_name, old_val, new_val, is_ipv6); break; case SR_OP_DELETED: if (SR_LIST_T == old_val->type) { /* delete on list item - reset state vars */ has_addr = has_prefix = false; } else { if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(old_val->xpath, "ip")) { ip_addr_str_to_binary(old_val->data.string_val, addr, is_ipv6); has_addr = true; } else if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(old_val->xpath, "prefix-length")) { prefix = old_val->data.uint8_val; has_prefix = true; } else if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(old_val->xpath, "netmask")) { prefix = netmask_to_prefix(old_val->data.string_val); has_prefix = true; } if (has_addr && has_prefix) { op_rc = interface_ipv46_config_add_remove( if_name, addr, prefix, is_ipv6, false /* !add */); } } break; default: break; } if (SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG == op_rc) { sr_set_error(session, "Invalid interface name.", new_val ? new_val->xpath : old_val->xpath); } free(if_name); sr_free_val(old_val); sr_free_val(new_val); } sr_free_change_iter(iter); return op_rc; } /** * @brief Callback to be called by any config change under * "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" path. Does not provide any * functionality, needed just to cover not supported config leaves. */ static int ietf_interface_change_cb(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *module_name, const char *xpath, sr_event_t event, uint32_t request_id, void *private_data) { return SR_ERR_OK; } int ietf_subscribe_events(sr_session_ctx_t *session, sr_subscription_ctx_t **subscription) { int rc = SR_ERR_OK; SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("Subscriging ietf."); // rc = sr_module_change_subscribe( session, "ietf-interfaces", "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface", ietf_interface_change_cb, NULL, 0, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE | SR_SUBSCR_ENABLED, subscription); if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG( "Problem in subscription /ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface\n"); goto error; } rc = sr_module_change_subscribe( session, "ietf-interfaces", "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/enabled", ietf_interface_enable_disable_cb, NULL, 100, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE | SR_SUBSCR_ENABLED, subscription); if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG( "Problem in subscription " "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/enabled\n"); goto error; } // rc = sr_module_change_subscribe(session, // "ietf-interfaces","/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv4/address", // ietf_interface_ipv46_address_change_cb, rc = sr_module_change_subscribe( session, "ietf-interfaces", "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces", ietf_interface_ipv46_address_change_cb, NULL, 99, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE | SR_SUBSCR_ENABLED, subscription); if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG( "Problem in subscription " "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv4/address\n"); goto error; } // rc = sr_module_change_subscribe(session, // "ietf-interfaces","/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv6/address", // ietf_interface_ipv46_address_change_cb, // NULL, // 98, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE | // SR_SUBSCR_ENABLED, subscription); if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBGMSG( "Problem in subscription " "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv6/address\n"); goto error; } /* rc = sr_dp_get_items_subscribe(session, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state", ietf_interface_state_cb, NULL, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE, subscription); if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) { SRP_LOG_DBG_MSG("Problem in subscription /ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state\n"); goto error; }*/ SRP_LOG_INFMSG("ietf initialized successfully."); return SR_ERR_OK; error: SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("Error by initialization of the ietf."); return rc; }