/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #define DEFAULT_BETA 0.99 #define DEFAULT_GAMMA 0.07 namespace transport { namespace http { using namespace transport; HTTPClientConnection::HTTPClientConnection() : consumer_(TransportProtocolAlgorithms::RAAQM, io_service_), read_bytes_callback_(nullptr), read_buffer_(nullptr), response_(std::make_shared()), timer_(nullptr) { consumer_.setSocketOption( ConsumerCallbacksOptions::CONTENT_OBJECT_TO_VERIFY, (ConsumerContentObjectVerificationCallback)std::bind( &HTTPClientConnection::verifyData, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); consumer_.setSocketOption(ConsumerCallbacksOptions::READ_CALLBACK, this); consumer_.connect(); std::shared_ptr portal; consumer_.getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::PORTAL, portal); timer_ = std::make_unique(portal->getIoService()); } HTTPClientConnection::RC HTTPClientConnection::get( const std::string &url, HTTPHeaders headers, HTTPPayload payload, std::shared_ptr response, ReadBytesCallback *callback) { return sendRequest(url, HTTPMethod::GET, headers, payload, response, callback); } HTTPClientConnection::RC HTTPClientConnection::sendRequest( const std::string &url, HTTPMethod method, HTTPHeaders headers, HTTPPayload payload, std::shared_ptr response, ReadBytesCallback *callback) { current_url_ = url; read_bytes_callback_ = callback; if (!response) { response = response_; } auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); HTTPRequest request(method, url, headers, payload); response->clear(); success_callback_ = [this, method = std::move(method), url = std::move(url), start = std::move(start), response = std::move(response)]( std::size_t size) -> std::shared_ptr { auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); TRANSPORT_LOGI( "%s %s [%s] duration: %llu [usec] %zu [bytes]\n", method_map[method].c_str(), url.c_str(), name_.str().c_str(), (unsigned long long) std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start) .count(), size); return response; }; sendRequestGetReply(request, response); return return_code_; } void HTTPClientConnection::sendRequestGetReply( const HTTPRequest &request, std::shared_ptr &response) { const std::string &request_string = request.getRequestString(); const std::string &locator = request.getLocator(); // Hash it uint32_t locator_hash = utils::hash::fnv32_buf(locator.c_str(), locator.size()); uint64_t request_hash = utils::hash::fnv64_buf(request_string.c_str(), request_string.size()); consumer_.setSocketOption( ConsumerCallbacksOptions::INTEREST_OUTPUT, (ConsumerInterestCallback)std::bind( &HTTPClientConnection::processLeavingInterest, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, request_string)); // Factor hicn name using hash name_.str(""); name_ << std::hex << http::default_values::ipv6_first_word << ":"; for (uint16_t *word = (uint16_t *)&locator_hash; std::size_t(word) < (std::size_t(&locator_hash) + sizeof(locator_hash)); word++) { name_ << ":" << std::hex << *word; } for (uint16_t *word = (uint16_t *)&request_hash; std::size_t(word) < (std::size_t(&request_hash) + sizeof(request_hash)); word++) { name_ << ":" << std::hex << *word; } name_ << "|0"; consumer_.consume(Name(name_.str())); consumer_.stop(); } HTTPResponse HTTPClientConnection::response() { // response_->parse(); return std::move(*response_); } bool HTTPClientConnection::verifyData( ConsumerSocket &c, const core::ContentObject &contentObject) { if (contentObject.getPayloadType() == PayloadType::CONTENT_OBJECT) { TRANSPORT_LOGI("VERIFY CONTENT\n"); } else if (contentObject.getPayloadType() == PayloadType::MANIFEST) { TRANSPORT_LOGI("VERIFY MANIFEST\n"); } return true; } void HTTPClientConnection::processLeavingInterest( ConsumerSocket &c, const core::Interest &interest, std::string &payload) { if (interest.payloadSize() == 0) { Interest &int2 = const_cast(interest); int2.appendPayload((uint8_t *)payload.data(), payload.size()); } } ConsumerSocket &HTTPClientConnection::getConsumer() { return consumer_; } HTTPClientConnection &HTTPClientConnection::stop() { // This is thread safe and can be called from another thread consumer_.stop(); return *this; } HTTPClientConnection &HTTPClientConnection::setTimeout( const std::chrono::seconds &timeout) { timer_->cancel(); timer_->expires_from_now(timeout); timer_->async_wait([this](std::error_code ec) { if (!ec) { consumer_.stop(); } }); return *this; } HTTPClientConnection &HTTPClientConnection::setCertificate( const std::string &cert_path) { if (consumer_.setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::CERTIFICATE, cert_path) == SOCKET_OPTION_NOT_SET) { throw errors::RuntimeException("Error setting the certificate."); } return *this; } // Read buffer management void HTTPClientConnection::readBufferAvailable( std::unique_ptr &&buffer) noexcept { if (!read_bytes_callback_) { if (!read_buffer_) { read_buffer_ = std::move(buffer); } else { read_buffer_->prependChain(std::move(buffer)); } } else { read_bytes_callback_->onBytesReceived(std::move(buffer)); } } // Read buffer management void HTTPClientConnection::readError(const std::error_code ec) noexcept { TRANSPORT_LOGE("Error %s during download of %s", ec.message().c_str(), current_url_.c_str()); if (read_bytes_callback_) { read_bytes_callback_->onError(ec); } return_code_ = HTTPClientConnection::RC::DOWNLOAD_FAILED; } void HTTPClientConnection::readSuccess(std::size_t total_size) noexcept { auto response = success_callback_(total_size); if (read_bytes_callback_) { read_bytes_callback_->onSuccess(total_size); } else { response->reserve(total_size); const utils::MemBuf *head = read_buffer_.get(), *current = head; do { response->insert(response->end(), current->data(), current->tail()); current = current->next(); } while (current != head); read_buffer_.reset(); } return_code_ = HTTPClientConnection::RC::DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS; } } // namespace http } // namespace transport