/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static CommandReturn _controlSetStrategy_Execute(CommandParser *parser, CommandOps *ops, PARCList *args); static CommandReturn _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute(CommandParser *parser, CommandOps *ops, PARCList *args); static const char *_commandSetStrategy = "set strategy"; static const char *_commandSetStrategyHelp = "help set strategy"; static const char *_commandSetStrategyOptions[LAST_STRATEGY_VALUE] = { "loadbalancer", "random", "random_per_dash_segment", "loadbalancer_with_delay", }; // ==================================================== CommandOps *controlSetStrategy_Create(ControlState *state) { return commandOps_Create(state, _commandSetStrategy, NULL, _controlSetStrategy_Execute, commandOps_Destroy); } CommandOps *controlSetStrategy_HelpCreate(ControlState *state) { return commandOps_Create(state, _commandSetStrategyHelp, NULL, _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute, commandOps_Destroy); } // ==================================================== strategy_type _validStrategy(const char *strategy) { strategy_type validStrategy = LAST_STRATEGY_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < LAST_STRATEGY_VALUE; i++) { if (strcmp(_commandSetStrategyOptions[i], strategy) == 0) { validStrategy = i; break; } } return validStrategy; } static void _getAddressAndLen(const char * prefixStr, char *addr, uint32_t *len){ char *slash; strcpy(addr, prefixStr); slash = strrchr(addr, '/'); if (slash != NULL) { *len = atoi(slash + 1); *slash = '\0'; } } static bool _checkAndSetIp(set_strategy_command * setStrategyCommand, int index, char * addr, uint32_t len){ // check and set IP address int res; if(index == -1) res = inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &setStrategyCommand->address.v4.as_u32); else res = inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &setStrategyCommand->addresses[index].v4.as_u32); if(res == 1) { if (len == UINT32_MAX) { printf("Netmask not specified: set to 32 by default\n"); len = 32; } else if (len > 32) { printf("ERROR: exceeded INET mask length, max=32\n"); return false; } if(index == -1) setStrategyCommand->addressType = ADDR_INET; else setStrategyCommand->addresses_type[index] = ADDR_INET; } else { if(index == -1) res = inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &setStrategyCommand->address.v6.as_in6addr); else res = inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &setStrategyCommand->addresses[index].v6.as_in6addr); if(res == 1) { if (len == UINT32_MAX) { printf("Netmask not specified: set to 128 by default\n"); len = 128; } else if (len > 128) { printf("ERROR: exceeded INET6 mask length, max=128\n"); return false; } if(index == -1) setStrategyCommand->addressType = ADDR_INET6; else setStrategyCommand->addresses_type[index] = ADDR_INET6; } else { printf("Error: %s is not a valid network address \n", addr); return false; } } return true; } static CommandReturn _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute(CommandParser *parser, CommandOps *ops, PARCList *args) { printf("set strategy "); printf("[related_prefix1 related_preifx2 ...]\n"); printf("prefix: ipv4/ipv6 address (ex: 1234::/64)\n"); printf("strategy: strategy identifier\n"); printf("optinal: list of related prefixes (max %u)\n", MAX_FWD_STRATEGY_RELATED_PREFIXES); printf("available strategies:\n"); printf(" random\n"); printf(" loadbalancer\n"); printf(" random_per_dash_segment\n"); printf(" loadbalancer_with_delay\n"); printf("\n"); return CommandReturn_Success; } static CommandReturn _controlSetStrategy_Execute(CommandParser *parser, CommandOps *ops, PARCList *args) { ControlState *state = ops->closure; if (parcList_Size(args) < 4 || parcList_Size(args) > (4 + MAX_FWD_STRATEGY_RELATED_PREFIXES)) { _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute(parser, ops, args); return CommandReturn_Failure; } if (((strcmp(parcList_GetAtIndex(args, 0), "set") != 0) || (strcmp(parcList_GetAtIndex(args, 1), "strategy") != 0))) { _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute(parser, ops, args); return CommandReturn_Failure; } const char *prefixStr = parcList_GetAtIndex(args, 2); char *addr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(prefixStr) + 1)); uint32_t len = UINT32_MAX; _getAddressAndLen(prefixStr, addr, &len); // allocate command payload set_strategy_command *setStrategyCommand = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(set_strategy_command)); bool success = _checkAndSetIp(setStrategyCommand, -1, addr, len); if(!success){ parcMemory_Deallocate(&setStrategyCommand); free(addr); return CommandReturn_Failure; } const char *strategyStr = parcList_GetAtIndex(args, 3); // check valid strategy strategy_type strategy; if ((strategy = _validStrategy(strategyStr)) == LAST_STRATEGY_VALUE) { printf("Error: invalid strategy \n"); parcMemory_Deallocate(&setStrategyCommand); _controlSetStrategy_HelpExecute(parser, ops, args); free(addr); return CommandReturn_Failure; } free(addr); // Fill remaining payload fields setStrategyCommand->len = len; setStrategyCommand->strategyType = strategy; //check additional prefixes if(parcList_Size(args) > 4){ uint32_t index = 4; //first realted prefix uint32_t addr_index = 0; setStrategyCommand->related_prefixes = parcList_Size(args) - 4; while(index < parcList_Size(args)){ const char *str = parcList_GetAtIndex(args, index); char *rel_addr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(str) + 1)); uint32_t rel_len = UINT32_MAX; _getAddressAndLen(str, rel_addr, &rel_len); bool success = _checkAndSetIp(setStrategyCommand, addr_index, rel_addr, rel_len); if(!success){ parcMemory_Deallocate(&setStrategyCommand); free(rel_addr); return CommandReturn_Failure; } setStrategyCommand->lens[addr_index] = rel_len; free(rel_addr); index++; addr_index++; } }else{ setStrategyCommand->related_prefixes = 0; } // send message and receive response struct iovec *response = utils_SendRequest( state, SET_STRATEGY, setStrategyCommand, sizeof(set_strategy_command)); if (!response) { // get NULL pointer return CommandReturn_Failure; } parcMemory_Deallocate(&response); // free iovec pointer return CommandReturn_Success; }