#include #include "command.h" /* Parameters */ static const command_parameter_t protocol_hicn = { .name = "protocol", .help = "Protocol [hicn].", .type = TYPE_ENUM(connection_type), .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, type), }; static const command_parameter_t protocol_tcp_udp = { .name = "protocol", .help = "Protocol [tcp | udp]", .type = TYPE_ENUM(connection_type), .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, type), }; static const command_parameter_t symbolic = { .name = "symbolic", .help = "User defined name for listener, must start with alpha and be alphanum", .type = TYPE_SYMBOLIC, .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, name), }; static const command_parameter_t local_address = { .name = "local_addr", .help = "IPv4 or IPv6 address (or prefix protocol = hicn) assigend to the local interface", .type = TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, local_addr), .offset2 = offsetof(hc_listener_t, family), }; static const command_parameter_t local_port = { .name = "local_port", .help = "Local port.", .type = TYPE_INT(1, pow(2, 16) - 1), .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, local_port), }; static const command_parameter_t interface = { .name = "interface", .help = "Interface on which to bind", // optional ? .type = TYPE_STRN(IFNAMSIZ), .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, interface_name), }; static const command_parameter_t symbolic_or_id = { .name = "symbolic", .help = "The listener symbolic name or id", .type = TYPE_SYMBOLIC_OR_ID, .offset = offsetof(hc_listener_t, name), }; /* Commands */ static const command_parser_t command_listener_create4 = { .action = ACTION_CREATE, .object = OBJECT_LISTENER, .nparams = 4, .parameters = { protocol_hicn, symbolic, local_address, interface }, }; COMMAND_REGISTER(command_listener_create4); static const command_parser_t command_listener_create6 = { .action = ACTION_CREATE, .object = OBJECT_LISTENER, .nparams = 5, .parameters = { protocol_tcp_udp, symbolic, local_address, local_port, interface } }; COMMAND_REGISTER(command_listener_create6); static const command_parser_t command_listener_list = { .action = ACTION_LIST, .object = OBJECT_LISTENER, .nparams = 0, }; COMMAND_REGISTER(command_listener_list); static const command_parser_t command_listener_remove = { .action = ACTION_DELETE, .object = OBJECT_LISTENER, .nparams = 1, .parameters = { symbolic_or_id }, }; COMMAND_REGISTER(command_listener_remove);